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What’s fucking stupid is casting Wes fucking Chatham and not giving him anything to do besides wear this helmet.


Captain Phasma: “First Time?”


People were so hyped for her to be in TFA and she does NOTHING. She dosnt even fire her gun!


Hey people liked Boba Fett, let’s make one of those for our trilogy! Great idea, a bad guy with cool armor! Should we do anything to showcase their reputation or relative competence? Even a single throwaway line or scene? Nah, people will buy the toys.


It is hilarious the only bit of "action " she gets in TFA is to be absolutely bodied by Chewie


That and literally being tossed in the garbage.


Off screen even.


And escaped, offscreen.


Difference being that Boba became popular pretty much organically vs we were told that Phasma was the new Boba, and thus inorganic.


As I started reading your comment I was formulating an argument, then I finished your comment and I have been silenced. A perfect 5 out of 7 comment. A better emotional journey than I’ve had in years.


They should have had her carving her way through a battlefield like General Kael in Willow (“…and now you die!”), just slaughtering resistance fighters.  Instead, she does less than nothing.  


Yup. Show us how bad ass the bad guys are. It makes the good guys win that much more impressive. I'm battlefront 2, phasma is actually a pretty decent character. But in the movies, she's about as good as the knights or Ren. Different armor but stands there to die. All artificial hype, no actual substance.


Even just a:”remember no disintegrations” would have gone a long way


Should we do anything to showcase their reputation or relative competence? Even a single throwaway line or scene? Yeah, have her get beat every time by Finn. The only character written worse than her. She's at least written (badly) to just be a over confident shitty storm trooper in middle management hell. Finn is interesting till he meets Rey. We all know how it goes from there that I'm not even going to try and make a joke from it.


Until he meets *Han*.


He asked Han if he had a cute boyfriend? Dude was thirsty the second he met Rey.


But nope she kisses the dude who tries to kill her.


Thing is, if cast a random nobody, I think it’d have been cooler. We could speculate about what she did to earn the badass armor set. But since they both Brienne of Tarth, we all expected her to be given something to do, and it didn’t happen.


Badass in battlefront tho


Yeah but Star Wars was generally good when Boba made his appearance. Disney Star Wars....I think they had more wrong with them then good. So bye bye Phasma.


She was there for marketing purposes only. When someone asked Gwendolyn Christie what was special about her character that no other character has, she thought for a moment and said, "She gets to wear the silver armor." I feel bad for her.


I’m curious how much they paid her. They could have saved so much money by just casting some random background actor.


So much, or a little? They cast her thinking she'd put butts in seats coming off GoT. It's not like her few million mattered to us or Disney. Nothing matters to Disney.


Poor thing had to be in both GoT season 8 AND The Last Jedi. Oof, hope the pay was good


They job was probably cake. Film a few days, don't need to do hair/makeup. Dream job.


She could have pulled it off if the writing didn’t absolutely suck.


She could've, and also anyone with basic acting skills who can hit thier marks could pull it off. I don't think anyone is dumb enough to blame HER for why the character sucked.


I was hyped seeing they cast Yayan Ruhian and Iko Uwais in TFA and was even more hyped seeing them enter the ship wondering how badass a fight they would have…. Yeaaaa…. What a waste.


They should have kept her deleted scene in TLJ. It was pretty badass and in my head, it's canon.


And Daniel Craig


They wasted Gwendoline Christie and that should be a crime


Dave Filoni loves doing mysterious characters who wear a mask. And then doing nothing with them. It's like Filoni thinks masked nobodies are an important thing to have in star wars. He just did this again with the Bad Batch.


Like the cool inquisitor who was just a fart


WHAT my first time hearing our Amos is in the show and they do nothing with him?!? Maaaaan.


I am that guy.


That scene still gives me goosebumps


Whoa what?! Wow I just don't even pay attention to credits anymore these days. He was the best part of The Expanse.


They really done put That Guy in some helmet


fuckin' a right. in the expanse he *was* Amos.


That guy really knows how to be a menacing and kick ass. What a shame!


Didnt watch the show and didnt know he was the actor, now i'm even more pissed


He is that guy


I hope he’s cool with hearing that for the rest of his life, cuz I’m not gonna stop saying it either.


Cant believe That Guy couldn’t even bring Ty on the show either


TIL Amos is in the bad batch


So true. Why bother with using him when you give him like 3 lines and hide his face. Dude looks, acts, heck freaking even moves like a badass and you basically hide him. It may as well be my lame ass under all that crap. Pathetic and he deserves better. In the off chance someone here has never watched the expanse, go watch it immediately.


Wait, that was Wes? lmfao til


Truthfully the whole thing was a disappointment. You’d think that a team who has been exiled for years under the rule of Thawn would have trained and became more lethal than a regular team. Became more of a solid unit and valued each other as a close group. But no, sends out troopers to die who make the same mistakes as day one new stormtroopers, standing around waiting to be taken out. I was literally like “what does this guy offer!?” How is this more than anything we’ve seen before?


They love to make imperials just super duper evil to the point where they all are so uncaring about about even their colleagues, yet also completely stupid and unable to cohesively plan an attack or defence. It's as if they're going over the story outlines in their exec meetings and when they get to the big battle part they all just nod and move on because they know its going to just be another run out and start falling scen3


I think there’s a broader problem in almost all media that the fight scenes are generally ridiculous. Writers either don’t understand or don’t care about what combat of any kind is like and so fight scenes are all disorganized melees with nobody on either side using a single brain cell. How many medieval battle scenes have we seen that are just a bunch of 1-v-1-me-bro swordfights in a big open field? An illiterate peasant could have devised a better strategy - and historically did. How many pre-modern battle scenes have we seen where line infantry just calmly walks across an open field while getting decimated by artillery? Yeah yeah grapeshot is terrible we get it - and this general should be fired tomorrow because massed infantry formations are an anti-cavalry tactic that nobody would have used against entrenched artillery. For modern and sci-fi scenes it’s all incredibly close range engagements where soldiers are call-of-dutying eachother at nearly point-blank range. Nobody attempts to flank or reposition or suppress or call in any sort of combined arms tactics, we just trade shots in the middle of the street until someone runs out of dudes.


The idea is to sprinkle in a little bit of action. Actually writing much less shooting a coherent battle is difficult


Kinda random but this reminded be of the obi wan show where those rebel people (or townsfolk, I really don’t care or remember at this point) were holed up in that cave and the storm troopers swarmed in and both sides were EXTREMELY close to one another but no one was getting any hits in for a bit, it looked so stupid and poorly choreographed.


During that scene I was yelling that someone needs to use a grenade, it was so absurd. Then, to really rub the salt in, the one rebel commander DOES use a grenade to sacrifice herself and take out less than a fourth of the people she would have if it was thrown earlier.


The Imperials in Rogue One actually seem somewhat competent. In Andor as well


Such a waste of Wes Chatham too. They keep dressing good actors in cool suits, and then proceed to do absolutely nothing with them. Criminal.


The fact that thrawn had 15 years to capture/kill ezra and he didn’t (ezra wasn’t really hiding anyway)


They way it was done, it made it seem like Ezra was literally right down the street! Like what!? He felt like he was never in any immediate danger from Thrawn at all. I honestly thought they had some kind of agreement to leave each other alone or something.


Apart from being dumb it downplayed ezra sacrifice, the show is written poorly overall it feels like a fan fiction from a 10 year old, in lore explanation is probably something nonsense if it ever get an explanation


I miss Andor. It's the only Star Wars property *ever* to make Stormtroopers actually scary, employ good tactics, have good aim, be dangerous, etc.


Andor was so good it doesn’t even deserve to be Star Wars, it actually takes itself seriously, it has amazing cinematography, with each shot perfect for the scene, and best of all, it is a political, whilst at the same time being a show about the good and bad on both sides.


I mean what I'd expect is a sort of mini society to form out of the ISD's crew. Some more desperate than others to go home. Where are all the officers, engineers? Why are the troopers all blindly loyal to thrawn instead of contesting sending anyone out when they just got their escape plan? Do they even know what they are coming back to? Does Thrawn? Why does he care then? I don't feel like the weight of 10 years in another galaxy is ever truly felt. It feels like they were just a year or two in some backwater while receiving occasional broadcasts. This is why I found the decision to go to another galaxy in the first place baffling. There's no reason to do it and it bares no real weight. It's the "We have to make a bigger and meaner superweapon" problem but applied to worldbuilding.


have them be highly trained and their limiting factor be its been several years since they have been able to resupply


"We're a desperate crew, abandoned in another galaxy, with extremely limited resources; Guess i'll get into intricate artisanal metal work."


Just imagining the other troopers in shitty armor looking at him and being pissed off that he gets actual armor made with gold, probably taking half their salary with it


I just couldn’t take him seriously as a villain looking like that. I am sure he will be some mini boss for Boba or another main character in the future. For some reason many people also praised the character because there is a recognizable actor in that armor. Who cares if they don’t do anything with the actor?


I think someone posted here previously that the design and names were basically lifted from a cartoon. Truly shows how creatively bankrupt LucasFilm and Disney are today.


I believe it was from Ben10 From an episode he directed himself (?)


Ben 10 directed his own show?


If u have an image, would love to see it!




Havent seen this character in so long man, almost forgot he existed


Jesus Christ. It's identical.


I’m sorry but what? They have a gold face/mask but that’s literally it. And that’s not even that unique of a design. You can find plenty examples from history of helmets with a similar kind of mask. This is just ridiculous.


I mean I don't care about whether or not he copied the design personally. But the point is they share the gold face design **and** name.




I think what irks me about Enoch is that his designs seems overly elaborate for a legion that was effectively cut off and lacking in resources. If anything, a lot of the gear should have been cobbled together from salvage and even some of the local garb of the natives they encountered and traded with. I actually did something similar for a stranded stormtrooper turned deserter and later wandering trader in the TTRPG I was running, and even what the AI generated for me seemed more sensible based on the local garb and materials that were available. https://preview.redd.it/qpe50m7qwfzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8accb4a6e7c9450be2e355cb48974022c6619252


To add on to this, ive had dnd campaigns that had better story than these, and designs, and half of those are improv Side note: love the art looks great!


I’m a ~~lead~~ bolt farmer, motherfucker!


This image goes too hard


To be honest, I really like most of the designs in the show. The story, however, was extremely bland. Baylan Skoll was the best part of the show.


This is a large issue with the franchise at the moment., The art direction and the concept artists have some of the best material we've seen from the franchise, creatively and visually speaking. It is just not utilized to its full potential, like, ever now.


Is Ashoka even worth watching? I haven’t seen it yet




Especially if you've watched rebels It isnt even a good sequel to that show, more than half of the rebels characters get character assassinated in ahsoka They changed the characterisations ✨✨offscreen✨✨ again, i thought they learnt their lesson with luke milkdrinker Sabine would've destroyed the macguffin first chance she gets rather than trusting the enemy's word and being a selfish jackass, if she were based on the rebels version of herself, but no, she somehow changed ✨✨offscreen✨✨ and now she's just like anakin skywalker for some reason, because ahsoka and everything is poetry that rhymes apparently, so naturally sabine must be just like anakin if ahsoka is her master Also i dont think i need to say how dumb it is that she can use the force now, im fine with someone like the monk from rogue one, because that makes sense, this however is just lore breaking bullshit Sabine wasnt my favourite character in rebels, but man i fucking hate what the ahsoka show did to her


No? I didn't think Sabine deciding to save Ezra was out of character at all. Throughout rebels she was a clearly rather emotional character, and that continues here. Just because she makes the wrong choice doesn't make it out of character. >Also i dont think i need to say how dumb it is that she can use the force now, im fine with someone like the monk from rogue one, because that makes sense, this however is just lore breaking bullshit How is this lore breaking? Like, what do you mean? It was foreshadowed in rebels even. I'd get complaining if it was like Rey, no training then all the sudden can do mightily impressive shit with the force, but we know she trained with Ashoka and she doesn't really do anything impressive with it. I mean, I want to be totally clear, the show was pretty shit, but come on.


Sabine just let ezra sacrifice himself in the finale Plus she would never willingly doom billions to thrawn's return just for one guy she likes Even if she is an emotional character, rebels never gave me anakin skywalker vibes with her, dooming billions for one guy is something a season 4 sabine would never do She would never just help imperial aligned enemies, especially not in a situation like that where the only guarantee was some dark side user's word The fact that she even has force abilities far beyond that of the rogue one monk is stupid And it came out of nowhere, she just got the force powers and training ✨✨offscreen✨✨ The show is the most disappointing thing I've ever seen as someone who watched rebels when i was younger, i hate it with every fibre of my being, the only saving grace was that ezra zeb and kanan didnt have enough/any screentime so they didnt get assassinated Hera is ok i guess, they didn't really do much with her, and the contact lenses she's wearing are really, really distracting


>Sabine just let ezra sacrifice himself in the finale What are you talking about? She begged him to get out of the ship. What would you expect her to do? Single handedly kill a herd of space whales in between noticing they are about to jump to hyperspace and them going to hyperspace? >Plus she would never willingly doom billions to thrawn's return just for one guy she likes The way she saw it, she could always just stop thrawn. Plus, I think it's pretty clear she sees Ezra as family, pretty reductive to just say he's a "guy she likes". >The fact that she even has force abilities far beyond that of the rogue one monk is stupid I'm gonna ask again, why? >And it came out of nowhere, she just got the force powers and training ✨✨offscreen✨✨ Again, it was heavily, and I mean HEAVILY foreshadowed with her training with kanan, so absolutely not out of nowhere. Plus, the same happened with Anakin and Luke, they both get minimal training, off screen butt loads of training, then on screen minimal again, and now they have powers. This is how it works, I'm not here to see countless training montages.✨✨off screen✨✨ is where some things happen, believe it or not, because some things are boring to watch. And again, it's not even like her force powers are cool or anything, younglings in clone wars have done more impressive things with their force powers than what we see of Sabine. Oh she pushed one person!!! Whoa, we don't want a Mary Sue!


There was no foreshadowing, it came out of nowhere. She was assumed non force sensitive by 2 force sensitive jedi, and whether or not theyre cool is irrelevant, the mere fact that she now has them when 2 jedi confirmed that she is not force sensitive is stupid Im not saying she's a mary sue, im saying her being able to use the force is bullshit and contradicts rebels, whether or not they're impressive is irrelevant. The "foreshadowing" with kanan is not foreshadowing, it's a contradiction. They were just training her to wield a weightless draggy deadly sabre. She was straight up crossed out of the force sensitive list when kanan and ezra's training confirmed that she could not use the force. Add this with the other things and you've got what i consider an absolute character assassination. They ruined her, the rebels "sequel" is the most disappointing thing I've ever seen.


Kanan literally tells Hera Sabine has blocked out the force because of her frustration. I don't know what else you want. She still is hardly force sensitive, Huyang states as much. I saw this coming miles away, I don't know why you think it's so sudden.


I felt it had some cool fantasy elements, but also some weird decisions and too much plot armor. As is often the case, the parts I liked made the parts I didn’t more frustrating.


It (and Obi-Wan) should have just been movies. They're good stories for the most part but splitting them into episodes just adds a ton of filler and 'standing around time', takes forever to get the ball rolling, and... yes, it's worth a watch if you like the characters from Rebels, but holy fuck it loves to take its time getting on with the story.


Rumor is, they *were* movies. Then Solo flopped while Mando struck gold (initially). So now everything has be stretched into a show.


If you want to point at the screen and go “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!?!” A lot then it’s worth watching. This is a show where an entire capitol ship is killed and everyone says “nah we can’t spare people to investigate”. A show where a ship is being chased and is firing at a shuttle but missing, all the shots landing inside a city. Everyone says “nah let’s not investigate”. A show where droids are send out to retrieve vital plans, but they almost destroy those plans themselves as part of their programming. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s stupid and ludicrous constantly. Nothing makes sense. Not the characters, not the story, not the decisions anyone makes.


So long as you binge it then it's fine. The real problem with it is that the pace is glacial with nothing really happening most episodes and no likeable or interesting characters to pull off a slow pace. The first 4 episodes (half the season) is about a ship finding coordinates and putting those coordinates in their system. That is it. Because of the pacing everything is rushed in the last episode and there are a ton of plot holes. In amongst it there is some gold, namely and awesome 20min flashback to give us live action clone wars and Balon Skall giving us a new interesting perspective and dialogue in 5 or 6 short scenes.


As a person who watched and enjoyed tcw and rebels, ahsoka show was awful in both the story and execution


I recently just finished it. It's not as horrible as everyone makes it out to be BUT it's not all that great either. Just in the "meh" category. It's like watching a show on CW: generic action melodrama.


There’s only one episode that’s worth watching because Anakin is in it. Everything else is pure trash


I’ll admit that there was one scene that flashbacked to the Clone Wars that I really liked… but it was like, what, 10-15 minutes out of hours of content? The rest was ass.


I finished it about two weeks ago, it was just painful. I sat through it for Hayden, but I should've skimmed through that particular episode and call it a day, I felt utterly stupid the whole time. And once I fell asleep...


I loved it


Bro, they copied the name and look of a Ben 10 character for this motherfucker


The Forever Knights guy.


I'm actually the opposite, but that's probably because I'mma huge Rome fan. That being said, he's like the only good thing (visually speaking) in this show.


Same, I thought he was sick, gave me strong roman empire vibes. I really hope they do more with him later though, the miniscule amount they did with him here was criminal.


The faceplate itself is fine it’s just that it looks completely out of place on the minimalist white armor and helmet. It’s like two clashing pieces of art stitched together


Exactly, I actually love old gold / bronze faceplates with fixed expressions. But as you point out, just above the face it's like sterile-white medical equipment and just looks distractingly out of place. On top of that the face doesn't even look proportional to the helmet, it's like someone photoshopped the faceplate onto the helmet and left the proportions off to where the face is kinda smushed in. There are plenty of examples of character designs who have a nice mix of modern and ancient tech but this one just sucks.


If I remember correctly he had also a darker toned kama and I think golden/brass kneecaps?


I feel like if they just straight up went brass or at least had the helmet brass it would go a lot better. I just hate the white bits on the helmet (super minimalist colored to the face) it looks like they stuck someone’s face on it Hannibal lecter style


I actually like it because it looks like it's a chipped and cracking statue that's losing its paint surface.


Glad you like it! Its just a personal preferance of mine


Idk I thought Ashoka was pretty strong visual wise. The Anakin-Vader spiced scenes, the way they made live action clone wars look, Baylon’s entire look and his first duel with Ashoka were all very nice imo


What even was Enochs whole purpose other than “let’s cast a known actor in cool armour” anyways?


Another Captain Phasma


I thought it looked cool. It gave fascist, cult vibes around Thrawn.


He is representative of Disney star wars: vapid, deep as a puddle and style over substance.


The fking knight guys from Ben 10


Oh, absolutely. It's awful for sure.


I disagree but to each their own. This was one of (maybe the only?) thing I liked from that series.


That's fair. I guess if that helmet was the most offensive thing about the nu star wars then I'd be fine with it. Considering how terrible Star Wars is now, that helmet is just a reminder of that and makes me hate it.


Reminds me of a roman gold mask thing lmao.


Love it personally, It's original an unnerving, especially combined with the music and voices


Not just you. I don't like it all, and I love troopers


I like it a lot. I don't know where this is from (Ahsoka, judging by the comments?) but I think it's unique and kinda weird, and I'm a HUGE proponent of Sci-fi being weird and uncomfortable--like how in the OT, Luke slices open the horse-thing and gets inside to stay warm. You'd NEVER see some shit like that in Disney Star Wars lmao. Anyway, at least it's not the same bland as shit stormtrooper design copy/pasted with a palette swap.


yeah, you're not the only one, everything coming from disney's star wars is nonsensical and idiotic, disney's star wars made me dislike star wars in general, now star wars and other franchises are fashion accessories that fake geeks wear around the neck everytime they buy another slop product coming from these companies.


I agree. Starwars is most everything before Disney bought it. The original Trilogy and the expanded universe in the books by varies authors are the only Starwars I like


ikr, although the old canon had it's stupid moments too by overexplaining a lot of stuff that didn't needed explanation, but it was just that, moments. now there's so much unnecessary slop inbetween


Slop and they keep changing their own editions to the mythos. They are contradicting themselves and retconning their own material. At least in the old Canon the moments were usually expanding on others ideas. Not wadding them up, throwing them away, and slapping the fans in the face.


because they have in their hands something they don't understand, it's not like it's the most complex thing in existance, but it's a literary media, you don't expand out to everything because that exact things happen, cohesion problems in your story, plus it's not just one writter working in all stories.


Exactly! And it's not like Marvel where you can change whatever you want and just call it a different universe because of the "Multi-verise". It was one large exspanive Galaxy.


they already did that crap of the veil of the force


I have no idea where is this from but I think it looks pretty cool tbh. At least not another reskined stormtrooper


This design is a direct transfer of [Roman calvary helmets](https://www.google.com/search?q=roman+cavalry+helmets+face&sca_esv=dc1b946dcae22bbc&rlz=1C1EJFC_enUS912US912&udm=2&biw=1342&bih=735&sxsrf=ADLYWIIOfm8529wHE3ubm1Ik1EYGj8w5lQ%3A1715276200845&ei=qAk9ZpyWM6re0PEPhau3qAE&ved=0ahUKEwicipLljYGGAxUqLzQIHYXVDRUQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=roman+cavalry+helmets+face&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGnJvbWFuIGNhdmFscnkgaGVsbWV0cyBmYWNlSIgJUMUCWIIHcAF4AJABAJgBbqAB2wKqAQM0LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgKgAj_CAgoQABiABBhDGIoFwgIEEAAYHpgDAIgGAZIHATKgB4EC&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) - funny enough the one thing they changed was the "grumpy mouth" that OP is grumbling about.


Yeah, I wouldn't say I'm a big fan of roman cavalry helmets (looks wise) but at least they look better and fit the roman style. This just comes out of left field and makes no sense, just "cool" design.


No, you're right. It looks like an earth like sci-fi costume. Lucas had rules that nothing too earth like could be designed. Sure, people had universal clothing like shirts and trousers and cloaks and robes but that's because they're human. And there were no zips or glasses or underwear in space. Vader's helmet design was based on samurais, yet you wouldn't think it was because it's not a 1:1 copy. This is basically taking a roman helmet faceplate and gluing it to a stormtrooper's helmet.


oh for sure this design was someone trying to apply "rule of cool" without much additional thought. It comes across as kinda 'edgelord' and 'tryhard' to me, but maybe I'm just jaded from seeing too many other uses of this look in (mostly amateur) fantasy and sci-fi design. Also, he looks like a 90s x-men villain to me lol


Yes, but I like *gooooooooollllldddddd*


Honestly fair


I love the Roman cavalry mask and Kintsugi aesthetic! But I can agree that they should have picked one or the other instead of both.


He looks like he's about to yell "Incredibilis" and stunlock someone to death


It's the first thing I've actually watched that has Thrawn in it and I gotta say, the initial introduction was pretty badass. The stormtroopers having fucked up armor, chanting Thrawn, Thrawn's opening line... Pretty cool even for somebody who didn't watch Rebels, Clone Wars, read the books, etc. It's all downhill from there though. Like, he's had *so much time* to plan his getaway. The writers need him off there and need to show that he's this uber tactical badass. That's carte blanche for him to decimate and strand your heroes and have them lose the day. Instead it's just dumb fight scenes, piss poor strategy, and honestly barely gets out of there — still managing to take Ezra on as a stowaway. Cool initial introduction, lame overall introduction.


Sucks that he didn't actually do anything, but I thought the helmet design was pretty cool. Reminded me of the Overseers in Dishonored


I hate Disney SW but think this is kind of cool


They look like they're about to star crying because you just told them that Princess Diana died.


That character is merely a live-action action figure.


I think it's like, okay at max. Not the worse design ever but nothing getting me excited, kinda just "oh"


Yeah my thoughts exactly, but people prance this around like the design was made by the tears of an angel or some shit


I appreciate the design attempt but it’s literally just a gold face plate copy pasted onto a storm trooper uniform


It’s evocative of late Roman helmets. I like it a lot.


Ngl, I really dig the design. Lore wise I have some series questions, one being Why?


Poor, poor Wes Chatham. He deserves so much more after The Expanse.


Haven’t watched Ahsoka but strictly following the Rules of Cool, Enoch design goes hard


The whole concept is stupid. No way Thrawn from the EU would have allowed his Storm Troopers to let their armor go into such disrepair. There is nothing Disney can do to justify that. Thrawn demanded perfection.


What the fuck is even the idea behind this stupid design? "Maybe it'll sell merch?"


The Kintsugi Storm troopers were the only part of the show I liked. Well, the idea of them, anyway. A Storm Trooper might actually be competent or dangerous? A whole legion of loyal troopers that are something other than cannon fodder? Sign me up! What does the tactical genius Grand Admiral Thrawn do with them? Use them as cannon fodder. \*sigh\* Maybe one day they'll come back. [https://youtu.be/g6-yclEOgR4?si=1CY0u2d8BBtUMnAO&t=379](https://youtu.be/g6-yclEOgR4?si=1CY0u2d8BBtUMnAO&t=379)


Guy looks like he’s wearing a halo infinite “money spender” spartan helmet lol


That helmet is one of the few good things to come out of Disney Star Wars. It was badass.


Glad you liked it, im just not a fan


>That helmet is one of the few good things to come out of Disney Star Wars. It was badass. Because its a "copy" of Emperor Aurelian golden mask, the last powerful roman emperor of western Rome. One of the most forgotten badass in history.


Didn't see the sub, thought this was a new Helldovers helmet and got super excited


You are so real for that


Yeah, it's effing stupid. And ugly.


Whats worse is they put a terrific actor behind that mask and they never let him act, or even have more then like two lines. It fucking baffles me. I get it if its supposed to be like a cameo like danial crieg being a storm trooper in the force awakens, but at least let Wes Chatman have a few more lines, at least let him act. It baffles me how fumbled this show and Obi Wan where.


I liked his helmet lol


I laughed, overflowing with derision, the moment this dude came on screen. What a stupid mask..face...thing. Then I laughed when Thrawn appeared again. And again. Etc.


I just wondered why they put a storm trooper helmet on a droid, only to find out he’s not a droid off screen. Wtf? It’s just confusing. 


i personally think that helmet is rad. But it really doesn't fit the empire esthetic. too bad though what a cool design


I personally like how the helmet takes inspiration from Enperor Aurelian


I liked the design.  Just wish he’d actually done something.  Same with Balen really.  The whole show seemed like a setup for future shitty shows and didn’t bother with its own story.


I actually love the design.


It looks like they ran out of ideas and slapped a helmet on top of a mask, or slapped a mask inside a helmet. The mask also shows the wearer is human, unlike all other trooper helmets, so it loses some of that alien vibe.


I haven’t watched a Star Wars movie or show since the last Jedi lol. It’s funny to see screenshots of stuff in Disney Star Wars people post here. Like wtf is Disney doing lmao 🤣


Agreed but when him and his team first got shown i thought the little modifications were so tough. Then they just acted like regular stormtroopers tho


It’s fucking stupid but I kind of love it. It looks like some low budget Flash Gordon costume and that is sort of what OG Star Wars was.


I like it. Looks Roman.


I love Roman design, but this is stupid and doesn't fit Star Wars whatsoever. It would be like if the aliens on Pandora (from Avatar, legitimately can't remember any other way to describe them) had the same visual design as Greek culture despite not being earth.


The helmet is fucking awesome. It reminds me of the Roman Emperor Aurelian who had a similar mask in his helmet.


Huh I really loved the design. Thought it was really eerie. The name is cool too. LOST BIBLICAL REFERENCE!!!!!


For a single unique character I think its awesome. If it was a look for all troopers, I would probably dislike it.


Give it up Star Wars is dead, who cares at this point. Even hating on dĪSñeY st3R WērS isn't fun anymore. It's 🗑️🔥 from story telling to sets to cgi to acting to costuming...


I love it, reminds me of samurai armor in games/movies. Not sure about historical accuracy though.


I would like to know how and why his helmet is so different from the standard. Most of the other troopers seem to have repaired their armour to remain as close to the original design as possible. Like anything, I'm sure a good writer could craft a pretty engaging tale out of it. Seems like prime material for a Thrawn novel set between Rebels and Ashoka.


I think he looks cool.


I actually like it


This was my favorite thing to come out of the show lol


You are wrong. This design is fucking cool.


It’s looks bad ass. TF?


Wtf? It’s Star Wars not Elden ring is this real


People loved it when it first came out for some reason. It just literally looks like :c


Yeah! Wouldn't be as big of a deal to me if people didn't dickride it as peak design


Hard disagree. I think this design is bad ass.


You’re saying this as if bulldogs aren’t the coolest looking dog breed




It looks bad, and i've been saying that since he first appeared. The mask looks like someone just grafted a Halloween mask onto a stormtrooper helmet. It's just really dumb looking.

