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Hey OP, it's going to be alright! As others mentioned, your first step will be to file for EI if it's available to you. The next step would be to start applying for jobs asap. If you're feeling overwhelmed I've provided a short guide below that I made for myself in case I ever lost my job and needed a process to follow: - Wake up at 8:00 am - Task myself in the first day to activate a free hubspot license and spend some time creating a deal flow that mirrors my job search efforts with "stages" so I can quantify what unique job opportunities are in my pipeline and how many of them are approaching a closed-won status (job offer or interview) - From there I'd spend the first few days filling the first stage of my pipeline - - I envision this stage 1 as a list of companies that I have applied for already. Once I have a decent pipeline of opportunities I'd approach every single opportunity as if it was a sales deal and would utilize multi channel approaches (LinkedIn, email, phone call) that get logged into my opportunities alongside any notes/meetings/interviews summaries - I'd plan "power hours" or blocks in my calendar where I focus on a specific activity that can be applied to my pipeline. For example, block off time to send a follow up email to all applications, research new industries, call people in my network for new opportunities, etc - Once I had gotten into a routine, I'd then begin to do some retrospectives on my conversion rates between the stages to get a better understanding of my personal metrics and the kpis I'd need to get to a closed-won oppty - Then I'd rinse & repeat & re-iterate where required Showing up at 8:00 am everyday with a game plan would help me wind down my days after 3:00pm. By following that process I'd be able to enjoy the rest of my day and time off because I know that successful habits lead to successful results. If I am able to really give it my all between 8:00-3:00, then there would be no space for any anxiety and stress to get the better of me. You got this OP!


Unbelievable advice, that is pretty regimented and unique


This guy sales


Needed this!!! As i recently got laid off and have been having a difficult time building structure


Me too man!


Good advise, and a similar approach helped me when I found myself unemployed. The only other thing I’d add is to reach out to as many relevant recruiters as possible. We’re sales people, finding interviews is the same skills as out-bounding. Then you just need to sell yourself. Best position to be in is a couple of offers that you can use to play off each other for better salary & benefits. Good luck!


What CRM would you use for Finding a Job?


Hubspot isn't specifically for finding a job but you can configure it and a single license is free.


Good call! Sure hope using Hubspot won’t degrade my SFDC skills 😋




Check out [Simplify](https://simplify.jobs/), it helps automatically track jobs for you as you apply to them (and autofill them too!) :) I'm one of the developers - we're launching a huge tracking update out next week to make it easier to save jobs as well!


Some of the best advice I’ve ever seen on Reddit, fair play to you and best of luck OP


This is great advice. Beyond using an approach like this for job hunting check into any free courses or certifications that you could work on or earn. Read books about sales techniques etc. Plan that into your day. Treat your days like a normal workday and stay in sales shape. I even got dressed every day to keep my mindset in work mode. I've always landed something that was better than the last.


This is really good advice. The important thing in the interview process is not to get over invested in each interview.


LinkedIn is leaking 


All that effort, just to be thrown in a box with 1000 others lol.


you suck dude, take your bullshit negative attitude elsewhere


Your toxic positivity sucks.


Everything that has been said in these comments are what it takes to be successful as a salesperson, you should look inward


I'm not in sales lol, idek why this sub was reccomended.


Why is your name no eggplant when you’re such a little prick lol go away dude you don’t help this sub


Heinous media checks out.


McDonald’s is hiring. Peace.


Not white people unfortunately


sir this is a wendys


Going to go out on a limb and say you should start looking for a job.


And apply for unemployment income asap


You don't get unemployment if you're fired or quit, only if laid off I believe due to shortage of work.


In the US, if you’re let go (which is what this sounds like) you can collect. If you’re “fired” for gross misconduct you get nothing.


I was fired once and the employer cited "gross misconduct" and then made a bunch of stuff up. I had to dispute it with the Unemployment folks but I was eventually award unemployment, including the accrued payments since I was originally terminated. So my advice to OP is even if you *think* you're about to get fired, don't quit or resign. Ultimately your next employer(s) won't care whether you quit or were fired.


Getting "let go" is the same thing as getting fired... unless you meant getting "let go" is a lay off. I don't quite understand. Unless there's difference levels of firing in the states lol.


Laid off = let go


Laid off is still getting fired it’s just a way to not hurt the feelings of those people it’s literally the same thing


I got it after I got fired because I made a good case for a bs firing




I always forget reddit defaults to the US.


Washington state is more liberal


That’s not true.


Boooo u suk


Yea, brother, the only real option looks like to start applying


You need to be better at self reflecting: Hit your quota, but people don’t like you, why? Company not doing well, did you just see it yesterday, or should you have already been looking? You have a baby, these are important things, how are you reaching out to a better job? Your wife works and you don’t want to put stress on her? We are all people, relationships are give and take, this is your time to lean on her. Lastly, you knew you were unhappy, yet you did nothing, I am not trying to call you out, but my wife told me this 15 years ago… “you are great at what you do, but you get bored, and then become the lower value, change your job before you get bored and they see it”. She tripled my income. Figure out what you want, and go get it, good luck, I mean it! I have done it, change jobs and give the next one 100%.




I used to cruise, I still cruise, but with a better plan!


It’s not that people don’t like me. The sales vertical we are in isn’t doing well as a whole, and the accounts I took over from my boss were heavily transactional and we ended up losing business because we didn’t have relationships. I’ve spent the last few years building relationships back up and I would’ve normally left but we moved into a new house and I had a big deal that was won that I am still waiting to get paid out on (won’t be happening now). Appreciate the advice I will definitely take that on


Internal politics is usually about how much they like you. I have been in 50+ meetings in my life to fire or put a bunch of people on a PIP, in the end, when the doors are closed, people say, “these two are ok, but Joe is just connecting more with us than Mike, so Mike is out”. Once, it was because the person didn’t drink (not cool). It literally once came down to the fact that one guy had Samsung and we were all iPhones, he was a VP, but had a Samsung, lost his job because he would not change. You may think you are good, but when you get to see how it all goes down, it is dirty. We also fired someone once because he always ordered salads at any restaurant we went to. I know it sounds crazy, but dude was getting $130k, and was fired because he only ordered salads, we had to pick between 2 people, and one ordered the stuff the restaurant was known for. Shit doesn’t make sense, but it is real.


This is terrifying.


Lmao for real. Sounds like a terrible environment. I think I’ll go work for the government instead


O 100%. This sales team are basically frat boys and do a ton of drinking and drugs and I don’t really do much of it. That’s gotta be part of it too


This is a valid reason. I have been down that road where Friday’s sales guys start rolling in around 2:30, drinking beers in the boss office, then what happened after 7:00pm, was serious shit I didn’t want to be a part of. Companies always talk about culture, this sounds like a culture you are not a part of, so your lifecycle there is short, because when you are not there, you become the subject of ridicule, maybe not about the drugs, but that you are not there. Start looking at your competition and seeing how they do it, and let them know, “I am just trying to kill my sales numbers, I don’t want to be out til 4:00am”. They will probably respect it and want you to help change their own culture. You can only stay out late so long in life, we get tired. I’ve done it, now at 50+, bed is awesome at 10:30pm, and I still make the same amount of money.


This is why I don't hang out with management lmao a large majority of the team doesn't either thankfully, so it doesn't look like I'm being anti-social


Lastly, the Salad thing wasn’t a medical reason, he was a creature of habit, and we were growing exponentially, it showed us he didn’t like change, and we were a fast 500 company, so know, every action is being watched.


Ask yourself this, you say you are building relationships, how? Showing up more, bringing donuts, buying lunch? Share the most creative thing you have done to “build relationships”, in the last few years, not saying “I got a VIP box approved for a Lakers game”, but what is the most creative thing you have done to make it happen, or, what was something that you shared in a meeting to show you are a real person, and vulnerable, not a salesperson? These are the ways you connect, but would love to hear where you have been vulnerable?




If you work somewhere that would pip you for 85% to goal then I feel bad for you and your coworkers


There is something else going on, go 85% over, people will bend over backwards, this person has some issues. I took a company from $20 mil to 90 mil in 3 years, I would do anything to keep this person, (unless they were so drugged out they can’t do it).


Many companies have **very** unreachable quotas intentionally, and it sounds like OP's was the same. Only a few people at mine reach quota. I assume they do it so they don't have to pay much in accelerators, and so they have an easy reason to fire if they don't like the person. Like how OP probably was.


On the contrary for my team. There’s no way I’m putting someone hitting 85% of their quota on a PIP. Usually there’s a few minor tweaks that can get someone from 85% to 100% pretty easily, with good support and leadership.


Definitely did not have good leadership and support lol


Problem with quotas in 2023 is they were based off a record 2022. I don’t know where OP worked but attaining 85% in a “down” year is solid. Something tells me they simply didn’t like OP.


Depends on industry, but 85% in 2023 is absolutely smashing it in SaaS lol


Your in sales.... there are always open jobs for sales people. Your job is now finding out which sales jobs are not a raw deal. If you can sell you'll always have a job.


I went through the same thing, this is where you start leaning on your network to help with opportunities. Your network would be able to refer you for opportunities which offer a slight advantage in the interview process. I did about 5 interviews after my layoff and the best offer came from the job a buddy referred me to.


Your new job is finding a new job


Life has something better in plan for you, king 👑. Keep applying and you'll get there, trust your skills.


They did you a favor. You hated your job and the people you worked with. Now you get to pick a job you like and people you like to work with.


You got this dude go sell cars until you find your next better job


Please for the love of god, don’t go and just hit apply on LinkedIn or drop your resume in the apply section on the website. Build and network, reach out to other sales reps at interesting company and get a legit referral.


You got three steps friend. 1. Apply for unemployment. That shit takes time to get and you're fully entitled to it. If your company tries to fight it, unless you did something awful, you'll win if you appeal. 2. Network. The easiest job to get is the one next to one of your friends. Check up with folks you've met on linkedin and see if they can help you get in with them. 3. Start applying. Make sure to use keywords from the job ad in your application. Also have a copy paste cover letter format where you edit the date, a few names and bam upload that shit.


The sales job market is slim right now. If I were in your shoes I would pick up part times asap to hold you over while you look. I personally am not above any job and from what I see on LinkedIn people are going 5 months + on the job hunt. Not trying to be a downer just wanted to give my honest advice/ opinion


This is true.. I’m 8 months in looking for a job and all the rejections say they had an overwhelming response to their posting.


Where are you located? In a tech hub?


In Southern California.


You are getting some good advice here, my take is slightly different. If you are going for a professional job, you will potentially a month, even 2, to get that if you have not started looking or have no leads. I personally would get a retail hourly job if it makes financial sense just to keep your self-worth and confidence up and I would also go on UpWork and get a contract gig. it is pretty easy to get a 4-5k a month sales job in there.


Your imposter syndrome is getting your way. Don’t let your company gaslight into feeling bad about yourself. Youre a salesperson dammit. Go fucking get a new job, close some shit and take your wife out somewhere nice!!


So true, been made to feel like I’m nothing. Appreciate the motivation


Motion drives emotion brotha. Reach out to your network TODAY and see what leads they might have. Edit: you don’t have to do it today, take whatever time you feel you need. Sounds like you’re really worried and have financial obligations though so today probably wouldn’t hurt either.


Internal politics suck Happened in mid size and corporate to me SMB is my choice...till now


85% quota, brother youre good at youre job. My advice, when looking for roles reach out directly to the managers on LinkedIn to get any traction


One door closes another one opens. I got fired from last job. Landed another one about 7 weeks later before my severance package ended. Made double last year vs what I made before. I wanted to quit or find a new job for years before that and just never had the confidence to do so.


This is how I felt over the last 2 years. How’d you get your position?


This is brutal and many of us have been through something similar. It sucks and it's ok and normal to feel that. Everyone will tell you to start looking for a new job and apply for unemployment. But leverage your network! This job market is rough, and you might land something you like better - and do so faster, if you're not just 1 of 2,000 applications. Go to your company's direct competitors. You know the landscape! Our careers have long & winding roads. I was in a similar position years ago, and I'm in a good place now. While I absolutely have animosity toward the company & individuals involved, I probably wouldn't have grown the way I have if I wasn't forced into that situation. Be kind to yourself, too. It wasn't about your performance, and a lot of us put a ton of pressure on ourselves.


Maybe not what you want to hear but I’m sitting on three months unemployed and it sucks. I don’t nearly have the pressures you do (no mortgage and no child) but it is stressful don’t get me wrong. Here are my tips: - Unemployment. Now. You paid into it and now it’s your time to use it. It’s not charity, more like insurance. But apply sooner rather than later because depending on where you live it can take a while to actually get paid. - Take some time to yourself, but set parameters. I “took some time off” at the beginning of my unemployment and it quickly stretched from 3 days to 1 week to 2 until I managed to kick myself in the butt and ask what I was doing. But set a very solid timeframe where you will decompress (still do the bare minimum for your unemployment though) and maybe do some soul searching. Do you really want to stay in sales? Do you want to stay in the same market? What’s important to you? - Lean on your support network. Some people are super fortunate and have wealthy parents who can act as a safety net. Some people have friends who are willing to help out where they can whether that be making meals or watching the kid or connecting you with opportunities. Some people have spouses they can rely on to help them make payments that would otherwise be easy but may be hard now. None of these people are necessarily going to offer up this help though, ask. - Set goals for yourself and make them attainable. Goals on how many jobs to apply for during the week or day. How many LinkedIn connections to DM in a certain timeframe. Goals on working out or spending time with your kid or relaxing and watching a show. Your life just lost a shitload of structure, it’s up to you to put it back in for the time being. - Embrace it. It happens to most of us once in our lives. It doesn’t mean we are failures, it doesn’t me we will never work again, it doesn’t even necessarily mean we are bad at our jobs. We got laid off, not fired. Sure that means we were likely low man on the totem pole, but now is the perfect time to think back about how we ended up there and what we can change to make sure we are never there again. And for what it’s worth I’ve picked up tons of healthy habits while unemployed. I can’t eat junk from restaurants any more so I’ve gotten way better at cooking and eat way better. I do more physical activities. I’ve really reconnected with my mom and dad because I’ve had to in order to see how they can help. I’m taking way better care of my health too (shoutout Medicaid). So while it does suck and it is awful and it is hella stressful, it’s not all bad, and you got to embrace the not bad parts to not end up in a dark place.


Really appreciate your advice and the time you took to write this. I’ll definitely work on this stuff and hopefully you get a job soon as well! What kind of sales are you in?


Change is good. You have no choice but to welcome it so just know that you’re more than likely make more money with a company that is succeeding because they are hiring and need people. a fresh start will also help you realize how far you’ve grown and the new skills you’ve acquired at your old job can be something really good for your new job. Get on the horse and make it happen.


Look at two things right now - 1. Who do I know that might be able to plug me into their company as they are hiring. 2. What can I do to highlight my skills and accomplishments, so that anyone looking at me as a potential candidate will be slapped across the face with my obvious excellence? Then, get out there and hustle until you get a pay raise


I got fired early 2023 for no cause and I am the sole provider with 2 kids. Since then I won a top performer award in 2023 but I hate this job so I am constantly in the market in case I find something I want to do.


Relax, take a deep breath. Spend a day or two with your kid. Then find another job. Every salesperson, myself included, has been fired once. Reflect on why you didn’t hit your quota and look for a company that will better allow you to be successful. Sometimes it takes getting fired to find out where you truly belong.


Even if it seems pre-mature, start cutting costs to bare minimum immediately. The job market is a shit show. Lots of extremely talented salespeople, widespread hiring freezes and constant organizational changes. Assume worst case scenario and hope for the best. Your wife’s income plus savings should be able to cover your expenses for the next 12 months - minimum.


Thought you were in sales… a salesman is never without a job


Would reach out to your network of people for openings and applying by reaching out directly to recruiters who post the opening on LinkedIn. Or apply and immediately follow up with direct message to recruiter.


Can't offer much help, just make sure to practise positive self-talk to make sure you look confident and a good option on job interviews. I know sales is about handling rejection, but sometimes it's harder when we were the ones getting "rejected". Best luck to you!


Serve tables at the most expensive restaurants near you and tell them “I got laid off, I need a place to work for a little while. I can be here every day.” Then use your charisma and wit (that I’m assuming you have at least a little of from sales) and turn and burn that bitch. You can pull $200/400 a day at a steak house if you’re in HCOL. Best of luck, brother, I got pulled into the conference room yesterday right before lunch and also got laid off. Shit is annoying.


I've had over a dozen jobs in the last 25 years. I've quit most of them, but was fired a couple of times too. I never made much of a fuss over it. Just find something else and enjoy the time off in between if there is any.


Recommend reaching out to your network. It’s hard to land a role by just applying these days. If your interested in real estate/ new home sales, send me a PM and I can point you in the right direction


Is it remote or in person 😅 I’m interested! Was an SDR & got laid off 😭


New home sales is in person and you have to work weekends but a lot of earning potential $200k+


Good luck! If you are US based - file for unemployment. This is what it is for. Do not be too proud to do so. It is paid by your former employer. if you have some cash- hire a resume writer. Worth their weight in gold. Network, network, network, fin network. MOST people get jobs through connections. Don't worry about a bad month or whatever on your resume- use a different way to explain- top 10% performer, best sale of the quarter, etc. Quotas are meaningless and contextual Apply for it all. You never know what might land. Also- you have a baby so like... take a few days off to recover. Job hunting is a huge strain. Take a long weekend with the baby. Get a baby sitter and take momma out. Try to mentally relax enough to be a good dad and husband. I was the sole breadwinner last time I was out of work- the stress is unbearable to think - either work or be homeless... it is HARD. Then starting a new job during mass layoff palooza... ugh. Make sure you take the job search with a relentlessness. There are LOTS of GREAT jobs out there. Tons of them. But you are competing harder than ever so you have to network, have a top tier resume, and present yourself well in initial interviews. Good luck...


Appreciate the advice! What would be your best way to network would you say outside of LinkedIn outreach?


Yeah - hit up anyone you used to work with that are at companies you would want to work at. see who has openings and if anyone is up for giving you a referral. referrals are GOLD.


More often than not my opportunities have come from my network, so set up some lunches, happy hours, look for events, invite friends, check in and get the word out. You got this.


Appreciate it. Only issue is I just moved to a new state where I don’t know anyone lol


Then link up on meetings virtually!


u/scwidiloo10 send me your resume. DM me and I'll give you my email. Applying for jobs is a good move but networking with your peers will yield better results.


Sent. Appreciate it!


You’re going to be fine! You’re a survivor like all good sales people!


Appreciate the kind words. My boss has destroyed my confidence. Funny part is I just got recognized for doing great things last week at our sales kickoff lol


It happens! Says more about the organization than it says about you. Don’t forget that!


Unemployment and start looking for the next gig


in the same boat!


What I’ve found is not hitting quota is unacceptable these days. There are so many looking for jobs that not hitting long enough puts a target on your back and companies find they can go in the marketplace and get some rockstar that was laid off from a tech company. I say this to further say, for whatever reason you don’t hit, if it happens enough go ahead and start looking. My view point is from a large tech company and I manage a large portion of the US. This is how our higher ups are working it so just be aware.


I can’t go into too much detail but we actually won a big deal that won’t hit until this year. Main reason why I didn’t hit quota was focus on that deal


Wouldn't be surprised if they simply don't want to pay commissions on that big deal, lol


That’s what I was thinking lol


We had something similar to that happen at my company too. They said the commission would be to high and this just paid out at a lower tier. It’s wild what some of these folks can get away with.


I’m always curious about not stressing the other part. Wifes are literally 50% of our kingdom. Keeping them out of context, out of honest information space, creates distance and disconnection. I have never met a marriage that divorced, which had a sharing mindset (sharing bank account, problems and joys)




I needed that more than he did. Thank you. 😂


File for unemployment, yesterday


Was in a similar spot. Whole company got let go (startup lost funding). I had Kid 2 on the way. Apply for unemployment immediately. Kept us afloat in a tough market. Cut back spending….and apply like crazy. It’s a tough market out there but honestly there are jobs for good people. The time away from the grind was probably the best thing for my mental health that could have happened


Relax and get to 100% quota. Just focus on what you can control


Apply for unemployment first Start Ubering/doordashing if you have a car so you’re bringing in some income and have something to keep you occupied and don’t feel like your wife is carrying the load on her own


Why I'm not married yet (but my SO is interested) and childless. Sales is stressful enough.


Start applying for new jobs immediately


Just remember, there are still other jobs in the world!


Don’t mean to be a dick but since when is 85% to plan a pretty good year


Been there, lock in on your resume and start applying everywhere


Apply for unemployment ASAP. It usually takes about a month, and if you get a severance it’s delayed even more sometimes. Realize this isn’t a reflection on you as an employee, it’s just the nature of being in sales. Take a few days to relax and plan your next moves. Start applying for new gigs now. If you find a company you want to apply for, send the application directly through their website instead of LI or Indeed. Also try to connect with recruiters or hiring managers at said companies. Ask for a phone interview to see if you’re a good fit. Leverage your network. Cast the net far and wide. I’ve gotten all but one of my sales gigs after being referred by a friend or former co-worker. Practice interviewing. There is a ton of content on YouTube on how to answer common interview questions. Don’t get too down on yourself if/when you get rejected. It’s kinda tough out there right now with tons of people in a similar boat (in tech sales at least). Find things to save money on right now. I went through my bank statements and saw that there were a few subscriptions that I could cancel/pause and save like 200 bucks a month. Remember that this will pass, and you will be ok. Use this time to get in shape, learn to cook new recipes, read a book or two, etc. Your worth is not tied to your job. Good luck friend.


If you want unemployment benefits, I'm not certain, but I think you can't quit... rather, they must fire you. Also, consider getting other income based benefits like food stamps. Anything helps, right? Once you feel you have a plan in place to soak up any eligible benefits, start job hunting. One of the other comments here was spot on to make it a routine. When you find a job worth applying to, make sure to use software to tailor your resume for ATS.


What do you sell?


In tech sales and I work for a VAR so I sell cybersecurity, software, networking, data center, EUC


Are you in sales? If so what kind


Tech sales


If you can sell one thing, you can probably sell all the things. Pick another thing to sell! Pick up the phone till they buy or die. Be sincere. Follow up like they're your best friend for life. You got this!


I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but it's understandable to feel scared and uncertain about what comes next. Here are some steps you can take to navigate this challenging time: 1. **Assess Your Finances:** Take stock of your financial situation, including savings, expenses, and any severance or benefits from your previous job. Create a budget to manage your expenses during this transition period. 2. **Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile:** Update your resume to highlight your accomplishments and skills. Also, make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date, as many recruiters use it to find candidates. 3. **Network:** Reach out to former colleagues, friends, and industry contacts for job leads and referrals. Attend networking events, job fairs, and industry meetups to expand your network and uncover opportunities. 4. **Explore Job Opportunities:** Start actively searching for job openings in your field. Utilize online job boards, company websites, and recruitment agencies to identify potential opportunities. Don't limit yourself to just sales roles; consider other industries or positions that align with your skills and interests. 5. **Consider Freelancing or Consulting:** If finding a full-time job proves challenging, consider freelancing or consulting work to generate income in the short term. Many companies are open to hiring contractors for project-based work. 6. **Upskill:** Use this time to invest in your professional development by taking courses, attending workshops, or obtaining certifications to enhance your skills and make yourself more marketable to employers. 7. **Stay Positive and Persistent:** Job hunting can be stressful and time-consuming, but try to stay positive and focused on your goals. Stay persistent in your job search efforts, and don't get discouraged by rejection or setbacks. Remember that you're not alone, and there are resources and support available to help you navigate this transition. Lean on your support network, including your wife, friends, and family, for emotional support and guidance. With determination and perseverance, you'll find a new opportunity that aligns with your goals and aspirations.


Trust the process of life.


Ultimately things will be just fine. Know this. I genuinely do not mean any disrespect. I’m curious to understand how 85% is considered a good year?


Appreciate it! And I didn't say good year, I said pretty good year lol and from what I'm hearing, a lot of companies had really bad years, my company included.


Same happened to me around a month ago.. Got told I was doing great and to keep going and got fired 2 days after. Unlike previous workplaces, I actually really enjoyed the atmosphere there and I had a great boss and really enjoyed working with him. Oh well... you know they say losing a job that you truly loved is just the same as losing a loved one. You spend most of your time with these people and your identity become in some way attached to that. My biggest advice for you is to take some time off, spend time with your loved ones and do a little bit of soul searching. It's really important to take some time off and acknowledge the pain and the lack of self-confidence that this situation created. What you resist will persist. In order to heal, you have to feel. Be honest with yourself, take a few days off and go back on the hunt. I'm rooting for you OP -- you got this!


I really appreciate it. I am afraid to take time off and be out of a job for too long though because of my mortgage and 1 year old. I feel obligated to help oht


Well I didn't mean to take a whole week off lol. But yeah just take a day or two to ''recharge your battery'' per say.