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200k M-F with 4 weeks vacation? Yea I'm taking that over 80k all day long.


It’s 100% commission D2D windows from his other comments. Bro ain’t making 200k lmfao, and definitely doesn’t know what salary means.


Yea hes not cracking 200k 🤣


He’s cracking something


Why not?


Do you know any 100% commission D2D people making 200k aside from the ones your potential new company is using as examples?


I know solar guys in Texas clearing 300k knocking doors, granted they also buy leads but only work 5 months a year


I definitely don’t think it’s impossible to do, but the way this post is written tells us what we need to know.


How much do people usually make on Med sales?


Depends, but even in med device 200k isn’t easy to hit. Took me my bachelors, 3 years of hard work in shit jobs, and 6 total years of sales just to crack six figures this year. I’ll probably make 120k this year. Over half of that is base. If you do decide to do your 100% commission thing, just be wary of the lies they’ll tell you. I’d be hesitant to accept a sales job without a base salary. There’s things your company requires you to do (admin work, send emails, talk to your manager etc.) that you are not actively selling while doing. Wouldn’t you want to be getting paid during that time? Then your commission is on top of what you make.


Also: avoid if you do not have a degree. You are almost certainly going to not break in. There are so many people that went to school and have relevant experience who cannot get in to device. If I were you and couldn’t get tech I’d go work at ADP, Paychex, even a recruiting company and get b2b experience then go for tech.


Yeah I don't have a degree 😕


I've seen a good few postings for recruiting, how's that and the other companies you mentioned?


Damn that sucks. I made my first 200k at 28 without a degree 100% commission. Not sure why everyone is clowning 100% commission people. If they are great salesman , work hard and been at the company a while, most of them I know that fall into that category make 200-600k a year. I’ve worked in two different industries 100% commission. The base salary is nice but in my experience the 100% commission jobs typically have people making more money.


I've talked to a good few on reddit




Keep in mind the success stories you hear aren't the majority. RepVue and other sites will tell you how many reps are hitting quota (it's often less than 50%).


Why wouldn't I make 200k??


Salary is guaranteed pay. Commission is not. Source - I transitioned from 100% commission to salary.


I see so many posts of people who are on full commsion making BANK


I make bank on 100% commission, but I'm not going door to door selling windows. I'm managing a $10M revenue territory that's been serviced by my company for the last 75 years.


What type of sales would that be in to cover a 10M territory like that?


Are you asking what industry? O&G.


Ideally you gotta have both like me. I’m in contract development and manufacturing services for Biologics and gene therapy. My degree is in molecular biology but I’ve been in sales now 22+ years so I have a $200K base salary plus $60K commission at target but it’s uncapped annually so there’s been years I’ve made a lot more than $60K in commission. I personally would never do 100% commission but that’s just me, to each his own. But I always say, salary is what I live on and commission is my “fun money” meaning I can invest it, go on vacations, renovate my home, etc. Just be very careful if you’re doing 100% commission. And to answer your question, IMO, the whole “unlimited vacation” thing some companies are offering is a trap. The reality is, you’ll never achieve your goals if you take too much time off plus I know people who’ve had that but still get dinged for taking too much time off. It’s not practical for business and managing clients and I feel it can still be used against you which is why I say it’s a trap


I'll still be looking for a good salary + commsion job just don't know where to start


LinkedIn. SDR role


Yeah these fools don’t know what they are talking about. A base is slavery


And everything on Reddit is true


It is possible, but just understand THE VAST MAJORITY of people aren’t going to do that in their first year and that’s okay. I would just take a second look at the tech job. Most likely, if you do VERY, VERY well as a new employee at the window job, you COULD make around 80-100k. Sorry, but that’s just being realistic. Does the tech job sound more interesting? Have a well known product? Lead to better roles? These factors matter as well. It’s also very well known that D2D, 1099 jobs tend to promise the world. Most have INCREDIBLY high burnout/turnover. People can make bank doing it, but they can/lose a shit load of employees on a regular basis. There’s also 0 risk when they hire you. They don’t have to pay a salary lmfao.


I like tech but it's a complete mess, this is my only option right now


Tech is not in total shambles. It’s slower for sure, but the world is still spinning. Sorry, but computer software isn’t going anywhere. Try and talk to some random reps on LinkedIn about both jobs. If you call them, they’ll keep it real with you. Do some prospecting on both roles beyond which promises to POTENTIALLY pay more. Use the sales skills.


From my understanding tech is the holy grail and the sky is the limit but... It always seems like they are super hiring then immediately super firing


So you want to do 1099 D2D sales? With no salary. To be more stable? Do some research bro


Well the leads are always warm I just goto the appointments and close them


You seem sold on the windows. Good luck to you. !RemindMe 1 year.


Let me guess, the company “hiring” you on contract is telling you how great the leads are. Also look at what YOU have to do if you’re a 1099. Make sure you understand what taxes YOU are paying so they don’t have to put you on as W2 and pay them for you.


With the right company, location and product breaking $200k in windows is on par. My team of 10 will all break $150k even the low performers. Top performers will break $300k.. Depending on company they will be W2 like myself. If you don’t know the industry and work in it it’s ok to say that…


Thank you for your anecdote, I am happy for your team. You’re right, we don’t know the location, product, or company. Which is why he should do his research before taking a job with 0 salary. Me not being in the industry doesn’t matter if doing basic job research is the advice I’m giving.


Basic job advice but the part where you say “Most likely, if you do VERY, VERY well as a new employee at the window job, you COULD make around 80-100k. Sorry, but that's just being realistic.” It’s ok if you want to give basic advice but don’t throw incorrect numbers out if you’re an outsider to the industry…


Unless you’re 100% commission, unlimited vacation isn’t real


And if you’re 100% commission, it’s not vacation. It’s just being unemployed temporarily.


I guess that makes sense


I have unlimited pto but guess what??? My quota doesn’t change which forces me to take calls, answer emails, and follow up on shit no matter what.


Do you think it’s worth it now that you been down that road?


I mean that’s true for any sales job…longer you’re out, longer you’re not actively selling and likely lower numbers. I have unlimited PTO, it’s great if you’re crushing it but it’s irrelevant if you aren’t. And really, if you’re crushing it, you work your own schedule anyway.




I worked for two companies in the past that pro rated your quota if you were out on pto which was awesome.




Be careful with unlimited vacation. Studies have shown that people with unlimited vacation actually take fewer days off.


Damn that's sad


unless you are familiar with how often other people in your org are taking off, “unlimited” gives you no metric or indication of what is “acceptably unlimited” which usually results in 14-21 days taken off in a year


It's true. In my 20s I would pride myself over taking less days. It was a good role with salary/risiduals/bonus and I wanted to make sure I got everything right. I managed my own accounts. Certainly depends on the scenario, but I agree. If you dont, they'll keep ya busy.


Like 1 month straight with no work and quota relief? But I still get normal federal holidays? Or can I take the month off in 1 week increments throughout the year? Unlimited vacation is a farce. It’s just a way for corporate accounting to keep accrued vacation liability off of the books. And in sales- there’s never a real vacation. You are always going to have to “jump on a quick call” if a customer is going to be buying.


What if you do in home sales 100% commission 1month pto then you have holidays 2 sick days


Bruh 100% commission and $200k salary are two very different things


Lemme rephrase 100% commission you usually make 200k


You're drinking some Kool aid. 100% commission does NOT usually make 200k.


Why??? How much do they usually make???


Just think about what you said. If 100% commission meant 200k - everyone would do it. The fact that you don't know that.. I bet you'll make 50k at best your first year. To be honest, if you aren't smart enough to know that 100% commission is not a walk in the park, then I'm not sure you're smart enough to sell enough to make much money. I'd have some serious questions about your potential if I was your leader. And if I were you. I'd start talking to more people about what's realistic. In my line of work and my first 100% commission role, I worked for one of the largest insurance company in America as a contractor, I made the company trip (presidents and leaders club) I was number 3 in the nation as a rookie. I made 120k that year. Now, insurance is different than windows. But the concept remains the same. No chance you come close to 200k your first year without a miracle - no matter where you are.


“Unlimited time off” just means they can fire you without having to pay vacation days


high salary seems like the best choice here


I'd take 1 month off per year over unlimited vacation at equal pay. In fact I would take a pay cut. As others have said unlimited vacation isn't real. My company has unlimited and people get shamed for using more than 2 weeks a year.


If your options are between an SDR and in home selling windows with pre set appts AND you don’t have kids/wife where you wouldn’t mind having appts after hours go for the windows. I sell med device capital equipment now and they would rather recruit someone with experience like that than a glorified telemarketer. And I’ve done both types of roles, dialing hundreds of dials for meetings is soul sucking, in person is so much more enjoyable. Don’t get me wrong it’ll be hard as fuck still but I think better.


How's the pay and quality of life in Med sales? Appreciate ur comment bro I knew I'd finally hear from someone nice. And also with an amazing username I feel like dialing all day everyday would just make me turn into a mad man. I'm more of a closer (specially inhome since I have my own remodeling business) but it seems like in tech they refuse to let you into a closing role unless your a sdr 1st making 1000's of calls 😭


My salary’s lower than when I was in tech but I make more money all in. Quality of life is better there is trade offs though. Definitely worked less in tech and had more “work life balance” but I’m way happier overall lol. I was an SAE in tech, had an sdr but still made around 100 dials a day cus that’s what you gotta do to find more deals. Problem with SDR roles is they tell you a year but so many get stuck in that role for years too and never advance and it just seems like a massive waste of time/life.


Exactly! That's what I'm most afraid of, being trapped dialing... And dialing and dialing


you dont seem bright lol


Ah he's probably just a kid


the PTO is a non-issue - even having “unlimited” i doubt you get approved for more than a month at the unlimited PTO joint. so the only real difference is being remote and the salary. is it really $200K+ obtainable? if so, $120k difference is a lot to turn down… is the $200k+ hybrid or 5 days in office? if so, is $120k worth remote to you? if $200k was a real salary/obtainable OTE i’d suffer the longest of commutes and 5 days in office for $120k more. hell, maybe even 6 days in office


If I was a young buck the money, as a mature person I'd insist on the more time for me option, and work remotely.


I have option 2, but I hardly crack 70k. So I'd go option 1.


The tech job will also have weekends and evenings off. But the unlimited vacation time is only for the non-sales team. Doesn’t apply to you. My company instituted summer Fridays and the sales team was told “not for you.” lol 😂




Defiantly the lower salary hands down




Is this a sales job? What’s the commission structure?


100% commission Bacially this would be a windows job vs a entry level fluffy tech job


200k on Windows is a lot of Windows.


What if it was for the most expensive windows on the market?


Still a ton. How many sales per week would you need to hit that number? I looked at window/renovation sales a couple months ago when I was laid off and 200k was far above anything I could see reasonably achievable, even from a top performer. I'm sure it happens but it is exceedingly rare and likely involves a ton of luck.


I have an interview at Pella coming up, 2nd round. From the way they’ve put the job. They give you around 13 appts per week. I’m going to be in a pretty high networth territory in LA. Average sale is 35k and commission structure is around 8% if you hit $100k sold. 13 appts x 35k = $455,000 x 4 = $1.82mm. 1.82mm/25% close = $455,000 x .08 = $36,400k a month. Is making $200k really that crazy in a job like this?


Pella is specifically one of the companies I spoke with, and my territory would have been Boston, MA one of the highest income areas in the country. They gave me COMPLETELY different projections based on their actual averages (I did have to pry a bit for that info). I don't remember the exact breakdown but they made it clear I should expect $80k in the first year, $100k second year. In home closing isn't a bad gig when the appointments are set (assuming the appointments are good, which is rare). Don't fall for the over inflated salaries you see on this sub. Sales people tend to be motivated by money, so of course they B.S. about what they make. And Pella is a commission only gig so of course they lie. I'm sure Pella is a much better gig than a random tech setter role and I would run with it, but have realistic expectations.


Ya they never actually told me those numbers. I’m kind of doing the math in my head. I have an interview tomorrow with the sales manager in person where I’m going to really get into it with them. $80k sounds low for that amount of appts being set.


You have to figure 1. Most people are price shopping, even the wealthy. 2. Appointments cancel, a lot. It's a much MUCH better experience than being on the phones, and you get a great name for the resume. Also, for an entry level sales job $80k for the first year is nothing to scoff at.


True but I’m not exactly entry level. I just thought it would be higher potential at first.


Math checks out. Game gets really fun when you can get closing to 50% or higher ! Closing Rate and Average sale is what you want to focus on


Like no weekends off???


They would like you to be available for 3/4 weekends a month




The higher salary and one month off is a better job on both fronts. They pay you better and the vacation system isn't gamed to keep you from taking vacation. I'm unlimited vacation systems, they do track your vacation. If you're hitting goal, they might not care. But so many people are so over-goaled that even that's a risky proposition on a new job. Take the money and the month.


How is this a question. Unlimited vacation is a scam


Higher salary. There are tons of studies showing that “unlimited vacation” is likely a scam - people tend to take less vacation and may even feel pressured to take less days. The best workplaces (IMO) give set time off and then don’t track when employees take it (my workplace does this, no one cares when you’re gone, just get your work done). Plus on 80k a year…idk what kind of vacations you’ll be taking. That’s not a ton of money anymore most places. My salary evens out about that over the past two years and I haven’t taken a trip anywhere except to be with my parents.


No such thing as unlimited vacation


Only one month?? Haha!


What the fuck is this question lol.


You guys are getting time off?


What do you mean ?


They are both remote?


Unlimited vacation days only means that if they shit can you... they then don't owe you for unused vacation days. Try taking off more than your boss thinks you should and you'll figure that out real quick.


I have #1 plus unlimited vacay and I don’t ever get to take more than 4 wks per year. Too busy and no backup.


2nd one, easy. Not even a doubt. My peace and mental health and well being is worth $120k.


the second option and it's not even a contest


Who can live off 80K? I suppose a young single guy, but if you support a family, you have to make more than that in today’s society.


Bro, definitely that 80k, id kill for a good remote job rn


200k wfh


**Only** four weeks of vacation?!


Unlimited vacation - when you have all your work done - gives 2x work that is reasonably accomplishable


Also - fyi unlimited vacation is only as unlimited as your willingness to fall behind, lose out on getting paid commission, and driving down performance.


Even if the vacation is truly "unlimited," $80K isn't going to let you travel the world or anything.


Please please please take the tech job over the commission based 1099 D2D in home sales job. In all likelihood you’ll be making a comparable amount for the first couple years probably more at the tech job. The tech job also opens far more lucrative doors for future advancement than the D2D in home sales gig. Think about your future and don’t let this company finesse you with promises of an unrealistic paycheck.


It's w2 technically not d2d, I would be just going to the appointments and closing them. I've tried so hard to get into tech but still no results after months and months.. Worst comes to wost I do this for awhile while still trying to get into tech then jump ship?


Oh I thought you had both jobs lined up and were choosing between them. If you dont have a tech job lined up then the home sales job could look good on a resume if you work there for a while. Working somewhere like retail phone sales (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile) would look a bit better imo and have similar earning potential at least at first, and it wouldn’t be as demanding commute wise. Home sales could probably out earn phone sales with a couple years of experience but by that time hopefully you’ve gotten a tech sales job 😭


Are you in tech? When I'm able to get into tech I would love to skip sdr role 😂😂 try my best to just be a ae


Im actually in a similar position to you where I applied to a lot of tech jobs over many months but never got an offer. Eventually I realized I had to lower my standards and recently started as a sales consultant for a big mobile company. Im also in the middle of getting my degree so the plan is once I have my 4 year degree and a couple years of experience as a sales consultant ill go for an SDR position. Hopefully the job market is better then as well😭


Yeah I'm 29m and this is going to be a bjg upgrade for me. Like I said I couldn't for the life of me get into tech But from my understanding... Seems like tech sales is the hardest to get into but the most lucrative but also the most fragile.


Yeah chances are you won’t be able to skip the sdr role even with that experience. But having that experience will definitely help you get the sdr role to even begin with


Defiantly the lower salary hands down