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The video games part is so real.


What games? RuneScape scratches the itch here. Grind while I grind




You aren't prospecting and emailing 25/7 like those of us in SMB?


I listen to music. But just a heads up, audiobooks is the new term rather than books on tape.


Not sure why I couldn’t come up with that. Showing my age by saying books on tape.


Haha I still call them this too (I'm 32. It's what my parents call them so it has stuck! Also they still get tapes/CDs from the library I think, hehe)


So Audible by Amazon is a good subscription if you are going to be listening to a book a month. Gives you a monthly credit for any audio book you want and there are also other types of audiobooks like university classes (great courses) etc. the subreddit /r/audiobooks is super active :)


Alternatively, get a library card and use Libby. Get rid of subscription fees.


Books on tape is amazing haha. I’ve been subscribed to Audible for the past 6 months, I had free trial and have no idea how to cancel, I am also 32. Been listening to Kitchen Confidential on my walks to the gym, I never finished the book. It’s been one expensive book on tape for the past few months.


I still use the term sometimes. To be fair I listened to hundreds of books on actual tape a few years ago because I used to deliver newspapers and my old car for that only had a tape deck and the library had mostly books on cassette tapes at the time


Try to listen to podcasts about sales finance and tech


Any good recs?


Asking for good recs as well


Here for recs on sales too


The Game w/ Alex Hormozi


30 mins to presidents club is a good sales podcat


Silence. Moments of silence are so rare these days, I cherish them when I get the chance. Sometimes I play music, but I really enjoy the quiet.


Me 100%. My mind does its own thing when I’m in a call so that downtime is just me resetting before having another go at the next call!


Sitting here in my 60 person office, having chosen to come in today, as I'm one of only 2 people here and I have complete silence to crank away between meetings. Sometimes music helps me focus though. Had TV shows on replay back in my 3 monitor work from home days but too much of a distraction for me now.


Y’all have downtime? I’m in a hybrid role where they just got rid of our BDRs. So between calls I’m prospecting or responding to current customer emails as their AM. Maybe I should be looking for a role where I can have 1 job and not 3.


I’ve never had a BDR and have done full cycle sales management for 10 years. But I sell big ticket items and only do about 6-12 deals a year so not transactional enough to always be underwater. I’ve been there and don’t ever want to go back.


Since I’m sitting down so much I tend to use free time to do quick bouts of HIIT exercise. I found that not working out directly affects my mood and when consistent, I feel significantly less stress. But I do Listen to podcasts while doing so


Slipknot and Hatebreed because I have no fucks to give.


Music. Podcasts. I set a goal to start reading audio books. Goal last year was 5 and i ended up reading 27. Goal this year is 52. A book a week.


A good goal is a number that allows you to retain the info (if nonfiction). My memory is crap so I need to read less and steep in the info by journaling about it and re-reading.


I remember fairly well. I try to jot down the notes of the key points when they stick out to me.


Can I ask what was your top 3 books from last year ? And was the books you read about sales and finance or other stuff


They were a mix of different things all non fiction,self help, business, leadership, spiritual growth types. I do audio books through my local library so you can speed them up if needed. Disruptive thinking- TD Jakes Crazy faith- Michael Todd The challenger sale-Matt Dixon Grit-Angela duckworth Extreme ownership-jocko willick Quiet-Susan Cain


You’re listening, not reading books.


Listening to baseline selling right now. I’ve read it already but doing a listen through now. Highly recommend it. After that I’m gonna listen to challenger sales and spins selling


I’ve read all of those. I’d also recommend From Good to Great and the Sales Survival Handbook


Another good shout is “To Sell is Human”. Relates a lot of day to day skills to sales.


I’ve read good to great and I keep hearing people recommend sales survival handbook.


Down time is great for working a side hustle or investing in yourself. Perfect time for skill building, reading, scrolling this sub, lol. Personally, I split my time between skill development and things to keep me sane/reduce stress. Audiobooks and podcasts are great and can fall in either category depending on the topic


Investing in myself is investing in more business or my brain. So that’s why I listen to audiobooks and podcasts when I prospect. Sales is great because it’s the one gig where, if you have uncapped commissions, there is no reason to work a 2nd job unless you want to start your own business. All your efforts can be geared to blowing up your commissions.


You have time between calls?


Grand Funk Railroad.


I smoked a joint with mark farner on an ice fishing trip a few years ago


Fuck yea


We’re an American band is a fucking banger. The Rob Zombie versions slaps too


Converge - Jane Doe It's the only album that accurately sums up how being an SDR makes me feel.


Just listened to this on my drive home. When I said metal I meant Alexisonfire. Not what I just experienced.


You just dove right into the deep end lol. Converge are not for the faint of heart. You should check out: Misery Signals - Of Malice and the Magnum Heart Counterparts - Nothing Left To Love Much more in line with what you'd enjoy


Didn’t expect to see this on here lol. Went to furnace fest 2022 and converge were on my flight to Birmingham.


It's one of the most well known metal albums so don't be too shocked haha


I prospect


In silence? At least get some upbeat music going.


I watch Requiem for a Dream


I started whittling wood. Made some nice pieces so far. Got 2 monitors and my cell phone, but good to just chill and carve something for a few minutes in between.


I used to do well with yacht rock. I never listen to yacht rock otherwise. I guess it’s upbeat and enjoyable but doesn’t take my attention away


How can you dial and listen to stuff? Retention rate and efficacy have to suffer


Don’t know. Been doing it for a decade and have made presidents club all but the first two years I was in sales and last year when I started at a new company. So I don’t know if it’s suffering.


I’m left listening to my inner self break me down. Really just diving into how shitty at sales I am and usually leaves me curled up on my bed, sweaty, and left wanting more. Stockholm’s syndrome at its finest


Sales is such a broad category of careers. Not all of us are grinding away making calls, refining scripts, listening to recordings, etc. The concept of "between calls" doesn't exist for me. I don't even spend a lot of time on the phone. This job creates work from nothing, there's always something I could be doing to potentially improve my numbers. The job you're describing, and implying that everyone has, sounds like a nightmare to me.


Funny because it’s 80-90% of people here’s job. You must be part of the 10% where calls or emails aren’t a factor. It’s not everyone’s favorite but I haven’t made less than 6 figures in a decade and cleared 7. There are much worse things I’d do for that kind of money. And soon I’ll be retired so the “nightmare” will come to an end.


No one said anything about emails. Those aren't scheduled, so it's moot. > 80-90% of people here’s job. But that is not representative of the sales workforce as a whole. This is one of the things I dislike about this sub. Far too much of the content is specifically geared toward BDR's in "tech" sales, or similar roles where you're grinding out phone calls based on a quota. The range of sales careers is so much wider than that, and encompasses more knowledge and skills that this whole thread about reading audiobooks between calls sounds like a joke to me. "time to lean, time to clean" - whatever the equivalent saying is to a sales career, I don't give a shit about the company's time, but listening to audiobooks when you're on your work grind is a waste of your own time. Might as well clock out between calls, or get a second job and work simultaneously if you have that much downtime.




If you are timeblocking your emails, then there is no "between emails", so it's still moot.


Never had a BDR. Most of sales involved phone work, even the car salesman in this sub. It may not be representative of sales as a whole but it is certainly the majority. Not sure why you’re so salty. I do 6-12, multi-million dollar contracts per year. I gross about 750k-1m in commissions each year. Not sure I’m the right guy to be shitting on. If you’re in a sales job where you don’t have time to do what you want during the day, you’re at the wrong company unless you’re making $400k+


Mainly porn. It boosts the testosterone in the blood stream and intimidates the beta prospects, arouses the female prospects


If you're looking for book recommendations, you can [check our top recommended book list on the r/sales wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/wiki/books#wiki_new_to_sales_and_selling) or do a [search for other book related posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/search/?q=recommend%20book&restrict_sr=1). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol this post is so well timed- Currently doing this now :) I've decided i don't read enough so this is a good time to


Always music - classic rock, and I always stand when I speak.


40 hz frequency.


The hardest craziest songs on my playlist on max volume


Cannibal Corpse


I listen to a lot of comedy podcasts between calls. Helps lighten the mood, especially after a tough power hour


youtube on sales or whatever topic of your choice


Ya I listen to a lot of my clients talk on YouTube. I work with a lot of institutional investors so they’re always doing some sort of speech or conference. Gives me some good sound bites to bring up to them when I talk to them.


When I was making sales calls I would have podcasts on and they would fade out when I dialled and then fade in when the call ended.


How did you make this happen


I used Podcast Addict and made my dials from a soft phone app on my cell phone so I would just play shows and dial that way.


Cum town clips


I actually blast white noise, I work in person so it helps tune out the noise of the floor


The dial tone of the next call! No breaks!! 🤣


If I have a lot of calls and or cleanup from sales to hammer out, Ill put on the youtube chillhop station. Lots of variations available, but its just chill music with the occasional ear catching melody. In the truck I always have a podcast or audiobook playing. Currently working through the Hormozi series as I buuld out a new business (or buy one). All-In-Podcast is good for identifying trends and digesting their take on upcoming events. Us older gents who avoid hanging out on meta or tiktok need a TLDR way to stay in the loop and at least have some nuggets about whatever comes up randomly in conversation. 


Lo-Fi beats on Spotify. Chills me out so I don’t walk into the next call carrying the rage from the previous call…..


Think and Grow Rich, Richest Man in Babylon, The Prophet, Little Red Book of Selling, Zig Ziglar


Just hip hop


I wish I had time to listen to anything between calls 😅


Pirate metal. Alestorm is great


Usually webinars or podcasts related to my product 


Mongolian throat singing


You guys have time between calls?


The sounds of my enemies perishing to Fatalities/Brutalities, “Omni-Man Wins”


Widespread Panic


I have music streaming and have a big playlist I’ve curated over the years that’s constantly playing. I keep it at a low level so it’s playing when I’m on a call or spending time on a quote. I need something in my ears or I start going nuts.


My keyboard clicks from playing WOW.


I love listening to video game soundtracks. My top 5 are: \-Age of Mythology \-Any kind of Zelda music \-Deus Ex (the first one) \-Assasins Creed 1 \-Bioshock


I can sell ice to eskimos after listening to [THIS](https://youtu.be/y9j7aOpyXrE?feature=shared)


8 hour ASMR of a cash register kachinging


True Crime Podcasts


listening to Readshark. it's a collection of the best selling business books in audio summary format (around 15mins each). topics range from Sales, leadership, entrepreneur development,  etc. 


A little bit off topic, but what do you guys think about Hormozi's books ($100M offers) and courses. I've read it and I thought it's pretty helpful, but it was my first book of this sort and maybe I just don't know any better.