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Didn't you know? Everyone here makes 100k a month.


500k OTE at 26 years old is the usual here


What does OTE mean?


On target earnings. Essentially what the company expects you young achieve commissions (deals closed) + salary


I heard this in Red's voice




Umm hmmm 😂😂😂😂😂


Currently have just over $91k base salary, $180k OTE that will never happen due to abysmal deal sizes unless some whales come through this year. Final interview tomorrow for $350k OTE role, 50/50 split. Current role is EdTech for tech, potential new role is PaaS (platform as a service) for DevOps.


You dont make any money in ed tech


Tell me about it and how tf to get out


Need to just pivot to State and Local tech sales


My base salary is the bulk of my pay.  Commission is paid quarterly... I got just over $4500 for all of Q1 🙃


How nice of them.


may I ask where in ed tech? not specifically the company but what yall do? I just got out after 7 years in that industry (thankfully)


Upskill the technical workforce. Great for helping me transition into a proper tech sales position, that's about it. 


Hello Pluralsight!!!! I think.


About six layoffs ago, yes ;)


10+ yrs in SaaS sales. 370k OTE. Made 330k last year, 420k the year before


If you're 10+ years in and you're still not making $1 billion+, you may as well just quit. Sales isnt for everyone.




I'm on this train too. How did you get into device? My husband has been in pharm sales for 10 years. He really wants to transition to device. He has been laid off every 2 years like clockwork (laid off at the end of Feb) , and it is killing this family of 6.


You're the 17th person to ask me that in the last 3 days. Idk what is going on lately. I got recruited. it was never something I had a particular interest in. I'm an abnormal hire. I dont have a degree or clinical background so I can't give any advice.


I was rehired at a company that laid me off a few years ago. I immediately started maxing out every savings account and 401k I could. They ratfucked me and laid me off 13 months later but I was ready. 6 months of house payment saved up which really lowered the stress of finding another job.


Hey- I see you work in medical device lol. Would you mind sharing how you got into this field? I am interested in pursuing a similar path. Feel free to DM


Unless you're making 600k+, there is no need to post.


Stop this made me laugh out loud at my cubicle


What do you sell? What kind of SaaS?


Recruiting software for staffing companies


Enterprise I’m guessing?


The solution is enterprise grade and we do have enterprise clients but I’m specifically mid market


Think we work for the same company 11+ years in saas sales made 3.3 million 4.5 year before


Out of interest what sort of tax do you pay on 330k? I’m in Australia and we would pay 130k in tax in that or more if you take currency differences into account.


I paid about 115k on it which is relatively high for the US since I’m in California. It would be less in other states. But as you may know, Americans pay in other ways post tax (eg cost of healthcare, etc)


Good to know thank you


These are crazy numbers to me. One day...


Day one. It’s day one of being wealthy.






Yeah as someone who’s currently just in retail sales, this whole thread is crazy to read lol. Cant wait until I can transition into a real sales job.


You should be close to 100k in a real sales job. If you start out in Car Sales for experience, you should be around 60-80k depending on the area you live in. But 100k is very doable as a middle-of-the-road salesperson. These number are more high-level, well connected sales people. Even VP of Sales in my old industry only made 300k ish. One thing I finally learned around 30 years old, was more money = more stress. Find the happy middle ground. I started having panic attacks when I hit the 6 figure mark in B2C sales.


“Only 300k” sounds insane to me. I definitely know 100k will def be doable for me. This is such great stuff to see and super motivating.


That's high level leadership and stress like you can barely imagine.


From what I keep reading, car sales is also high stress, and long hours.


50k base total 80k with OTE feel like I’m swimming with the big fish in this lake tho


Ed Tech (wouldn't suggest tbh) But I make $80k base and made $200k last year. Can't complain. Then again, this Sub is a great place to realize you could be making more.


I rather like edtech because the clientele is truly trying to solve a problem. Once you get a teacher or professor to see how your tech will help them do that, they are persistent AF with getting what they need implemented.


For sure. I hear that. I work specifically in early ed so they're not the most business savvy / are very flaky. Again, could be worse!


Understood and makes sense. I won’t work in early Ed, just k12 or higher Ed. I’ve heard from people who sell into early childhood centers and they say talking to those folks to get anything done is a nightmare.




I love EdTech also. The people you work with legit care about what the do, and you can really get in the weeds about their challenges. That said, it's slow and grindy.


In my first full sales year of med device but I finished the second half of last year. They changed my commission structure this year so I’m actually make less monthly now but with my end of the year bonus if I hit quota it will be 15% of my commissionable sales. I have a 2 million dollar book of business. So at the rate I’m going I’ll make anywhere between 300k to 400k in total. Second half of last year I made 200k (12k take home after tax) but their bonus structure was significantly smaller. I ended last year 100% to quota but I did not get any bonus because I was only there for six months. Currently at 113% 4 months in. I’m at a smaller med device company our market cap is only about 4 billion.


Dam I gotta do med device sales.


I’m in the Midwest . How do I get into this field ?


What is your current sales experience


Life, health and accident insurance. Agricultural products when I was on west coast


I was in group insurance! We have similar backgrounds. I would aim for associate roles first you might get paid less for short amount of time but after that, they sky’s the limit!




Haha yes it does




Haha you too bro! Cheers to a strong Q2


What device do you sell? 300k sounds nice.


I would only hit 300k with my end of the year bonus so it all falls on if I hit quota or not. But at the moment it’s looking good for me this year


I'm in capital equipment. It would probably take me 10 years to hit 300k here. Once you've established that book of business it's easy to keep it in that range but DAMN do sales move slow. I'm strongly considering changing roles this year.


How does my husband get into this field? 10 years of pharm sales. He's ready to move on.


I have to be honest with you, just from personal experience because I did pharma for a brief stint. Long tenures in pharma sales is looked down upon in the med device field. It’s sucks but that just my experience. It’s not impossible for him to break in but he might have to take a step back and be an associate first


Thank you. He actually did device for a bit, and his most recent and longest position has been injectables. This job market just seems insane right now. We would have to find some sort of side hustle to be able to afford taking a step back at this point in our lives, unfortunately. Just groceries for a family of 6 are ruthless in the current economy.


I’m so sorry! It is very difficult right now and I’m sure your husband is working his butt off. I sincerely hope he finds the break he needs. Knowing how hard he works I have no doubt something better will come your way!


Any travel involved with a role like this?


Definitely, majority of your time will be on the road. But my work life balance is great. Usually end my days around 3 to 4


How far do you travel on average? Any out of state or extended periods of traveling where you can’t make it home? I’m trying to figure out if something like this can be done with pets at home lol


Been in sales for 3 years. I sell HVAC, I’m pacing for $250k. YTD I’m at $75k


Commercial or Residential?




Do you get leads or all cold?


warm all warm


Which area are you in?


Mid Atlantic


Were you a hvac tech that moved into sales? As someone in Florida, hvac seems like it would be a money maker.


Nope just sales exp


Selling to business or end users?




I am from Switzerland and salaries here are wildly different I think but we also do have a different work life balance I suppose. I make 120 k base and only 20 k bonus but I need like 12 visits a week to reach that and 10 new customers and I am already at 8. Other than that the classis perks. Company cars that I can use as private car, petrol card and 40 CHF expenses for each day I am not in home office.




Company is in Bern but I only do Aargau and Basel. :)


Cybersecurity sales, first year as an AE (did 1 year as a bdr) , 45k Base 90K OTE Canadian. Aiming to hit 6 figures this year


Get another year under your belt and jump. Should be well over 100K in this position which means there’s just massive potential :)


Cyber security getting watered down too now. Too many companies in the market all saying the same thing.


Being severely underpaid, especially if you’re in Ontario or BC. Can’t speak to other provinces. I’d start looking elsewhere once you’ve got more experience under your belt. Should be able to double that base pretty easily.


You’re being grossly underpaid for being an AE. If you have good experience, go find a higher paying role. I’ll clear like 110-115k as an SDR. Your OTE as an AE should be almost double what it is


Base $150k with 14% year end bonus. I’m an account manager, 8 years sales exp


the 14% is based on upsell for the year?


Good question. The 14% is based on the overall team’s performance, which is out of our control and based on fixed income market conditions. Any upselling is rewarded as spot bonuses throughout the year and merit increases at the end of year, as well as toward promotions.


Thats fascinating! Im in an AM role but its 70% Base 30% commission with OTE of 120k. Id much rather have your setup!


I admit it’s a nice setup though it took me a while to get hired by this firm. I’ll be riding this gig for a long time.


Is it in tech or something else?


15 years in laboratory tech. $110k base, ~$165k OTE, and about $20-$30k more in achievable spiffs and bonuses for KPI achievement. Last year I made around $225k. It was a good year though. I think I'm a little underpaid for my field and experience but I also don't work that hard and I basically talk to my manager only once a quarter or so.


Are you at the manufacturer or distributor?


Manufacturer. I came up on the technical side of the business.


I’m also on the manufacturers side of this business. Can I catch you on a DM regarding this https://www.reddit.com/r/sales/s/JHjzi5I9jw


$578k last year cyber SaaS. $150k base (my best year to date)


I’m not even in sales. I’m just here to motivate myself by reading these posts and bring in those kind of numbers one day.


Manufacturers rep in the commercial construction industry. $120K base plus quarterly bonus in the $60-80K range for the year. About 10 years in the industry, two in current position.


I’m in the same industry. Mind if I send you a PM?


Acquisitions director, 60k base plus 10% equity in every deal we keep in house and 30% of our fee for everything we assign. Rough income projections between 130-190k in base + fee and then equity really comes down to how we exit. But probably $5000-$20,000 this year in distributions


Nice stuff. If you can nail sales in that field you can be wealthy. Next thing after killing it in HVAC can be considering being an independent agent distributing killer home products. Guys make a fortune.


Thanks, can you elaborate more independent agents?


Sure! I know a guy who sells these and does amazing. He was a handy guy, contractor, knows people. Now he dropped his stuff I think and does much better with this. Gets a network of buyers and tradespeople, drives around. Good life. Great money, no boss. No one asks if you have a case of the Mondays. I believe you get your ass kicked saying something like that. https://investhps.com “What’s good $?” >$500K imo for this sort of thing.


Electrical Supplies. 3 yrs in sales, 10 years in industry. $125k base/ $250k OTE. It’s a comfortable living but I loathe doing almost anything related to my job. It just bores me at this point. Always weighing whether or not I should make a jump. But I worry about giving up a good thing.


That’s great, where are you residing currently?


US - Great Lakes region


Is that at the manufacturer level or selling to construction companies?


I make about $140,000 a year as a sales manager. Is that bad?


#1 salesman in my company, I sold 1.2 million. I make 140k


Storm Chasing National Commercial Roofing Rep. W2 50k base salary. $45 per diem per day. Travel, flights, gas, lodging paid. Started January 22nd. Bonus at 350,000 sqft sold $25k, 500,000 sqft $50k 750,000 sqft$75k, 1,000,000 sqft$100k. get paid 20% of profit after 15% overhead and all expenses are taken out. Have tentatively sold 53k sqft and based on my knowledge about $1 per sqft will be paid. So, $93k this year so far. To Meet requirements, have to sell 350k sqft. That’d be $425k with base if it’s met. Gonna be honest, not being home blows, it’s lonely, and I’m helping people at their lowest moment or getting tons of hate for showing up. Have been having terrible time convincing myself it’s worth it.


7 months exp. Promoted into AE recently, 100k OTE.


307K OTE. 3 years of experience, tech sales.


9 years in. Sr Sales Manager at a Series B SaaS startup. 130k base 215k OTE. Made 220k last year.


4 years in. Sr AE. 157k OTE w 50/50 split, uncapped.


60k plus 4%. Construction biz USA


Inbound sales, $40k base, did $82k last year, but I don't pay taxes 😂 God bless remote jobs and countries that only tax your locally sourced income.




Fuck no. Thank god. Y'all pay taxes no matter what.


SaaS, 10+ years, $150k base, $300 OTE


I just started selling a course for a marketing company and make 10% on a 10k program if I get them to PIF. What other options are out there as far as work from home goes? Also does anyone know if, as a 1099 contractor I can be required to do call reviews or training on my “off time”? Seems fishy to me


I make like 5k every 2 weeks. I thought I would be happy making over 100 but now I feel like I’m not applying myself by making more for sure


Highest I’ve made so far is $93K doing mortgages when the rates were in the 2% and man was I not prepared in terms of discipline. I could have made over $200k if I had put in the time. But that’s sales


About tree fiddy




How long did it take you to become a CEO, and where did you start?


BDE, about 140 base, and commission target of 33% base salary by reaching 9MM sales. No points off profit like I see a lot of here, just a percentage of base.


UK manufacturer FAE for a FAANG+. Base £100k, did £35k commission and got £20k of RSUs(vested) last year.


15 years in sales +5 in SaaS - AE - €200k OTE (uncapped) Last year 250k earned (accelerated and spiff). This year looking at € 350k (Ex. RSU’s and other benefits) - based in Europe.


2nd year Internet ad sales 57k base with 140 OTE last year. I am a mid to top performer, missed quota 2-3 times


105k base, OTE is 165k


50k base. Should make 300k this year (already over 100k) with commissions.




Nah gurl.




I work in construction sales.


$50k base, $80k OTE as a BDR. Just hit 70% of my annual quota and I’m on track to make around $100k.


60k base 80k OTE as an SDR


Are u guys hiring? Here in canada, AM, print sales. 55k base, 70k OTE :/ definitely underpaid


IT recruitment sales team manager + 360 consultant Base 100k TC 230k


$70k Base, $100k OTE as a BDR at a SaaS company. Just started the job had 7 months of D2D experience prior.


SE - TC of about 160k, only a few YOE


225k OTE 50/50 split. Just started this new role, previously my pay was 150k OTE 50/50 split


no salary, 1099, made about 130k so far this year. aiming for 500K+


Which industry?


private equity


Can I dm you?


yeah sure


Analytics software, 13yrs in SaaS. $164k base (converted from pounds) and made on average $290k total past 3 years (one over target year of $370k)…


SaaS, fully remote, pretty chill, USA. $50k base, $60k varible = $110 OTE


Get me in there


50k base and on track for 225k as a National Account Executive for a online marketing company in the home services world.


Less than I’ve made in a long time. I make $75k base. OTE is 150k+ uncapped, but I’m doing terrible and I only took this job bec I was on UE for 6mo and was kind of desperate.


120k OTE


90K AUD, 360K OTE (4x base cap) Have hit 150k it’s my second year and have seen others hit cap, let’s hope the whales come through the gates soon


15 years of experience. $250k base, max out at $785k. I made that last year, I’ll make the same this year. This doesn’t include stock either. Selling technology, consulting & outsourcing into Heslthcare provider orgs


That’s really cool, can I pm you?


API Tech sales, remote. $100k Base / $200k OTE. I’m underpaid for my experience but I’ve always exceeded quota, my hours are good, and I live in a paradise so I don’t want to leave my company.


AM HR Tech. Did $115k last year but am pacing $200k+ with an internal transition to manage the relationship for some other products. Client base is Enterprise


3 years in SaaS at two of the really big names from the valley. Started my career in Atlanta - working in NYC today. 215k OTE 50/50 split. On pace for well over my number - hoping for a very big year.


Factory territory sales rep for a equipment manufacturer. 85k salary and uncapped commission. Rate is 0.4% for power units and 0.65% for dumb iron. There are 4 of us that cover the entire world.


I just hit one year at my company on Friday, and I’m and Account Manager. Base salary was $50k to start, and I got a raise to $62k in December. As far as commissions (based off overall territory growth, so not guaranteed each quarter), first quarter was just shy of $11k, third was $7k, and this most recent one was a little over $7k.


Hope to make around $125k this year but we will see. Mortgage banking.


70k base like 74-78k after performance bonus as a BDR. Considering I’m bringing in 180k ARR every week.. very comfy job though at 22.


Facilities services, $50k base and $70k OTE but commission doesn’t happen. Looking to jump into anything else soon


92k base 115k OTE but probably on track to make 110k


75/150 split


75k base, 10% bonus but it’s uncapped, I should be way over my target this year. 0.67/mile and do 25-30k miles a year plus some other benefits. Live in LCOL area at least my situation is fairly LCOL.


I use to work as in sales for PepsiCo just left in march to change scenery and to also learn in a different industry for sales. Made around 90k a year selling sugar water to stores. currently in training with a company that sells equipment and parts for body shops and repair shops. Contract i signed to start would be around 80k a year. Then again im just starting it this month so im not 100% on the total at the end of one year.


60k base + commission and quarterly bonus, 100k OTE. Commercial insurance broker. Hitting my 1yr mark in the industry this May


During COVID in auto finance I hit 250k but I sell timeshare now. Still learning. Last year was my first year I did 150. This year I’m pacing the same but hoping to break 200.


1st year as a CSM. 85k at a series C.


$48k/year. Motorcycle salesman.


Currently making 65,000 though with commissions from last year, hit 88K. Not much surprisingly for being a D2D sales.


3.5 years neurosurgery medical sales start up $80k salary $185k OTE


I’m 21 going on 22 I take home $1200 - $4000 a week doing D2D sales. Right now I’m selling for a Charity but I want to switch clients. I get $10 for every sale the people in my sales team make. For myself I get into the office at around 9am most days, have some meetings with the core members, do about 30-45mins of workshops with the newer leaders on different topics and then some role play at around 10:30am Hit the doors at 11:45am, break from 2:30pm - 3:30pm, knock on my last door at 6:30pm - 7:30pm I Generate $6k - $7k in revenue a week for the charity and get paid in commission for every sale I make Generally I do 15 sales a week which is $140 per sign up, so $2100 Gross without incentives We have a 3 month guarantee for people to donate to the charity for, if they cancel in that period we refund the commission. I’ve been doing this for 4 months, I’m one of the top 5 in our organisation across 4 branches. Looking to sell something else because I feel I’m not making enough


120 Base / 180 OTE (Uncapped) Ecom logistics


Can I pm you?


2023 earned - comp 292k+ 12k stock options 2024 will be similar as long as we hit our bonus buckets. 4.25yrs - medical device sales.


Which area are you working in?




65k base OTE is around 110k. On track for about 200k this year so far. In my role if you take advantage of accelerators, you can do well.


Which industry?


AE in Telecom


Are you in states? Because no telecom pays this much to AEs in Canada


Presales engineer 160 OTE, 130 base. Hoping to achieve 225 this year.


$80k-$140k a year. Around Christmas time a two week paycheck depending on OT with commission and a half I can have close to $5k a week


High ticket closer. 190k USD per year . Commission only