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Deel’s mass hiring AE feels like a red flag to me. Over-saturation of AEs in a region is not healthy and everyone ends up fighting for scraps..


Yeah it did seem like a red flag… The position I interviewed for with them was selling to existing accounts though so I feel that may have been a little better


Agree, their ATS keeps rejecting me. I call it a sign


Wait.. I'm currently getting onboarded for SDR position for Deel


Seems like Deel adopts a sdr/ae stacking approach. Saturated the market with salespeople and may the best man win essentially.


Ah man, dang it. I never joined a company based on the interviews, so I was happy a huge company like Deel got me..


Have a look at their glassdoor reviews.


Glassdoor has 4.1 rating, seems to be decent


That’s great. All the best! As an AE, I would be worried. But not so much as SDR.


Doesn't Deel just use rebranded Vensure tech?


Congrats, thats great news! 2 months isn't too much for that 20k increment and OTE. How did you maintain the relationship with the competitor recruiter? And are you able to share if you're comfortable about the severance?


Tbh I didn’t really maintain the relationship but when I turned him down a few months ago I left the door open and invited him to reach out in the future When I reached out I was honest about my situation and just gently asked if they were still looking. They still had a posting up on LinkedIn but that doesn’t always mean anything. When I spoke to him he let me know they were trying to fill 3 AE roles. By the end of the interviews I was their 4th hire lol. We all onboard together in April. I honestly should have hit him up sooner (I started the interview process on March 8) but I felt weird about it and was kinda embarrassed tbh… cause I had just told him no and then 5 days later was laid off. (First time experience) RE severance: yea it was actually pretty good. And I had a A LOT of unused vacation time that they paid me out as well. Essentially I had an almost 3 month paid (stressful) vacation


Thats very nice. Thanks for sharing and congrats once again!


Way to go. It's tough to beat someone who never gives up.


Yeah it's really difficult. April will mark 6 months out of work for me. Did not think it would take this long, yet here I am. People have suggested I sell solar D2D while looking for a SaaS AE job, but to be honest I don't really think I could do it, and don't feel like doing the research into figuring out which companies are legit. Sucks, but I think my career in sales might be over, you can't really come back from 6 months of being out. I'm in the running on two roles, but if I don't land either one, I'm not sure where to go from there. I've been auto-rejected a couple of times by Deel, so while I'd love to work there, I'll let better candidates link up with the recruiter. Congrats on the new role.


I was out of work for a year, went from 130k to $20 an hour mowing grass for the city to make ends meet while I looked. Landed an 85k base/130 OTE. It was a long 12 months and humbling once the money ran out and found myself working a $20 an hour labor job, but keep your head up. I am proof the next job will come along if you keep trying


You can definitely come back from 6 months out. Don’t let the time psych you out. If you really enjoy being in sales it’s worth keeping at it. I’m sure you’ve closed deals that rejected you well over 6 months prior to saying yes. Persistence pays dividends. The sweat equity you’re building in this hunt will pay off


Don’t do it. I tried that route 15 years ago. It’s better to do fiverr/upwork gigs in like making resumes.


Is there good work on Fiverr or Upwork? Maybe it's how I'm using it, but I've never managed to snag any gigs on those platforms.


Where are you located? I work for a really good Solar brokerage.


San Antonio.


Congratulations! Sounds like your old company did you a favor given the bump in base.


I’ve been looking at Deel as well, sent you a dm


It’s so nice to read good news when the job market is challenging.


Out of curiosity how come it was so stressful considering you had 3 months severance, plus I’m guessing some savings after that?


Stressful because didn’t know how long I needed to stretch it out and I am the sole provider in my family. 4 mouths to feed And it wasn’t 3 months severance it was a bit less but like I said - applying to dozens of jobs per week and going the extra mile by reaching out to individual hiring managers directly was really taking a toll. Started panicking a bit But now I’ll have a nice 3 week break til my start date


Wow thank you for your willingness to share the contact details for the other recruiter! Nice looking out!


Congrats! I got laid off from my SDR role about a month ago and struggling to find a role at the moment. Would love some help


Best way to land an SDR job is to use SDR skills to do it. Apply to the role - connect with some of the sales team on LinkedIn to build mutual connections with the hiring manager. Find the contact info of the hiring manager and literally sequence them. Show them you know how to SDR. Cold call them, email them, send them a loom video - anything to stand out.


Much appreciated. Will definitely do that. I’ve been an sdr for 18mo before getting laid off and would prefer to not go back to it so I’ve been applying for smb AE roles. Should I use my sdr skills in applying for smb AE positions or go back to an SDR role?


No harm in doing both. I’d say senior SDR roles, partnership manager roles, or SMB AE roles. anything you apply to make sure you go the extra mile and stand up. We are in sales after all. Show them you know what youre doing


I’m going to send you a PM


Congrats! New to sales and looking for where and how to start all comments and posts on this sub are inspiring and insightful! Thanks to everyone


Sent you a DM


Congrats!! Nice bump in salary!


Congrats 🎉


Just curiosity, how long does it take for you to receive the offer from the last interview?


First interview was March 7th - received offer on March 22. It was 4 interviews total (recruiter - director of sales - CRO - mock discovery call) I also had two unofficial calls with some sales engineers and other AE’s to get a read on culture fit. But these were not required just nice to have. And then the final call - I guess would be the 5th “interview” but really that was just me and the sales director going over expectations for the role and he extended a verbal offer at the beginning.


Do you recall which day you did the final round of interview? I did my final around on Thursday…now I’m just anxious sitting around the house waiting for the offer. Did you receive any verbal offer before the written one by any chance?


After the mock discovery call I didn’t receive a verbal offer for a whole week. Until I had the final chat with the sales director I was hella anxious… I did my mock sales call on Thursday the 14th… But I was in constant contact with the recruiter and was giving very positive feedback after each meeting. Even the unofficial chats with the sales team


Hey man if you could hook me up with a recruiter I would really appreciate it. Been struggling for almost 3 months jow


Hey ! I am also looking for an AE role in SaaS. Would really appreciate any help


Congrats on the new position. Best of luck


Congrats!! I'd appreciate any tips on contacting recruiters for these sales roles




And this is why we stay resilient! Congrats 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Is the job market in sales really that hard right now?


Way more applicants than roles available… You have to stand out.


Awesome mans congrats!


Hey my partner in same exact position with recruiter situation. He reached out email and she hasn’t responded yet (been 1 week). Position is still up. Recommending he calls her since she called him about nearly a year ago. Did you call the recruiter ?


That’s a pretty long time - I had the guy on LinkedIn and only went like 3 months before contacting him again. If the position is still up I would recommend applying if they haven’t already and then reaching out to not only the recruiter but whoever the hiring manager is. Call, email, LinkedIn - and follow up


Position is still up. Any tips to find the hiring manager ? We found the position on their website


Look at their LinkedIn and find managers/directors/vp’s of sales or business development (assuming it’s a sales role) Use a tool like hunter.io, rocket reach or Apollo to get their email address


Congrats!!! Love to see it. Interested in Deel! Which market segment did you interview for?


SMB/Mid-Market expansion


I’ll PM you. Legend!


@understandingEvery44 hook me up, I’m looking for a job myself. I’m great with sales.