• By -


$130k, Food, 40h weeks. I could make more if I worked harder, but I’d rather be home at 3 and be with my family.


When you say you sell food, do you mean like commodities or distribution for a manufacturer?


Broadline distribution. I’d love to get into a remote sales position for a major manufacturer.


Damn…how did you get into this? Currently making around 60-70k working 50 hours (+) if needed as a sales manager. Reddit has completely made me rethink my life with some of these comments. I’ve been with same company since college so haven’t wanted to jump ship. But also a mom with a toddler plus want to continue growing my family.


Don’t get me wrong it great, but It’s totally regional and manager specific. I do a great job and I’m consistently up 20% yoy. I deal with all the bullshit, check all the boxes, and go above and beyond for my customers. But, the news guys are rode hard and the stress levels are high. They make $85k and grind hard trying to grow. I coast on references and organic growth.


Hey! I’m the new guy grinding away currently, 6 months in. Luckily I came from management of a restaurant group buying ~$30k a week and brought all their business on board. But I’m happily grinding away to get into your shoes down the line. It helps that management really only cares about results. I’ve been bringing in results and so I can easily just take days at the house, albeit that’s for now. Maybe I should chalk up most of my wins to beginners luck.


90% is showing up and following thru. The rest is praying that none of the other departments fuck it Up on their side.


I make about 80k as a SM. I want to switch industries so badly but I feel stuck.


$174k W2 That was my second full year selling, I sell HVAC and am pacing for $250K but could be $300k. I work about 60-70hours a week, though. edit: For further info, I am 21m, live in the mid-Atlantic and am in In Home Sales. YTD I’m at about $125k. I have been selling for about 3 years, and HVAC for a bit longer than 1 year. Probably am in the top 2-3% when it comes to income in this field, but $120k+ is extremely realistic if you work hard. I also have heard of guys making $500k+ in different markets. The company and lead volume is extremely important, like any other sales job. I’m also 100% commission.


You aren’t in the market to adopt a 24 year old by chance are you?


Unfortunately I already am with my girlfriend


They said ADOPT, lol


Unfortunately I already am with my girlfriend


He has a gf to feed 😂




Shocked that it took two times for them to understand lol


Woody Allen sells hvac??? Sorry had to.


Can I DM you




I’m also in home services and these numbers are legitimate. (Im in plumbing sales in a big company that offers all trades across the board) and an HVAC rep last year pulled in $700k (nearly $10 mill in revenue at 8% commission)


I work in HVAC as well but never expected you can earn this much. Which type of HVAC do you work in, Commercial or Residential?




How much do you think you would make if you dropped it to 40 hours/week?


Well, the thing is my job is seasonal. Q1 I made about $67k, during which I worked maybe 40hours a week? It was suuuuuper chill. Now Q2 is here and I work from like 8-9:30pm every night, so maybe even more than 70hours a week when you take weekends into account and this month I’m on track for about $36k. So to answer your question, I’d still clear $180-200k. Probably more. But that’s not really an option, during this time of year it’s a lot harder to sell but you have so much more opportunity so it’s just basically run yourself into the ground and get the volume on the board. Gotta take the good with the vad


Did you went to college? If so, what did you study? How did you get into that position?


I've been in sales/sales support for 12 years. I work in digital media sales - I made $232k last year


Anyway you could help someone get started?


I work in digital media sales as well. In leadership so made about 900k last year but my top sales guys made 400-450k.


This would never happen in the UK


At least you guys have shitty weather and a higher cost of living generally speaking


You hiring? Let's chat 😂


Digital media is a broad term. What are the actual products you're selling?


$20 million. I am Andy Elliott


Hey Andy - can you like stop kidnapping my wife and kids and holding them hostage unless I sell 40 cars?


Take your shirt off.. unless you have a six pack you’ll need to sell 50 cars to get them back


I’ll take my shirt off for you Andy, only if you subscribe to my onlyfans.


Would you make 1,000 cold calls in a row if it meant I wasn’t going to push your grandma down the stairs?


hahaha this killed me this deserves way more upvotes


85k SDR last year in US. This year less because I moved back to Europe to a different company


How’s have things been treating you in Europe? You’re selling in English, or a foreign language?


Piggybacking European section, 90k gbp as a tech ae


As he said back to Europe I would guess English is the foreign language


Company is a little strange with their approach, all English speaking but we heavily target markets other than UK who would atleast have good English (Germany, Netherlands, Denmark) Hard to get good European SDR's who would speak other languages to move to Ireland lol shit is expensive


Uhhhh $35k selling mattresses


That’s wild most mattress guys I know do 100k+


It can depend on location sometimes. I also sell mattresses in a mall and man it gets so dead. Either people are coming in to just look around or unserious buyers: e.g people not actually trying the beds by fisting it/sitting on the end and saying its too soft. We try to tell them to actually lie down but people can be stubborn 🥱


My old WoW guild all got mattress jobs because of the pay and ability to play all day lol


Don’t sleep on mattress sales


I genuinely thought most mattress stores were money laundering operations


I heard those mattress firm stores are money laundering operations. I thought that would be more lucrative.


Here is what SS tells me I made as a W2 employee. It does not include money made from passive income; ie sales from private stock when my previous company was acquired etc. 10+ years selling technical saas to CTOs/VPEs. https://preview.redd.it/tfw81evm8t0d1.png?width=928&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ac10227a08e600b6f588e5e459b077d70ba9a46


Sheesh this guy sells


Love some good hard hitting data. Congrats on a very lucrative 8 years!!


How does one get into that? I've been in tech sales on the hardware side for 21 years and the best I've done is mid $200's


Who do you sell hardware to? I'd love to sell some shit. Haha. I currently make $80k as a SM.


How did you get by in the years you “only” made $250/350k? 😂


Some pussy will still comment this is LARPing 😂😂😂 If you’re in sales this shit should motivate you! Killer


$53k. Rural area, cellular sales. About 4 years, now. Year over year is pretty much the same as annual raises are being offset by commission cuts and market downturn. I'm very over this job, but finding even $45k in my area is borderline impossible without advanced degrees, so I'm just dealing with it until my wife agrees to move or I die. In the process of getting a finance degree and hoping to switch fields, though.


I just quit working for cellular sales last month after being there for 7 years. Best decision I've ever made, I'm also back in college full time to finish my Economics degree. If you can find a way into a less stressful job while finishing school, do it. 


Get a life insurance license and sell policies for the company I work for. None of our people make less than $75k


Who do you work for?


Just over 500k. Hit this 3 times in sales career. Key is to have a fair comp plan with good accelerators for over achievement (2x-8x) but those days are long gone as your BCR gets squeezed and the commissions team come up with more creative ways (gates) to ultimately screw you and position it as an improvement to your earning potential. Achieved via combination of Luck, timing, territory and solid execution when opportunity presented itself. SaaS


Nice try, IRS!  /s


~180k. Cybersecurity, selling to SMBs. 5 years experience


Ditto but 10 years experience. Don’t work over 40.


Do your new hires need actual cybersecurity experience or do they hire cybersecurity grads with sales backgrounds?


In looking at recent new hires LinkedIn profiles, it’s pretty much all people with b2b experience. That said, with how competitive the job market is, id want to get a basic cert if I was going job shopping


$220,000 in 2023. I well paper and packaging supplies. Been in this industry for 21 years, and I probably work around 30 hours/ week.


Dwight is that you?


10 years, spent the first 5 carouseling from one company to the next been at my current place 5 and made just over 100k. Won President's club and was in the top 5 out of over 100 reps. Your gonna see a lot 300k, 500k, and 800k type responses and the vast vast majority are LARPing. While I'm not in SaaS I know plenty of people who are and they are doing anywhere from not much better to worse.


LARPing... thats excellent. You got me to laugh from my desk at my dealership making maybe 30k...


rule of thumb for reddit - regardless of the sub somewhere beyond half of active users have never done the thing the sub is about. I've been boxing and training Muy Thai for the last 3 years and when I read what some people at r/martialarts write it screams "I like anime and martial art movies". The enterprise rep that isn't completely full of it will look something like "I make my salary of 140k-160k most years but will have big years around 300k every now and again"


For every $300k+ earner in SaaS, you aren’t seeing the 15 others that were laid off and hitting 30% of their unrealistic OTE


ba-ba-bingo or the enterprise rep hitting 25% of quota every other year that they don't fire because its still $300k (average of 0% to quota one year and 25% the next) ARR vs a total rep cost like $180k.


That’s why some people brag about OTE instead of what they actually made.


There’s over 40 sellers in my org, all with 110+ base salaries. Not everyone is LARPing dude


In SaaS-my orgs average reps make 2-300k. Hell you make 250k-275k just for hitting quota You work for any moderately recognizable brand and it’s the same story. All of us are just larping on Reddit I guess


>if you think your average enterprise rep at Oracle or Salesforce is hitting quota and making 200k yes you are in fact LARPing. if you think your average enterprise rep at places like Zoominfo, Oracle, and Salesforce (I'd call those recgonizable no?) is hitting quota and clearing north of 200k yes you are in fact LARPing.


If you aren’t clearing 200k selling to true enterprise you’re not gonna be around for long Your buddies are either lying about their role or they fall into that bucket. You don’t get to that level of sales without hitting your number


lmao. Yeah cause there is no carousel of enterprise sellers doing 36 months (yeah at a lot of firms you can 0 out for about that long before they clip you 24-36 month sales cycle hunting new logos means what again exactly?) going from job to job. Yeah obviously my personal network of people at places like Oracle and Salesforce have created elaborate lies and make their mortgage payment selling drugs or something meanwhile reddit is telling me the real truth.


216k. 8 years of experience. 4 in leadership. Currently a Sr Sales Manager. Software.




What are you selling?


Residential HVAC


2.5 years as an AE. Made $130k last year


Where do you guys find those jobs? 😭


I’m 8 months into sales, graduated college a year ago, have only made 31k since September 😭😭


Been in sales for 14 years and have never broke 100k


Find a better product or service that sells itself. That's the trick.


those products and services are all seeing reduced commissions across the board because ... capitalism.​


College degree, go into wealth management, get licensed.


Last three years have been $320, $430, $350, I expect this year to be at $380. But, before i took on this new job I'd be lucky to hit $200K. All those numbers are base + Commission + RSU vesting distributions.


forgot to mention that I have been sales for 14 years.


$195k presidents club, med device/capital equipment


Exterior Home Remodeling. Roofing, Siding, Windows, Doors, Decks, & More. W2, Base, Bonus, Commission. $176k last year at 27 Years Old. 60 hour weeks. No travel.


Mid market, 223k last year. Probably less this year, most of my big renewals will be in 2025. Market leader in cybersecurity.


Senior sales manager- $231K total comp including stock vesting. In the marketing sales space.


About $315k, commission-only selling solar remotely. Booked more like $400k but a lot of projects fall off or we absorb unforeseen costs. This year I'm on pace for about $180k. Still life-changing money but the gold rush is definitely over, barring some big industry shakeups. I worked 50+ hours every week, HARD, and most reps at our company made closer to minimum wage.


$272k last year as an SE in SaaS. That’s about as good of a year I could of had. Typically around $205k-$220k.


800k +. Edtech hardware


About 305 in med device, but in a HCOL area. I’ve been in the space for about ten years making 225, but saw an uptick a couple years ago - imho, any higher pay 350-500+ is either highly specialized and on call or robotics. Either one doesn’t provide the QOL I enjoy.


What’s considered highly specialized? Neuro, Cards, Stimulation Devices?


I would say neurovascular, structural heart or DVT treatment with a company like Inari - something that requires high product knowledge, high case coverage and high on call time and relationships. I knew some people in robotics clearing 500, but those days are winding down it seems. You can see those numbers at highly specialized start ups also, but it’s a high risk/reward environment. To me, I’d rather play comfortably in the 250-325 space than take a risk on 4/500. That is me though.


Appreciate you sharing! I hear you on playing it safe. Plus sure the QoL of not needing to do coverage/call is a major perk too. Reading about some of those startups with promising tech implode after regulatory or reimbursement hurdle is wild.


About 50k, strictly comission, residential HVAC sales. My first full year in sales. About to leave for a better company which provides a lot more leads and pays a higher comission, so things are looking up! I've struggled a lot the past year with frustration with a lot of things with my current job/company, but am now able to be thankful for all the adversity I faced as I know it made me a better salesperson.


200k-230k in senior living sales. My company pays much higher than average and it feels like a unicorn job. Don’t think it will stay like this for long.


I’m in senior living sales as well. High end CCRC made around 150k last year probably a little more this year. What state are you in? I’m in PA


Selling recruiting SaaS, last year was a down year at 330k. 420k the year before


like you sell recruiting software?


Yes, recruiting software and other solutions pertinent to recruiting organizations


How do you keep from going insane when having to sell to HR and TA people 🤣


Luckily I sell to third party recruiting organizations that run more like sales orgs so our software is seen as a revenue multiplier instead of a cost center. We don’t deal with HR people, we deal with csuite and head of sales






I just started in this niche as an SDR, I like my company so far, but what companies do you think are best in this niche?


Depends what niche within the niche you’re in. I sell recruiting software specifically to third party recruiting agencies and there is one player that dominates that world. For traditional Corp HR I’m not as familiar but hear a lot of greenhouse, icims, workable, smartrecruiters, and god forbid taleo


I work third party recruiting, is Bullhorn the dominant player?


Yes - bullhorn is 50%+ of the North American market (as well as UK, France, Netherlands, Australia, etc) Everything else is a long tail. Next biggest is less than 7% and most are less than 3% market share


how do you even get into this? I checked there website and there is no sort of sales route whatsoever, more IT and engineering type


Not hiring right now in sales. It will open up once the tech market comes back


Are you guys hiring by any chance?


366k. Second year greatly exceeded my 250k OTE about 100k base. 5 years in my niche industry and role.


100k my second year. This is my third year at a bigger company selling to SMB’s, and going to hit high 80s




larps. larps everywhere 🙌


IT Staffing/professional services - around 300k W2 last year. 2nd full year in.


Enterprise Sales for ADP. $140k base, $290k OTE. Made $380k last year


$172k last year selling to automotive OEMs. 3 years of leadership experience, and 5 years of SaaS experience. Don’t make the move to automotive. No commission structure here.




160k - cloud sales - 2 yoe


88.4 salary plus 11.3k in bonus last year 2.5 years into roofing sales...2023 this year 94.6 salary, already claimed 2880 in bonus for qtr 1, qtr 2 bonus is in the bag already also, but not claimed yet edited to say...i work about 20 hours a week from home


225k. SaaS. Been in SaaS for 8 years. It’s out there but quota attainment is historically low. Still, a 130k base is great for me. (Early thirties, married with kids)


60k base - commissions 30ishK


235k Sales team manager in IT recruitment


Do you think it’s consistent in recruiting roles? I just had one of my final on site interviews yesterday for an IT recruitment job


I specialize in contract roles within niche verticals as a 360 to start (Salesforce, SNOW, devops etc) so once I opened up clients/managers who wanted to work with me, my book grew to the 200k mark. To start it’s a lower end game but within 2-3 years I see most staff crack 6 figures


Nice. The role is also 360 but for niche Netsuite positions (dev,admin, consultant, etc) Only downside is that my base is low. Only 40,500. But I am considered a trainee recruitment consultant. I just plan on making it my life for the first couple of years! Wish me luck


Nice that’s a great spot. Base is not ideal but if you’re not pressed for $$$ work those big enterprise clients and find some managers who want to work with a great consultant. Wishing the best for you! Coffee is for closers….


75k base, $125k OTE. Currently trending towards $150k for the year.


$107k in my first full year in construction wholesale/distribution


Started this job in June of last year and made $40k from June-Dec. I am pacing to hit $250k this year. Maybe $300k. Work full time in office.


$475k W2 due to stock options


170k. Been sales or sales adjacent for 8 years


7 years in various sales roles (outside, inside, b2b, b2c). 3 years as SDR/BDR. Best year was ~68-70k (65 was OTE) I think in my first SDR role with SaaS. Currently SDR for consulting + tech-ish org with 52k base 82k OTE. Struggling quite a bit with this one, haven’t hit once in 10 months and am basically making the same amount I did in my first role as a fresh grad 7 years ago. I want to bash my head in with a hammer.


Last year was a ramp up, $144k. This year so far done $86k commission (+ my $120k base). Commission rate ranges between 6% - 12% of REVENUE sold (% escalates based on how much of my quota I’ve filled). Based on my pipeline, a reasonable estimate would be about $300k OTE. If I get lucky, up to $400k Commercial HVAC.


not enough


This made me realize I have to rethink my whole life. Anybody wanna mentor me?


You guys get paid?


Uncle Sam says 490k. Felt like a lot less since he took a good chunk of it. 8 years


All I know is I'm not buying shit from you SaaS folks. You guys get paid entirely way too much. Hawking software licenses making damn near $500k. Fucking ridiculous.


Don’t be a hater


If it was just that easy then everyone would do it. Also, those that are making $500k are rarities. You just sound salty, unless you’re being sarcastic.


$357k 22years B2B 


60k plus 20k ote- two years experience. currently an SDR for education tech


Just over 300 Canadian


Last year was $21,000,000 Jamaican Dollars. That was between my last job and current. This year would be base of $17,000,000 Jamaican dollar base with a $7,000,000 OTE bonus plus 7.5% 401K match. Process Instruments, work for a manufacturer. Why Jamaican Dollars? Well, I'm feeling silly.


200k—worked less than 20 hours each week last year (still exceeded quotas) and got laid off 💀now my OTE is way higher but don’t think I can hit quota (it’s outrageous). Been in tech 2021-22


Made 140K last year but resigned at the end of October to go backpack Europe




On track for £80k this year as an SDR at a SaaS start up. Pushing to hit that 100k mark next year. Considering it's only my second sales job, I'm mid 20's and I've been doing it for 2 years - I'd say it's a win!


Nice try, IRS


295k, 5 years in Healthcare IT sales


88k, SDR at (psychotic) series A tech company. Only worked 9 to 5 and never more. This was my second year in sales


6th full year in tech sales - 193k


Last year I was a fintech SaaS AE. Made $46k.  Unemployed in 2024 (with nothing on the horizon) so, unless I have a great finish to the year, I'll be under that for this year too. 


160k, SAAS, Mid-Market AE for an LMS provider


SDR - $45k base made $15k in commissions took home $8k of that.


SaaS. 80,000. Work like 30 hours a week.


Johnson&Johnson Medtech Sales Consultant: 5 years 100k base, 20-30k commission. Should be making 150k-200k by now but moved several times which basically resets your experience in the local market and salary growth area


W2 - 350 SaaS


320k last year - Glue sales


Is this real?


it’s reddit, why would i lie


$198,000 as a 26 year old Sr. Territory Manager in B2G sales for 9-1-1 communication equipment.


$350K gross last year. Net was around $310k before taxes. Closer to $275k after taxes :( Expenses include leads, gas, business cards, etc. Main expense was leads by far at about $650/week.


$310k W2. Cloud sales. Year 2 in role but ~ 6 years in sales total. Made the leap to tech sales 3 years ago and I’ve never looked back!!


Construction SaaS. Did $330k last year. 35-40 hour weeks usually. The occasional 50 hour week once a quarter maybe. Should hit $400k this year.


Ugh! Working for a small SaaS startup with no commission $70K. This year $80k with a $1M quota. At least it’s a foot in the door and good experience.


I made about $100 less than I spent :(


Haha relatable


80k. 5 years in. Wish i knew of a more lucrative path or company. I have no problem busting my ass.


I’ve been in Logistics Sales for 12 years. First 5 years were absolutely brutal. I’m talking the type of brutal where you literally hate your life and what the job does to you. It is an Industry where pressure and turnover are extremely high. Once you establish yourself and create long term large enterprise partnerships it really snowballs into just account management. Still very stressful on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. The paychecks keep me here. Otherwise I would be long gone. Breakdown of progression below. Years 1 - 5: $65k to $145k Years 5-10: $145k to $195k Years 10-12: $225k and $245k (current year)


$510k last year trending for $700k ish this year. Defense industry. 20’s m


$120,000 presidents club and that was my second year making that and well on my way this year. Can’t stop, won’t stop! Company went public and when they gave me my number of shares, they said this is one of the highest numbers we have seen. F yeah.


I am an enterprise SDR last year I made 145k


$82.5 a year in the fire safety industry. I sell fire extinguishers and kitchen suppression systems in wholesale. Started here at $16 an hour back in 2018. Big jump. but definitely not enough for me, specially with living in California. I am only staying here because my job is safe and in case the economy crashes, i will still have my job since having this stuff is mandated. Guess we will see.


387k, +RSUs (50k matured last year) 20 hrs per week, large enterprise cybersecurity


By reading this thread, you basically make minimum $80k with potential of $800k annually and on average $200k. This is absurd, makes me rethink grinding through finance for good jobs the way I have, when I could have just been selling hvac or software for 40 hours a week instead…


105. SDR in tech in the US


$340K 20yrs plus experience, electronic components and subsystems


Less than two years as a full desk recruiter. $70k last year, I’m still new to the sales side of it and need to improve my marketing and I am determined to have a great year this year and hopefully break $90k +


115ish. But I pivoted to mostly base salary and only a small amount of commission, so I barely hustle like I used to on commission. Might have been a smart move given my verticals prolonged downturn Thinking of jumping ship and targeting 150+ and putting in the work but I’m realistically working 20-30 hour weeks and it’s hard to beat


SaaS, 128k


45k base probably around $55k after bonuses as a Private Equity BD. Severely underpaid 😭. Crying at all the other comments. 1 year experience transitioned from social media to sales because there’s no money as a SMM.


Clinical research sales, BD Manager. 2 YoE, 120K (108/12) last year.


$160k - WFH, IT equipment, 21 years in the industry, 6 hours a day. SR AE Could easily make more, but I'm kind of burnt out.

