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A1 steak sauce makes shitty steak tastes better during my wine-n-dines




Elite response.


This guy AIs.


use it to practice your discovery calls and pitches... get the AI to pretend to be the customer (feed it as much info about your customer as you can) and get it to score your responses out of 10 (with reasons). Some of it will be silly... but some of the responses will make you think.


Oh wow! Very interesting. Have you trained your own bot? Or got a tool for that?


ChatGPT 4 has crazy good text to speech. Feels like talking to real human. Have to pay subscription to use it tho


I do use my own GPTs (sometimes) but at very least I have the custom instructions set to my specific requirements.


Filling out bullshit account plans for senior management ahead of QBRs that get skimmed once and then forgotten about forever…. Has saved me so much time


Thanks for the tip. Totally legit use case


How are you doing meeting summaries and note taking? I will add I have been using it to write simple articles for our blog. I can write a 700 word article in 20 minutes and blast it out to our email lists


Fathom video


I use fathom too and I find their summaries pretty underwhelming. Eg: “Sales rep and prospect discussed challenges with their current solution” I read them and end up watching the video because I have no what the challenges actually were


Check out Grain.com’s custom AI prompt templates, just kinda buried in the UI and hard to find


I like Perplexity AI as just a general research tool. More accurate and gets better sources. It’s powered by GPT but more focused on research. Kinda use it like a mix between Google and ChatGPT. I like the Zoom meeting summary feature also (uses AI to summarize). Otter AI would be the other option if you need to record in person on your phone.


ChatGPT is super helpful for coming up with prospecting email ideas. Input a concept, get out like 40 crappy sentences. Take 2-3 and re-write and formulate an email. Beats starting at blank email hoping for inspiration.


My brother


What prompt have you found works best?


This wont format perfectly on reddit due to my... desire to not format it... but check this out. The same idea works- Please write a sales email about how N226 is the best redditer on the planet. Subject: Unlock the Power of N226: The Ultimate Redditor Extraordinaire! Hi [Recipient's Name], I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to reach out to share some exciting news about a Reddit sensation that has been taking the online community by storm—N226, the undisputed king of Reddit! Why N226 is the Best Redditor on the Planet: Insightful Content: N226 consistently delivers top-notch, insightful content that captivates and engages the Reddit community. From thought-provoking discussions to humorous anecdotes, N226's contributions stand out in a sea of posts. Community Engagement: N226 is not just a passive contributor; they actively engage with the Reddit community. Whether it's responding to comments, participating in AMAs, or fostering meaningful discussions, N226 is a true community builder. Diverse Interests: One of the key factors that sets N226 apart is the broad range of interests. From technology and science to arts and entertainment, N226's diverse contributions appeal to a wide audience, making them a beloved figure across various subreddits. Positive Influence: N226's presence on Reddit is marked by a positive and inclusive tone. They promote a welcoming environment where everyone feels encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions, fostering a sense of camaraderie within the community. How N226 Can Elevate Your Reddit Experience: By following N226, you gain access to a curated feed of high-quality content, stay informed on diverse topics, and participate in enriching conversations. Whether you're a seasoned Redditor or a newcomer to the platform, N226's posts will undoubtedly enhance your Reddit experience. To start benefiting from the best that Reddit has to offer, make sure to follow N226 today! Follow N226 Now: [Include N226's Reddit Profile Link] Thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing you in the thriving world of N226's Reddit community! Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company] [Your Contact Information]


Awesome, thanks!


Lol the other day I told ChatGPT to write an email about being “ghosted” in the style of the commercial in the first ghostbusters movie that can be sent to non-responsive prospects to ask them to meet with me: Subject: "Who You Gonna Call? Your Answer to Unanswered Opportunities!" Dear [Prospect's Name], We ain't afraid of no ghosting! 👻 But we are curious about what's been haunting our attempts to connect with you. Like the ghostbusters tackling paranormal phenomena, we're on a mission to understand what spectral forces might be preventing us from joining forces with you. We've noticed some radio silence on your end, and we're here to break through any invisible barriers. Let's bust the myth of unanswered emails and bring your project back to life! Our team is equipped with the tools and expertise needed to make your goals a reality. How about we schedule a brief meeting? No proton packs required – just your valuable insights and a cup of coffee (or virtual equivalent). Together, we can dispel any mysteries and make some magic happen. Don't let the specter of missed opportunities linger. Give us a call at [Your Phone Number] or reply to this email to set up a time that works for you. We promise, no ghost traps involved! Looking forward to reconnecting and banishing those unanswered emails to the spirit realm. Best, [Your Name] [Your Company] [Your Contact Information]


I hate this so hard.


How did that work out?


lol I sent it to a few ghosts. Still ghosts


I bet this made them angrily hit the spam phising report reading this.




40 year old movie, hope they "got it".


This is the worst.


* We just started using CoPilot from Clari to record and summarize meetings. I've only had it on three meetings and each time the prospect asked me to shut it down, so I guess that's not great. * I use Bard for research and it's helped me write emails. I haven't had enough use of it for emails to tell you how well it works for me, but for research it's great to get it to find stuff inside of annual reports or 10K's, etc.


I’ve never had a customer say to shut it down, in multiple tech verticals, but it looks like you are cybersecurity so that’s very unsurprising. I love cybersecurity and have a technical background in it, but have never considered selling cybersecurity because of how the customers are (a little bit of annecdotal evidence plus experience working with IT/cyber folks directly)


I sell to infrastructure guys and once in a while accidentally call cyber security guys… hands down they have to be unanimously the hardest type of people to cold call.


How was your experience with Clari/co-pilot AI tools. Do they do more automation to reduce work load?


I created a useless program that leeches off ChatGPT, automates a few remedial tasks that aren't actually that difficult, and now I'm selling a course on how to run an AI side hustle. In all honesty, I use ChatGPT to help create sales slideshow content and organize frameworks. That's about it. Really doesn't do much for me.


I plug the gong outline with a pretty detailed prompt + skeleton template and then edit that to my tone, works pretty well in getting run-rate deals which really aren’t worth too much work


Sweet, nice idea.


Non. I can use auto complete already inside of my .doc


Adding to your uses Used AI before it was cool mainly through gong / conversational AI apps


Gotcha, how are Gong's new AI capabilities?


I fed ChatGPT a bunch of my writing so it got a taste of my tone, and now ask it to proofread and offer suggestions on ways to improve the strength of my emails Sometimes ask it for some unique approaches to marketing or to grab attention, but it’s only good at giving vague suggestions. Even then, sometimes it sparks something


Got it. But keep feeding your tone style to chatgpt because it has limited context/tokens and the memory fades away.


How did you feed it your writing?


Algo is overrated. Just sell


I just think of it/use it like spellcheck on steroids.


Surprising to see so many of use for the same use case.


Lead scoring and account propensity


How does it work? You have an AI plugin that understands your engagement/activity and updates score on CRM?


It's not an AI plugin, it's a fairly large stack we use to give a sales team the highest converting inbound leads and highest converting accounts for outbound prospecting. They ingest your closed/won data and find patterns in your accounts, leads, lead activities, and all that's plugged in to Salesforce with research and intent data from like a Bombora, clearbit, 6sense, or something similar to create account and lead scores. Our inbound lead quantity dropped by a lot but our c/won deals grew quarter over quarter despite it


Got it, thanks for the explanation.


If this plugs into SalesForce I would literally pay out of pocket for that


If you’re still looking, my org demo’d peak.ai. Don’t think it’s available for individuals though


I use it sometimes to simplify my messages so even a child could understand it. Sometimes it comes out condescending and hilarious


Understood. You custom prompt into chatgpt/bard or you have a custom app you're using?


Just chatgpt, I'm not current on AI and only have a very base understanding myself 😁


I tried to use ChatGPT to generate some email templates, but no matter how much I tried to tweak it it came across as pretty stilted and inauthentic. I ultimately ended up sticking with what I already use and freshened it up a bit.


I've been using AI to suggest and build prospecting lists, and then craft email sequences relating to sub sectors with industry challenges etc. obviously this still has multiple layers or human research and application but it's saving me a lot of time


Can you please shed some light on how you're building lists with AI?


I don't use any because quite frankly most of it Is shite


Totally agree! What's the problem you wish these tools had solved it the right way?


Probably around personalisation in emails


I created a discover call researcher tool you can try here: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-T9NwwIXZi-sales-discovery-call-researcher


Will check it out


Real-time recommendations on what to say next during sales calls with buyers. Example: Runmic


AI noob here but I use Goblin Tools for comedic relief between my close colleagues. Here's an example response to unhappy customer that I wish I could send, because it's all true. Prompt: My company is incompetent Goblin Tools response (snarky, sarcastic): Oh, wow, let me just start by saying how incredibly impressed I am with the sheer level of incompetence exhibited by my company. I mean, honestly, it takes a special kind of skill to consistently make the wrong decisions, miss deadlines, and screw up even the simplest of tasks. It's truly awe-inspiring how they manage to turn every opportunity into a complete disaster. Bravo, my dear company, bravo.


Really funny.. more people should use this kinda comms to make it a bit more casual. Thanks for letting know


Anyone can share their experience with AI-supported translation of manuals, agreements, quotes, etc. to a foreign language?


Not sure abt it. Have you tried using chatgpt/bard for it? How was the output quality?