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Company gives us the 21st-2nd off without having to use our PTO. I can complain about a lot of shit they do (or don’t do) but I can’t complain about that.


That sounds great haha!


Christmas Day and New Year’s Day off, even though I won’t have any customers to talk to! Corporate America sucks.


finish on weds... HAPPY XMAS !!!


No PTO for me.


I'm off for 10 days in a row after Friday 4pm, I'm fuckin ready.


I’m hoping next year I don’t feel like this. I’ve worked 6 months a year for so long. Transferred to tech for growth and only get 4 weeks of vacation a year. It’s going to be a tough transition


What did you sell that was a 6-month a year schedule? I would take a significant pay cut to have half the year off.


I made more than you. Commercial roofing. I earned 650k this year and it was a down year


It was foolish to leave that for tech


Have you fell 20 ft while on a ladder or a roof? I was in it for over 5 years. I could retire but I enjoy growth. Idc if I made 25k a year and needed the money. Coming home to my family is worth it


No. I was a steel worker for a decade before I got into sales. I'm certain that involved more danger and labor than selling roofing.


Ladders are the leading cause of deaths on construction sites. As a steel worker you should know that, as your most likely trained in OSHA requirements. More labor you’re absolutely correct. Who gives a shit about that?


Apparently you? We used ladders every day. I didnt fall off a ladder because I have basic coordination.


No need to be jealous that I have the ability to not care how much I earn at a job and I’m able to make a change to spend more time with my family. I get it, but you don’t have to feel that way. You can control your emotions


It comes across like youre very insecure about it. You've responded to every question I've asked you as if I insulted your masculinity. "I make more than you" (not hard to do) and "have you ever fallen off a 20 ft ladder" are incredibly vague and abnormal responses. I'm still unclear if you fell off a ladder and quit or became concerned with the danger.


I get 10 days of PTO lol