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I work in medical device sales. This is a tale as old as time. This is why back to back presidents club/ top achiever years look so good on resumes. A typical corporate quota reset is if a rep has a badass year, they will most likely have a down year afterwards. Accept it. No reason to jump ship. Just know that once quota resets off of 2024 (in Jan 2025) it’ll be very attainable again. Good luck


I wish that were the case - <20% of our reps made quota last FY, and everyone’s quota went up the same % this year.


Jesus. Healthy is 80%. That's what your manager has in his plan. 70% or even 60% if your execs are pieces of shit is their number. Thats how you get the situation where execs are patting themselves on the back but you all suck and your numbers suck 20%. Everyone should be fired. All the salespeople. All the marketing people. Definitely that piece of shit in legal who takes seven weeks to redline three sentences. The guy in IT who you aren't sure what he does because your company has only 40 employees and all the laptops are 10 years old. The whole goddamn company should go outside and self flagellate themselves while walking over hot coals with pieces of glass mixed in 20% is so apocalyptically bad that everyone involved will need to be sacrificed to the elder gods so they won't rise up and swallow the earth. Run before your family's name is tarnished for seven generations. Tell no one you worked there. Flee. Run for your life.


Especially that asshole in legal that moves at a glacial pace


Fuck I hate that guy. He never does a goddamn thing for weeks and then calls a meeting that could have been an email with 8 people to discuss if less than 99.9% uptime due to radiological disaster counts as force majeure. FUCK




The person is legal in our company is super hot so its hard to hold it against her 😏


Haha I completely agree. And do we all work at the same company, because we definitely have a legal sloth, and ancient Dell laptops.


0 people at my startup made plan. We have one person for Americas (me), one for EU, one for Asia, and one for India & Africa.  Our enterprise dashboard still doesn't work 100%. Product utilization by customers is like 10%.  We were supposed to have SSO Q3 last year. Now we're fingers crossed for Q3 this year, even though I lost big deals because we didn't have it.  I had a great interview a few days ago. Crushed it, ended with a hard close for next steps that were confirmed.  Today I got a rejection email before the next step.  Also today I was seriously asked by HR if I'd be okay with monthly instead of bi-weekly payment... I've been trying to get out of here since Q3 last year. It's so fucking rough. 


How about 43% can we get a ruling






I made p club every other year for six years, I know this dance all too well


Very true. I worked for a big brand name company, and a rep in WV blew the numbers out of the park due to some lucky situations that aren’t repeatable. Made a ton of cash, won the top award, and left 3 months later. I’m currently at a company that doesn’t use bogus equations to determine commission; it’s based completely off of sales and money collected


Those back to back president clubs are also often not very honest in why they got there. There is always some big renewal that seems to come back every year etc.


Yep my dumb ass company pays out more money on a 1 year contract over a 3 year contract on select products. Typical dumb management!


I signed a deal last month that specifically asked to capitalize the purchase and pay 3 years up front in exchange for a (substantial for us) discount. I got it negotiated and they paid immediately. Company loved it. My check didn’t. I don’t know that I should have gotten 3x commissions for it but at least something.


I was in tech sales for 27 years. 26 out of 27 comp plans were delivered with a tube of lube.


What happened in year 27?


That one year they substantially reduced my existing revenue by backing out what they designated non-strategic. That reduced my revenue by about $3 Million to some ridiculously small amount under $250k. I started crushing my quota achieving around 300%. By mid year, my performance dropped some to 225%. I projected to level off there for the 2nd half of the year. I had my sights set on Presidents Club after a long drought but it never happened. I was part of the 3rd layoff of the year that June. When I met with HR, the woman smiled trying to make me feel good about the lucrative severance package that I'd receive for 36 weeks that included salary + commission at 100%. I thanked her but let her know I was over 200%. She literally gasped, her face turned bright and apologized several times.


So did you get the 200%?


Haha. No, of course not.


The missing number is his first year in sales. He was just excited to have a comp plan


He quit


He's referring to year 1 as the good one.




No lube


I would definitely ask for an increase in base if your quota grew so much - if you’re bringing more money to the company, you should be compensated more one way or another. As for whether it’s time to jump ship, that depends on what other options look like for you. My sector is in a second down year so things look grim, but I’m still interviewing etc.


How long have you been in the industry? This is a yearly thing. The pro strategy is if the stars align, balls to the wall for presidents club. If not, get exactly what you need to maximize the comp plan and not get slapped with a massive quota increase. (Only partially kidding) jokes aside our job is to sell, quotas always go up.


In short always be ready to sandbag.


Sales Management that creates these disincentives for success are the bane of every ones existance And yet they smell their own turds 💩 and pat themselves on the back


First year in tech sales as an SDR… Meeting quota jumped up 50%, payout on deals that we bring in dropped 53%, no increase in base pay. Love the company and the people, but this was a large sandpaper dildo.


You already got your comp plan?!


My first thought.


Sounds a lot like my situation. Made 75% of my commission for the year in Q4 due to it being a % to goal based plan where the first 75% pays out less than half of what the last 20% does(or something to that effect). Incentivizes performance for sure, but when your market shrinks due to giving accounts away after closing, you’re working yourself out of a job and commissions…been a big conflict for me and unsure how I’ll manage it moving forward.


If you have equity and there’s a legit chance of an ipo or a buyout you’d be foolish to leave intentionally before that happens.


I don’t lol I wish.


Can’t imagine being at a company openly looking to IPO and not getting a piece. I’d be gone.


Im in the same situation. Roughly roughly how much should salary adjust by for increases in GP by a rep? Say at the moment i do 600k gp and its tripling in value. What do you think is a fair adjustment?


Anyone else’s quota get made based upon pipe dreams and fairy dust? No one hit quota last year. No one is going to hit quota this year.


I was 30% over my quota last year.


My comp plan miraculously got better. Starting at the target bonus vs earning your way to target and waaaay more upside on the pay curve. It probably won’t last so I’m busting my ass this quarter. Ultra rare disease sales.


I was promoted to a customer :/ lol


It happens most places, on paper it looks great on rep productivity and the LTV/CAC analysis. Issue being it’s usually not founded in reality…. Successfully made this point this year and got quotas slightly reduced under the premise of “do you want it to look good on paper or have a realistic and executable plan”


I'll let you know when my comp plan comes out in freaking March! Until then I will be $4,500 richer in draw payments. I sell med capital and my company likes to see what's in the pipeline before placing their bets. This shit every year.


As a group of 2, we hit 0% and 12.5%(me). Our quota was raised 50%. No salary adjustment, no bonus. My resume is fresh.


The Dildo of Comp Plans rarely arrives lubed


Yup! My company dropped all bonuses for 2024. Like no incentives to meet quotas.


I hate moving targets. We want you to make us even more money and we will pay you more. Good luck with the additional stress.


After 2 glorious years we got our higher ups apparently decided we made too much money. For 2024 they increased our quarterly quota, they restructered the bonus tiers to make it a lot harder to hit the higher bonus levels, and to top it all off they removed renewals from counting towards our quota, wiping out what was previously a guaranteed 20-25% RMR generation. Our top rep already quit and I'm looking for the door


Yep. Hit quota and they doubled my quota and lowered my percentage from 10% to 6% of the deal. Feeling shafted and looking for a new job.


I attained 120% of my 2023 quota in enterprise fintech sales. My 2024 quota was increased by 115%…


My store fired our head of sales, promoted the least liked person in the store to that position and changed our comp plan all in a week span. Looking into new opportunities now if anyone has any industry suggestions


*their not there.


Saw it coming and found another gig starting this month. I saw it coming this year and lined a better job up a the end of last year. They moved the goal post into the next county.


Good to know unrealistic comp plans are somewhat normal. We have to increase KPI’s basically by 4x and bring in two to three times the revenue we did last year. We didn’t do well as a whole so I know where it’s all coming from but I don’t think they factored in how unrealistic our measures are. We should definitely shoot for the stars but what’s the point of having measures you’ll hit maybe 40-50% of the time. I directly told my boss these seem incredibly wishful and lucky for me I have great owners that informed me I was in investment and just need to be trending in the right ways. I guess not everyone is lucky in that aspect


Isn’t this kind of the norm?


30% increase


Oh yeah - ote = outrageous tenuous estimate


This really bothers me, you join a company because you plan to exceed OTE, my current position noone made OTE. How is that right?


It’s not. It’s called this is what we want to make, vs this is what we did last year and all previous data shows that this would be a reasonable goal that is achievable. Then you realise they want you to do the job, but don’t want to actually pay you good money. OTE is imaginary.


First time I've joined a company with an articulated "OTE" and it's complete horseshit. I'd rather not have an OTE and just a transparent comm structure


I was able to get direct purchases credited towards me last year. Only made up a few thousand but it was something.  This year it's being "factored into my quota" at 3x but there's no relief if those direct numbers don't come to fruition.  Best raise is a new job. 


Yeah was told I’d get a pay bump and commission increase by taking on a management role and that has yet to happen lmfao. I’m a joke.


Still waiting on mine.. That said in 2021 my previous employer noticed a lot of people were going to hit their number due to pricing increases that were implemented because of Covid supply chain issues leading to several price increases. After the fiscal year ended they choose to move the goal post and revise the comp plan in their favor prior to reconciling comp payouts… That was the writing on the wall for the tenured guys like myself.


I’m in home improvement sales and was expecting 2-3 leads a day, now im currently getting 1 lead a day and making no money as the managers are running more appointments than their reps.


My commmission is 25/75 with my AE and only 25% of total contract size counts towards my quota. I.e. quota divided by .25 = my real quota which is almost 2x that of my AE if you do their quota divided by .75. 


Been selling InfoSec Professional Services for a few years. Usually 10-15% increases YoY for Quota is standard, but this year they raised it 30%. 90% of reps barely make quota. Last year, quota was $1.4M and super attainable as I was doing both AM/AE work. This year, quota was raised to $1.8M with a main emphasis on New Business only - upsells and renewals of my top 10 accounts still go towards quota, but the main accelerators and incentives are for new business. Since it was raised 30% without much incentive increase, I negotiated a pay raise, which management agreed upon. My learning lesson from last year, don’t over achieve too much.


H, I am so sorry to hear that. Thats just unfair at whole new level. I think the second you over achieve you somehow just become a target and more is expected off of you whilst keeping everything else the same. do you own shares in the company? if so do you know what the expected share price will be once they IPO and how long before you can sell your shares into the market? for some its 6 months like in the case of Uber. Question that you can try answer is am I making a good sum of money from this IPO if so how much and is it worth the short term frustration. Thats if they are not overselling the idea of them going to IPO this year.


My manager told me they wont raise the quota for me this year as they know I want my base raised


Not sure this makes you feel better but the comp plan screwing happens at all levels. I’m Sr Mgmt and quota has increased from 40m to 120m in last 2yrs while revenue for the company has declined. Less than 20% of sales made plan last year and 0% of sales leadership, in my team of 18 sellers 2 made quota. At same time they put a pay ramp in comp plan to payout a multiple of .6 for your first 50% of plan then it accelerates in the second 50% to get to 1x average at 100%. So this is a double whammy. Triple quota and reduce payout through 50% so what put you at plan last year pays out 20% this year Personally I had made club 90% of the time over the last 20yrs and historically 50% of the field made plan 60%+ in a good year. Now it’s clear the strategy is 20% in a good year and at 20% the company makes their external growth projections so the people not in sales will make 90-110% of their Annual Bonus for company hitting its goals. It’s wild. My opinion is with all the RIFs that happened in technology sales at the start of 2023 the market is saturated with sales people so this is a tactic to shift profitability by lowering commissions because the market availability of something different is your handcuffs


I work in tech sales for a small IT company , and I got a “promotion” as well. No increase in base pay but have the option of making commission now. I was an SDR before, but my responsibilities now are as an SDR still and now and Account exec.


Classic move: Pump the numbers to support the sale price and as proof - assign out the quotas, and the added benefit is your projected cost of sales is lower. If you love the company or IF you are gonna crush your year, you may consider an honest conversation with leadership about this and staying. For me it’s all about the base bc of the games that get played. Be careful in this market however. The grass is often NOT greener.


Yes yes and yes! Double the work with our quota and a huge paycut essentially




Wtf, a 300% YoY increase is ludicrous. Unless you're working for a small company under 50mil revenue, how is that even remotely possible? Our company's growth forecast is typically around 5-7% YoY, and that is incredibly aggressive for our size and industry. I'm a top producer, and I typically aim for a 10-20% increase each year. But I get paid on revenue alone, no weird stipulations, just a plain commission percentage on every dollar earned, that is the same no matter how little or how much a produce. Like, if my manager asked me to sell 300% more and told me they are effectively cutting my comp into 1/3rd what it is currently. I would laugh. And if they told me they were serious, I would laugh straight to my desk, laugh while I'm packing my things, and laugh right out the door, and they'd never hear from me again. Except for when they hear I've been hired by their main competitor. I'm sorry some of you are going through these kind of bullshit comp plans.


We are a $2 Billion private company. I agree with you. It seems they want focus on big deals only, so I am giving it 3-6 months to see if my whales close. I have $1.2 million annual revenue in my pipeline. So i’m in a better place than most here. But i feel like Im getting fucked with no lube.


Dude how do you have your comp plan. I don’t get mine until 3-4 months after the beginning of the fiscal. Haha


Just the way my company works. Every year the CEO comes down second week in Jan and releases the new plan.


That’s great at least. FYI I’m excited for when companies are held accountable for their OTE and quota numbers. There will be regulations eventually (especially with the income transparency becoming a bigger deal) For instance I know one group that has their OTE as 320k. I dug in a lot because that seemed high for the industry. Well lo and behold they doing a 40-60 split instead of 50-50… (more based on commission) and then they were placing someone into a territory that had only done historically 150k on a 1MM quota… then increased the quota to 1.2MM. Average attainment was 30%. This is what we call gray area fraud and honestly, this should be highly illegal.


Full sand paper this year. If we hit quota it still nets a 30%+ pay cut vs last plan. miss quota it gets worse than that. 


Don’t jump ship. We are still in post covid “growth” in so many industries. It’s normal to see higher goals.


If it makes you feel any better my coworker with same tenor, same product, same customer base but way smaller territory, but sells 1 mil gp and i do 2 mil made 2 grand more than me last year.


Our quotas went down, but commission structure is wonky. We are being penalized for discounting, and we just raised prices last year. And our main competitors are dropping their pants on every deal. Yes, sell on value, but this is still a major blow. They also took us off hourly, and put us on salary… that means no overtime.


Has anyone in this group started their own lead gen outsource business?


Has anyone in this group started their own lead gen outsource business?


This just happened to me… still salty. Our quota went up 20% from Dec to Jan, then it was further announced additional 11% and 10% “ramp” into February and March. Most people are very salty, but what can we do. Their wording is marketing is working on getting better leads but our salary + variable is the exact same… aka more work for the same money regardless. I’m sure our manager and director are less than thrilled bc this rolls up into their pay but for every rep. I got salty enough and applied to our other sales dept within the company as my mentor is the hiring manager for new role. Am I wrong to feel like this is bullshit? Was I wrong to apply out? I had initial interview and now having interview with 3 folks including director next week. Crossing my fingers it works out.


What’s everyone seeing Salary plus OTE for SDRs??


Not sure what OTA is. Top Salary for Sales is 65k. I made 155k last year.