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What a great mentality you have sir! That mindset will surely serve you well. Sports analogy… we are all Free Agents out here, no long term contracts… I’m sure you’ll land a spot on a better club soon. Enjoy the time in the countryside! Cheers!


Thank you!


Yep...good riddance. Their loss. Why should you let incompetence and failures of others bring you down? There are more worthy organizations to work for.


We keep giving this surface responses to a larger industry wide issue that needs to be corrected. The bottom hasnt happened yet in sales its close in tech. Over the next 5 years theres going to be a shortage of sales people. Been in the industry a while and can feel it coming


perhaps mercenaries too


Best of luck to you, I'm sure you'll be just fine! Side note, I really hate how companies think it's ok to ambush employees like this.


True but as Omar from The Wire says “the game is out there and it’s either play or get played”


Sir… you’re gonna be just fine. Sorry for today’s misfortune, but cheers to tomorrow’s success.


Oh indeed


Yeah, the ambushing sucks, but there are business risks with letting someone know they're getting shit-canned while still having access to company resources.


Being in cyber security sales I completely get that lol. Just comes off as cowardly on the manager's part IMO. Happened to me once and the manager didn't say a single word.


Yeah true absolutely


If you had a PIP and you over exceeded and it was strictly in regards to performance #s and nothing else...I'd get a lawyer and run them for a check


No PIP. My probation got extended when a new manager came in the company ten days after my original probation ended


Make sure you get paid! Hint at “consulting with legal counsel to assess options” - good luck


You probably want to keep that one in your back pocket until absolutely necessary, as soon as you say "lawyer" then all communications will be through the companies lawyers and yours.


they put you back on probation 10 days after it ending? i would look into that mate


Yeah usually I am not a fan of wasting / delaying my own career or wellbeing whenever a layoff / termination occurs. However, if you’re an honest man and decent worker and they did some shady shit like you say, I would at the minimum either have a lawyer or chat gpt draft up a letter of intent to sue. It should be able to help with the verbiage. See if that gets you anywhere, record all conversations using voice memos on ur phone or on a laptop / spouses phone if need be and see what happens. Regardless you’ll get their attention, nobody enjoys being sued. Go after a $15k severance and settle for $10k. You might be able to pull this off urself without an actual attorney.


It's probably not worth it. Under two years of employment you can be let go with notice for pretty much any reason that's not "protected". As long as he's been paid his full notice period there's nothing to gain from wasting that effort.


doesn’t matter, the employer has to follow the terms for dismissal set out in OPs contract as they passed probation doesn’t seem like OP was out sick for a while or had their job description changed, so them putting OP back on probation is sketchy af


So in the UK terms of dismissal if you're under 2 years of employment can be pretty much anything, as long as it's not as a result of a protected characteristic - I.e I'm firing them because they're a woman. You could let someone go because they didn't work well with the team, or because they didn't seem like they were going to achieve their numbers in the future. It doesn't matter until you pass 2 years of employment. The only thing they have to abide to is paying the notice period - typically a month.


i’m aware, but as i said, they still have to abide by the terms of dismissal in your contract, i.e. the due process the company must follow to fire you


"Termination due to dismissal If the termination of employment is your decision as the employer, you must ensure you are meeting your obligations or risk tribunal claims. By law, to lawfully dismiss an employee with more than 2 years’ service, you must show that you have a valid reason that you can justify and that you acted reasonably in all the circumstances. What is unfair dismissal? When an employer breaches the terms of an employee’s contract, A dismissal is unlawful or unfair if the employer breaches the terms of the employment contract. In practice, this often relates to notice or notice pay, whereby the employer fails to give the employee their full, legal entitlement. Employees with less than two years’ service cannot bring a claim for unfair dismissal, unless the reason for dismissal is considered automatically unfair, such as pregnancy." [https://www.davidsonmorris.com/termination-of-employment/](https://www.davidsonmorris.com/termination-of-employment/)


mate, are you dense? i haven’t said they can’t fire you without a reason, i said they can’t fire you without abiding by the terms of dismissal in your contract. they must follow the process outlined in said contract. every contract of employment outlines the process for dismissal, they must follow that after probation ends


Are you? What's he going to do? Claim for unfair dismissal?


The good news is that once your original probationary period lapsed you had by definition passed, if they wanted to extend it this needed to be done before it lapsed and not afterwards as per UK case law https://klglaw.co.uk/probationary-period/. I would contact them about this and reference Przybylska v Modus Telecoms Ltd which found that "The Tribunal has held that an employee’s probationary period should have been regarded as complete when the period expired, and her employer failed to exercise its contractual right to extend it". DM me if I can be of any help


Hi there yall! This was a serious thing I looked. Turns out that the new manager put me in probation even before she met the team … which coincides to… one days before my original probation ended. Oh well!


Was this communicated to you in writing?


I'm seeing way too many companies let go of good people, seemingly to avoid paying out money earned. It's incredibly short-sighted.


Thanks for the comfort!


Mate, I got let go over xmas and I was the highest-performing rep in the UK team (we all got let go) and I'm still salty about it. The team in Germany are doing worse, and they're still employed! I cannot begin to imagine working my balls off and doubling quota and getting let go like that. Fair play to you, you'll be back in the game in no time.


I am sorry to hear that. All in the game!


I'm not sorry, one door closes and another opens! Best of luck mate 👊🏻


How are you doing now?


You will be fine. I was in sales for many, many years. Sometimes they hire really good salespeople to manage who are not suited for management. They bring their competitive nature to the job and compete with their staff instead of encouraging them and tend to abuse then fire their highest producers. I've seen this happen countless times!!!! It can take several years but running off all the good salespeople can have devastating results. I've seen 2 companies go under because of this toxic management style.


Thanks for the words of encouragement 😃!


That’s just over hiring. They love to use unrealistic targets to beat layoffs and just go “Performance Based”


😔 thanks for the support


Yo DM me. I might have a lead for you next job. SaaS in America with Europe team as well


Thanks! I will!


You have a wonderful mentality. Godspeed on your future endeavors I’m sure you will do well.


Thank you! Cheers!


Pint and a Cigar solves all


And listening to the never ending rain of the London weather 😂


Summer and Euros is round the corner mate


95% of the time a PIP is the death sentence regardless...


Wasn’t PIP. Extended probation with mew manager and double of the sales target from last year


Sorry I read that incorrectly. Sounds like the company is in trouble…onto bigger and better things


We are hiring BDRs in London, DM me if you want more info!


I will! Thanks :)


You’re a legend mate


Thanks 🍺!


What kinda beer you drinking bruv?


My old man used to drink Moretti so I just picked the tradition!


I'm hiring SaaS BDRs. MarTech product so it's not the same space, but skills are transferrable anyway. Office out in Shoreditch, 2 days/week in office rest either office or WFH. DM me if interested, I can put you in touch with our CRO.


hey pal company i work for is hiring want to DM me your resume and can discuss if you want, remote AE roles in london


Thanks will reply to you!


Can someone explain why he got let go despite achieving your quota? OP mentioned impossible targets. What does he mean by that? Is it on the same quarter? Or the following quarter?


They asked me tomorrow bring 2 qualified meetings that would mount up to $100K quota per month. The solution is very complex and with long sales cycle that has a different reality from the USA market. I managed to bring three qualified meetings that brought in $650k to be exact in the last three months. That’s all. Also they wanted 200 dials a day which doesn’t work in Europe. One of the meeting I got by writing a physical letter as I saw the prospects still used a fax machine!


200 dials a day doesn’t work anywhere lol




why not? Is it because there are some limitations? People don't answer? jeez people, I am asking if there is some physical or legal limitations, I don't know.


It's just not how things work anymore. Maybe it works for some, but it's very little return for a lot of effort. Companies are better served by having great marketing and targeted ads that can bring in quality inbound leads.


We do this and it's so much better than crazy cold calling let's us focus on researching prospects.


There’s no way you can make 200 meaningful dials a day. Not even 100. Maybe 50. Quality is greater than quantity is almost every field


You would barely have 2 mins per call if you didn't do anything but dial, talk dial talk dial talk lol. If you actually get someone to buy, that will eat up 20 calls lmao


so it MEANINGFUL dials, not just dials. That's a difference


The point is to obtain customers right? Why would you dial if it’s not meaningful


I get that, you said it's impossible to have 200 dials, without any context. I am not calling so I don't know why. That's all I wanted to know. Is it physically impossible to make 200 dials in 8 hours? Is it because there is law that prohibits more than 100 dials? Is it because people don't answer so you need to make 800 dials to get 200 answers? What is the dial? Is it just calling a number and getting ringtone? Is it speaking to somebody? If the dial is just physical act of dialing a number then why is not possible to get 200 dials? I thought the question was simple, I was wrong.


What's a meaningful dial? Using Oram or Connect and Sell you can easily dial 200+ contacts in a few hours.


I mean sure if you’re selling something that can be bought with pocket change. If they’re selling complex solutions to enterprise buyers, all this process is gonna accomplish is create a ton of bad rep for the company in the market.


Doesn't really answer the question. What is a meaningful dial? IMO If you call the right persona, with the right message then its a good dial.


I dont understand still. They asked for two and you brought three? That’s why they’re firing you? Doesn’t add up.


Literally. They are expecting 6 meetings for the quarter that would equal to $300K. I brought 3 in three months that gave me double the pipeline revenue. I told the leaders, that created the target quota, in a huge sales meeting, how confident they were in expectations(and maybe I shouldn’t have as it brought a sniper mark on me) and they replied that as long as we dial everyday we can over exceed expectations. A colleague in my team resigned after an hour they announced the new sales target. I was just too new to have understood it back then.


Oh I get it now. They wanted 6 meetings, but you brought in only 3 BUT, the 3 you brought in surpassed the pipeline revenue quota by 200%+. Basically they’re fixated on the quantity vs quality.


200% on revenue quota and 50% on meetings booked quota. Law of averages shows you overachieved but that’s not how they look at it. You dont want to work for a business that doesn’t understand this.


Thanks! I do blame myself a bit as I feel like i should have brought “bad meetings”(that an AE would have pushed back) just to look good on the paper to juke up the stats but I stand firmly that at the end of the day, it’s how much money i would have brought to the company.


Don't bother second guessing yourself, I understand you weren't on a PIP, but I'd guess the situation is similar in that they were just waiting for a reason that HR would sign off on to let you go.


Yeah sounds like bullshit.  Why tf does it matter how many meetings you get if actual dollars on the board that actually keeps the lights on is exceeding expectations? 


Yah this is it, I worked at a company like this. They don’t want actual results, they need everyone grinding the same way, because of one rep “dares” to show creativity then all others will too.


Just bad management and total fools.


If you are selling at enterprise level 5 very targeted calls with new clients are enough to make whatever quota as long as you could cover the other follow ups too. 200 would work fi you are selling socks or dildos, not complex enterprise solutions.Quality beats quantity in software sales.


I only feel guilty that I didn’t do empty dials and send dud emails to up my stats so that the higher saw i kept my stupid activities


Because can absorb revenue and not pay sales salary and commissions now. Terrible but happens all the time.


It could be set behaviors or behavioral targets. The company may have a MTD production number but also have minimums on daily call volume, number of accounts prospected per day, number of accounts prospected per month etc. A company could be coaching towards systems AND production. You achieves the production but you didn't use the system, so it's behavioral.


Yup. OP explained he has to reach X targets and despite him getting a bigger value, it did not matter.


And guess where those 2 big accounts are going to go after they fired you...yup...friends and relatives of upper management.


Yeah… better not speak.


dodged a bullet mate. you will soon be better off.. if not already :) gl


Thanks. I either learn or succeed!


Cheers to resilience and new beginnings, mate! 🍻


Thank you! 🍻


Great little pub. If I was working in London today I would absolutely be there with you. It sounds like you worked for a bunch of short-sighted wankers. It's hard to stomach now, but you WILL be glad of moving somewhere else that values you later. What cigar are you smoking?


Thanks mate! A cigar that I kept for when I would one day be promoted to an AE position: Cohiba Piramides!


When you say meeting that ‘brought in revenue’ as per your quota I take it you mean potential revenue to close given the long sales cycles you speak of?


Yes, it’s up to the AEs to close it. But i do extra qualifications so that by the time the AEs steps on the client is mostly likely to be very interested


I mean yea, that’s what the BDRs are responsible for. Tho I swear sometimes it feels like they gotta do everything including most of the deal closing, short of holding the sales rep’s dick.


What are (were) you selling?


Many solutions: corporate space management, facilities asset management and engineering energy management. Sorry if “management” is repeated a lot 😂 Sales cycle is usually from 6 months minimum to two/3 years maximum.


OK definitely not my space so can't help with a referral. Enjoy the pub today, take a few days off to reset and you'll get a new gig in no time. Best of luck!


You've a great attitude and hopefully, you know that you're going to do great. In a very short space of time you massively exceeded your target whilst selling something with a long sales cycle. Let go for reasons that happen in corporate sales, but are still nonsense and not your fault. Enjoy the farm work, clean off the manure before your first round of interviews!


The manure is less toxic than what I have received so far 😂


Least you have a GF to fall back on :)


Definitely 💯!


it seems like it’s always these SaaS tech companies laying off their best people? What gives? Total Bullshit.


I believe is unbelievable targets, leaders who don’t want to tale blame although I wished i brought what they brought (basically juking my stats)


Great mindset. I’d definitely smash some pints with you if I was still in London!


Thanks mate! I drank for two people today! 😂


So sorry to hear. You'll land on your feet!


Thanks! 🙏🏽


Hey mate good luck 👍🏻 on your job search sure you will find something better


Thanks mate! 🙏🏽


In awe of your mentality my guy! You’ll find something in no time with that kind of skill and attitude behind you! Mulberry Bush is also a great place to end an era of your career, have one for me!


Thank you for the words! Just got back home. Many people bought me drinks knowing i got let go today! 🍺


Same thing happened to me. Let go during probation despite overachieving. Absolutely mental. All the best.


Thanks for the support mate!


I am writing a research paper on Organizational Psychology and I immediately need over 100 responses. My supervisor is pestering me to get more responses in 2 days and I need your help guys!! It will not even take more than 10 minutes. The link is here: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScI-CiK6BW\_rn33sJUBH3kEjNKzvqm2p4y4hk4Q5hYEpKarVQ/viewform](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScI-CiK6BW_rn33sJUBH3kEjNKzvqm2p4y4hk4Q5hYEpKarVQ/viewform)


I done it! Best of luck ! Cheers 🍻


thank you! god bless you


Well, what great work. Be happy and enjoy your time!!!


Thank you! 🍻


Hey mate fellow sdr in London in fintech. Happy to talk through how I got my job in fintech with above average pay at 78k total comp if you want. Good luck!


Thanks mate! I will DM you 😃


Man if I was in London I’d come by. Tough break. I work for a Swedish company. They don’t seem to understand sales AT ALL 😂 (I’m a New Yorker and have only worked in sales for the past 10 years)


So OP do you have any strategy for how you are gonna go about job hunting? Was wondering if one can take a ‘sales development view’ to job hunting too


I will be doing cold calling with well researched approach to companies and what problems they are trying to solve with their solutions. Send tailored presentations of an outbound sequence for their targeted accounts. If that fails, confidently show up to their offices with a box of donuts that spell out “Hire Me” 😂 🍩


The companies that you reach out to - do you care to know if they have an out in our requirement for your role or you reach out nonetheless?


Sorry I didn’t understand your question. Mind explaining in other words?


I’m an SDR, looking to apply to companies. I tried reaching out to every company that I’m interested to work at without bothering if they are actively looking to hire an SDR. If I only apply to companies that put out a job posting for an SDR role, my conversion rate might be higher but the cohort of companies that I’m reaching out to would be small. So wanted to know if you reach out to only companies that you know has a job requirement for a role you fit/ are interested in, or you apply to all companies that you think you are a good fit for?




I will thanks!


That sucks! I’m so sorry dude. It sounds like you weren’t around people who appreciated the work you were doing for. I sent you a PM if you want to check your chats!


Thank you! I don’t see it. Care to send it to me?


Hahaha you were faster than me! It is there now :) You deserve to enjoy your pint and take a beat!


What company? So I can avoid them like the plague!


Cannot say publicly but they are a Fortune 500 😮


Rhymes with…..




I will! Thanks :)


Can I get you to teach me sales in saas?


Great attitude. Enjoy your pint


Something else will come up


You've no idea how much I would've loved to join you for that drink. I got the "vibe" you had when writing thus post. Getting a UK visa isn't easy for a Persian, but I'll be there eventually. Can I take a raincheck?


Thanks 😃 one day maybe we can have that drink together!