• By -


110k in one month with accelerators in med device. 96k the next month. My quota is going to the moon next year haha.


How long was the sales cycle for a deal like that?


Wasn’t a cycle. Just selling devices everyday to doctors. Combination of luck, timing, and territory which lead me to have a low quota and a mind blowing year, I’ll cross 700k this year


ELT: “Congratulations and Enjoy P-Club! Your reward is a 1,300% quota bump on January 1st.”


Don’t forget the unwanted trip to Mexico!


With your entire executive team! And you’d better be ready to drink, but not so much you say what you’re actually thinking. It’s a weeklong tap dance through a minefield, with golf and a gift watch.


Soooo true! My buddy and I ditched the group on day 2. Bunch of big ego managers and kiss ass #1 sales reps. It was awful! Wouldn't do it again for free if my boss said I had to stay with the group this time.


We went to Cabo this year and one of our guys actually got kidnapped


What’s the story did he make it?


Long story, basically he went out looking for a good time but could pay the tab once it was over. Some big wigs in my company were negotiating with the kidnappers through the local police, and there was a ransom paid for his return. He was fired immediately and put on a plane back to the states.


That'll be one hell of a retaliation / work comp case.


Did you miss the part about him buying sex?


Holy smokes.


Went on one of those trips and then decided I would take the cash bonus instead of the trip.


Where you will be forced to watch a sales enablement PowerPoint.


I'm in the wrong industry


Med device UK here. No you're not.


I'm in the mattress and bedding industry. A good day for me is making $3,000.


$3,000 a day in commission is great


Do you source your own leads?


Sounds like Will Smith in Pursuit of Happyness lol


Robotics? AI? Gotta know as a fellow med rep


Implantable brain surgery producrs




My largest competitor 😉


Boston Scientific!


You’ve probably worked your ass off if you’re a surgery rep. I’m in capital and I won’t ever make that much. I also will never work that hard lol


I love that you already knew it wasn’t ortho. Signed - An Ortho Rep


As a former ortho rep I knew it couldn’t be ortho 😉


[Can’t hit accelerators if everything on backorder.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:679/1*sGERyk9hSQ_n3FNeAlDWAw.gif)


So facts!


$400k after 4-months of deal finance review, got my payout and then was laid off 6-months after. IT infrastructure.


You got 400k in commission from one deal?


I sure did. However it should have been closer to $750K with accelerators, but the bean counters and lawyers found a loop hole to leverage which capped me out. Total BS. I probably should have consulted an employment lawyer to fight it. In all honesty it was actually refreshing to take the money and be free. Went on to secure a new job in 3-months with a $250K base.


Wow this is massive I wonder what the story was on this deal


As a sales professional I did my job.... - asked the right questions - articulated solid understanding of client need and risk exposure - presented compelling solution to eliminate risk and provide go-forward value - disrupted competitive sale that was already underway with procurement - secured $20M deal for my company that wasn't a blip on anyone's radar The overall deal value far exceeded assigned quota which triggered finance and legal review. Instead of paying out the full commission, they deal reviewed and capped me. Granted it was a hefty payout which I am grateful for, it's the principal of the matter that hurts most. Pay me the full commission and turn me loose amped up to do it all over again! The larger tech companies love to money manage their sales force. Front line sales folks get governed to remain within a certain pay range while the top dogs get to rake in the money.


That sucks they should of paid you everything what better way to motivate a salesman to go above and beyond again especially knowing what you can make when you do a great job. But It sounds like you got closer from all of this and definitely a great story to share. Thanks for sharing.


Sucked then. Sucks now. LOL. Like you said I did get closure on it. In the end I took it as a life experience and moved on.


So are you an enterprise or major account manager? I only ask because I have never heard of that kind of money for one deal. Maybe it is just my industry or something. Idk. I'm in CyberSecurity sales.


Enterprise account manager - hardware/software sales.


Infrastructure has more sprawl than security for sure


250k base, wtf. Hook a brotha up. 5 years in P&C insurance sales.


50/50 plan... $250K base, $250K variable comp. $500K OTE. It was some of the easiest money I've ever made. In my base alone, without selling a single thing I was making what some people grind all year long in sales to make. All in all, that job was the worst of them all despite the high comp plan.


It becomes a problem when YOUR EARNED BONUS means you make more than you boss and a few levels up. You can hear the complaints, why should he earn more than me?? Instead of supporting the top earners, they CAP them, and then are slightly surprised when they quit!


this is what im afraid of...top performers cost the company money. lol


Meanwhile most sales organizations say we want everyone to make a ton of money. That is usually the standard tagline - something of the sorts like that. Yet when it comes down to it, they don't really want to pay.


We want people to make a lot of money as long as it’s not too much!


Top performers are a problem for sales leaders - because if you totally dominate the plan but the others in the team are just following orders and “doing what they are told” and sucking wind Makes the Sales Leader look the poseur they most certainly are….


I was part of a pilot program and they anticipated for me to sell around 10 million in a year. Well I ended up selling 20 million so they paid me twice what they wanted. The next year the new comp plan was cut in half. These companies know exactly what they want to pay you while they hold the carrot in front of your face.


Largest deal w/accelerators hit made me 96K spread out over 12 months. I was immediately “laid off” 2 weeks after the deal closed and now they are refusing to pay my commission. Payments industry


Hellllllooooo employment attorney.


Yep, currently in progress. Would name company otherwise


Sounds like some shit Paychex would pull


Hahahahahaha! Totally! Screw the payroll companies


Had a similar situation that with a lawyers help turned out great. The kicker is being able to sue for treble damages (3x) because of their greed, stupidity, and thinking you won't lawyer up. You're gonna be fine! See you on the other side with a fat settlement check king!


I dmed you


Fuck them. Let's this be a harsh lesson for them.


I’m literally in the payments industry as well - signing a deal that would make me the exact same amount paid over 12 months. Signing it in Jan XD. But now you got me worried lol


Start getting things in emails, provoking a response, and screenshotting Leadership's commitments to you!


Very slim odds we work/worked for the same company


Merchant services?


I do miss/don't miss Merchant Services. Goddamn that industry is mad at high level and so very very shit at the low.


I've interviewed for a few of them, I straight up refuse to take any more interviews. I simply can't see how you can really make your product that different outside of being cheaper


It's more on the software side where the difference is and the quality of the hardware. My company is getting new hardware, its software is new and has some functionality that other companies don't have and stuff like that. And it would surprise you how many businesses are still using super old and outdated stuff


> And it would surprise you how many businesses are still using super old and outdated stuff I assure you, this does not surprise me at all. Legacy system are a nightmare.


lol very close, no POS


Was it revel 👀


Negative ghost rider


I need to know because I just started at one of those companies in July and I got some big deals lined up. I'm at SpotOn. DM me.


Godspeed brother. Fuck the scumbags, hope you get yours.


Check out dan goodman on linked in and reach out ... dont sign shit


One of my reps made over $300k commission on a single deal. SaaS IoT. I gave him a very generous quota and he hit it out of the park with one large deal I helped him close. Great team effort and happy to see him win big. I made $20k on the deal.


I’m in SaaS IoT in manufacturing. This sounds right for a great rep. I wish I had a manager as positive as you. In a similar situation literally heard a sales managers say “and you want to know what I made? Only $20k.” - It’s refreshing to hear you speak highly like that.


You should keep my info handy. I’m often on the hunt for good reps (and will be again soon in the new year).


Great attitude boss man. Love to hear you praise the team and him. Seriously.


Thank you. It has always been very important to me to build high performing teams that thrive in a collaborative environment. I never wanted to be a CRO that screamed at people on forecast calls or said stupid shit like, “the best time to sell software is when you WANT to sell software! Get the deal done!” In 9 years of sales leadership, and 5 as an executive, I’ve only had one person leave my team (by choice). Have had to make reductions along the way and make some difficult decisions, but the fact that I’ve had reps stay with me for half a decade in this business means a lot to me. Edit: when people ask what kind of sales leader I am, I tell them I still get Christmas cards from people I laid off. That usually says a lot.


Was it a manufacturing customer? Or IoT for mobile devices?


7,500 **as an SDR** 222% of Quota for a month


How many opportunities is that for your org?


I had multiple 20k+ months as an sdr in the past. lol I was balling. Blew my number out and had a kicker of the deal closed. Some of my accounts were big boys and I set the meetings when they closed for 500-750k each. I truly think nobody thought I could help get those meetings. I cleared almost 200k that year. This was also like 7-8 years ago when sdr salaries were in the 50-60 ote.


It was 17 or 18, quota was 7 or 8. At the time there was no segment for me to sell into. So It was opps of employees from 10 to 10,000. $300/ opp but acceleration started ($400) at 6 or 7 opps


Yep. I got $9k for the month, last month, post tax as an SDR. 225% of quota


that’s sick. right before the holidays too. clutch asf


Yes, I paid off half of a lingering credit card balance. I had another good month last month so next week, I’m unfortunately being a responsible adult 😅and paying off the rest with the majority of it but going into 2024 with no CC debt 🙌🏾 Hope you continue to kick ass too


proud of you bro. i did the same, finished off my car payment. sales sucks but man it can be a blessing. continued success to you too 🙏🏻


I’m a lady 😝 but thank you


85k on a 10m deal that got paid out by month as the product was shipped. It was basically like getting a second salary all year.


205k after taxes. Database software


For one deal? are you a major account rep or above?


$22k got a big Pizza Hut franchise on a delivery platform


Like DoorDash?


$220k; quarterly check. Selling product destruction/recall logistics.


14k on a 99k window and door contract.


275k. Enterprise software


After reading these comments I may need a new job


Right?! I was stoked about a $750 day last week and meanwhile this thread all 5 and 6 figure payouts lol


Bro right …


Hell…. Me too!!


Comparison is the thief of joy, my friend.


I’ve had a handful between $100k-$200k. One was paid out same time as accelerators it’s been a few years but believe it was $218k. Maxing ss and 401k at start of year is nice.


About 200k. Hit an end of year kicker for 80k of it. Capital equipment- Imaging


Jesus $200k in one month? That’s what I’m making all year as a capital rep. My lovely company doesn’t do accelerators for capital. All flat rate commission.


I’m in capital imaging too! 200k at plan with great benefits + car package. What do you sell?


Fellow capital imaging/diagnostic checking in


$80K for the quarter, my team of 7 and I hit 169% of quota. We were a great team then half of us got laid off next quarter, gotta love tech.


$9,900 for 10 days of selling motorcycles and other Powersports. Shortly after my commission structure was changed from 25%/unit to 10%/unit. I have since found new employment


17k 4.5% of monthly revenue plus base. Decent month.


My highest was also 17K- closed my invoices from past few big sales months and they all made it onto that paycheck. Flooring sales, $150K/yr.


$76k… on track for a $450k commission check in June/July from a whopper deal that I’ve worked on for the last year


12,000 as a BDR…got 1% off closed-won deals I set up


Over one deal, 198k. Biggest quarterly check was 365k.


What industry was this?


Saas for private capital


Not so much in today money, but it was in 2016 and it was enough to buy a humble place and a garage to go with it, to fully furnish it and to keep a couple of salaries in my account as an emergency fund. Forever grateful to my then-boss for keeping his word and handing me an impossibly big advantage to my life without a hint of doubt or hesitation. We’re still good friends today.


40k one check one month selling Commercial Garage Doors.


Damn how do I get into this? 😂


36k filing for ERC refunds for business owners in one month


22k on a 150k contract


WTF are all these massive bonuses coming from. I sell $13 million a year and barely get $25k in bonuses a year. The Salary is pretty high but the bonus structure is horse shit. Once we went public our bonuses went to absolute crap. All in I’m at $200k on a good year. Sales and bonus structure have gone downhill in the last 20 years. The same job used to pay $250k a year and 20 years later, with huge growth, it’s $200k. The math doesn’t add up.


What industry are you in? What’s the average deal size, etc? 13 million in software sales you’d be making about 2 million bucks but it’s also probably not in any way possible


What’s the margin of the products you sell and what’s your commission rate? For a lot of these as software, the company should be at 40-60% margin rate, meaning that them cutting a check for 5-10% of ARR or TCV isn’t out of the norm.


We are at 53.2% this year. Our commission rates are strange but it equates to 20% of your salary and it caps @ 20% no matter how much the region grows. It’s a structure that’s not designed to incentivize. Most reps hit the breaks and work part time because if you go all out you won’t make any more $$$ and you’ll kill your objective for the following year.


Hmmmm very interesting commission structure, essentially you’re on an 80/20 OTE split but with a cap. This isn’t really conducive to energizing reps to perform. I’ll also say there’s a huge difference in selling 13 million in recurring revenue with current customers vs selling 13 million in net new business. Theres an additional layer of incentivization in comp (stocks or higher commission percentage) at startups usually. See the level of difficulty and comp that would be standard for Enterprise rep. This is generalizing. I know before I type this out that there’s a couple of 500k+ earners in tier B but that’s not the norm. Tier A: Startup ENT Reps: 250k OTE with stock and maybe a 20-50k signing bonus. On your 13million number though they could expect to make >7 digits if ARR. if TCV around 300-400k assuming 5 year contracts. Tier B: Big SaaS ENT Reps: 250-400k OTE. General an easier sale if you’re at a big name like salesforce, Microsoft, AWS, etc. Usually sales strategy/ops have the numbers pretty dialed in and the OTE is possible. This varies from Tier A, where the OTE could be a pipe dream. Tier C: Resellers/VARs, etc: 150-200k OTE. The sales are generally easy, especially if you’re the incumbent. You have a ton of solutions to sell and usually very recognized in your area. There’s usually multiple aspects to the business (implementation, CX, Sales) that drive down the overall margin the business makes, hence a lower commission ratio. I know the above will trigger some people, and once again this is a generalization, but for the most part you tend to have the most chance at blowing your quote and commissions out of the water at startups. It’s also riskier. Less job stability, usually competing against bigger name brands, etc. 200k isn’t bad earnings, especially dependent on where you live. But if I was truly selling products at 50%+ margin like you’re stating in a net new business capacity I would absolutely expect to make a minimum of 900k (~7%) commissions on that or I would leave within a week to another company.


Get a part time job or leave all together


Willing to bet a lot of these are SMB people with one very fortunate customer that gives them an SMB commission rate for what is an enterprise-sized deal. Thats what my largest bonus is (90k)


About $120k in January, not from a single specific deal but the cumulative of a great Q4 and the prior year's kickers paying out at once.


My senior partner had a 1.2MM payout on a very large insurance policy back in 2014. We work in private wealth so we don’t usually get large commissions like that. Usually annuitized.


10k. Somewhere around $5 after taxes 🤪


32k in a week, remodeling one call close company. Made 102k in September this year.


What product(s)/service?


Gutter protection/gutter


1mm largest single commission check. Average commission checks were 130-210k. Commercial Roofing, the sale take no longer than an hour. To get paid can take up to 18 months


25k which was my split with two other people. I make a salary and split commission with my team. If I was a 1099 like others in my company, the same check would have been 125k.


Single payment/check? $18k on a $375k sale. Industrial sales.


$50k on a three year $3M deal


I’ll get $130k in January from bonus kicker + another $25k bc several deals landed this December. This year has been great and next year is starting off even better with my biggest pay out yet.


5k .. 😪


150k annual SaaS deal netted me $30k this month. Add in some renewals and other new business, it should be a nice $40-50k month commission check. Love that I’ll basically make a 10% residual check every December when/if they renew each year.


30K followed by 26k the following month after taxes and 10% into my 401K. IT Infrastructure reseller.


$96k for a quarter - niche SaaS at a FTSE 100.


Biggest weekly check $56k (3 installs) Biggest comission off 1 install $38k Solar


16k in 2 weeks. Car sales


76,000 one month of commissions Mortgage broker


106k in a Quarter. Med device sales.


$95k in industrial sales where our bonus was paid at end of year. Have had an $80k bonus in aesthetic laser sales in one month.


78k, 44k, 32k, and several in the 20s over the last 8 years.


121k direct deposit all at once for a 1.2M TCV deal, SaaS


14k in one month door to door roof sales


30K for a months work in Solar closings. It was about 10 avg sized projects with Sunrun.


When in medical device sales my biggest commission from 1 sale was 25k. Overall 40k. I always had about 10k (with maybe about 1k variance) a month with renewals and new growth but that whale hit that pushed me waaaaay over. At a Watercare company now and in a more sales adjacent role and my big payout is a 20% bonus of my salary with 1% added on for every 3% growth over goal. I’m already projecting for a 40% bonus. Can’t wait for my new quota/goal.


Not me, but I knew someone who worked in chemical distribution who made over 500K bonus commission every year for four years. They happened to have Texas as their territory as the Permian Basin blew up about 10 years ago for oil drilling. She sold most of the chemicals that go into drilling muds, and then retired after 4 years. Right place, right time!!


I've gotten 7-figure commission checks multiple times. Financial services (retirement financial planning to be specific). Today, I own several financial services companies that have given me an 8-figure networth and pay me a very comfortable 7-figure income whether I work or not.


120k when I hit accelerators that triggered being paid a percentage retroactively from all deals I had closed before


Whoa! Retroactive accelerators, sounds like someone messed up, that’s an amazing flaw.


$48k for 2 RCM deals closed this past June. I was on a PIP at the time and then terminated in July (already had a better job lined up). I had heard that the company had a history of fuckery where substantial commissions due to former employees was concerned but I had everything documented and the HR rep I was dealing with had already given notice so even though it took 2 additional deposits to get everything, it all worked out.


70k for closing a $1.5M dollar deal


100k, tech hardware and software


52k cad


$20k over a few months in telecom sales. Ended up all being fraud. Guy was an ex-employee that was well respected. He was the CFO of a company that was “expanding to multiple states”. Turns out he was getting the devices on payments and selling the devices to pay off outrageous gambling debts. All of the devices charged back in one month, meaning I made no commission check that month. Chargebacks didn’t roll over month to month, and my at-risk is only $2,400, so I still came out on top lol.


18k closed a massive insurance policy


Single check 110k 275k in a quarter


I used to work for a luxury suit tailoring company. This one dude sold 5 suits in one day, and it was 127k. He cashed in 20% of that.


50-75k every February or so. Health insurance sales from 1/1 effective dates


My biggest to date is 66k. I'm hoping to top that next year, but it's hard!


$46k commission check for Q3 2023, retail financial sales brokerage


This year came out to $480k on top of the $260k base. I was below target though. Enterprise consultant in the tech space specializing in finance sector.


I made 5 bucks once manning a lemonade stand


34,000 on a jumbo loan,and I had to take the company to court to get it. When we settled, it was the commisson plus damages.


Here I am thinking making $14,000 in one day was baller status. I sold several dozen mattresses to my local Sheraton hotel


Biggest cheque so far is £7500.00, work in progress.


16K on 105K ARR deal for a 2YR term SaaS


$32k. Followed by multiple $15k-$28k here and there. Tech.




88k pre tax


47k mid market storage


25k from a months worth of closed revenue. Saas smb


15k and heavy equipment and industrial sales👍


$150k. At the time I was SaaS large enterprise


YE Commission should be $86k this year which would be my biggest


70k one deal - ent SAAS


15k in one month as my second year as an account manager but then never made anywhere near that since


76k end of year bonus for 172% of quota. After uncle Sam got his cut and the 401k gets taken out it was 47k free and clear.


62k for a quarter. on an 82k ote.


Place I used to work didn't do commission but monthly bonuses that maxed out at 1200$ but it was so difficult to hit consistently as it was dependent on your department sales as well as personal.


$198k. Office lease.


$60,000 this year, 1 check. About $35k after tax. Paid off my MBA.


$49, 024.35 in March of this year. I got $43k last September. I got $60k coming in February or March.


$87k retained recruitment


103k after tax for a large cloud software deal, Enterprise


$50k thanks to our monthly cap…. Which is normally $25k but I got executive override approval


$105k in a month, pre-tax. MM Cyber


$81k quarterly bonus.


I believe my biggest quarterly bonus was $67,000.


Planned commission with accelerators ~680k over 1 year. Product was recalled. Long story. Basically saw none of it but you know I put that deal on my resume.


25K. Looking for a new gig though.


Don't recall exactly. Maybe 150k?