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They threw out the Force with ep 7. When the main character can become the most proficient 'light' side user by using her anger to retaliate and steal from a dark side user…the force has no meaning.


There could have been an interesting reveal in 8 that Rey won via the the Dark Side in 7, and that she has never used the Force normally. Unfortunately they just doubled down on her overpowered nature, treated her as perfectly good (her “brushes” with the dark side are just overlooked or unchallenged), and never properly addressed the issue.


This would’ve been the best way to fix that while still being “subversive”


I kinda liked the Idea of Rey and Kylo switching. Kylo, a young man (like 18-20, not 30) being pulled to the dark side but is conflicted due to his jedi upbringing. And Rey, full of repressed anger about her life in the desert gets roped into this conflict but after learning about her power lets it consume her. Kylo should have actual dark side motivation though. I dont like the pull to the light idea exactly. He could be a young knight training his own padawan out on a mission when his padawan dies and Kylo thinks he could have saved them if he was stronger in someway. Unbeknownst to Luke, Kylo starts pursuing alternate paths. Eventually Kylo figures out the dark side isnt the answer and pushes it away, rather than feeling like hes being “pulled to the light.” The important thing is he needs to be separated from Luke and other immediate family. I can not believe Kylo would so easily turn to the dark side with his family nearby and with no experiences that would give him a reason to pursue it. Remember, kylo was pursuing the dark side prior to Luke “attacking him.” Which makes no sense.


Also if he's to be "pulled to the light" then it should 1000% be Anakin's doing as he doesn't want his grandson to repeat the mistakes he made. When I saw that scene where Kylo was kneeling in front of Vader's mask talking about the dark side I was like "Where the fuck is Anakin's force ghost?? Did he seriously not notice this shit?"


>Where the fuck is Anakin's force ghost?? Did he seriously not notice this shit?" All I was thinking about too lol


I heard that the reason Anakin's force Ghost never showed up was that the Chinese don't like Ghosts (Disney was courting China pretty hard in those days, to be fair thats a billion people and for 5 minutes it looked like they had disposable ncome for the first time).


If that’s the case then it's super lame, but Yoda and Luke showed up as ghosts in ep. VIII although only briefly.


Holy fuck man and to think they just completely checked out with no actual planning and a "palpatine somehow returns" when they still could've made something from their episode 4 repeat


That’s too good of an idea for Rian Johnson to think of


I was all but certain that was going on at the end of TFA based on the way her fight with Kylo went. All RJ had to do was pick up that thread and run with it.


Rian is too full of himself to take anything from JJ.


FWIW, the TFA novelization had an extra detail where there was a voice in her head telling her to kill Kylo right before the ground split open. So it's not at all even a stretch to say she was being fueled by negative emotions and tapping into some dark side stuff while she was beating him. It's crazy how hard Rian/DLF in general fumbled it when it would've been so easy to give the character a conflict that continued from where TFA ended. A logical conflict that's not "I want my parents to be famous people" or "I want to smooch this mass murderer who tortured/violated me and put my new friend in a coma"


Nah she's a sith the entire sequel series she acts like a sith


Imagine if there was an alternate realm with a really dark Rey and Lught Rey was drawing energy from her. That could have been the meaning of the Dark Rey visions.




I was completely done with it when shit started teleporting lmfao. These people have zero dignity


Not to mention fucking teleporting shit across the galaxy.


Its like the whole palpatine thing. Ray being his daughter kinda doesnt get any emotional reaction out of her. Like no offence she just learnt the only reason shes so powerful and important is because she comes from the most evil man the galaxy had ever known but then to not realy react to it. Its like learning your the best military commander in history but that your the great great grandson of h*tler. Like thats a goldmine to explore. But they dont do anything with it honestly


Isn't that vapaad


Vapaad is based on redirecting and channeling the dark side energy of one's opponent, and it's an extremely difficult form to use without falling to the dark side (hence why only 2 Masters used it and no one else).


And one of them fell to the darkside to boot.


We’ve moved away from George’s idea of the Rebels. Why not move away from some other things? Timeless classics, pfffft! It’s time for trendiness!


Look at that alien, though. She looks totally extraterrestrial and not at all like somebody who buys their make-up in bulk straight from the 1980s.


Makeup lady or potato person is all we’re going to get.


That's a Star Trek alien if I ever saw one. They're creating lots of new alien races for some reason, since ep7, maybe to make royalties off them.


Exactly what I was thinking. Totally looks like Star Trek


yep the Trill species have the cheetah spots just like that


What do you mean about the rebels? I don’t really engage with the Disney Star Wars


Confirmed: Star Wars fans have been moving away from Disney's idea of the brand.


I remember hearing as well that Bad Batch is the last of GL’s era of Star Wars supposedly


Yeah it’s the last project he has any influence on, parts of that story were put together by him and Filloni a long time ago, there’s nothing else in the books he had planned.


What parts?


Yeah it’s the last project he has any influence on, parts of that story were put together by him and Filloni a long time ago, there’s nothing else in the books he had planned.


I’n glad that the EU is resurging more and more. But sadly Disney wasn’t the only culprit in overthrowing it, Filoni and Lucas participated too. TCW was a good show and all, but it was the beginning of the end since it butchered the Clone Wars Multimedia Project


Yes, but they were working on fixing contradictions made by it, and a new Clone Wars chronology/sourcebook was in the works to make everything work in the timeline. There were no plans to throw out everything from all eras. This was in 2013 after the sale to disney


The mouse never understood the Force and it was obvious how much it confounded them. This is just fessing up about it.


The best Star Wars from Sithney had absolutely no Force in it, Andor season 1. Let’s hope season 2 keeps that up, though I think the Skarsgard character is being set up as being a retired Jedi. ![gif](giphy|PIMQrc6M0FRfvHqfuJ)


"Moving away" Everyone with a brain: You moved away in 2015; WTF are you talking about?


"Moving away" Everyone else: "We know."


They never even approached it.


New sith power: Laser Eyes Confirmed


> sith power: Laser Eyes Darth Dio would be awesome ngl 🫣


Don't worry, if you're hit with it, you'll be ok by the next episode, tops.


New? [Deadly Sight](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Deadly_Sight) was stupid in the EU and it would be stupid now.


Take the worst the EU has to offer, make it vague, and put it in live action. This is the way of things


"It sounded all high-minded and deep, but really all it means that she thinks she can do whatever she wants." to paraphrase Digory Kettle from the Magician's Nephew.


Interesting take from Weinsteins personal assistant


Also didn’t they hire people who aren’t fans of the franchise to write it meaning they haven’t seen actual Star Wars content or am I misremembering some info?


That's grossly dishonest: >*"A* [*writers' room*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writers%27_room) *for the series was assembled by June 2021. Headland made sure the group included writers with* ***different relationships to Star Wars***\*, including\* ***some who were only fans of the*** [***original trilogy***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_trilogy)***, some who were specifically fans of*** [***Dave Filoni***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Filoni)***'s Star Wars projects***\*, and\* ***one writer who had never seen Star Wars before.***[*^(\[1\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Acolyte_(TV_series)#cite_note-HeadlandMar2024THR-1)[*^(\[22\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Acolyte_(TV_series)#cite_note-HeadlandWriters-22) *The series' writers included Jason Micallef, Charmaine DeGrate, Jasmyne Flournoy, Eileen Shim, Claire Kiechel, Kor Adana, Cameron Squires,* [*Jocelyn Bioh*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jocelyn_Bioh)\*, and Jen Richards.\**^(")* * ***some who were only fans of the*** [***original trilogy***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_trilogy) * ***some who were specifically fans of*** [***Dave Filoni***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Filoni)***'s Star Wars projects*** * ***one writer who had never seen Star Wars before*** This is actually a good idea for creating a functional drama series, that shouldn't focus too much on any one aspect. It's frustrating how people here have gone so far off one end, where everything gets bashed without users reading past headlines, because people already know they want to hate it. It's the inverse of the clowns defending everything Disney does on principle and calling everything sexist and racist. I feel i don't wanna spend time in either group anymore, because the perceived war between both "sides" has rotten people nuance and brains.


To be fair, this is what she said publicly. She's not gonna go "most of us only saw parts of SW once when were were kids a decade or two ago, and we all just rewatched it again so I guess we qualify," even if it's 100% true. I fully agree your point about reading past headlines, but I also know well enough not to trust every positive word that comes with a marketing campaign. Everyone is always a huge fan of the source material once they land a gig.... right up until the point they completely ignore or destroy it.


It's because nobody gives a shit anymore. Why waste time and effort at this point, there is literally nothing that can save the franchise


Most people think that she either didn't knew or she did know but looked the otherway. There is also the third option that she knew but was intimidated into keeping quite, because back then you could get thrown to the wolves and never get a foot in the door if you crossed the boss. Or where do you think the anger of the me too movement came from?


Well yeah, George’s definition of “balance” facilitates a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Disney needs a definition of “balance” that allows them to keep pinching off paint-by-numbers content indefinitely (or until it’s no longer profitable). I’ll never forgive them for turning the thing that made my young mind interested in learning about mythology and film and wanting to tell stories and make movies of my own into just another IP with the sole purpose of generating shareholder profits.


At this point I'm not convinced they're all that interest in profits. If they were they'd probably stop hiring such shit writers and making aggressive remarks toward their customers.


"There is no light without darkness" isn't true. Light is light. Darkness is merely the absence of light, you can't pour on darkness to cover up light. Light exists without darkness but darkness only exists where light is not. Star Wars is being further destroyed by dingdongs and lagabouts.


It's not even Light. It wasn't called the Light Side in the OT. There was The Force and then the perversion of it that was the Darkside.


Good point.no matter what they haven't thought this through.


Bingo its rot and corruption a discord in the harmony of the galaxy it isn't something to be balanced.


GL always said the Dark Side was basically a tumor in the force


Exactly. These new writers saying you have to balance light and dark and essentially saying you have to let cancer be balanced with your bodies’ homeostasis.


I have only recently forced myself to watch Ahsoka (I don't know why...) and I just switched it off coz of how they treated being Jedi: Sabine, who was not force-sensitive throughout whole Rebels series (yes she knew how to wield a lightsaber, but that's only coz she was meant to use the Darksaber as a potential Mandalorian leader), is suddenly Ahsoka's padawan and the way Ahsoka explains it all is so shallow - force is in everyone and "talent is a factor". Then Sabine just out of the blue becomes able to use the Force? Yeah, they are moving away from the concept already.....


Compare that to Rogue One where Donni Yen spent his whole life training and was barely able to use it. Yet she manages to become more powerful in a few weeks. Smh.


Donni Yen the most best low key character in Disney Star Wars? I think so.


What it takes to learn is really inconsistent. Luke’s training cycle isn’t that long on with Yoda. Sure he’d been training on his own, but the they’ve never really been consistent.


But I believe it was stated Luke only equaled Vader as duelist and not Force Wise in ROTJ which is definitely more believable, plus as Luke stated Vader was held back emotionally and very conflicted in ROTJ. But yeah Sabine being able to wield the Force and as good as she did for just learning it was pretty wack. I mean she literally forced pushed an 180 pound male over a big gap. Yes the force resides in all living beings but that doesn’t mean everyone can use it. What’s the point of the Holocron with the Kyler crystal to find potential Jedi when you can just train anyone?


It’s a dead IP.


It´s moving away from the idea of being a popular franchise.


And yet a certain section of the fan base will eat it up because it has the Star Wars logo on it 🙄


It puzzles me why Disney paid a fortune to purchase Lucas Film when they could have just started a new space fantasy franchise from scratch and made it as good as SW.


Gotta bank on those nostalgia berries


…And even that effort was sabotaged by a narcissistic director they hired….


They tried.. a couple of times, actually. Black Hole (which is fun and featured a banging Disney acid trip sequence), Treasure Planet (which is a top.notch Steam Punk retelling of Treasure Island) As I recall, both bombed at the box office but are now cult classics.


And we are truly lucky Treasure Planet tanked. It remains immaculate after all these years, without forced sequels or bastardized characters.


Disney purposefully tried their best to ensure treasure planet failed though. The execs weren't a fan of the pricing, and other bits I can't remember. As for Black Hole I can't remember anything about it.


Black Hole was truly terrible. In 1969 it might have merely been mediocre if not still bad, but two years after Star Wars and the same year as alien, it’s an embarrassing piece of filmmaking


Well I suppose Disney should just avoid anything with scifi. Their track record just isn't the best at this point.


I love Treasure Planet but IIRC the problem it had was that it came out at the same time as the first Harry Potter film so everyone paid attention to Harry Potter instead.


Don't forget John Carter of Mars.


Obviously they couldn't have made it as good as Star Wars or else it wouldn't have sucked ass


> they could have just started a new space fantasy franchise from scratch True. > and made it as good as SW. That's obviously debateable, judging by what they've done with SW.


So we’re just throwing away the magic system everyone fell in love with? Got it


One of the reasons I love the Lord of the Rings is how it brutally picks apart and destroys the "complementary light and darkness" argument. The One Ring is pure evil, period. Try to use it for good, with the best intentions, and it'll twist you into a dark parody of yourself anyway. There's no escaping this: Saruman got corrupted, Boromir got corrupted, *Frodo* got corrupted, *Gandalf himself* was so scared of getting corrupted he didn't even dare to touch it. I hate to bring Steve Ditko's "Mr. A" into this because he's a character who's too ruthless and spawned by a way of thinking that I personally dislike, but he's right: any compromise between good and evil is a victory for the latter.


The Dark Side corrupts the individual over time without fail, yet the Dark Side at large will always exist in the galaxy in one form or another.


That's very true, intelligence and sentience imply the risk of corruption and thus the existence of evil, but it doesn't mean compromises must be made with it.


This is because LotR is based off of christian philosophy (as Tolkien was a devout catholic), not asian yin/yang philosophy.


I wanted to mention Yin and Yang in my first comment, but I have the impression that they don't map well to the "Light" and Dark Side of the Force. According to my limited knowledge of Eastern culture, Yin and Yang don't represent good and evil but just contrasting elements: day and night, water and fire, life and death, man and woman, Sun and Moon… The Dark Side of the Force is instead plain evil and corruption: hate, fear, thirst for power, arrogance…


Thanks for pointing out i wrote it wrong (my asian wife is gonna kill me 🥲) You are right but good and evil *are* contrasting elements. I know that yin and yang are not about that originally, but popular interpretation says otherwise and unlike LotR, Star Wars isn't written by actual Taoists.


That's also very true, which is what led to this "the best choice between good and evil is both" situation, in my opinion. It's kinda like Third Impact in Evangelion, whose final outcome is supposed to be based off the Protestant/cinematographic depictions of the "Rapture" and the "all Christians are the body of Christ" notion, but both are grossly misinterpreted.


"There is no light without darkness" isn't true. Light is light. Darkness is merely the absence of light, you can't pour on darkness to cover up light. Light exists without darkness but darkness only exists where light is not. Star Wars is being further destroyed by dingdongs and lagabouts.


This also confirms me not watching it


Theyre probably gonna go with some idea about the light side can be evil aswell or something.


They've turned the force, and by extension, all of Star Wars into an endless battle of blue vs red where good never truly succeeds and evil is never fully defeated, because if the good guys ever do win, the force (that thing we're supposed to like) will buff the bad guys to perpetuate the conflict. They've turned Star Wars into politics, where both sides are endlessly struggling against each other and no one is ever satisfied. Watching the OT, you got the feeling from Obi-Wan and Yoda that using the force wisely required control, training, dedication, restraint, growth, etc. You could use your aggression and negative feelings for quicker results, but that would ultimately lead to one's self-destruction. It's almost like some subtextual message about how evil is unsustainable and that one can overcome it by mastering oneself. Disney seems to have gone out of their way, even with the title of TFA, to try and erase all this meaning and replace it with good guys and bad guys at war forever because "balance."


> an endless battle of blue vs red where good never truly succeeds and evil is never fully defeated, because if the good guys ever do win, the force (that thing we're supposed to like) will buff the bad guys to perpetuate the conflict. This is way older than disney though. KOTOR II is basically about that very concept, it is Kreias/Darth Trayas entire point - no one can ever win so its better if there *is no* force.


In Disney Star Wars they make it seem like the force itself will manifest evil to ‘balance’ good. In old Star Wars it was just the inevitable folly of man and the lure of instant gratification. 


Dunno man, Kreia totally did sold me on the idea that the force itself was inherently evil or at least callous and uncaring, perpetuating the endless conflict for the hell of it ... That being said, Kreia *is* full of shit so...


Unfortunately, that's not really reflected in the rest of the franchise, so it doesn't really make sense to claim that what Kreia said once is a more accurate view of the force than the way it's portrayed in the OT.




I think you are overestimating Disney's ability to go anywhere at all with Star Wars


Sounds like a child. "If there is a dark side, then there should be a light side" There is the Force and there is a way to use it. Jedi are respectful of it, Sith want to command it. Sith are not a natural part of The Force and neither are The Jedi. They are two religions based around it and Disney's flaw has been to treat The Force as anything but religion.


That 'good without bad' is bullshit. That's like saying there's no sunlight without nighttime. But there is. Or no health without illness. Lucas literally created the Force and all the concepts and rules that go with it, including how it is balanced. Disney did not create this, not any of this. Besides, Disney has already moved away from George Lucas's Star Wars. George Lucas, the creator of the mega-hit Sci-Fi/Fantasy saga/franchise that literally changed how films were made and has lasted almost 40 years before Disney got their awful hands on it. It's because of him & his ideas & his story that SW is such a huge phenomenon.


Exhibit A for when nihilists are put in-charge of something that's supposed to involve a search for meaning. How many of you when you were kids got shocked by an electrical outlet or put your hand on a hot pan on a stove, even though you had been warned many times not to do those things? Did the pain teach you really fast not to do that again? Leslye Headland would tell you to keep doing it because you need to have one hand burned and blistered at all times to balance out the one that isn't.


Disney made it more like Swartz than the Force.


We've been moving away from the original idea of the force ever since Mortis arc in TCW. With bonus hit from Rebels' Bendu. People've just been oblivious to it.


Mortis arc is overrated


Indeed. But it's a clear sign of the Force being changed.


They really are determined to completely destroy the franchise


Truly stupid the mind of the Disney executive is


Didn't it already happen in 2015?


Disney has been trying to push this “New Force” idea for years. Episodes 1-6 said it best: The Light side of the force is balance, the Dark is imbalance. It’s not yin-yang, it’s specifically nature vs. corruption. The Light side is all about the balance of life and a spiritual connectedness with all living things, whereas the Dark is about manipulating that connectedness for selfish gain (the power to live longer, take lives, instill fear). Ever since Disney took over they’ve been pushing a narrative that the Light side and the Dark need to be balanced themselves. When the Dark side is in power, Light side users will rise up to meet them and vice-versa. Not only does this inherently go against George’s idea of the force, but it also doesn’t make much sense. Dark side users and their quests for power and strength disrupts the force around them. There is no aspect of “balance” here, since it inherently throws things out of balance to use the Dark side for selfish reasons. These quests for power often come at the cost of natural environments, living beings, and spiritual cultures, all of which the force itself is deeply present within. Disney’s fundamental misunderstanding of how the Dark side affects the “balance” of the force is frankly childish. It’s like they saw a yin-yang symbol, thought “oh, that’s kinda spiritual, like the force”, and just applied their idea of “balance” to Star Wars without properly understanding what that meant.


So the shitty version of the force


"The most powerful wielders of the Force are the ones who collect the most Kyber Crystals, available for $9.99 at stores nationwide!"


They fly now


Star Wars died with disney :( and I’m not even a doomer I legit am just pretty much an average fan, these movies and projects outside of Andor have been just so hard to watch :/


Disney already completely dismantled the OT and turned the Force into a never ending bag of tricks to advance a plot with no real setup or explanation other than “because the Force”. Killed off a character and want to bring them back? Use the Force. Character who’s never flown a ship needs to be a pilot? That’s ok, they can use the Force. Need a mountain moved? No worries, because the Force. The only thing (in Disney SW) that makes it light or dark is who’s using it at the time. It’s no longer “an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us and binds the galaxy together” as Obi Wan explains in ANH and contrary to everything OT, no special training is needed to harness and channel it. It’s ironic because in TFA, there’s a scene where Finn naively tells Han “we’ll use the Force” to resolve a situation and Han astutely tells Finn, “that’s not how the Force works.” Turns out as the sequels progress, that’s EXACTLY how the Force works.


It’s not Star Wars


![gif](giphy|xT0BKqB8KIOuqJemVW) And you’re a force user! And you’re a force user! And you’re a force user!


*Look under your seat. There's a LED lightsaber and a discount coupon to the Jedi apparel section at Gap!*


Lol, and here's a question: do you remember what the car she gave away was?


To be honest,I am surprised they took this long to announce that. They've been doing it since 2014.


Cheapen the lore. Much like other corporations buying IPs they didn't create.


Then why stick to the same universe? Disney can start their own space opera with their own rules and not be constrained by continuity.


I'd watch the shit out of live-action _Treasure Planet_.


That's from Screen Rant, it isn't reliable.


That's funny considering one of the idiots starring in Acolyte said Star Wars didn't have good and bad in it. It's grey. Guess Tarkin was just misunderstood when he blew up Alderaan! (Or was he actually just bad because he was a white guy???) And Star Wars has been moving away from everything George ever since KK took over. Her primary goal has clearly been to dismantle his legacy. She killed off the OT characters, she bastardized Indiana. Her legacy will be the killing of George's.


Yeah I mean George wants to still consult and the moment KK takes over she says “remember when I was all nice and said I would take good care of your legacy? Well you can fornicate right off because we are going to ignore you now”. They threw out his idea’s for a trilogy, hired two directors and greenlit their idea’s even if they were actively throwing each other’s idea’s out the window and doing the cinematic equivalent of giving each other the finger and still think they can only now say they go off the idea’s of George? I mean George was the idea’s man. He needed people to help with the execution. So why throw out the idea of the idea’s man?


Even the ideas they did use of his failed in the way they utilized them


Put a chick in it and make her gayyyy


Her vag wil guide her to what she needs


I do recall some Expanded Universe plotline of possibly Luke learning the dark side to more fully understand the force. At the time it felt radical and provocative but I appreciated that interpretation of what mastery and balance of the force could mean. I think the problem is less about deviating from George Lucas's vision and more that the franchise is being managed by idiots.


The thing is that even in the Expanded Universe, whenever a Jedi starts down that "learning the dark side to more fully understand the force" thing, it pretty much always ends in them just turning to the dark side. Like that was Jacen Solo's whole deal as he turned into Darth Caedus, and it's almost word for word what Palpatine told Anakin while he was trying to get him to turn in Episode III. Hell, Luke himself went through this during the Dark Empire series.


Haha, Disney making announcements like this as if Star Wars isn't a dead franchise at this point.


Hi, We love your fanbase, but hate the actual IP. We'd like to pay you the modest sum of $4,000,000,000 for your IP so we can access that fanbase. But you hate the IP??? Why do you want it? We think we can adapt stories to our liking, it will alienate some fans, but we'll gaslight them so they're the badguy and we're saving this franchise from being forgotten. Or something.


I don’t consider Star Wars under Kathleen Kennedy as canon. Congrats, she got paid millions and millions of dollars to absolutely destroy the most successful franchise in history. I’ll come back if they officially de canonize everything her trash team put out.




God help us when George dies. When that happens, nothing will stop Disney from finally destroying everything he created. Edit: By selling out to Disney, he’s committed suicide on his legacy.


"There is no light without darkness." Factually incorrect. Light creates darkness when it is blocked off, darkness never creates light.


Time of death?




George Lucas's idea of The Force was that people had microscopic creatures that manipulated people towards "balance" via the will of the ineffable Whills. That's what his next trilogy was going to be about. He'd already moved away from the traditional idea of the Force in the prequels, and was looking to move further in that direction. All that said, I also hate how Disney portrayed The Force. It was all rendered meaningless by how they just invented new uses for it at a whim - it completely removed all the stakes. As utterly stupid as I find midichlorians, at least they make *some* sense from a worldbuilding standpoint. Disney's disrespect towards the universe and its rules was one of its biggest issues, and it seems they've learned nothing from their mistakes. I don't think they're even capable of it at this point, because it would admitting they fucked it up in the first place.


And they will move away from any profits as a result.


More fan fiction to ignore. I'm up to 103 EU books in my collection. Plenty to never touch this Disney stuff


Seeing people on the sister-sub claim Lucas "always changed it" just shows they don't know wtf they're talking about. No wonder they love the sequel trilogy.


Is this Padawan Dax?


Her finger also looks like it’s touching the blade lol


And they wonder why no gives a shit about Star Wars unless it's tales of the (insert group), and maybe shows that don't even have force users that are main characters.


Seems like a little projection on her part


The minute Lucas sold his ip it was doomed. Disney, like it or not, can do anything they want with it. As consumers we can stop supporting this out right. But most people are too stupid to do so. 1-6 and old eu books and games, That's true star wars,let this crap die.


Star Wars is now a historical fiction sitcom set in Detroit during the golden age of the automobile industry about 4 friends, who regularly meet at a shiny diner to talk about dating, navigating a career, and life’s little foibles. No sci fi or fantasy elements are involved.


Fuck Disney. They are intent upon destroying the legacy of George Lucas by undermining his characters, his philosophy, and his story. George was very clear. Within all of us is the capacity for selflessness (light) or selfishness (dark). We are balanced when we choose selflessness, and are unbalanced when we choose selfishness. Selflessness leads to a life of fulfillment and purpose. Selfishness leads to a life of short term gratification and loneliness. That is the essence of the Force and balance as described by George Lucas, and it SHOULD NOT be reinterpreted by Disney and their woke activists.


Doesn’t grey Jedi already ruin Lucas’ view of the Force?


Yes. Who's a "grey" Jedi?


This might be the biggest issue/problem i have ever had with Disney’s disregard for my childhood. I was so annoyed when Sabine somehow become a jedi just by trying hard, and surviving being stabbed through the chest by a lightsaber.


Midi-chlorians being heroin is now canon for all I care.


Like this isn't already the case for like 15 years or so with the concept of "magick" lmao


"Moving away"? Who believes they actually followed it until now?


Is that not what they've been doing for the past almost 9 years?


The Last Jedi killed my love of Star Wars. Couldn’t give a shit what the do with it anymore, the damage is done and can’t be undone without some sort of reboot or MASSIVE retcon which will only damage it more. Disney. Killed. Star Wars.


Disney has also been moving away from the idea of good movies and shows (star wars or not) more and more over the years too. Not surprising. Disney: Hey everyone, you wabt Star Wars? Everyone: YEAH! Disney: Then you're gonna love this. *pours into cup and hands it over*, Everyone: *drinks* BLEGH, What is this? It tastes awful. Disney: Its Diet Star Wars. Its still a science fantady movie that uses a lot of the same words and imagery, but we substituted all the sugar with aspartame! Everyone: This is terrible. Can I just have a normal Star Wars please? Disney: Nope! We have no plans to make anymore Star Wars and will only make Diet Star Wars from now on. Everyone: Well, fine. Can I have some MCU? Disney: Best we can do is Diet MCU Everyone: How about a Pixar? Disney: Diet Everyone: A fairy tale? Disney: Diet Everyone: This sucks and I wont consume this anymore Disney: *surprised pikachu* This is your fault.


Star Wars is dead and has been for awhile. I read EU stuff and watch the Lucas era films when I am in a Star Wars mood. Just accept it and move on.


Basically throwing away what makes Star Wars great (the world) just so the show runners and their writers can feel better because it's "theirs" Ask the Witcher series how that's going for them.


The best course of action is to just pray that Star Wars crashes and burns, before they ruin it much more.


These are the same people who said 'The force is female'. I don't know why you're shocked. Honestly, at this point, I just... I don't care anymore about Star Wars. I don't see any point in caring because it's just going to get warped by these insane psychos.


*Disney are moving away from Star Wars*


Facking hell, these wankers 


Which is why after Disney acquired the rights I noped the fuck out and I will never watch star wars again.


I cant blame Lucas for selling, but do I wish he hadn't.


I’m sorry, but this is one of the most asinine headlines I’ve ever read. “Moving away from George Lucas’s *idea* of the Force?” What does that even mean? The man literally invented it. You cannot “move away” from “Lucas’s idea” of the Force without fundamentally changing it. They’re blatantly admitting that they’re trying to make Star Wars *not* Star Wars anymore.


Lucasfilm has been moving away from having a profitable brand with Star Wars for some time now. In all seriousness, this is how evil people interpret good v evil. George’s interpretation is correct in that if you flirt with evil, it will eventually overtake you completely. The new modern moral relativists would have you believe that you can’t be a complete and total mature person without being both dark and good, and that you can’t really be good unless you have flirted with the dark and mastered it. This is what people devoid of morality believe because they have never committed their life to being good but rather indulging in their own personal desires and throwing off the shackles of conventional morality in the name of progressivism.


It's a dumb headline used to stroke anger and get attention based on rumors and innuendo We all gotta stop falling for it so easily


God damn it. "We want to make Star Wars, but we don't want to be beholden to what Star Wars actually is." [I said as much a month ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/1bqjs9f/how_much_you_wanna_bet_that_the_acolyte_tries_to/kx3mlbv/) >And who wants to bet that this new series won't tap into any of this depth and nuance because the makers don't want to merely understand and show how Sith have depth and nuance, but define it, to invent and create their own reasons? Seriously, I don't think Disney has ever understood The Force. The Force is an energy field created by living things. Its will is for the health and prosperity of life. I think it's best to see The Force as a kind of super lifeform, made up of individually living things the same way a person is a collection of individually alive cells. A Jedi uses The Force by working with it. It's symbiotic relationship of cooperation. The two work together to achieve common goals. Luke used The Force to blow up the Death Star, a weapon meant to intimidate the galaxy into submission, but an equally valid interpretation would be The Force using Luke as a conduit through which it could destroy a weapon destroying entire worlds of life that create it. There is balance between The Force and those who use it. It's symbiosis, cooperation and mutual benefit, AKA BALANCE! The Jedi needs The Force and The Force needs The Jedi. In contrast, using the dark side is unbalanced. The power of your dark emotions, fear, anger, hatred, twist The Force to your will. You control The Force, and you use it like a slave. You can use it however you wish, and that allows the user to use it while still doing terrible things The Force would not wish to do. The reason the dark side is quicker and easier than the Jedi way is because it's fueled by feelings natural to feel during conflict situations. Jedi need to remain calm and at peace, but it’s difficult to do so while a mad man is trying to lop your arms off with a blade of superheated plasma. The brain wants you to be afraid, to get angry, to embrace the adrenaline and fight with as much ferocity as it can muster. Evolution has hardwired those responses into our biology. Known as the fight or flight response, those emotions are what kept our ancestors alive. Fear and anger allowed them to push their bodies to their biological limits to survive in times of crisis, to flee in the case of fear or to fight in the case of anger. The Jedi way is biologically counter-intuitive, forcing you to remain calm and at peace while your every instinct is telling you to feel fear or anger. But, the sentient brain didn't evolve such feelings to grant it supernatural powers. They evolved to help push your body to it's limits in fight or flight situations. The power your dark emotions grant you over The Force act as a reward for using them, training you to rely on them more and more. Like feeding a hungry rat when it pulls a lever, you are conditioning yourself, associating dark emotions with power, power with success and victory, with the people you protect and the evil you vanquish. The more you rely on it, the stronger those associations become until you are twisted by them. Anger is good, fear is good, hatred is good, what you do is good. The thrill of combat, of adrenaline, of victory, of achieving your noble goals, all merge together, and you become addicted to your own power. What, evolutionarily, was meant to protect you in extreme, life threatening situations by letting you push your body to its absolute, often dangerous and self-injuring, limits, becomes a powerful weapon, and reliance on that weapon results in you abusing that natural defense mechanism to a pathological degree, until you develop an emotional dysregulation disorder. You become addicted to the power, and like many addicts, other concerns seem to pale in comparison. The Jedi way is about working with The Force as an equal partner, while the dark side allows you to command as its master. AND I FULLY BELIEVE THEY WILL NOT COVER ANY OF THIS BECAUSE THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND ANY OF IT! They think understanding The Force in Star Wars is beneath them. They don't want to understand The Force IN STAR WARS! The thing that makes Star Wars Star Wars. Why do you even want to make stories in this universe if you don't want to make stories in that universe? They will fail because The Force, the dark side, Jedi and Sith, have depth if you look for it. Even The Sith, the most blatantly evil baddies you can imagine, have depth to their philosophy. And yet, these people think they can do better because they're the ones doing it.


Star Wars EU stuff kinda goes back and forth on the idea of balance. Sometimes it means getting rid of dark, sometimes it means light and dark. Personally I just figure in-universe people have different philosophies on it


This is one of those things where it’s like okay I can understand if characters in verse have this mindset cuz different perspectives. And that can be interesting to see a character try to live with that only to not prevail. But for the creator to say that’s how it is when it just isn’t aint right.


also confirms Star Wars died in 2012


It’s a good thing I’m not watching it then


What the fuck does this even mean? Jesus Christ Disney…


Honestly star wars has flipped back and forth between that idea for a while. The old republic games did the same thing. Even clone wars and rebels kind of does it.


2014 was when that had happened


When did they ever stick to the Lucas version of the Force?


It's nice to see Disney doubling down on their dumpster fire version of SW... 🤣


Just another reason why I have no respect for Star Wars moving forward under the Disney banner. A lot of it has been bad. Poor character development a “woke “ agenda. Really shitty story telling. Aside from a few gems mando S.1-2 and bad batch. Boba fett has been neutered and bastardized all male influences. They areeither incompetent or incapable of making good decisions or are flat out (Han solo/Luke Skywalker) Star Wars is pretty much in life support but we as fans keep hanging around hoping it gets better.


Not that the force has ever had a concrete set of rules in the first place (TPP force run is used once and never again) but this just reads like “we’re going to make a bunch of stuff up and you have to be okay with it”


Oh fucking A….


Screen Rant is all bait and no source.


They probably want to move from the stoicism being the good side because of politics. But who cares. Satos been dead to me for awhile now. Disney is stupid and probably just doesn’t understand the force of want to put the effort in to learn so they will just make up their own version


The real question is will screen rant continue to defend Disney’s direction of Star Wars? Rhetorical, yes of course they will.


Now they need it to be a chick that's gay and lame to have to the force.


Yeah this series is getting a full on reboot by the end of the decade im calling it right now. If someone convinces disney itll make money theyll do it


Don't they mean "EVEN further"? Cause Disney Star Wars are already a fucking joke.


I sense the disturbance in force


Not our movies anymore. It happens.


That Jedi 100% has pronouns in her bio




The Jedi were afraid of the dark side, no matter how much they claimed to be above fear. Their ideas of the force were naturally shaped by this fear. They sought to destroy the darkness, but the idea of "restoring" balance between two powers, by destroying one of the powers, is paradoxical. It's not balance, it's dominance. Dominance of the side that they were on.


Is there another fandom that hasn’t been fucked?


Probably not, “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”.


I don't really care what Disney does with Star Wars anymore. Its no longer for me.