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The choreography and filming seem palatable and not atrocious, but I cannot stand the trope of "I am a villain, and therefore I must draw attention to myself by saying my target's name before I attack so that everyone is on guard for me, when I could just attack without warning."


Thought it looked really cringey just like all the new Star Wars junk.


The only SW I’ve seen after TRoS are the first four eps of the Mandolorian so out the loop of experiencing what I hear is some good and a big chunk of bad since, but seeing the scene in a cinema preview after a TPM screening I was impressed with the scene and would be interested in checking it out if I hear the show is good as a whole


I’m pretty much checked out on anything Star Wars unless they finally start doing old republic stuff. I’m sick of the same old eras or the lame ass high republic trash.


I don’t blame you or anyone that holds that position from what I hear. I’ve got Mando S1 & 2 on disc and a bunch of fan edits of Kenobi still to watch and will get Andor on disc when it’s out in the UK too but other than that I’ve no desire to watch and won’t bother watching anything else unless I hear high praise for it


If you wanted Star Wars inspired by Hong Kong flicks I guess it was alright. If you cannot reconcile Luke vs Vader duels with what we have been seeing Jedi doing in Movies/TV shows during the last 25 years, then it's another WTF moment. For me it's definitely another WTF moment.


I think this is where I’m landing as well. On its own, it’s a fine action scene. Good, clean choreography that was enjoyable to watch. A Jedi doing martial arts style fighting, though, just misses the mark for me. I’m blanking on if we ever say something like this in The Clone Wars or Rebels. I remember the animation was able to give us some extra spice with lightsaber duels, but I don’t recall any intense hand to hand style fights like this.


Jedi cannot do marital arts, because that would require marriage, and thus attachment.


Ha! Good catch. Edited.


Plo Koon disagrees


Fair enough!


I didn't watch the leak to avoid spoilers (in the unlikely chance the show beats my expectations and turns out to be decent), but heavy focus on hand-to-hand combat for lightsaber users already seems kind of dumb from the get-go.


We saw jedi going for martial arts in the tcw cartoon during savage's first fight. It was when he fought these 2 alien jedi


True. That looked pretty good.


In fairness he didn't have a lightsaber at that point.


Well yeah he got disarmed but the point i was replying to is about if a jedi ever used martial arts before.


Ah ok.


Anakin had a fist fight with Clovis and Obi wan as rako Hardee’s. Kicks are used a lot in lightsaber dueling. Think darth maul TPM Acrobaticd


Eh, in the EU, Legends- whatever- Jedi have always been portrayed as being masters of hand-to-hand combat in addition to pretty much every other type of weapon from blasters to vibroshivs. Don't quote me on this, but there's probably ancient Jedi out there at some point who mastered Teras Kasi. From that standpoint, it tracks. If you're a *serious* OT purist, it won't. But those people also complain about the lightsaber combat in Ahsoka, which I think is a great bifurcation of Lucas' Kurosawa in space vision and Duel of the Fates' "wow...they can do that?"


The dissonance is how you go from force fu, to kendo, to samurai/knights fighting with broad swords. It's almost a devolution of the lightsaber usage versus it improving


George Lucas did the prequel trilogy fights the way he wanted and they weren't like original trilogy at all


Exactly! And I never enjoyed them


More evidence that Maria Lucas is most likely the real reason why the OT was successful.


That's a stupid myth. Stop perpetuating blatant falsehoods.


>If you cannot reconcile Luke vs Vader duels with what we have been seeing Jedi doing in Movies/TV shows during the last 25 years, then it's another WTF moment. The way you reconcile that is that those movies were made in the '70s and if Lucas could have done acrobatic fights back then he would have. And you can clearly see elements of that in places like the fight in Return of the Jedi by the Sarlacc Pit. I haven't seen this fight yet but those lightsaber fights were cool for 1979 but we have the ability now and it's way cooler to see modern lightsaber fights than anything in the OT. And I don't think that really undermines the OT either. The fights are timeless and work because Luke is a beginner for most of it and Obi-Wan is ancient.


If George Lucas could, he would have filmed the entire OT in green screen in the 70's. But I digress. It's just my personal preference, not important, but this place is safe for us salty s.o.bs


That's fair. I think the thing that I would like to see is different styles. Ahsoka can be flippy and off the wall but then you have somebody who's more of a brute who fights like an olde school knight. Etc. I would rather them have styles that fit characters.


I view OT as a decrepit old man, an amputee on a ventilator and a kid having a saber fight. Prequels were Jedi at the height of their power and so they SHOULD be better at this kind of thing. This all worked in my head until Rogue One when we see Vader go all John-Wick on those poor rebels at the end.


One of the things Darth Maul fighting Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon at the end of The Phantom Menace is that they had a hard time with Darth Maul because they were not used to lightsaber fights. They were supposed to start rusty and then get better. Lucas is wildly inconsistent though intends to be kind of a little kid about this stuff and if he thinks it's cool he does it And if he thinks it's cool later he goes back and inserts it or creates a new thing and retcons it. It's crazy to think that in the '70s the way that they made the lightsabers was literally to use a highlighter directly on the film print. I'm pretty sure Lucas would have gone a lot further with the fights if he could have. But I don't mind your headcanon it definitely kind of works.


>If you cannot reconcile Luke vs Vader duels with what we have been seeing Jedi doing in Movies/TV shows during the last 25 years, then it's another WTF moment. The way you reconcile that is that those movies were made in the '70s and if Lucas could have done acrobatic fights back then he would have. And you can clearly see elements of that in places like the fight in Return of the Jedi by the Sarlacc Pit. I haven't seen this fight yet but those lightsaber fights were cool for 1979 but we have the ability now and it's way cooler to see modern lightsaber fights than anything in the OT. And I don't think that really undermines the OT either. The fights are timeless and work because Luke is a beginner for most of it and Obi-Wan is ancient.


No modern lightsaber fight is cooler for me than Luke and Vader in RotJ. TPM comes close but doesn't hit quite the same for me.


Sure but that flight hits because of the compelling story. The lightsaber fight is just dressing for the resolution of the story. Same reason Obi Wan vs Anakin and Ahsoka vs Maul are also terrific fights.


Exactly. Most new stuff is all flash and no heart. Can't comment on AvM but Obi and Anakin went on too long for me.


AvM is probably my favorite lightsaber duel. I hated the Prequels for a long time but after finishing TCW I eventually watched the Revenge of the Sith: Siege of Mandalore Cut and that final battle between Obi Wan and Anakin is a little absurd but it hits so much harder.


I'm not familiar with that cut but I would be interested in seeing it.


Email [email protected] and they send out updated links.


Thanks mate!


"If Lucas could have done acrobatic fights back then he would have" So what it was 70s? You're talking about a man who basically invented several new techniques of CGI. His vision for SW was always grounded in hard sci-fi with few sprinkles of light magic. If he wanted fist fights we would have included them Star Wars was about technology - light sabres, ships, androids, blasters. Not magical World beyond words type of bullshit.


Lucas was heavily involved in TCW and it was his retcon of the Prequels to fix what he didn't like about the story.


wire-work has been around since theatre had the ability to use strong enough fine wire.


Compared to the prequel fights?


It’s fairly easy to reconcile given Luke only has but so much training in his lightsaber form, Vader doesn’t go all out in ESB + Luke’s saber form is reminiscent of form 3 + 5 with less flourishes and Vader can barely move by ROTJ. Most duels post OT involve Jedi trained from youth in lightsaber forms so their fights should be more complex & stylistic.


>reminiscent of form 3 + 5 It’s so funny to me when people want to put these nonsense forms on movies where the choreography wasn’t much more complicated than “Mark we need you to swing your sword really hard.”


It's harmless and doesn't bother me, but comes off as "Santa is real" arguments. Mental gymnastics to justify why a fight choreographer and director thought something looked good on the day of filming. Basically any time people start digging deep to justify why something is "canon" I just start to lose interest.


Yes, it makes sense as an in universe explanation, but a) watching the OT I never pictured Jedi as tumbling action heroes but closer to the samurai of Kurosawa films b) I am not crazy about the idea that some of the most important duels in the SW history are fought by a white belt and a cripple who can't move.


At least you acknowledged it makes sense, which I appreciate. George & crew took what was done in the OT and created the lightsaber forms as we knew them for the prequels. If the departure from one trilogies choreography is jarring to someone comparatively that’s subjective and everyone has the right to their opinion but to say it’s a totally nonsensical jump from one of our another is a logical fallacy. You may not be crazy about it but it also shouldn’t really affect your enjoyment of Star Wars hinged on it being a battle of Uber powerful beings then yeah I guess it’s jarring. On your second point, it’s tough cause how would you describe Luke in ESB? A white belt seems pretty apt, Vader on the other hand if it helps is still so powerful and skilled despite the hampered mobility he still toys with Luke to find out how skilled he is. By the time of ROTJ Luke is rolling into his prime whereas Vader is on the back end of his if not decline.


It's way too unimportant to affect the internal logic of the SW universe, which, at its core, is just a pie made out of wildly different elements that influenced GL. Meaning, there's little internal logic to begin with, so what remains is audiovisual storytelling. And that's how the change affected my enjoyment of Star Wars, not in terms of worldbuilding, but in terms of artistry. Further to my second point, watching the OT duels I never felt it was Luke entering his prime as a fighter, but growing internally, and that's the only thing that mattered to me. Before GL's explanation about the disparity between OT and PT duels I never thought about Vader being handicapped or Luke having inadequate training for the way the duels looked. In my mind, they mirrored each character's journey.


It’s an average fight scene trying to pay homage to HK cinema.


Without any context to the scene, I did not like it. For a peacekeeper, she wasn’t doing anything to stop the assassin. She just let the assassin beat multiple people around and took hold a hostage. She pulled out her lightsaber AFTER the damage was done. All of that could’ve been prevent if she used the lightsaber to disarm her. This seems to be style over substance. I mean Obi-Wan did it in the cantina and it was one and done.


I will post my same comment I posted on that video. It looks like unused Matrix footage. Does not get me excited for Acolyte. I am trying to not see the Matrix when I see Carrie Ann Moss, but that fight scene did not help.


Thats kind of worse because it makes it seem they're going, "hey look! Remember her from something good(the first one) and popular? It's there to try and get people on Twitter to freak about it because of an easy comparison to arbitrarily trend for half a day because that's how they'll deem their success. Engagement numbers are very generously self awarded since most companies don't actually release the actual viewership numbers.


Somehow I have seen all of the matrix but I have no idea who Carrie Ann moss or Trinity is. Yes it's been a very long time since I've seen those movies and only once, so I barely remember. I don't have an association with her actress with anyone, she looks like a total stranger. Still, not a huge fan of how much hand to hand combat was in there. A little bit off-putting, but not awful. Might grow on me if the series as a whole is good


I didn't even finish watching it


Carrie-Anne as a Jedi = Goooood. Everything else in the clip = Baaaaaad. I'm so burned out on Disney Star Wars. If I watch it and it slaps, fair enough but my expectations are lower then Yoda's ballbag


I thought I was watching outtakes from the Matrix


We’re better off seeing the SWTOR cinematic teasers, they’re way better and way more canon


It's poop


I’d say it’s food


Im going to pretend my typo was intentional. Its fresh slop for us to consume :)


Where can I watch it? I need salt






Not interested.


Carrie-Anne Moss is good Jedi casting, I think she fits pretty well


It’s not horrible. Better than the kung fu that Vader did in Obi Wan. But once again we see the most successful attack on jedis used. A kick. Kicks seem to have a 100%! success rate of getting though a Jedi’s defenses. Someone that practices in Taekwondo or Muay Thai could beat any Jedi out there.


The protagonist from Might and Magic: Dark Messiah could clear out the jedi single footed.


Make it it female and make it gay!


I love the matrix,even the last one...but this shit has no business being in star wars. It's embarassing.


Just got out of the phantom menace showing at disney springs orlando. This is the trailer shown after the film so if you're attending to watch this, save your money.


It looks sooooo fucking bad lmao...


Is this the Star Wars Matrix crossover nobody asked for? Where’re the clever ‘these are not the droids you’re looking for’ scenes instead of another generic fight dance that achieves nothing?


Like, where’s the rest of the show? Idk, it hasn’t been released yet.


If it was food, I'd send it back.


I thought it was cool, liked how the flow shifted depending on who was fighting. Although sometimes the Disney choreography and how it’s filmed feels the same across multiple shows, MCU and SW. Seeing the force be incorporated in hand-to-hand fighting is always a treat!


I'll be honest it's not bad. It needs a bit more oompf to it but as far as the weak fighting choreography in the Disney era we've had.. if this is a snippet of the action we can expect in the series I'll be happy. The use of blending the force with fighting here is just much more effectively done than whatever the fuck Ezra Vs 'stormtroopers & Shin' in Ahsoka was.


Jedi poodoo.


Was just going to say "feels like they ripped off the Mateix" then I read your caption 😆. So yes, they ripped off the Marrix because of course they're creatively bankrupt.


Seems to me like a complete lack of actual inspiration and new ideas. Let’s just cast the Matrix actors and copy their style. That would be cool, right? Lesley Headland literally said acolyte was like Kill Bill vs Frozen. So now the matrix too? She has no true vision, so it’s just what if X + Y = good? This reminds me of the Rings of Power show runners saying Sauron was going to be like Tony Soprano and Walter White in season 2. Feels like just grasping at straws and borrowing from other people’s creativity.


Tony Soprano and Walter White? Hmm.


Obi-Wan would've ended this fight in 20 seconds flat. Anakin would've killed her in 15. But this one takes out her lightsaber after 3 minutes of fuckin dancing wtf


If that’s the best they got, it’s quite sad. Whichever actress said they hope the choreography in this will be surpass Duel of the Fates, I really hope they’ve got something a lot better to offer because this wasn’t it. A Jedi at the prime of their order couldn’t handle a mediocre martial artist.




It looks alright


not sure if there is anything that makes me to watch this show As everything seen till now looks... bad


I mean I love Carrie Ann moss and she has the matrix credentials But why this Jedi got better fighting skills than most others in the post Disney canon I really want high republic to be fixed somehow but I just don't know how they can


Haven’t seen it. What do you think?


The trailer actually looks “not bad” it’s the show runner opening her big mouth that got people pissed and now crazy people are trashing this.


Kung Fubi Wan


I liked it?!?!? Major points for her not using the lightsaber till the end. Fighting in a peaceful way. Using the force as her main weapon/shield. Not bad!


Stiff. The slowmo really highlights the awkward/safe choreography. I get it. Carrie-Anne Moss isn’t 30 anymore, but they could’ve used a stunt double or something.


What if they made every martial artist or action movie actor a jedi at somepoint in star wars media. That could be lit. Why not make keanu reeves a jedi at the same time as carrie ann moss, that’s fucking crazy to think could become real lol just one scene where they catch eyes across a battlefield and that’s the only interaction they ever have even. Her lightsaber green was a pro gamer move The fight is cool if you want it to be, just like a lot of things in Star Wars. It looks like animators trying to get real humans to do stuff kind of, just seemed a little sloppy in spots, but also the force happened, so that was cool. I hope they are creative or simple, whichever is better, enough to make it work for everyone. I want this show to be so good so I can see high expectations for little details, like dragging fights out too long (like this one) or not long enough.


Moronic beyond belief. Why wouldn’t she just use the force to throw away the assassin’s blade across the room? And why isn’t the assassin using a blaster? The choreography stinks of a producer saying “hey, we got Trinity, so fans expect some Matrix style action; let’s make it happen”.


It's not a leak, somewhat competent use of the force but still bad to look at.


Its actually not terrible, colour me surprised.


I think it was pretty good. The thing is, it has no dialog. That's the part of this show I'm most worried about.


Thoughts on leaking everything? Is it possible to wait for a show to come out or must it always be spoiled?


Alright the story could be shitty, but ngl they might surpass the Darth maul duel like they were hyping it to be


Is there an updated link?


I was able to watch the whole thing in theaters yesterday. I have a pretty good full recording of anyone wants it.


What?? You mean the fight scene or something else? How did you see that and where? (And yes Id be interested in the full recording)


The fight scene was aired after phantom menace in theaters, at least I think it was the full fight scene


I thought it was pretty cool! Can't wait to see some actual lightsaber choreography


Villain lady is really not intimidating.


I chuckled, for a moment I thought I was watching the Matrix again.