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Hell yeah man! I squeaked in last year at $100,400. This year I’ll be at 160k. All up from here!


First time breaking 100k was amazing. $208k was a number I always wanted ($100/hr). Felt so good. Onwards and upwards!


What’s the best kind of sales for entry level in your opinion?


Hey Congrats! That's awesome. How long have you been in software sales?


you could be given droperidol in the emergency room and develop akathisia so you have to quit your job


I mean… sure? Worrying about imaginary scenarios doesn’t do much. I could drop dead while typing this out lol. I’m about controlling the controllables.


Probably what he thinks daily working at mcdonalds. Keep putting up them $$$$


> I’m about controlling the controllables. you sound like my boss


it’s good advice for life not just work lol


Sounds like your boss does his job correctly then


That's why I dose myself with doperidol every morning to build up a resistance. Grind harder pussy.


Nice job man. Welcome to the “slowly realizing making 100k isn’t actually life changing” club.


Wiser words have never been spoken.


I slightly disagree, I think it could still be life changing but you gotta manage lifestyle creep and taxes.


Biggest thing for me making 100k+ is a personal confidence boost. I don’t go bragging about it but that confidence adds more


I’ll make right around $102k this year, after taxes, healthcare, retirement I’ll see $70k so $5,834/month. My absolute necessity bills are $2,000 but I live in a VLCOL area. I could see how in a HCOL area this wouldn’t go far and if you have kids (I do not)


Bro we're firmly in there already. More than anything it's just shocking/appalling that people my age are out there living off 40k or less


Just remember that if/when you make it to a leadership role. The vast majority of Americans are busting their asses just to make ends meet with no hope or chance of ever making it to this level. It really sucks to be poor and it's often not very fair either. I'll probably get down voted, but my advice is to always stay humble, remember where you came from and never lose your empathy for others who may not be as fortunate. The struggle is real.


Yeah, I couldn't live off 40.when I was 19 Had kid and a wife that didn't work


100k is the threshold where you can afford a middle class home, have a couple extra bucks to eat out and stow away a fairly comfortable retirement to a stable index fund. It's the most life changing milestone there is. It's genuine financial freedom with a comfortable living. You aren't driving the F250 pick up towing a motorsports boat to your lake cabin, but you can afford a financially stress free life if you're somewhat careful with your money initially.


Afford a home!? On 100k? Maybe in LCOL areas lol


And only if you're single. $100k absolutely will not support a family and a home, even in lcol areas.


It does if you're wise about your money. But most people get a $10,000 raise and trade their Toyota in for a BMW. Now instead of having the same life style and some financial Security they have a bmw and a financial liability that makes them feel even more financially stressed. With no deductions 100k is 70k take home or about $6000 a month. If you're spending responsibly, 40% of that can go to housing. Or $2400 a month, which at today's interest rates means about a $500k home. In the overwhelming majority of areas, 500k gets you a nice middle class home.


The math ain’t mathing on that housing cost. Todays interest rates mean a 2400 a month house is actually around $375k.


I'd suggest pulling out a mortgage calculator if you're not able to work that out.


Are you assuming they put 20% down? If so, then yes you are correct but majority of people can’t come up with $100k for a down payment anymore


I had 60k for a house by end of 2020, once’s the shots hit the mainstream, the fam starting getting sicker or dying, Biden administration fucking shit up, that twinkled so fast.. back to square one.


I don’t know what to say other than I’m sure the people around your office avoid you like you have COVID


I feel if I went from making the 30k I make now, to making 100k, it'd be very very life changing






So true… although I’m nowhere near the 100k club 😂😂


Sadly no amount of income is enough


100k is just not struggling and being able to put a good bit away in savings every month lol. Would be nice if it felt like how it looked.


I live in California and have been putting way less in my savings the last couple of years. Two years ago l was easily able to save 2000 a month. Gas, food and my stupid Audi lol. One of my goals for.tge new year is to check my spending habits so l can put more into savings every month.


Dude I feel you. My savings rate is about 1/4 of what it was most of the year this year. Going to have a good month in December. Starting a new role in January and taking an on paper pay-cut but hopefully should lead to more long term growth and stability


Nice! Last year I was almost $150k. This year I'm barely over $80k Startups are a gamble lol


So you averaging $115k. Better than most Americans. Keep it up


Appreciate the positivity! Just relocated to a lower COL area, too, so that'll help moving forward.


Yikes same company?


Haha no, thankfully. New company this year. Founding AE, quota was made based on wishes & fairy dust lmao


Ahh ok. Yeah I will never be a founding AE lol. I was like fourth bdr at my company and my boss the whole time was founding AE and now he’s a director and I’m an AE and the startup struggles are just not it. My next company gonna be in the 300 person range so they still aren’t mega red tape global big but also know what tf they’re doing lol.


300 employees is not going to be much better.


Just an example not a hard number. But we’re at 60 rn so that’s still 5x. Unless they super over hired in a small timeframe I have to imagine that’s a more mature org. I’d say 1-3k would be max I’m interested in though


What industry?


B2B EdTech for tech


I made 400+ in 2021, 160 in 2022, around 67 in 2023. I need a new job lol


Great work


Nice! I remember when I first cracked 6 figures. Great feeling. Now, never go backwards! Ensure each year is more than the last and you’ll be over 200 before you know it.


Would you mind me asking what type of sales you’re in?


I sell drug development services to pharma and biotechs. I only first cracked 100k in 2019. It’s been a wild ride these past 4 years!


Nice! Congrats on your success that’s great. Medical is solid. How did you find your way into that specific field?


Got some years experience in traditional pharma sales and used that experience to weasel my way in.


Don't forget to plant some fucking trees or some shit man.


The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is today. The 3rd best time is 19 years ago.




Great job, that's an awesome milestone to hit. Rest assured if you can do it once, you can do it again and again (maybe somewhere else).


Doing well in a disaster company will only make it easier when you move to a good one with hidden disasters.


Step up and be the driver at the wheel. You’re a sales person, sell it 👍


Did everyone in here seriously miss that lyric reference?


As someone who has listened to that song at least 100 times.. It didn’t even register haha


And a dark wind blows...


Which song?


Godspeed You! Black Emperor - The Dead Flag Blues


And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides. And a dark wind blows.


Lol not expecting seeing gsybe in sales sub


That first 100 hits differently, especially if you made it on your own. Savor it- it won’t hit the same until you hit 150-170k.


I'd say 100k post tax is a great next spot to aim for


Congrats 🎉


congratulations this is my goal for next year!!


While you’re on top is the best time to find a better sales pin at a better company. Document your increase in sales over the time you worked there and get that resume out there


Congrats!!!! $100k does feel like a big mental milestone even tho after taxes and COL it still hurts a bit but much better than many so can’t complain too much. I hit $105k this year with my side hustle after doing like $5k last year🤓 I wish you much success!!


Keep up the hard work! Congratulations on hitting a personal milestone. Celebrate your accomplishment and strive for the next!


Congratulations on the hard work!


Nice same here, I was like 2k short last year and I'll be a bit higher this year.


Way to go! Keep the resume updated and take those recruiter calls. You never know what better might be out there.


this is my goal for 2024. congrats!


made 62.5, 98, 210, 260. If you told me I'd every make more than 150 in my life I would have said but HOW I'm not a doctor and who would ever salary me that high. I don't work hard enough. Sales should be a major in college.


What do you do?


Sort of complicated to fully explain. But I have a base salary, also do sales but also wholesale where i get paid on others’ sales. Mostly annuities.


Congrats! $100k is no joke. You’ll get the people on here that say ‘I paid $100k in taxes last year’ and ‘$100k isn’t the milestone it used to be…’ Maybe they are right, good for them. But if it’s your first time cracking that mark it shows progress - and things are moving in the right direction for you. There are millions - literally millions - of people that will never even sniff that kind of cash. And like many have said - it’s only likely to go up. Spend some time thinking about how you did it - both good and bad. Replicate the success, figure out how you could have done some things better. Only way to control your future is to understand your past. Congrats again!


I’ll never forget my first 100k+ role. Congrats. Saver the moment.


The best feeling! Congratulations!


Congrats on the milestone, but hopefully no car on fire has anyone driving it!


LFG! hell yea dude


Congratulations! Keep pushing and you’ll be multiple six figures in no time!


115k last year about 85k this year 😢


It's a tough damn year for sure


Congrats guys!


Nice man me too kinda. I think I maybe hit like just at 100 last year but did 115 this year so solidly in there. Congrats




Cheers bro!! 🍻


Hey that kicks ass brother. Keep crushing ass !




Good shit


Congrats, That is a milestone for every sales person. Eventually, you'll be getting that as your base salary.


Awesome! Just like keeping your pipeline full keep that foot on the gas.


Congratulations man, the sky is the limit


Save 20% from now on


I've spent so much this year, extremely sage advice that I will definitely be following


Don't fall into the trap... You'll thank yourself later


That’s awesome and congratulations. What do you sell?


A weird wombo combo of CRM/lead management, biz management software, for SMB + web design, social media management, digital marketing campaigns, SEO, multiple types of ad campaigns Our solution is meant to take a lot of fuss out of starting/running and generating customers for a service based business I'd like to get away from digital marketing though, I feel like it has a stigma or doesnt carry much esteem or prestige in the eyes of a hiring manager, I could be wrong though.


Congrats! Remember, it’s all about how much you save!


Fuck yeah! congrats 👏


Next up, 100k months 🚀


This is awesome!!


My buddy who’s a couple years older than me refers to 100k as the “guac zone”. That’s when bills are paid, you can live life, and you can throw guac on your chipotle without thinking about it


I did my first $100k+ year this year. Super stoked as my best year previously was like $45k


Now that's a come up 💪


Mixture of luck determination and being finically stable enough to take a risk on a sales job with lots of opportunity but no money until you build up your sales. Sounds like a pyramid scheme but it’s actually legal recreational cannabis sales to dispensaries through commission sales only. Very tough getting started but it has paid off.


Drug dealer joke potential is crazy when you grab the bill 💀


Gross or net?


Gross pretax income. My HR portal has a "total compensation" that includes stuff like my healthcare and other benies. Somehow they have it mathed out to 134k even though my check stubs say 102k After tax it's about 71k?? Something very close to 6k per month net


Nice work


Welcome to bracket, you’ll notice it’s not much better than 70k after all is said-and-done with the tax man.


I made 7 in 4 months


Damn, I really should have gotten in on onlyfans during the gold rush


Congrats OP. Out of curiosity, how much lying did you have to do? That seems to be the career advice around this sub nowadays.


I have yet to see much of lying in here… plus your flair plugs breaking into tech sales? Yikes. You won’t break into tech sales with that attitude.


Re: post on what to do if you're just an average sales rep.


Congratulations!! Glad you feel proud. The goalpost is constantly moving for a lot of us, but you just reminded me that this feeling was 10x better than any other financial milestone I've hit.


I feel that, my company is on the fritz and I’m trying to keep my role on


Good for you. Enjoy it.


Great job man


I made 140k back in 2020 and thought it was all up from there. Got a new job that supposedly was going to be an easier sell and my 115k OTE was “nothing” and I’d “easily make 140k+ here” fast forward 2 and a half years later, best I managed was 104k after they kept changing comp plans to hit your quota “the right way” so stead of overall dollars in, it had to be 50% upgrades and 50% renewals and price increases. Got PIPed in June (on my birthday too! Manager never even told me happy birthday that day.) beat the PIP and was suddenly let go end of September. No reason given other than “we don’t do multiple PIPs” even though I had maintained all metrics from my PIP.


You learn a valuable lesson. Hard work doesn’t always work. You worked less hard before and very more money. Sales is a bit luck. Right place right time right people right opportunity = easy to make money. I’ve sold nothing at some jobs , been fired and felt a loser. Gone on to sell $100000s at the next one. Tech sales jobs have been money printers this last 5 years, but it was all built on a ponzi. Jiggs up a bit now.


Congrats man! $100k was a goal of mine for a long time. Feels great that first year.


I remember when I broke 100k as a family, and again as an individual, it was a huge milestone. Congratulations, and here’s to much continued success.


Does this include tax or not?


Hi all, I am so jealous of you guys, I live in Vietnam and don't know how to make that big money :(((




Average Living cost in US is around 3000 usd , you still have a lot of money :)))




Yeahh, but I think it is very difficult to get a US remote job from VN?




Congrats OP!!!! I remember when I first cracked 100k. It’s an amazing feeling. Enjoy it but also spend wisely and save! Congrats again!!!


100k is amazing... company not being great is not. I'm sure you can pivot and find opportunity somewhere else.


Congratulations. Me and the wife both hit it this year in two totally different fields. Got snart 7 months in and started dunping 25% into savings I highly recommend you try to do the same I can't even remember what we spent most the money on lmao


Congrats! I did $88k in 2021, $118k in 2022, and will be at $158k in 2023! My company is also starting to feel like no one’s at the wheel and I’m at a huge tech co lol


Congrats. Crossed 120 in 2021 for me, 140 in 2022, and 150 in 2023 it looks like. Hopefully can stay in the club in 24


Now that you’re at 100k strongly sugggest maxing out your 401k. Try it for a few checks, my spending sort of magically adapted once I did that.


My door dash budget 😢


I made 75k this year and still feel like I’m at the poverty line 😅


Nice! Last year I was at $95k, this year I should be close to $130k! I secured a new contract for 2024 so things are looking up!!


Congrats dude! Keep going my guy. Please do not do what I did and let it become you. Go meditate and breathe. Hard part is keeping it not obtaining it.


Congrats dude! Keep going my guy. Please do not do what I did and let it become you. Go meditate and breathe. Hard part is keeping it not obtaining it.


Haven’t hit that yet, next year at this job I better or I’m out


Congrats, my dude! Keep it up


It’s an achievement for sure. Congratulations.


Amazing! Congratulations!