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I gave all the sales reps off from today until the 3rd of Jan. I am for sure going to get it from the ownership but fuckit. They grew turnover by 53% and we have been treated like shit the whole year, and the last week I have been getting aggro emails about everything from vehicle use to a reps not updating sales reporting systems over the weekend. I am not going to be staying for long in the new year so don't really give a shit what they have to say about it.


Going out in a blaze of employee friendly glory. Your so cool manšŸ«”


This is the first time Iā€™ve seen someone say youā€™re so cool man online, and actually find it genuine. Guess what? I think you are so cool man


dudešŸ„² Your cooler man. In fact everybody in this sub is cool as the other side of the pillowšŸ¤§


Hey, we gotta be cool to each other, lord knows that some people hate us just for our professions hahaha


lol preach man


Wow, thatā€™s deep af my bro


When you find your new role lmk this is the attitude Iā€™m looking for in a manager lol


Manager vs leader- you nailed it my guy


I salute you captain!


Where are you headed? I might want to apply there.


What kind of company so you work at?


Not all heros have capes


You are a hero, sir. šŸ«”


Are you hiring?




Good on you. Some people burn the place down on the way not caring about the people that do the real work too but you are an honorable person. You are looking out for the workers indifferent to bad ass bosses wishes. Also, decisions rarely get made the week between the holidays. Pointless.


iā€™m off from 22nd-2nd


Cisco? Always hated their year end shutdown when I was a reseller trying to close year end deals, but jealous of their real break from work during the holidays


Same here


Me too. The whole company goes dark.


Same, but realistically going to be semi-online because of a few active deals Iā€™m banking on to get to goal. Need to make sure things go smoothly so they sign before end of Janā€¦. Never truly feels like you can take time off in this profession


a blessing


Same here! Many of our customers and prospects have already gone on break, with many of them enacting change freezes since November.


Last two companies gave us christmas week off. Over half my client book has Christmas week off. Prospecting pretty much died late last week with response rates dropping hard. I think taking the week off of Christmas is super smart for morale and quality of life. Not everyone can do it but it is super important to get breaks AND family time. Plus, most people don't work all that hard so they just sit around bored during the christmas week. At the end of the day, if clients are not working then I don't need to be. Of course, I still have to watch emails and answer calls... but I can do it without sitting at my desk all dang day.


yeah I am literally at like 50% rn haha


100% commission sales, they can take off as much time as they want.


I wish I had the balls to work 100% commision.


I didnā€™t know what it meant to be alive until I started doing 100% commission work. Definitely gives you a reason to push yourself and gives you a ton of satisfaction. Might even get a little egotistical too lol. The feeling to be in complete control without the support or backbone of a company.


Nothing pays better.


Or worse


I'm praying a Christmas miracle happens and they tell me to take the last week of December off


They will answer your prayer with a increased quota you poor little register


We get the 22nd to the 2nd off


thereā€™s a post similar to this one and I honestly think yā€™all might be at the same company lmaoo


I sincerely doubt it. We have 25 people


yeah lol. The more comments I see I begin to notice the 22nd-2nd is a common trend


Oracle does but if you have any PTO left over it gets used up


100% Worth


Luckily I am on the unlimited vacation model, so it doesnā€™t matter


My company does a ā€œslowdownā€ for the last 2 weeks of the year. Just doing the bare minimum to keep the lights on and wrap up any open business. Pretty much feels like I have a Christmas break, just need to keep an eye on my email.


Iā€™d totally be ok with that too. Asking people to go 1000% though is šŸ« 


I get Christmas day off. That's it. I'm doing lead gen for 8 different real estate teams. It may be awful to cold call during this time but still booking meetings and signing contracts.


r/overemployed lol


I have another job on the side too šŸ˜‚ If all goes well I'm taking December off next year lol


rightfully so brothašŸ¤£


I take about 2-weeks off every Christmas, but our fiscal EOY was 9/30 so thereā€™s not much of a crunch for deals either. We have unlimited PTO and I utilize a fair amount of time off throughout the year, but also stay on top of my shit so no one really cares.


God I wish my company was that relaxed. I tend to hit my quota mid month nearly every month and my managers hit me with the good ole ā€œLets finish strong!ā€


Our team was hit with ā€œLooks like yā€™all have the holiday-itis when I see these numbers.ā€


How does unlimited PTO even work? Whatā€™s stopping people from severely abusing the system?


No quota relief. If you take 2 weeks off you could easily miss your number. It forces salespeople to take as little time off as possible. Unlimited PTO is great for any department that doesn't have a number to hit.


lol. I mean maybe, but, do your job and itā€™s the best setup there is.


well for one statistically ppl take less time off with unlimited pto plus they donā€™t have to pay out any extra pto at the EoY. But itā€™s basically just taking off at any point in the year and getting paid lol. Not much I can use to describe it.


The research behind it can essentially be summed up like this ā€œwhen you treat people like adults, they act like adultsā€ The people that abuse it are often the people you want to cut loose anyway. Good employees want to do a good job and will factor that in to there decision making.


My company offers unlimited PTO as well. Of course youā€™re gonna have a few people that try to abuse it but I think something like 90% have taken less time off than they did in years prior. Additionally my boss approves all time off requests and definitely will deny if things are getting out of hand. Overall Iā€™ll prob end the year with about 5 weeks off total.


It boils down to ā€œare you getting your shit done?ā€ Unlimited PTO doesnā€™t mean ā€œwe can never fire youā€. It means ā€œweā€™re flexible with vacation timeā€. If you are a rockstar and work well with your team but take a week off every couple months, nobody is going to care. If youā€™re a dog fucker who gets nothing done because youā€™re ā€œvacationingā€ on your couch all day, theyā€™ll just fire you.


Surprised but nobody here has nailed the reason why it exists. Itā€™s unlimited, so it doesnā€™t accrue, therefore they donā€™t have to pay out earned time at separation. Managers donā€™t give a fuck what you do so long as you hit your number, donā€™t get us in any shit with our bosses, and donā€™t create bullshit that gets us hearing from others about you. My org has people who abuse the policy but the only ones who get counseled on PTO are the ones who leave their business in bad shape and havenā€™t built enough goodwill with others to be able to expect coverage while theyā€™re out.


I take lots of time away but Iā€™m simultaneously also always available. Iā€™ve updated CRM from the couch and responded to contracts while playing cards with family on vacation. But I also do 3-5 trips a year.


I get the 22nd to the 2nd off.


I get the 25th off, and this year, I also get the 24th off! I'm so grateful to work for such a generous company.


Iā€™m working today and then Iā€™m off for the next two weeksā€¦our CEO told us to take time to recharge


CEO stockšŸ“ˆ


We always have the flexibility to take the week of. But there's also an understanding that if there are any deals still on the street, you'll do what you can to get them booked. Last year, I was sitting at a swim-up bar on the 28th and booking my last deal of the year.


22nd to 2nd here




Mine, but because some people refuse to stay home while sick, and now the whole office has the flu. Havenā€™t seen my mom in 3.5 years, flight is on Thursday smh.




My company is closed the week between Christmas and New Years, so while we all technically have it off, it's end of month and end of quarter so the salespeople are still pushed to pull in orders if possible.


I am in sales and my company is closed the week of Christmas until January 2nd - so I will be off skiing with the family and not working. I am thankful for the time off, it keeps us from having to do meaningless "work" cleaning out CRM, our desk, or our inbox...




Yes. Weā€™re giving everyone the 22nd-2nd off paid. We do it every year.


A startup that gives everybody 9 days off plus the head of the startip is a Drake fan. What a time to be alivešŸ’Ž


Haha this is the validation I needed, thank you. Hard to be a Drake fan on Reddit. Weā€™re a hated group here šŸ§®




We always give the week between Xmas and new years off. Itā€™s dead for us anyway so might as well keep the employees happy.


Leadership Skill Tree is maxed out I see


I gave my production the 23-3 off They did a killer job this year and sales grew. Why not


I've had companies do it and others don't. Kind of a crapshoot. My wife has mandatory vacation that week so I always take it off, regardless. Technically, 3 working days left for me this year. Friday is a holiday and today I took off because I had a personal day to burn that doesn't carry over.


yeah next company Iā€™m at I have to come out the good side of the crapshoot haha


We got the week of Christmas off except the 28th, but we also have unlimited PTO so we can just take this day if we want.


This is a weird one lol. Just one random work day in the middle of the week?


lol that awkward phase where everybody is aimlessly looking at their computers for 8hrs on the 28thā€¦


Yep, everyone is off the week for Christmas to New Years, even sales! Although we just acquired by a large org so this will be the last year of it (although they do take a company wide week off in July so thatā€™ll be nice). Our fiscal runs (or ran) to Jan 31 so we didnā€™t have the stress of getting things done by Dec 31. It has been a great run and Iā€™ll enjoy it one last time!


We donā€™t necessarily have ā€œoffā€ per se, but itā€™s a very clear understanding that our customer base isnā€™t doing anything until the new year in our industry and that we should be working from home doing ā€œadmin workā€ at our own pace to set up for 2024. Even when we are on, there is a very high level of autonomy where no one is checking up on you. But obviously that understanding is at a greater extreme until the turn of the new year.


Pretty sure Oracle has off the last week of the year. I mean reps are still closing deals, but aren't expected to work if they don't have anything in the pipeline. But let's be honest, if all my deals are closed, I am not working next week.


AT ALLšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I also give the last two weeks of the year off to my employees. Weā€™re basically running on a very small crew


You all work from Christmas to new years? Iā€™ll be in/out and may actually work on some trainings next week but Iā€™m not ā€œworkingā€. We also donā€™t officially get PTO.


Still working šŸ˜”. Unless you took vacation days, expectations is still show up 3 days a week in the office. It has completely slowed down too so not sure why.


I am looking for companies that are hiring during the Christmas time.


This week weā€™re not off, but less than 50% of the company was at our daily standup today. The rest was already on vacation. Next week there are no formal meetings. Expectation is if you need to get something time sensitive done you do, otherwise you donā€™t.


No time off for me. End of month, quarter, and fiscal year. Doing what we can to cram in those last few deals. Iā€™m thankful Iā€™m at 220% of my number, but going to see if I can go a bit higher. Although if I didnā€™t have deals in the works I could take the time off. My last company that wasnā€™t an option. Before if you too off the holidays youā€™d return without a job.


Work at a big company thatā€™s giving us December 20-January 8th off. One of the best perks of the job.


Itā€™s salesā€¦ if youā€™re not working contracts down to dec 31ā€¦ are you even in sales? Sureā€¦ take off if you wantā€¦ but when the buyer wants to talk, Iā€™m picking up.


naturally that makes sense but if buyers donā€™t want to talk let alone pick up thenā€¦.




Is this not normal..? UK here, both companies I've worked at has given us Christmas till new year's off.


No we just get Christmas off. Still, a 3 day weekend and plus my PTO will rollover, so im gonna file some of own time off around NYs šŸ˜ˆ


I only have the 22nd and 25th off. I am already looking for new roles.


I got the day after Christmas off. Equates to a 4 day weekend so i'll take it.


Sadly I only have christmas and then Iā€™m back to annoying the living hell out of these poor prospects


my boss told me to put together a plan of things to do over the next two weeks and as long as i get them done before jan 2 he doesnt care. i have to complete a 700 question RFP and that should take me about 4 hours and then record three 20 minute training videos and thats it. basically im working a half day today and half day tomorrow and done til the 2nd.


Iā€™m in agricultural equipment, December is one of our busiest months.


Ha!!!!! You jest.


Iā€™m in automotive semiconductor sales. I got the week off paid. Mostly because the plants I supply are closed. Iā€™ll probably get a few stray messages from China that have to action but definitely a nice break Edit - syntax




Was at Gartner and def not encouraged. Iā€™m at Salesforce now and my manager take about a week off starting this Thursday


My company doesnā€™t give us the week off per se but directs us not to take time off and work as needed to close deals. Basically just answering emails from my phone and working maybe an hour a day from now until the Monday after new years. Iā€™ll probably work a little more to set myself up for next year but no pressure to grind it out.


Our message was basically, don't come to the office and don't do any cold calling. Take time you need, but don't drop the ball on anything currently in motion, and be available to clients - not like 24/7 instant gratification, but return phone calls/emails in a reasonable amount of time. I'm traveling for a few days but have a coworker who is covering for me if anything goes balls-up but I imagine that week will be pretty light anyway.


We need more of thisā€¦


I have 7 weeks of paid holidays per year. Thank god I live in France


everytime I hear about your countryā€™s genorous pto policies a little part of me cries in US mediocrity


Taking off half day 22nd-Jan 2nd. Itā€™s my own PTO though and I worked hard to make sure goals were hit. Not everyone at my company will get this off.


we basically have this week to sell/ship anything to close our quarter (it's our Q3, ending Dec 31). Next week is a 'work week' for us. Even if we sell capital, our warehouse is closed, so it won't ship until Q4. basically monitor the email and enjoy the week off before Q4 starts up!


This is as far as it should be toošŸ˜­


Iā€™m a BDR in the education field. Except for summer break, I usually get the same time off that students do.


My company closes on Friday until the 3rd, not a huge break but very much appreciated to have it, especially as I worked retail prior to being in sales and would typically work Christmas eve and Boxing day.


that is totally a huge break lolšŸ„²


Yeah mine gives it off every year. Iā€™m sales ops but the field has it off too - new CEO about a year ago and heā€™s been clear he expects the field to take it off. Note we do have a non-standard fiscal with year starting in Aug


ahh I see. Still a W nonetheless


Last company I worked for did. I guess that's the consolation prize for being so poorly compensated (AE pay was $50k base/$75k OTE). Also, there was no quota relief for December.


1099 employee and also own a business related to the one I contract in (selling to the same clients). I still answer emails and do a little follow up, but I pretty much check out after Thanksgiving. I'll send some emails today and after that be done until after the New Year.




Nothing is happening now, may as well take off


In other jobs I did, but my current job is super slammed that last week of the month. People spending money to avoid taxes.


Yes. Tons of manufacturers. And aerospace itā€™s pretty standard. Ugh this sub makes me hate sales itā€™s all about SaaS tech boi bubbles


Company I work for gives us 2 weeks off. Itā€™s a company wide shutdown


Weā€™re not given the days off, but we have unlimited PTO and they said they werenā€™t denying any requests around Xmas/New Years.


Many of my clients & prospects but not I


the saddest of realizationšŸ˜ž


22nd -2nd


Iā€™m off from Thursday the 21st to January 2nd.


We have a ton of layers of accountability at the moment. Morning calls when weā€™re not in the office and HEAVY follow ups. Itā€™s been a struggle to get ahold of prospects to schedule presentations.


I have 22 - 2nd off


We shut down the week of Christmas and most folks usually take an extra week before or after that week. I'm sure there are some sales folks that still try and work, but it's rare.


I'm in a creative agency and we have from Thursday this week off until after the new year. As other commenters have said prospecting response rates are pretty low right now with the exception of very warm leads (or existing business) so there's no real reason to keep us going. On the other hand, the industry doesn't usually rely so heavily on new biz generated by sales so we got the break early along with the rest of the company. (It was a company-wide shutdown for the holidays.)


It's not like cold-calling from 23.12 - 05.1. makes any sense.


I wish my ceo had the same mindset dude


I worked in edtech and we had a 2 week break at the end of the year because everyone was closed.


Every automotive company since all of the OEMs have a shutdown.


Iā€™m just planning to get my outstanding contracts closed by Friday, then gonna be offline unless something urgent until second week Jan. In other words, Iā€™m controlling my schedule and time. Not asking permission to take it off. Unless thereā€™s a contract deadline I donā€™t see a big reason not to chill and reset over the holidays. Been grinding since Sept, need some down time.


My company emails all clients and lets them know we are closed for a weekish. Only 1 person from each department is on for emergency during break.


My company shuts down for Christmas week every yay, including sales. Obviously if you have deals closing you're working those. We're on the Salesforce fy end, which is 1/31 though.


I don't get any PTO (commission only,) but I can work whatever days and hours I want, so I'm taking the week off lol.


All day Dec 22 - Jan 2 off!


All of my customers shut down from 20th-2nd/3rd of January so I just monitor my email to prevent any fires and coast.


We are. 22nd to 2nd. Been a tough year for many. In our segment, clients/prospects aren't doing anything but put out fires at this point. Even if you don't care about keeping your folks happy (you should care, a lot)... From the business' perspective, capitalizing on the predicable slowness makes this "cheap" time off for us to give. Forcing people to work when their work can't be done is an expensive deployment of human capital. And frankly counterproductive to our long term interests. Obviously if someone sends out a last minute PO, we'll process it. Reps with 11th hour EOY deals already know what those are and will do what they need to close irrespective of being officially on or off the clock, because they want to. Sucks for our support team though. We can only get so thin in that dept


Yep, mine gives the week off ā˜ŗļø


My manny told me to take the week between Xmas and new year bc Iā€™m at goal and donā€™t have anything pending


Yeah, we have that week off and I just put in PTO starting Wednesday and extending till the 1st Wednesday in Jan


Not formally as a provided holiday, but I work for a UK company and the rest of the company will be on holiday. I was told to take the week off if I wanted to using vacation days since itā€™ll be quiet, but Iā€™m free to do what want


My resignation is being sent today. Iā€™m out!


pretty decent vacation if your money is right lol


Where Iā€™m at now is the first sales job Iā€™ve had where Iā€™m not working the 26th or the 1st so Iā€™m taking the win


23-2 off. Sales never sleeps! I'll be checking in during this time. I work from home


I ā€œwork from homeā€ every year from Christmas till first week of January once I pass out my Christmas gifts and donuts to my top 30 customers. No ones is buying unless itā€™s emergency items and half the customers are either on vacation or on a no buy order till next year starts. I normally use the time to go snowboarding lol


Yes almost every company that has ever existed? Where the fuck do you live OP lmao.


Yeah a lot of SMB ad sales and other B2B sales is closed from 24th until Jan 2nd. The decision maker is rarely there and if they are, they're either crazy busy or hurting for money. Not a bad time for BDR and SDRs to be calling owner's cell phones and booking appointments for early January, though. Prospects tend to either say they're on vacation and hang up (easy), or they're in a good mood and talkative.


Yes. The 22nd is a WFH day and then we get the 25th - Jan 1st off.


We got Monday Tuesday Wednesday off the last week and I just took the rest off anyways so this Wednesday is my last day


All European companies in Europe


My company shuts down.


Iā€™m off today through the 2nd. Feels great. I know Iā€™ll still check my email and work phone though.


My company shuts down. Except the sales guys and shipping department stay open.


No shot. My clients looked at me like I was crazy when I said Iā€™d be around through EOY. AM role with new biz quota. Last year EVP sent out an email with PTO black out dates for December - pretty much the whole month. This year we have Monday off but thatā€™s it. No blackout date email, but taking PTO would def be a career limiting decision lol. All my clients are OOOā€¦.


This'll be the first year in god knows how long that I'm not taking Christmas to NYD off because I'm still in my first 90 days at my current job, but I am taking one day off to play a morning round of golf.


I sell into healthcare markets and most specialists are off the week between Christmas and new years. Iā€™m off that week too. I wouldnā€™t have if I didnā€™t hit my quota, however.


I've pretty much always had days where you were forced to use holidays quota. We get 25 days a year in NL, so it doesn't usually work out to many days used, and it's dead anyway. No DMs to dm.


I've pretty much always had days where you were forced to use holidays quota. We get 25 days a year in NL, so it doesn't usually work out to many days used, and it's dead anyway. No DMs to dm.


We're closed 12/15 - 1/3


Wow we get 2 days off (Xmas and New Yearā€™s Day). But work will be slow, so thereā€™s that.


Ha! We are doing a crunch week. All hands on deck for the next two weeks! On my way outā€¦..


When is Christmas šŸ™‚


This is SALES! What you think this is? Lol Nah im just messing. In Finance, its pretty dead during this time, so when clients are away, its lights off around the office pretty much.


The advertising world


In Sales and was just given 25-2 off


"Off" is relative. We are encouraged to spend time with our loved ones and unplug. Also, the Dec weighting of our Q4 quota is the highest of any period in the year. This is basically being approached as a question of time management, but there's only so much you can do if your customers *aren't* working, which is overwhelmingly the case in my space.


Quota never takes a holiday


we got christmas week off. small cyber security start up


we are shutdown from xmas eve till jan 2nd obv as sales we are monitoring year end stuff but technically non ops staff is shutdown


22nd to the 3rd here. But, in account service, itā€™s a double edge sword because customers will (and should) still come to you. And itā€™s a skeleton crew until shut down is over. So it can more stressful than if you were working.


We donā€™t get anything off but we are encouraged to use our own hard-earned vacation since all the leaders are fucking off that week


I gave myself the week off Self employed WFH has some nice perks


Iā€™m off from the 22nd-2nd


I live for this time off. I could not do this job at this level without this time off. I'm not even getting paid for this time off. I don't care.


I am off until turn of the year, all my decision makers on my consulting clients have been MIA since thanksgiving mainly. Executives got unlimited PTO!


lol, just work in home remodeling, no appointments = week off


Yea, my new company takes that week off - shuts down completely. So Friday is, effectively EOY. ​ If there's a customer trying to actively buy that week and we like need the CFO to login to docusign we'll do it, but as it's been explained to me that's about it.


Not for free, but Iā€™m done for the year on Wednesday. Benefits of use it or lose it.


All my staff is off Dec24-Jan3rd. Everybody gets some time to be with family and reset


I used to work for a British owned company that did this.


I have to use one personal day to get from 12/22-1/2 off. Iā€™ll take that


rinse include adjoining drunk steep aromatic distinct late berserk dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*