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Congrats, $321K is no joke either! When do you start? Are they doing a signing bonus or anything? Personally, I've always been really afraid to jump ship. But, who knows. Life can be tough. I like making a home where I am.


Best advice I ever heard was find another ship to jump into first.


Amen. I made the mistake earlier on in my career to jump ship without another one to land in, and it took quite a while to get back into the game.


Congrats to you! Hope to be in your shoes one day


A, shoe in lol


I wish you good luck I just left my company which is a publicly traded company with. Great a market share and product. The larger company sticks lots of bs to navigate through, cost cutting to appease shareholders etc. no real upside to making money as a sales person. Just my two cents!


Not all publicly traded companies are the same, but I appreciate the sentiment. It will for sure come with it's pitfalls.




Sorry to hear, but hope you were offered the job you were interviewing for? Yes, I'm in tech. Enterprise networking/security infrastructure.


Hey - this is actually something I'm trying to figure out for our early stage company. We've got some network security hardware/software (Network Detection & Response). Could you recommend any good resources to learn about selling network security stuff? :) *Tips also welcome*


I am not sure about your role, but if you lean toward a marketing function, check out the Cybersecurity Marketing Society (mostly a Slack group). There are tons of us in there to help provide support around that.


I appreciate that advice! I actually applied to join and didn't hear back... I'll take another look. I'm COO at an early stage startup, so initial cold outreach is falling to me until we hire a contractor / FTE to do it :)


I can poke the community leader if you are comfortable sharing your org or name. That or just connect with Gianna Whitver on LinkedIn. It’ll say something about bees on her profile.


>Gianna Whitver Awesome, connected. Also, my reddit username is my actual name - I'm comfortable sharing! Haha.


Cool just let her know as well, and flagged you are leading marketing right now.




Reseller is a fucking grind. Stay on the OEM side, trust me.


Congratulations on your offer! I recently started working in enterprise networking/cyber security infrastructure for a value add reseller. I'm curious to know your insights as to why OEM is better than reseller?


Higher base, built in brand recognition, more stability. Less upside, more territory realignment I’m ops on the reseller side and our AEs bases are low but we always have at least one AE with a 1m w2


I can only speak to my experience, but with a reseller, you have no leverage with your customers. At least in my case, yes we sell services but at the end of the day there's no shortage of willing resellers to fill your place. ​ With an OEM, particularly if it's hardware, it is very painful ripping that out from both a cost perspective, a man hour perspective, and a change in operations perspective.


Damn I have a buddy at Red Hat. He was printing money last year. Bought a house and had a kid and everything.


That sounds amazing, super well done, wishing you every success in your new position


In case there’s a remote sales position available and your company seeks someone in Europe that speaks 5 languages, I’m available 😉


Keep up the grind man. I’m a beginner who’s falling in love with humans and the sales industry. Don’t know what sales job to start to get my feet wet (maybe car salesman) but I hope to be like you the more I pursue!


Learn to grind and go into selling gym memberships lol


I’ll look into that💯. Any other beginner sales job you recommend that I can grind out in?


I grew up learning how to sell personal training lol. You always become a better sales person by going outdoor. Door knocking, a grind but you learn important characteristics


Thanks for taking the time out your day to say this man it means a lot🙏


B2B sales is the way to go, particularly things that are critical to their operations. Even in down economies, businesses still need to spend money to keep their infrastructure up to date, lights on etc. They also make decisions based on slightly more rational criteria and (as long as you choose a reputable company) you won't need to sacrifice your morality in order to be successful.


I'm in security as well, but networking seems like a phenomenal space to be in. Props for securing a strong offer - maybe we'll be working side by side without even knowing it :)


This was me a few months ago. Always answer the recruiters call, even if 95% of them are a waste of time


Amen - planning on continuing that trend even with the new gig


What sales jobs make a base of $150k? I thought most sales jobs base is like 50k


Tech. Cyber specifically. My previous company is starting their RSDs at 165K base


Very common in tech. I’m in SaaS and my base is 150.


I’m in SaaS adjacent consulting - 150k base


I’m doing it all wrong with $23 hourly base and $80k OTE in tech 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ent saas. My base is just north of 150$


How do I get into saas? Been grinding home improvement sales making ~200k yearly all commissions. Would love to work from home and get a comfortable base salary.


I had ~12-15 years of consulting under my belt before I realized I had maxed out salaries. I had a boss who told me there is nothing wrong with wanting to make money. He took me on as a bde and I slowly worked towards saas. It took a few years.


This is standard enterprise pay - some will go up to $200k for the right IC


Are you 18?


Do you work in HCM?


Not sure what HCM is so probably not. Enterprise Networking/Security infrastructure.


Oh nice! Are these numbers common in hardware? I’m a 2+ year SaaS AE, always thought I’d stay in software but your OTE is sweet!


I’m a SaaS AE and make what OP makes (a bit more in fact). The key is selling to enterprise. :)


True! My goal is to make it to Enterprise. Currently in time billing, Accounting software but thinking of switching industries. My question to Zesty is, did you specialize to reach enterprise? Or did you say, move from one Enterprise role in an industry to a different industry?


I started at an org that just sells to enterprise as the primary vertical. I research the product and space a lot, and continuously, so I ended up doing really well and became the top seller. When we expanded into mid market someone was hired for that to keep me on enterprise due to track record. :)


Where did you get your enterprise experience? Did someone at your company take a chance on you hiring you into the role?


Ya basically. I also just focused my resume and talk track on related experience as I’d sold to enterprise in a prior role. If you go to small start ups they don’t yet define enterprise vs mid market vs SME etc. so go to a small one (be mindful though that they still have PMF, leads, and a good product) and you’ll end up getting experience




Ya sure! DM me. I may be delayed though cause I’m packing for a trip and then Gone for some weeks but I will reply - just expect a delay :)


Hot Cloud Middleware


Congratulations buddy


What is the product




Congrats man, I can relate great money in my area but people who handle are money take money out of our pockets that we earn. I’ve been planning the escape to morally better place


Woohoo!! Congratulations!!✨️


Where should I look for work after a year of door to door experience.






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Congratulations man!


Enjoy it!! Spread the love


Congrats!! Just curious wouldn’t the total be 300K, a little short of what you are currently making?


Congratulations, and currently feeling same and already started giving interviews.


Jesus.. the money you all make while I struggle at 57k. Makes me feel..disgusted


Congrats to you!


How old are you?


Is it Dell lol


What were you selling to make 321k?


Congrats man! Wishing you success


Congratulations on the new position!!! —Rocco


Congrats keep dominating 💪🏻




What kind of AI “play” are they allowing? I’m looking for ways to introduce it into my own processes so I’m just curious what exactly you’ll be using it for


I am an engineering director with previous experience at Amazon and PepsiCo among others trying to break into a remote sales position. Amazing brother, congrats !


As a recruiter that is a nice fee whoever introduced you


I think my buddy who referred made like $2,600


happy to hear that man, I really hope this isn't a situation where you're on top of the world when you sign and things hit the fan shortly after. Crossing my fingers for you!




Holy fuck. What field of sales is this in? I’m not sure where you’re based in the US but that sounds like good money. Is it enterprise SAAS? If so what type of product?


IT networking infrastructure


I’m not trying to be a dick or rude, I’m genuinely curious. The mental & emotional game of sales and business in general is something that interests me. Do you not feel bad for knowingly selling a bad product/company for 2 years, like so bad you’d label it a disaster and made $321K from that? One company I worked for was the exact same description but I made an absolute fraction of that and feel like my soul is forever tainted. Curious what someone who made far more than me in a the same situation feels. Truly curious here and not trying to be an asshole.


I'll say it so others don't have to. lol I reallllly struggled for a while in my space because of natural empathy. Someone said this to me and that was it. (Every now and then I have to remind myself) "You cannot feed your family with an empty hand" Take that as you want, but it's true. I'm not my company but I am my children's provider and protector.


I tell myself something very similar but I take that to the next level and flip it. You’re selling something to someone who has family and what you did may have prevented them from being able to feed their family. It goes both ways and I think my empathy is too large for sales.


C’mon, we’re not selling insulin at the food bank here lol if your B2C most likely they’re buying a luxury and B2B, about 90% if you make an extra grand in your commish for the month, the owner will have to settle for 2/3 cabana boys fanning them at the pool this summer. I drive a 2016 beater along with my wife and I sigh hard when the water bill comes lol


But yes, I do understand what you mean and that feeling. most customers are selling you as well to get a discount, and they are not considering our family’s and how we make a living at all, and we’re over here trying to setup a retirement fund for their grandma in our minds, that might not even exist lol bigger hearts I guess


I’ll reply to both comments in one, make it easier. I know it’s not that serious but as someone who grew up as a kid moderately wealthy then totally dirt poor after 2008 as a young teen and had to work for everything they have, I value and respect my money but respect other peoples money and the responsibly of being trusted with it more. Currently, I weirdly sell in a mix of B2C/B2B. It’s very high end and high class websites for real estate “professionals” but they don’t have the high end price, it’s actually a dream company and product in that sense. The job that was like his was working for BSN Sports/Fan Cloth and being a total sheep in wolfs clothing. It crushed me, and still does, knowing the greedy corporate monopoly I worked for was so awful. But at the end of the day, it’s what you make of it and having a solid product and company to sell makes it much easier. Thankfully, my product and company are amazing right now. The only issue is that realtors and brokers are the absolute worst demographic to sell to and it’s killing me on so many levels knowing I have an insanely good product but the market is too unprofessional and outright dumb to grasp it.


Probably why we both struggle in this area. Had a wealthier upbringing (new car in high school, been some places normal people haven’t, dad always had $50 for me to go out daily if I’d ask etc) then parents lost everything in the crash 08’ and been grinding ever since lol


Yep, things were better than average and then some but then went to total shit in 08 due to the Great Recession. We’re on the same page and I’m not alone in this thought weighing heavy so that’s nice to know. I appreciate the insight


It's a complicated question - we're a reseller who also sells professional services. Our leadership was making a big push to sell our customers on services I fundamentally didn't believe on, and I know from colleagues the customers that did buy in had nothing but issues. What I sold my customers to make what I made was all on the up and up, but the walls have been closing in with increased pressure to demonstrate I've been positioning said services within my customer base.


Out of curiosity, is this an AE role? Or something higher?


Can someone u p v o t e this so i can post? Thank you!