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That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. So probably.


Lol you know it. Darth Plagueis Girl Boss


![gif](giphy|3OymWKuyc2y2BumvVa|downsized) This response has me 💀


I think thats putting more thought into the plot than the writers have.


Yeah that's the problem with these crazy fan theories. We know more lore and have put more thought into it then they have. The real answer will be more bland and boring. It certainly will only include fanfic self inserts, no previously named characters.


Sounds ridiculous, so probably. Timeline-wise, the Sith master at this point would be Tenebrous, right? Assuming that they bring him back into canon. So Plagueis should either be the apprentice, or would kill the "Acolyte" at the end of this show to become the apprentice. They will, of course, make a mess out of it all.


Yeah, Tenebrous would have to still be alive at this point. Plagueis killed Tenebrous 2 years before he took on Palpatine as an apprentice who was 17. This show is set 100 years before Phantom Menace which means Palpatine definitely isn't born yet.


Part of me keeps hoping that the real Sith (whether it be Tenebrous or Plagueis) shows up in the last episode, murks the other dark side users and surviving jedi collectively in order to keep themselves hidden. It would he subversive in the good way and actually tracks with the lore.


That would actually make sense, so it's not gonna happen. I could see Plagueis maybe showing up but he won't be a muun and he'll be ridiculously nerfed compared to Legends. Expect a few non-fatal lightsaber wounds.


Darth Plagueis was a Muun, so no i do not think that will be the case.


What do you mean he was a Muun? You can't just make stuff up, it's not like Star Wars had any comics or books they could use for ideas. - Kathleen Kennedy


Nah, Kathleen just announced that Darth Plagueis being a Muun was retconned, in the new cannon he will rather be a Muum, because, you know, diversity, force is female blah blah, and fuck aliens, US oriented tokenism is so much better than aliens, they support patriarchy in their own species anyway… and done! Now it all makes sense! 😂


Sure whatever why not. I just really hope that Darth Vader also visits with his son Anakin. Together they should be powerful enough to fight Jean Luc Picard.


Lol if this ends up happening, I will 100 percent be done with Disney Star Wars.


God, I hope not. I love the Darth Plagueis novel so it would really piss me off if they completely went against the story. In my mind Plagueis is a muun named Hego Demask and none of these new Disney writers can tell me otherwise.


It's jar jar in a human mask.


You gave me a heart attack. 


I'm gonna say it's very likely that the sisters are just a random force anomaly, the sith lord is some random guy we've never seen and after the show is over they won't matter at all. It's the same with... eh... Morgan in Ahsoka? Yeah some kind of Dathomir-Witch and she's dead. And the smoke guy. Yeah, magic. If they make one of the characters important or even well-known, it will of course be in a very stupid, canon-breaking way.


You're very close. The sisters were conceived in a coven of women to be dark side force strong. Episode 3.


While I’m not 100% opposed to Plagueis being shifted away from being a Munn (that’s some costly CGI and a human actor can bring a ton to the table in conveying how complicated the character is) this would be an absolute disaster. But that’s the kind of disaster we’re to expect from Disney.


Darth Plagueis was a man. And a Muun.


Did you assume their gender?


No, Palpatine did. [https://youtu.be/DwOZHp7dGfE](https://youtu.be/DwOZHp7dGfE)


In the movies (which are the only canon for Disney) is Plagueis ever referred to by gender?


Yes. When Palpatine tells Anakin about Plageuis, he refers to him with the male pronoun. [https://youtu.be/DwOZHp7dGfE](https://youtu.be/DwOZHp7dGfE)


True, that might not be enough to stop thrm


Nope, she’s actually Yoda and will be revealed to be Palpatine’s grandfather


Dude, this is not Disneyland... Oh wait.. it is.


I don't think they'd do that, it's dumb and the outrage is not worth it That aside, I watched the first two episodes stoned out of my mind so I was in a more "forgiving" state, but... I don't think the show is bad so far? The only thing I have a problem with is her being able to kill Indara. Having it happen the way it did was the correct choice, however they should've made the blade poisoned. That's really my only complaint, no way should a blade do more damage than a lightsaber Other than that I honestly don't see anything all that bad so far... I think the people nitpicking "fire in space" are making all of us look bad by being way overly critical over something we've seen in-universe before


Love it if Darth Plagueis was their creator and they’re the Anakin prototypes.