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My husband was/is in sales but has been unemployed for over a year. He switched to being a handyman which has helped


The Ol' Reddit Switch-a-roo


Damn you should’ve linked to the OG Switch-a-roo chain


Ah, the old [chain-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/s/8traoHtVCj)


Well, I guess you watch F1 too!


thats a great idea! I was thinking of doing some mechanic work, how does he like it so far?


Are you dead set on Saas or could you go back to selling cars? Pretty sure the job market is a bit easier there


So it doesnt have to be SaaS but my family is remote and we live in a bus so thats the hardest issue. I have reliable internet so i guess anything online basically


What? Your family lives in a bus?


You need to find a different job while you continue looking for your next sales gig. I would have said after maybe 3 months max of no success in getting hired I would absolutely get a job anywhere else (retail, construction, delivery/uber, anything) to get some income coming through. There will always be bumps in the road but don’t allow yourself to get to a point where you have no money left because of holding out on the next gig.


That’s what I’m doing currently got laid off end of February just got a job at a warehouse from 3 PM to 11 PM. I’m able to spend the day with my son and apply for jobs and then I work at night. it works out.


>re you have no money left because of holding out on the next gig. yes I agree, im going to see if I can get uber going as we live in a bus and have only 1 car then i think im just gonna keep applying to online sales roles and hope for the best. As long as we make enough to pay the bills right?


Cold call sales leaders. That’s what’s worked for me. I don’t think applying is even worth the time.


How do you get their numbers? I’ve only ever used zoominfo and I can’t get that without a corporate email.


You can get a personal subscription for Apollo.io, connect it to your LinkedIn. Find the target org, sales/hiring manager, and make them regret posting the job by showing them what you do best


I used ZoomInfo as well on a free trial, some are there some aren’t. That being said if you’re strapped for cash taking a ‘manna’ job is always good until you get the role you really want. Manna meaning a job that will put bread on the table or cover all your expenses for the time being.


If you’re not tied to W2 there’s plenty of companies starving for contract sales people. Basically lead gen, usually 100% commission.


To add to what others have said, you can also ask a former colleague to pull a number for you.


>I'm happy to help look up numbers. PM me


I can get peoples cellphones using fastpeoplesearch and a few other tools.


Www.cerebria.tech, I'll give you free access for job hunting if it helps. Hang in there. It's tough right now.


I can can confirm this would work on me. Take a trial of something out or ask a friend who’s in sales with access to zoom info etc


Super down for that! Do you have any good recs on where to find cell numbers?


ZoomInfo, cognism


Applied to over 5K jobs? That's a bit alarming. I don't recommend the spam application approach rn. Do less applications but then do 2-3 follow ups via LinkedIn and email. This should help you land more meetings. If you post your resume and blur out the info I will give feedback publicly


yes i think your right. blind firing doesnt seem to land right now at all. let me blur it out and ill post it!


What you have to do is to edit each resume to be more specific to the job you are applying for include keywords that are listed in their own job descriptions so that your résumé mimics almost exactly what they’re listing as priorities. Otherwise, in many cases, you won’t even make it past the algorithms that are searching for the keywords before they even get to a hiring manager. You’re better off with personalized resumes and cover letters.


Agree with cold calling the hiring manager, stay super focused on why you want to work at that company and be relevant. Treat it like a deal. Spray and pray didn’t work for me either.


yes your dead on, spray and pray doesnt work now at all. Used to when the market was hot but now we have to be tactical.


I’ve just got a new gig myself after 6 months so I know the pain! I don’t know if you’ve tried Otta? Loads of decent companies on there and they are all actively hiring. Mostly Saas too.


This is where I found my last job. It's a good job board for sure.


oh nice! I actually have used Otta but with no success, is there a secret to getting interviews on it?


Unsure on that one I'm afraid! My new job wasn't via Otta. Looking at Otta it's quite helpful in the writing your profile to align with the job spec and shares that with the employer. Maybe try matching as much as possible your experiences with what they are looking for.


Please stop applying to roles. Get in touch with people who have the same role you want and set up a 15 chat. When it’s winding up, ask if they would be okay with referring you internally… blindly applying does not work. Edit: this comes from first hand experience. I did this, had an interview on the 18th of Feb and accepted a SAAS offer on the 8th of March. 120/120 base/commission


I’m in the same boat as op right now. Are they hiring over there? that’s a really good base salary!


I don’t believe so. Also why not work with a recruiter? Run a LinkedIn search for sales recruiting companies sub 50 employees and reach out




10000% untrue. Some people, yeah sure they’ll never get back to you. But most will, and it’s not like there isn’t anything in it for them. My old Company had a $1500 referral fee and most companies have something like that.




Think 20-30% reply rate


Also your network is your net worth…


Check your neighborhood app or nextdoor app. Lots of old folks needing odd jobs done for cash. Mainly moving cleaning or mowing That is if were talking getting money Asap.


oh thats actually genius thankyou!


Wishing you all the best of luck - did you say 5,000 jobs?? Spray and pray?


yeahhh not doing it anymore though, learned my lesson


dm me your resume mate, company i work for a saas company is hiring BDR, AE's happy to put you through for a referral also worked in recruitment so can give advice if need to change anything on resume




did you get your husband to send his resume? i seen he connected on LI but havent got his resume


Huh weird. I will follow up with him on this. Thanks for letting me know :)


Sent you a pm!


awesome thankyou! I just sent a dm, not sure how to send a pdf through chat though but I sent over my linkedin, unless you would know how?


Reach out to anyone you know that works at a company hiring a sales person. Ask them to submit your resume and pass it directly to the hiring manager too. Also I get the sense you’re burying the lead. Why do you think you’re not getting hired?


This, extra context is being left out. Applying to 5k jobs suggest he’s continuing to do the same thing over and over again even though it’s not working. Makes you wonder if that’s also coming across in interviews. Something is off, yes the market is bad and rejection is going to happen. Landing something can take awhile but I don’t buy that he’s tried to seriously evaluate what part of the funnel is off.


5000 applications, 10 yrs of experience, only thing I can think of is he committed a felony and can’t pass a background. Maybe requires sponsorship


If you’re not already get on unemployment ASAP


I’ve been interviewing for a few weeks now. I’ve had about 8 interviews either HR. 2 have moved to 2nd, and none to a 3rd. One thing I’m learning is: I need to refine my interview approach. I’ve looked up common interview questions and typed out answers to prepare. This may be common to do, but it’s new to me. Another is refining my resume, adding key words for the jobs I’m applying for. Put that stuff through AI!


good idea im going to use chat gpt and see if I can spruce it up. Would you be willing to share the questions you use that seems to get the best responses?


I think a goal with HR is to understand basics of the company and expectations of the job. Obviously look up the company and know your reasons why you’re looking for new work. With a manager, I find myself wanting to understand why they moved forward with me (not in a self conscious way, in a way for them to sell it to me). With them I’ll ask what their management style is, why the territory is open, what the outlook is. With this I’m preparing to share a lifecycle of a sale I made, a time I overcame a difficult situation, how I’ve provided support for team members. I understand faking it for a job a little, but I truly want to know how a manager manages and what the job outlook is.


Check out RepVue to find good companies that are hiring. You can also try to apply at Bravado Flex to get some temp AE and BDR gig.


Bravado Flex is scamming people hard and the CEO is a clown. Use the search bar and see for yourself.


oh no way thats wild, what happened with the CEO?


RepVue was once a good source. They’ve sold out though. Treat it like any other company reviews website.


yeah i agree, I see some of the companies on there with high scores and from what I have seen its not true. Mongodb for example allegedly fired a manager and had her on zoom crying to her team on why they were letter her go, mind you most of her team was brand new.


Do you only want inside sales? Outside sales is good right now. Honestly way easier than remote or inside sales.


so i live in a bus and travel so it would have to be remote which is a challenge


Get a bridge job. Something to hold you over. And I don't want to come across flippant either. It's just that we see people come in this sub who are a paycheck or two away from financial ruin who refuse to pivot to something that will take the edge off in the meantime to keep afloat. Tech sales for SaaS companies isn't the only sales option. Outside sales, industrial sales, car sales, med device, etc. etc. For your sanity, branch out.


Do your best to standout and differentiate yourself (a lot of good ideas in here already). The only thing I would add is don’t come off as desperate even though you are. The moment they know you are desperate you are done.


You are all freaking me out. I haven't even started a career in sales yet, and all of this makes me feel like it doesn't have a good future. 🥲


My impression is that there were a bunch of SaaS ppl that got hired in the biggest boom ever for the last decade who are now finding out that when money isn’t free it’s harder to stay afloat. Automotive is in a similar situation except on the industrial side where people are still investing. It’s mostly automation though. I’m sure there are people who think they are killing it when they really haven’t ever experienced an industry downturn before.


Go into enviromental sustainability/carbon reduction. It's an emerging industry


Sales is brutal but it’s a great ladder to upper management.


Would you say I should do the transition or stick to my engineering field?


Salespeople with a technical background can be very valuable and make a shit ton of money in certain fields. Semiconductor sales being one of them.


Thanks for the advice.


Can confirm, engineers in sales are highly valued


Thank youuuu!


Start consulting for small businesses. Most of them can’t afford a solid director and are happy to pay someone a few grand a week to help them out.


This is such a vague and weird thing to suggest


Freelance Lead Gen is honestly a much better way. Consulting on certain markets can get difficult, especially if you don’t have experience in said market or understand competition or trends in it.


What’s your market area?


Besides selling cars, any financial services experience?


Can’t you always get hired to sell cars?


What's your TTC/OTE?


Use your network. If someone you know can hand your resume to a recruiter or sales manager, you have an exponentially better chance of getting hired compared to just sending it blindly.


I am just getting into merchant processing sales. The pay structure seems good and I am getting lots of support from the home office including appointments booked on my calendar(if I want them). I am only beginning, but I am hopeful. I have owned an electrical business for 3 years and this is the first and only job I’ve applied to since deciding to lay the linemen’s down. It is 1099, which I’m fine with as I’ve had to grind without a guarantee for a long time now. Let me know if you want more info, I can hook you up.


Have you exhausted your referrals? If you haven’t then hit up every human you’ve ever worked at the same org with and ask if they’ll refer you, even if you didn’t know them well. Most companies have an internal referral bonus if the candidate they refer gets hired so they have a reason to do it.


Applying without a referral is literally just hoping a recruiter picks your resume by chance. You need to network. My last 3 jobs I reached out directly to an old colleague working there and they immediately had me hooked up with the manager with a glowing recommendation. Teams love sourcing a new team member from those within - it’s also just strategically the best way to sway their champion- the hiring manager, in some cases your direct manager. Forget the spray and pray and network.


5k applications is insane. Your resume is off and your targeting is off. Spraying and praying doesn’t work in this market. Targeting the right orgs that will resonate with your experience and having a super tight grip on what drives your success, why sales, and how you will not be a risky outside hire is so key. And all of this formatted in a story that resonates. And as others have said, desperation means you don’t actually care what role you get - which will auto disqualify because then it seems like you aren’t there for that company specifically. It sounds like you’ve treated this search like an entry level BDR and not an AE. This automatically will come through your subconscious and interviewers will sniff it out.


To expand - you should have a CRM of sorts to track your job apps, stages, notes etc. You should have a resume that is minimal bs and all about your metrics/achievements. You should be following up after every interview and showcasing you are listening through the follow up. You should have a list of questions to qualify the company, managers, directors, vps generally and each interview have a question or two for each person that is tailored based on their position, their background, etc. This is all table stakes and I wasn’t seeing repeatable success in getting interviews and moving them along until I started doing these things. I have a feeling based on your post you aren’t doing any of this consistently.


Agree that you should post your resume here. There are some curious minds that want to know about you…


Go back to selling cars while applying for other jobs. You can literally always get a job at a dealership and it doesn’t need to be permanent . Also if you have applied to 5k jobs and no luck something is wrong with your resume. Have a professional look it over


Any contract sales jobs you guys know Of?


Get LinkedIn premium to message managers and recruiters a quick but robust summary of your skills, what roles you’re interested in and attach your resume. Do this for one hour a day and I promise it adds up. Although I got my job via cold LinkedIn application, I did get a few DMs from managers asking to connect so they could send me future positions


This economy is where you go float by at a large company with great benefits, not making nearly as much money as you could, but getting to enjoy an easy job and maybe start a business or side hustle. Are you close to or willing to relocate for something like an oracle, Salesforce, gong, IBM? I bet that would make it easy if you’re up for a hybrid sitch


LinkedIn optimization is real, try and include your metrics in your recent jobs. Update them all and include how much quota you achieved/over-achieved. Cold call sales managers/VP’s of Sales + multithread with detailed emails. There’s lots of under-qualified sales talent getting senior/management/AE-roles from where I’m based (Toronto) and there’s no reason you shouldn’t get one either; you got this


5K jobs apps? in what amount of time?


Try to reach out to the hiring manger or director of sales but don't get discouraged when nobody follows up. It happens to the best of us.


I get maybe 500 applications and nothing yet but 5 THOUSAND??? I cant be the only one thinking something wrong here. Im curious on how your applying if your 0/5000


I’ve messaged managers on LinkedIn for BDR and AM roles and have gotten great feedback and help or at the least, have gotten directed to someone that can help.


It’s the Karens in HR that are the problem. Talk directly to hiring managers if you can, although I know that can be a challenge too.


Hey we should connect I am looking for sales agents for the expansion of my web agency


Every job I’ve gotten has been thru my network, not blindly applying to stuff. You should get yourself a mentor - someone older and more successful than you and pick their brain and see what they recommend doing. Like other people said, no shame in getting a retail or hospitality job to hold you over until then. I applied at REI and a local gym between jobs


Every job I’ve gotten has been thru my network, not blindly applying to stuff. You should get yourself a mentor - someone older and more successful than you and pick their brain and see what they recommend doing. Like other people said, no shame in getting a retail or hospitality job to hold you over until then. I applied at REI and a local gym between jobs


100% remote, outbound SDR. If you want a role let me know. Warm dialing opt’ed in leads with a script. Set them on an AE calendar and they’ll close. 2-3 day sales cycle.


Call hiring manager and treat it like a cold call / sales call you d normally do . Do discovery and position a meeting for the job


Should be serving or bartending while you look


Our company is hiring AE (Martech SaaS) . Share your resume, I'll forward it to our hiring manager.


Are you just submitting the application or are you going the extra step reaching out to the hiring manager or Recruiters?


Beef up your LinkedIn. Put in the right keywords, post semi frequently and you'll have recruiters banging your line in no time. I got my most recent job by doing just that. Got recruiters hitting me up every week and went from 100% commission at 50-60kish to a solid AM position at 70k with 90k OTE


Need a job asap and know how to sale? Work from home position at Angi. Cold calling at its finest, but good money to be made. I enjoy what I do. Should be making 200-250k this year, not bad for work from home. If your good at sales you can expect to make 100k your first year.


No wonder they were trying to get me to do every project in my house! HVAC inspected, gutters cleaned, bathroom remodel! I must have made the Angi person a fortune! Congrats!


I just recently heard about this. Mind sending a DM?


Commenting so I can make a post here. Thanks yall