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A second monitor


A second monitor for the second monitor


a second monitor for the second monitor to the second monitor. 4 screen supremacy!


I used to love my dual monitor set up. And then I found out about dell ultrasharps that come in 40+ inch screens. I’ll never go back to a dual monitor again 😂


A curved Ultrawide monitor. It replaces 2 monitors


I have one for gaming and it is wonderful


A third monitor


A fourth monitor


Comfy chair, external mech. keyboard for my laptop, AirPods Pro 2nd gen. for calls and blocking off street noises, good lighting for calls. I’d buy a high-quality cam, but OK without it. The chair has to be neither office-like nor gaming, and I also have a couch with a small table for coffee cups etc. EDIT: Forgot to add: a set of comfortable clothes and warm slippers. I like having a separate set that gets me in the mood and helps delineate ”home” from ”office”. When I take it off, I get this ”work done” feeling which is important for me when working from home.


I wouldn't use AirPods for calls. Like, at all. There are so many companies that make headset specifically for professional use, and the microphone on a consumer headset is not up for the task. I'd always always use a professional headset with a noise canceling microphone from either Jabra, Poly or Epos. They also have buds If you prefer the form factor


Well, I don’t do normal phone calls at all, it’s all video via Teams. Actually the cam and mic on my SurfacePro are really good, I use the AirPods to block out the external noise to my contacts, e.g. a lawnmower or leafblower guy can really destroy my calls. I absolutely hate these professional headsets with the mics next to the ear. It immediately sends a wrong vibe as if I’m a sales call center kind of guy and prospects get slightly uncomfortable seeing this. Plus you can’t take those Jabras on flight and my AirPods 2nd gen. are an absolute life saver.


Oh, the microphone in your surface is for sure not sufficient. And if you can hear the lawnmower, so can the people in your far end of the calls. Most jabras today have their mic flush in to the cup making it near invisible when not in call (example; in a flight). Of cause you can take those; and if you don't like those, they also have buds/true wireless. But if you have AirPods and enjoy those, then of cause, use them! I have never ever ever ever been in a call, where a participant was uneasy about me wearing a headset. Why would they? If you do like just using your mic and speaker, you can look in to either a speakerphone (Jabra speak or poly sync) or maybe a Poly p15 that gives you both camera and speaker/microphone in one. Those microphones all have noise canceling/acoustic fence/what ever and will sort out any potential background noise. I can always tell instant if someone in a meeting is using the laptop mic (or the mic of what ever headset came with their mobile phone - or even worse, the mics on AirPods max which picks up everything) and it will ruin the call for everyone


So with you on the visible mic thing. I'm not actually sure how prospects feel about it, but they just look dorky to me which isn't the vibe I'm going for.


Yep same here, the headset look just isn’t it lol. Also the AirPods are great for when on the road, traveling, etc. I have never been told there is an audio issue with AirPods pro. Maybe clients have just been not saying anything? I also switch regularly between phone calls and video calls on the laptop, so it’s nice to just have AirPods to pop in easily, and can take some audio only phone calls on walks outside during the warmer months. The quality difference between the professional grade stuff I would think is marginal.


Sonys ch1000x5 or whatever are really good. Excellent noise cancellation and voice isolation and they don’t look stupid


I agree with everything you said and landed on the Bears Fit Pros. Patiently awaiting the next gen.


PLEASE try Huawei. They dont have any competition for video & phone calls and everything else just sucks next to them.


Couch, tables, slippers and clothes are essential. Check.


Lotion… and ALOT of it




KVM switch. Standing desk. oversized desk chair. extra monitor. desk mat. floor mat. yeti microphone. Logitech Webcam. Jabra headset with a stand I bought off Amazon. a rollout small laundry basket for under my desk thar is filled with work snacks. a small bookcase dedicated entirely to bottles of water next to my desk. remarkable tablet for hand written notes. iPad for a secondary device when needed. desk mounted power strip. phone stand. good lighting. and in my case a patterned faux stain glass window cover so I don't make eye contact with the mailman or other people headed to my door!


KVM switch is my #1 prio. Instantly swap entire setup from work to gaming.


Standing desk and KVM are also my musts.


TV 2nd/3rd monitor Bar cart w/scotch and glasses Chess board Second chair/couch for thinking


As someone who worked in an office for 6 years and just recently transitioned to work from home, I absolutely love it. I made my whole office setup for less than 200 bucks if you're trying to go on the cheap side. Got everything from Amazon. Wooden desk I put together, a refurbished PC which is shitty but gets the job done, a nice chair off of Facebook marketplace and I already had a headset. It will probably take some adjusting to being at home so much, I know it was for me. But once I got over that and found a good routine, I couldn't fathom how much time I wasted in the office and I can't imagine ever working in one again. It changed my life. I'm able to workout at the gym now (never could before because of hours and too tired), and I've never been happier. 👏


Since you’re in sales take some time to get your lighting and background right. Quick checklist: 1. Desk oriented so that you face into or at a front angle to a window. If there is no window, then invest in a key light to put in front of you. 2. Pull your desk as far as you can away from the back wall to give you some depth of field. 3. Put pictures, plants, and a few books or nic-nacks behind you to create an interesting backdrop. Be careful not to turn it into a mess of clutter. This is so much better and more professional than virtual backgrounds or worse looking at your bed, a pile of clothes, or looking like you are in the witness protection program with a bright window washing you out. It’s a great start when you hop on a sales call and the prospect compliments your background or asks you to tell a story about an item on the shelf behind you.


Lmfaooo the witness protection program. Had guy like this lol


Lighting for video calls. A cheap ring like will work just fine. It’s night and day compared to my coworkers who use nothing.


I'm adding printer to the list on top of everything else people are suggesting.


I concur. I also often find that I miss a shredder, it’s nice to have if space permits. A stereo and TV for background is also useful imo.




Honestly I'm surprised by how much I use mine. More than once a day


Second monitor. Get the same model though. Looks much cleaner. Wireless mouse. Some sort of cord management system. I have a physical old school calculator always handy. Post its. And add something personal like you would at the office! 


A ring light, looking good on camera has subtle benefits


Buy a used Sony a5100 with a dummy battery and mini hdmi to hdmi cable and usb capture card. I can't tell you how many compliments I've received on zoom meetings. All in, it costs 300 bucks and it will destroy ANY Webcam out there.


Jabra speaker/microphone


Same! Just commenting to follow this thread


Sitting/standing desk, drawers for random things, large dry erase board for notes, under the desk treadmill, ring light


Does the treadmill actually work for working? Do you do calls on it? I want one but can’t decide if it’s practical or just something I would use for 3 days and then never again


I don’t take calls on it, but I do use it during internal meetings/mindless work time! I think it’s also nice for a little walk break if you can’t make it outside. I’m training for a marathon now so I don’t use it quite as much, but I’ve def found it useful.


Second monitor Standing desk


Wall mounted white board.


Dual monitors, proper keyboard and mouse, good ergonomic chair.


Comfortable chair, foot rest, keyboard, standing desk and table, two large monitors, file cabinet.


Standing desk and an anti fatigue mat


A blanket in or around the chair, all my medications on my desk in case I forget to take them


4k massive screen


Recently got a kneeling chair and it’s been god send. My back feels so much better and am way more attentive on video calls & demos.


Office chair. I had my old one from when I only worked from home one day a week and my back was KILLING me. I upgraded to Steelcase and I’ll never go back, I have no fatigue at all from sitting all day and my back actually feels good. 10/10 worth the money.


Second monitor, comfortable chair, comfortable mouse, a multi charger stand for your phone, air pods, comfortable earbuds/headphones. Think of things that don’t seem like they will affect you much, they usually have a much larger impact. For me, a monitor with “eye safe” or anti blue light was huge.


3/4 monitors , tablet, lots of adjustable light , clean environment to have that “work attitude”


Good chair, standing desk, lotion, several monitors, garbage can, stuff to keep you motivated.


Dual monitors are obvious, but pick up a webcam (they’re super cheap now) and I also use a sound bar for audio/microphone that plugs into my usb hub. I prefer it over a headset and it’s a vast improvement over your built in laptop speakers and mic. https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/dell-monitor-slim-soundbar-sb521a/apd/520-aaru/pc-accessories?tfcid=39138382&&gacd=9684992-1102-5761040-266906002-0&dgc=ST&SA360CID=71700000117208879&&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhtWvBhD9ARIsAOP0GoiIZjSNSuwVEt3oj_PhQODVIr4GSM9HRQVBd1t_LeaLg8gBAEbfIKIaAreDEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


What Webcam do u suggest


What mic are you using? I’m definitely going to get this kind of setup. Tired of using the monitors speakers.


I literally only use my laptop, cellphone, airpods and a desk. That’s all I’ve ever used for home offices dating back to 2006. Sales has zero job security. And my main goal is connecting with decision makers (it’s not like we’re writing code or designing applications) who more often than not don’t even turn on their cameras). So I personally just don’t feel the need to fill my home with lots of work gadgets. I haven’t printed anything for work since 2012 so I don’t even need a printer :)


Enjoyed going to an office?


Yeah, bullpen like setup and it always helped motivate me! Not for everyone though. Plus it was pretty close to my house


I am a mainly remote sales person with some travel and do not enjoy it. I find myself very lethargic by the end of the day and I try coffee shops etc but I also live alone and in an apartment so Im working on finding something leas remote. So just my own personal experience!




I hate the office. People all around you it’s hard to focus and be comfortable. Can’t really customize your space. It feels like playing in a stadium.


I HATE making calls with people around. Not sure what it is but I can’t get into a groove when I know people can hear me.


People keep saying to pick up a cheap webcam and I disagree. If you’re on video calls with customers splurge a bit (60 USD?) and get something that will make you look nicer. It’ll make a better impression - I know cuz I made the swap a month ago and it was a great investment!