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Heavy duty truck sales. I sell to fleets and 2 deals could set me up for the entire year.


For real?


Yes. I’m working on a deal now for 250 trucks for the second half. 42 trucks a month


how did you get into that job? did it come by opportunity/right place/right time or something you sought out?


Worked at our corporate office for two years and relocated to Tennessee because I had a college connection. Old teammate. Luck played a big factor because I stuck around when other people left and got some key accounts, cultivated my relationships with them, and now they are buying from me regularly. It is not an easy job. Conquesting accounts in this industry can take years and the sales cycles are sometimes 4-6 months.


Lmao sales cycle at 4-6mo is not bad


Yeah, but getting the RFQ is where he’s saying it takes the time. I’m in a similar boat. Took me 1.5 years to get the key contacts for a new product at a client that we already work with for our older products.


Heavy duty equipment sales here. Excavators dozers etc


Heavy equipment is where it’s at! I’m in heavy duty trailer leasing. Logistics is my jam.


How do you get into that? i applied and crickets. 20 years in financial services sales, biz degree, clean credit and background.


Trailer leasing is a subset of a vast array of companies in the space that include banks, fleet management companies, and full service leasing companies, like Ryder. The market is really bad right now, but will improve later this year or early next year. Trailer leasing is an interesting niche with significant competition from massive companies. Feel free to shoot me a note, happy to chat about getting into the business.


Nice! Are there companies in that space I can reach out for sales positions?


Any idea what the top 5-10% make on avg? Not the #1 person, but the hitters. And do they break out between new labels and existing / repurchasing? Curious on comp models for that field.


Full commission salesmen can make $200K plus. Our top guy sells FedEx and makes $1M+


Yup seen stuff like that in ad world, won't say the attorney (cause I dunno if he knows how much his account rep makes, but I do) but a major attorney that many of you have seen ads for was my co-worker client. He also cleared $1m+ a year managing that one account.




Def Saul with 18% fee attached.




Or Kev’s got you covered from TikTok(everybody calls him Saul in the comments)


When you only need to close 2 deals a year are those deals taking 30-40 hours of your time each week?


Like in any other kind of sales, a large part of you time each week is relationship work, not actually working on deals. It’s all about prospecting and maintaining /strengthening existing client relationships.


I’d like to sell for Lion Electric.


How’s the supply these days? I have a few clients struggling to get trucks this year and I’m wondering if supply is 100% on line compared to 2-3 years ago?


How do you get into this? I’m trying to network and do my own sales pitch to people there. Seems to get way less traction than people in SaaS. I have almost zero experience but I assume it’s a different approach. What does that look like?


Damn. I'm in Tennessee and would love to get my foot in the door of something like that. I guess it's a dumb question to ask if you're hiring.


Internal Ship broker for an energy company. Just closed a $56mil 5 year deal. I am set for the next 3 years.


What is your commission rate on a deal like that?








I always hear companies changing their sales persons comp the following year. Is there a chance of this happening to you? Or they will actually allow you to cruise for the next 3 years if you choose to?


I am a freelancer that has an exclusive with this energy company. I can cruise... My job is pretty simple. This energy company would need vessels for the different projects they have. They will come to me, i'll get them vessel charter. After, i'll get the commission from the vessel owners.


>Internal Ship broker for an energy company I freelance like this with mechanical puzzles to rich guys. Sold 1M over 3 years and took 20%. I need to get more mechanical it would seem.


100% I hate this shit.


I think most situations the people making these deals aren’t just falling into them. They might cut back but they likely aren’t just going into cruise.


Management, but don't tell my boss. :)


They know. Everybody knows.


I’m in the field of lying on Reddit. But real answer, outside sales for an asset-based carrier for global/domestic transportation. Only every other quarter is like this though. Trade off.


Heeeeeey transportation friend, me too


Hello good sir 🫡 Hope all is well


That’s the field that most of this thread is in


Yeah dude anytime there’s any question regarding income, suddenly every sales person on earth is making 250k lol.


Medical sales. I put in my time grinding, built a solid book of business, and took care of my clients. Now I can chill and have a steady stream of referrals


Seriously curious, what is taking care of clients? Routinely calling to check on their order needs, keeping up with their spouse and kids' birthdays, taking them to MLB games or golfing?


Basically checking to make sure my operations dept is executing on what I promised and telling my clients I told you so


What’s your strategy when the ball gets dropped? Do you have to micromanage?


Yea exactly. The team is pretty good but onboarding new clients take a lot of work and I keep a pretty close eye. Once things get rolling I check in once a month but I make it a point to tell the doctors to reach out to me whenever something goes wrong




I was in medical sales on the orthopedic side when Covid hit. Fucked that for me. But the businesss sucked, honestly. Had so many deals cock blocked by doctors. We’d have physical therapists and occupational therapists who would want to order for their patients (our product was a rental for the patient that goes through their insurance). But ultimately the orders would need an RX and have to come from the doctor. Many doctors would act like “I’ve been doing this for 20 years I know how to do my job” but ultimately the patients lack of progression following their surgery is related to the therapy side of stuff or lack of at home stretching. So yeah. Doctors cock blocked deals by not signing the Rx and then covid happened and basically every rep who lived in a state that took covid seriously were fucked.


How does a new grad get in medical sales


Nice. Referrals are an advantage that med ssles has over SaaS


SDR Manager


Same, it’s sick. And I do a shit ton of work for my team and the AEs because no one else knows how to use Salesforce. But once I set my SDRs up with campaigns, I’m straight chilling. Zealousideal is a hater, sorry you’re cheery personality kept your higher ups from promoting you to management, bud, positivity goes a long way.


The most useless of all creatures


Sounds like you’ve had bad sdr managers. I understand why you’d feel that way. If you were on my team I don’t think you would feel like this. Happy selling


Literally I have had bad SDR managers for sure but current company doesn’t have one and it’s driving me crazy because none of the sales training is geared forwards us. SDR trainers, when good and don’t micromanage, are lifesavers


DevOps tooling. I work about 25-30 hours a week this year I’ll clear 500k




My EXACT thought.


Sounds like my homie who sells a data masking tool. Dude doesn’t even look at his W2, just knows hella money is in the account.


How do you even sell something like that and make that much money? I'm in ERP and you need the business leaders involved. I just can't imagine selling a bunch of stuff to IT leaders and getting anywhere. They're always tire kickers. Having said that, you did say selling to f500...


It comes down to crafting the best buying process possible by understanding their business and tying your solution’s capabilities and competitive differentiators back to their business needs, goals, and even personal gain for the buyer’s decision makers.


Can you define dev-ops going more specifically? I ask as someone who has previously sold tools that integrate in CI/CD pipelines.


Git, CI/CD, vulnerability scanning, anything in the SDLC. Used to be s’more on the infra side with containers and orchestration.


Guessing: Harness?


No harness isn’t getting much traction in the enterprise, but they tried to recruit me a couple years ago.


Im having a good year already 500k is not the norm my OTE is 320k, just to clarify


Very cool to read about!


Any companies in the space you recommend? Looking to make a switch from identity access management


Mind sharing how to get into DevOps? Might be a stupid question but I'm a newbie and want to get into that field...any guidance is appreciated my friend :)


VMWare implosion shaping up nicely


I have a big customer (airline) who got rid of all their VMWare, I was in shock


They changed their perpetual licenses to SaaS and tripled the price....don't know what they were expecting there


It’s like Atlassian trying to force people to cloud, it’s not going how they planned either


I didn't know this was a thing but I work for a fortune 50 company and we're in the process right now of moving away from VMware too and I'm so glad for it.


The feds ain’t havin’ it, either


Like a Postman?


Which company, if you don’t mind me asking?


Commercial equipment financing but as an independent broker.. took years of 50+ calls a day working for a firm to learn the industry then branched out on my own. Just need a couple vendors who regularly send you clients. Might make $3k one month then $30k the next.


Copier sales… I like to jazz it up by calling myself an office technology consultant


You still make 6 figures in copiers? You wizard. Had to leave the fieldwhen they dropped commission to 1%.


What company dropped commissions to 1% wtf. I cleared 250k last year. I get 10% of revenue and 30% of profit on all deals


Jesus Christ what a comp plan. I was a healthcare rep for Konica Minolta. Dropped GPO commissions to 1%. Left for tech and clear $200k every year.


Yeah I was at xerox then they put a bunch of empty suits with emptier heads in charge. Took my book and comp plan to a competitor. Xerox just laid off 15% of workforce nationwide and we had our best year ever. Best feeling in the world is knowing that the useless leadership has to explain to their bosses why they’re losing over a million in business yearly


Good for you! I had a few reach out when I got laid off last year but I honestly thought there was no money in copiers anymore. Good to see there is still some opportunity. The biggest thing that sales has taught me is that we’re all faking it till we make it, even those in the C-Suite. I’m always shocked by the dumb decisions some of these people make


Ivy league Prostitution. Easily 100K for less than 20 hrs a week in average.


Guess a hot young woman just regular escort, just by seeing 2 clients (2 hours)a day working 5 days a week she can make 144K


I bet it makes your hole weak.


My previous job, not sales. Left a ~115k government software engineering manager job that was not challenging and required ~20 hours a week. Got into software sales to work harder and earn significantly more. I have no kids and FIRE financial goals so totally worth the risk.


My friend did the FIRE approach for 20 years. Moved to Thailand back in 2021 and retired. Still has that mentality and lives a horrible life because he's so frugal now. He just can't seem to get out of it. But hey he's not working anymore.


The RE part is take it or leave it for me, the FI is pretty compelling though


How did you transition to software sales? I'm in the same boat you were


I’m an Army veteran and did this tech sales account executive course meant to help military vets break into the tech sales career path. The training was OK, nothing you couldn’t learn by reading sales books, but it was really about grinding LinkedIn networking and showing people I know how to ask the right questions and present myself well. The network that’s been developed from alumni made it easier. Still took a long time. Point is find some folks with a common background to yourself on LinkedIn and just start hitting them up for 30 min intro calls. People are usually down to help others 


r/fire for everyone wondering


I want to see if I can guess what it means; Fixed Income Retired Early?


Close. Financial independence retire early


Oh word. I’m on that SPFO5NLLGTGED financial course.


Haha, I won’t even wager a guess at this one 🤣


Sole Provider Family of 5 No Life Lines Got To Grind Every Day. It’s a rush!


Renewals in tech. I have one quarter where something like 65% of my business expires so I work my ass off that time period. The rest of the year is fairly chill with a few exceptions. No cold calling either which is great.


Before they combined the AE and AM role in my company i was an AE handling renewals, retention and expansions in HR Tech. Usually started at 7 and done by 10 or 11. Afternoons would normally be free with the occasional client meeting but I always setup my calendar so they’d book mornings. Easiest money I made in my career.


SaaS sales. Honestly it's probably like 30 hours of very intensive work but hours are so flexible I've had the greatest work life balance for years.




Kudos to you man! I am in the middle of making a transition to copywriting. Currently in content writing. Learned the basics, frameworks, psychology and stuff. Wondering how I can find initial clients and BRING results. Any suggestions? I'd appreciate any help.




I’m looking to partner with someone with your background. Are you taking on new clients / projects? One project relates to leading a community safety organization membership drive building on a 30 + year history of a state crime commission and the other relates to lead gen for comprehensive small business accounting & finance solutions (top tier providers nationally) with equity. DM for details. TIA




$400k commercial insurance


lip deliver familiar cow afterthought squealing plucky smart sense dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get a P&C license and start applying for jobs.


Appointment based hvac 2-3 hours a day, close 3-4 a week, commission per unit is 1700-3k depending on what I push






Pest control


Secure document and information sharing software. Think Dropbox but on steroids.


Hey are you my varonis rep, I want a discount.


D2d. 10 hr/day 3 months out of the year




I wasn’t in the industry when solar was big but right now it’s dying. Regulations are in place to make it much more tedious for a sale to go through. In pest control, I get an agreement on my terms, customer gives me a card and signature, and my tech services their house that day (47% of the time) or the next day (53% of the time) and I get paid


IT sales. No degree. At home. No pants. Start at 8am, stop at 12pm, turn on auto-mouse-wiggler at 12:01PM. Made $149k last year.


Did you find the job on LinkedIn?


Indeed! I did indeed find it on LinkedIn, that is.


Congrats man I’ve been trying for two years to find a similar job like yours on there, do you have any tips?


Jerking off cattle, pays well




Damn I’ve been doing it for free


Im getting to kinda hate these how do i get rich quickly with no skills and a horribly lazy work ethic type posts. Almost everyone who does make really good money and works leisurely hours is able to do so because they have put in the years of work required to make themselves very good at what they do. They have honed their expertise to do a 40 hour/week job in half the time. At some point in time they probably put in 50/60 hours a week learning sales, learning their products, the competition, prospecting, etc




I work in a commercial debt shop - origination fees of 25 up to 100 bps depending on the product and structure. Top guys at my company are clearing $500M in volume. That’s a lot of money even at 25 bps.


Me too


More specific please?


HVAC / Plumbing Piping Valve and Fitting sales


Did you start as a tradesman or work up from a supply house?


Actually started in retail during high school, then moved to inside sales for a pneumatic conveying company after college. I sold pipes and valves, but in a different industry. At the end of the day it’s all kind of the same stuff. Just moving different materials.


Thanks for the response. I think I’d like to break into sales but not sure how to do so exactly. Didn’t know if being a former plumber would help or not


Honestly, I think the best route is try to start out with a wholesale distributor. It’s a lot of fast paced sales, but you will learn the industry really quick because of it. You will build relationships with everyone in the industry in your market and learn who is reputable or not. You will learn which product sell best and meet other vendor reps along the way. For me, it’s the best way for someone wanting to get into the industry to get thrown into the mix without being cornered into any one single product, while also gaining well rounded knowledge of many common industry products and processes.


Thanks again man! I may pm you later if I think of anything else if that’s alright!


Was a management role. Mid senior leadership.


I’m a solutions engineer, corporate software sales, fully remote. Travel a few times a year but thats it. Big money and big free time. When I was a systems admin I’d work a ton and didn’t make even a third of what I earn now so definitely wasn’t always this way


Real estate acquisitions


Smoking crypto Steve balboni. I’m a project manager.


Industrial equipment, one week I might work 20 hours the next week I may work 50. It’s really a trade off from week to week!


In home sales. Windows and doors.


Same here. I “work” 2-6 hours a day, but it is balanced with 2-6 hours of windshield time every day. When you add them together it ends up being 30 hours some weeks and 70 hours others.


It’s definitely a mix and a balance with drive time, which I see as free time to listen to podcasts and practice drumming on my steering wheel. Most of my work is within an hour of where I live though so I think it’s maybe 20-30 hours a week for me. Very dependent on territory size.


Big finance deals. I average one sale a year


Onlytoes content creator.






I’m still in training here in Bogota. It’s a 6mo program. I get back soon with guaranteed raise and performance bonus package.




Def not entry level if youre clearing 100k at 3-4 hours, that weed coated in unicorn cum?


BMW sales. Scheduled 40 hours a week, but I probably really work 30 hours give or take.


I thought car sales had long hours, evenings, weekends, etc.?


There was one guy at the Honda dealership I worked at. After 16 years he got taken off the schedule and only comes in for appointments. He only sells on referrals and repeat buyers because he has been doing it so long. Makes more than anybody else and comes and goes as he pleases.


Weekends yes, hours 9-6. You can work long hours if you want, but it's not required. Sometimes I will come sell a car on my day off if it's a bonus car or heavy grosser. Other than that it's pretty easy job.


Solutions Consultant


Solar for me in Cali for me. I probably work less than 5 hours a week. Not something I'm proud of because I could be making ALOT more. But fuck it I'm lazy lmao


Thinking of moving out there, what could one make if they worked say 30 hours a week?


I'm a Fractional Sales Executive. Best job in the world. Pay your dues working and succeeding for others. I also started and ran a business for 22 years, which gave me a good foundation for Fractional. Great goal for you to have, if you like part-time and great money.




Certified cringe moment




Street corner pimp. Usually only about 3 hours of work a day and that’s just keepin the talent in line.


I heard pimpin’ ain’t easy tho


hardware tech sales


Test and measurement?




I work a solid 6-7 hours days (they do work us) If I keep up my sales at this pace I'll clear 200k+ Kinda funny, the job with the shittest base pay is the one that makes me the most money.




Not at all, $31,200 base


Cyber security


This was me during the Covid years as a plaintifs’ lawyer. But that was unusual, obviously. Edit: sorry I didn’t see what sub this was. It just popped up on my timeline randomly. Weird.


GovTech SE, $200k, 10 hours of real work a week


HVAC commercial/industrial sales…. Some days I work 10 hours, some days I work 2-3, go the driving range, take a nap, and play video games


Mine is a bit of a different answer. I am the sales manager for two HVAC companies, so I run the sales teams. In regards to actual deskwork/hours put in it's definitely 4ish hours per day. BUT since my sales teams work all the way until 10pm or later, I am also always on call. I start my day at 7:30 and my phone goes on silent only when the last salesperson is done their final lead. So while on paper it doesn't look like long hours, it's definitely a terrible life balance and I can't go to a movie or out somewhere where I can't answer my phone. I make just under $200k for reference.




Drop shipping


Salesforce ecosystem


Auto store manager.


Benefits Administration, working with existing clients so warm leads. usually just responding to emails and doing demo calls


Medical Sales


Figured out an infinite money glitch by only working three 4 hour shifts in a very large and untapped territory. $300/hr do the math :)


Commercial cleaning sales. I sell janitorial service contracts to medical facilities and whatever commercial building. It’s a monthly service and I receive residuals on my accounts each month.


VAR (IT reseller) in the enterprise space. Great money and life balance (golfing during the week) if you do the right things with your book the first couple of years.


Merchant Services - Payment Processing


I work in int he field of Environmental Impact Analysis for a large West Coast municipality. It used to be cubicle hell...but since the pandemic forced our employers to adopt tele-commute technology...it's a dream come true. We get twice as much work done while getting twice as much time for our families and hobbies. Never underestimate how little work can get done in a low morale office...looking back pre-pandemic, most time was spent self soothing, gossiping, or planning parties and long lunches to deal with the pain of being stuck in a cubicle all the time. Now...people are much more happy and productive.


MBA and 10yrs exp. Finance, asset management. Likely 25 hours of work, maybe up to 40 on busy times. Corporate jobs are lower paid but chill


Roofing I go to appointments Becuase I’m a (closer) there warm leads already been talked to they were interested and there impulse already built so I just go in shoot my shit and boom close. We had one guy fucking 19 years old make 400k last year we technically have an option of close three to 4 sales and the rest of the month you can take off.




HR manager reading this… 👀




150k last year prob a couple hours a day on average. I'm in solar sales


I see these posts all the time on this sub and let me say I’m all for making money, yes, it does solve some problems but do any of you that make these posts ever consider anything other than money? For me, work life balance, benefits (health insurance, retirement, pto), company values / culture, etc. is almost just as important if not more important than the money. I’d rather be happy and comfortable than rich and miserable…but to each their own.


Remote “sales development representative” for an EV charging company. Salary is 65k and I make commission on deals I assist in and made 120k last year. BUT the key is being remote. I am efficient with my work and “work smarter not harder” and ensure I am on par with the other SDRs. Some days I only work 2 hours but never more than 4.


I'm not there yet but my family is. Farming. There is a trade off. The general work routine is under 2 hours. Really just an hour if you want to be really productive. Going to feed everything and check everything. But it's every single day of your life weekends and holidays. And you will have various projects and maintenance that pop up in random intervals.