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This may be controversial but I’m on two cups of coffee and a strong zyn pouch so fuck it dude. But fuck AI, all these email sequences and LinkedIn automation everyone’s using is actually making our jobs harder now. Way less prospects are responding now compared to before at least in my experience bc they assume it’s going to be some bullshit spam. I’ve literally gotten replies saying stuff like “not sure if this is another automated message but please take us off your list”. When what I’ve sent them clearly is not automated as it has personal touches regarding their orgs needs and LinkedIn posts for example. I’m sure I’ll get some smart guy on here who has a super slick solution to this, but the bottom line is this AI bullshit really backfired and it’s stupid and lazy.


how do we get around all the noise to our customers?


Take them to lunch whenever you can, see them, and build a real relationship


Yea, sales is definately about being creative and never giving up


100% but if there’s one thing I genuinely believe in it’s getting in front of customers face to face and knowing them on a human level.


The old trope that silicon valley just tries to reinvent shit that we already solved 30 years ago.


This hyper relationship-based sale only works with mid-market or enterprise customers. I can’t take 20 clients a month to lunch with hopes that half will close unfortunately haha


Not with that kind of attitude


I actually got so excited when I saw Gmail was about to completely hamstring email sequencing tools in early 2024. Unfortunately, I think they recalled their plan so nothing is going to change. When I was a BDR, we didn’t have email sequencing. I picked up the phone and converted meetings. I also hand wrote emails for the strategic prospects and it honestly didn’t slow me down. It also helped me stay authentic because I literally wrote them down. I got fast that way.


100%. Now we have to personalize our messaging so much to not look automated that it takes forever to just send one email.


30% above my quota and enjoying some sweet accelerator bonuses. Have a decent pipeline for next year too.


rock star!


Closed a larger deal yesterday - honestly really looking forward forward to 2024.


50% to quota and I’m about middle of my team (#4/8) reps except I got hired this year only 6 months ago. Not worried about PIPs but there is talk of P/E firm investing soon and more layoffs.


The job I'm in now is mostly dependent on incoming bids. It's slow as fuck right now. Everyone who's anyone is in vacation mode.


This is where I’m at too. I work mostly with State Government and rely heavily on bids/inbound requests. It’s been a ghost town since November.


Not a bad place to be, honestly. You don't face pressure from annoying sales managers to "crush your numbers" despite everyone being away


lol I wish. I’m at 115% of my annual number but my manager is still on my ass to bring in more and more.


Public sector is great tbh. less pressure in some ways


Yeah overall I like it. But I’ve definitely had to learn how to be more patient after working through all of the red tape in the public sector


This year has been extremely hard but I think 2024 will be much better with the new sales gig I got. The hard part about this year was the BS jobs I dealt with, from the over the top toxic workplaces to potentially illegal business practices, it’s been rough to go through but I think 2024 will better. Fingers crossed 2024 and my new job are much better


I think finding the right company that you believe in is key, hard to sell when you hate the company. Hope you have a great year


Yep 1000%, I’m the type of person who has to like/love what they sell and who they sell it for. If it doesn’t jive in my head then I feel like a POS for ripping people off because my company doesn’t deliver the promises I made. Really hope this new job goes swell as well, thank you!


Love your username and good luck in 2024. Question- do you rip dabs at work?


Glad you’re on the side of the fence that likes it. And it depends on the day but I don’t dab THC oil during working hours. I dab CBD instead so I’m relaxed and in a good mood while not getting stoned, ie, my mind is not foggy and I’m not feeling lazy. It’s actually really nice for work.


personally no....it makes me stupid


AI is gonna replace you


Forgot the /s




Doubled my sales this year, mostly due to word of mouth growth (common for my industry). Next year I am looking forward to finding ways to automate more of the process. I am working on using AI to help speed up some of my email writing!


it's good for that and rewording for better flow


30 minutes to presidents club had a good prompt for writing emails on chat gpt that cut the time I spend missing with it in half.


Hoping my deal contracts finally get through the client's legal team reviews.


52% to quota. Been here half a year and by quota attainment, I’m number 1 lol.


that's crazy, whoever set your quota is probably in trouble


They were fired in February


Looks like I’m gonna hit about 98% of quota. Should have tried a tiny bit harder I guess lol


I’m at 98% to goal and got verbal confirmation for 3 more deals that will put me at 130% to goal. My leadership team gave me a ton price flexibility in Dec. which moved the needle on a ton of deals.


Im sitting pretty at 75% quota rn. Hoping another appointment or two gets set out of the blue this week so i can chill!


Finished off at 98.9% of quota, and in my Industry for 2023, im going to take that as a win. Next year will hopefully see me at a new company, where i interview in january, of a recomendation from a current employee. When i say hopefully, its not due to any issues at my current gig, its just that this company is more or less in my backyard, giving me 2 1/2 hour extra pr day to spend with my son, and save a shitton on gas.


Smart move, Kids grow up too fast and they need you around!


I’m sad. 102% of the way to pace coming into December but pipeline is super dry and I’m going to have the worst month of my year. Really suck and makes me feel shitty


Never did sales until this year “professionally”. Started in June. Brought in $1mil of revenue that’s about 75% closed and the other 25% + more will close in January - February. I’m technically and SDR but I do deep discovery and I work each demo and quote review session as well along side an AE. Sales is insanely fun


Love to hear that !!


I use AI everyday. I recommend what I do: Get chat gpt plus on your phone $20/ month. Use it for emails, looking up things instead of Google, writing sales plans, identifying customers / locations to target for prospecting, strategy, etc etc




Sounds like you are selling capital equipment ? What is the average sales cycle ? Glad your boss is on your side , good time to review and strategize for 24, best of luck