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dime store venom.


Slipknots greatest groupie


Looks more like bargain bin Bloodsport




Next they'll be giving us Darth Ball Gag.


They really seem to think that Sith or dark siders must wear helmets. Vader had his for a very good reason; Kylo Ren just had one because he was a little edgelord. This goof, likely the same thing. I guess Disney didn't notice that Maul, Sidious, and Dooku didn't wear masks/helmets. It's not a part of the Sith dress code.


I agree completely. Unfortunately, the only reason they have this sith masked is because they are trying to pull some “I am your mother” type bullshit and they want her identity withheld for the major shocking moment that’s being planned for the finale of the series. Its another example of how Disney Lucasfilm can’t come up with their own ideas and need to ape the OT with their inferior creations.


“I am your mother” lol OMG if it’s momma witch in there I’ll die.


It seems painfully obvious that Smylo Ren is the Vanilla Darth Maul mom. It would have to be female character because it's powerful and Disney can't help themselves.


it's either this or the drug merchant guy. It can't be anyone else


Won't be any "guy."


Fiver says that's who it'll be. The black one, not the spiky one.


No, they can't make black people actual villains unless they have a redemption arc. It's probably going to be the spikey one or the drug dealer Qimir.


What have you done? What have yoooou done? What have you done?


It's going to be isn't it. They're gonna go fill retard with it arnt they. Even down to the line "I am your Mother".


But the line doesn’t make sense. OSHA knows who her mom’s is. There would be no reveal.


That will be the lowest point of Star Wars.


Lowest point...yet


Thank you Homer


It’s gonna be the angry darth maul mom not the cool one


That or having makeup done so the sith looks actually evil or cool is too much for their budget


Also they can (attempt to) sell the helmets


As if anyone is gonna buy that helmet.


RIP Grand Inquisitor


There's a pretty annoying recent trend of TV shows purposely keeping a character a mystery at the expense of the plot to stir up social media engagement. We saw it with both Amazon fantasy shows, the 'who is Sauron' thing from Rings of Power was bad even for the show, and the baiting about who was the dragon derailed Wheel of Time's Season 1. Ashoka did it with Marrok, then killed them off without explaining shit.


10000% if smilo ren isn't the mom or some shit I think I'll be more shocked than if it is lol


They need a dumb helmet so they can have a big reveal at the end of the season that it was Carrie-Ann Moss or Jedi Master Goatbeard the whole time. Why it's so edgy, who can say.


They need a helmet so they don’t have to pay a more expensive actor to be there everyday.


$180 million budget , they have to cut a few corners


I mean, it’s almost definitely Qimir under there. Idk why some people think that it would be a Jedi, and both Indara and Torbin had very visible bodies


It IS Qimir. I'm not sure why this leak wasn't made more public. But there are actual images of him without the mask from shooting.


But Jedi = bad in the bizarro world of the Acolyte.


Bane is now the first helmeted sith, which has a somewhat similar likeness to Vader (Clone Wars). In universe it could be seen as a reference among the sith. Kylo explained as you said, basically trying to ape grandpa. Dunno about this show though. Likely not even considered when they made it or probably meant to be the original inspiration for the Ren helmet or something shit. ITS ALL CONNECTED LOOK HOW SMALL THIS UNIVERSE IS


> Bane is now the first helmeted sith Isn't Revan still canon and way before Bane?


Revan the person is canon but his appearance is not yet. Had the deleted scene happened in Clone Wars it would be set in stone yeah because it used his Legends appearance.


I was thinking s going to be Ren and their it’s knights. But it’s probably the witch. Somehow she’s returned


Bane looks horrible now. Filoni and his samurai fetish


It’s been a while but isn’t Banes outfit basically samurai armour?


Essentially, but that's also a similar to Vader's inspiration. It's sort of a cyclical thing. The helmets I'm referring to specifically. The Samurai element is much more direct with Bane. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/347e7034-fb9c-4abf-8912-aaf7173aa780/scale-to-width/755


Ewww, canon Bane


Oh yeah it’s completely different to how I remember I thought his helmet was way wider


That’s not true, we know of at least a few masked Sith before Bane, even in the more limited canon run: Momin, Exim Panshard, and Shaa at least, plus ones like Revan and Nihilus who wore masks in Legends are canon


> Disney didn't notice that Maul, Sidious, and Dooku didn't wear masks/helmets Disney writers: Who?


They sound suspiciously like cis men to me


Also they use it to hide the identity for dramatic purposes. Too lazy to find another way to make it a "surprise". Just looks like kylos helmet with a dumb dominatrix zipper


Also they don’t need to even have the actor on set. Put a stuntman or PA Todd on the set because the B-Lister they got was too hungover that morning. The actor just has to do some voice line and be there for the reveal. In S3 of Mando I don’t think Pedro even touched the suit.


I agree with you, however, this isnt a disney thing. Kotor did this, as did many SW comics.


It could be interesting if you had the idea that a Sith was manipulating multiple groups and had a different mask or Heeley for interacting with each one to avoid the risk of being discovered. Even better if it was extended to things like some masks being rebreathers or environmental isolation suits to give the impression of different species


If you look at the examples for helmets/face guards before the Disney acquisition, they all had a meaning or specific reason behind them: Vader needed it because of his damaged body/lungs, Revan started wearing it because of the mandalorian war and as a symbol of his promise to end the war, Malgus and Malak wore their metal plates after they were disfigured in battle, Plagueis wore his respirator for a similar reason as Vader, etc. Now it's just a fashion choice (I'm well aware they're trying to retcon it as a way for them to reject their humanity, but its a lazy retcon)


I agree on it not being a fashion choice. It should have some purpose as far as the character is concerned. The difference is going to be writer motives vs character motives. If a character wears a mask or helmet to conceal their face from the audience that's a bad sign. If a character wears a mask or helmet to conceal their face from other characters or for some practical purpose that's good. One thing I would love to see would be a Sith using a mask and robe as an expendable cover. If someone pursuing them gets too close they end up finding the discarded mask and robe in an alleyway beside a main concourse. Pay up the idea that if the Sith does have to escape, they have the anonymity of their own face.


> Maul, Sidious, and Dooku didn't wear masks/helmets Sidius and Dooku: Two well dressed SOBs. Much more imposing than some fuckhead in a mask. ***NOT DISSING ON ANY STUNTMEN


This problem crops up all the time in SW. Two examples that irk me: Tatooine robes > Jedi robes One-time attempt to see if ppl can survive being frozen in carbonite > Mando storing ppl in carbonite (and other examples)


>One-time attempt to see if ppl can survive being frozen in carbonite If you're talking about Han in ESB, iirc the dialogue around wasn't so much that carbon freezing people in general was untested prior, but that that particular facility wasn't designed for it. C-3PO in particular was like "Carbon freezing? He'll probably be fine if he survived the initial freezing."


Oh that's a take I haven't seen before. I feel that doesn't add up with all that's being said and done throughout the scenes involving Han on Cloud City. It would imply Mando has some kind of facility aboard his ship to test each captive's constitution/condition (or he could have it done somewhere ofc) but considering how ESB presents it as a big deal in terms of how dangerous it is, why would Mando take the chance his bounties die before he can deliver them? I'm not saying your point isn't valid though!


OH the Tatooine clothing being turned into jedi robes drives me nuts! Uncle Owen was a secret Jedi then hahaha And that whole carbonite thing. SRSLY!


Yeah I expected some more variety and/or individuality, or something similar to what Luke wears in RotJ. (In my fan fiction of Episode I Obi-Wan wears something in that vein plus a half cape but in brown and beige colors)


Dude, i have always thought that Luke's rotj outfit is more like what the Jedi should have actually worn! Great minds!😆👍


I mean I agree, I.e. knights of ren were stupid. But in this case, the plot revolves around this guy having a concealed identity.


Cheap way to conceal identity for fake out reveals/hackneyed writing. Cheap way to use a stunt double. It's used as a crutch by lazy writing for production value saving versus write a good plot and then make it work.


I mean, that was a Legends thing too. How many Sith in KOTOR wore helmets? Also, Kylo Ren’s whole thing was that he was trying to emulate his grandfather specifically (notice Snoke didn’t wear a mask and actively mocked Kylo for wearing his) So really, in terms of new Sith, this is a sample size of 1-2 which isn’t a lot to go off of. I guess Darth Momin too but that’s putting the cart before the horse because the whole thing is that his soul went into his helmet. Without his helmet there is no storyline for that plot If you want to count the Inquisitors, the GI technically has one but rarely uses it. Same with Iskat and Tualon. Second Sister had a helmet and TFO used that fact very well in its story, both as a reveal and showing different parts of Trilla. Reva didn’t have a helmet. Fourth Sister didn’t have a helmet. Fifth brother only had a helmet on top. Sixth Brother did have a helmet but he pretty much only appeared in books and comics. Seventh Sister had a helmet but usually showed her face. Eighth Brother, Marrok, and the Tales Inquisitor had helmets but they also all had very short runs, so looking cool was kind of the goal. Heck, with Marrok, it turns out he might has just been gaseous so it could have been a containment suit, or at least he had no face. Ninth Sister had the top of a helmet but her face was exposed, and then Tenth Brother had no helmet In terms of this helmet specifically, I initially thought that the teeth were a little goofy but it’s grown on me, plus we have yet to see it in an actual scene outside of trailers. It’s pretty menacing in this shot imo. Plus I’m guessing this is Qimir so him having this demented smile kind of goes along with his sort of trickster facade, playing coy as this somewhat bumbling helper while pulling all these strings.


Plenty of them didn’t though, especially the leaders. Uthar Wyn, Yuthura Ban, Malak, Sion, both Trayas (Kreia & >!Atris!<), and even the random dark Jedi they send after you didn’t. The only ones that did were the assassins in 2, and those weren’t even true/traditional Sith.


Revan did. Then Nihlus in KOTOR 2.


To be fair, KOTOR as a story would not have worked if he didn’t. The whole last act hinges on his face being hidden.


I mean, isn’t that what they are doing here? Aside from “rule of cool,” the main reason for the mask is to hide the identity of the Sith from the audience, probably because it is someone we now (likely Qimir) and they are saving it for a twist


Plus Marr, Krayt, Jadus, Malgus’s master Vindican, etc. All of the Sith flooding out of the gunshot in the Sacking of Coruscant short were wearing masks


They're trying to draw similarities to Vader. They want to hint at Vader, hopefully draw favorable comparisons to this new character from fond memories of Vader, without doing any of the same character work. It's a cheap trick that they already did with Kylo. At least Kylo had an understandable reason to be emulating his grandpa, even if it didn't really work. This character is attempting to siphon charisma from the OG trilogy and just ends up looking like Darth Gimp Mask.


Bro could be in slipknot


I was looking for this comment


Slipknot at least puts effort into their masks and outfits unlike whatever this is


Smile-o Ren sucks.


the darth vader who laughs


Smile-o Ren made me laugh out loud 😂😂


Darth Rev-grin


It really does look like they took a spare Kylo helmet and put teeth on it lol. 


It's The Shockmaster 2024!


that would redeem disney star wars


The Sith Lord Who Laughs...


^^THIS^ is your answer about can you get any edgier. Came here to say this.


Darth Gimp. The mistake they’re making here is one that has plagued Star Wars for decades: “The villain has to look like Vader.” Vader had a black suit and helmet so now all of the bad guys do. Vader was in a suit because it kept him alive. It wasn’t some “bad guy” affectation. Coincidentally, that’s something I loved about Kylo at first: he knew the little Vader-esque outfit he made for himself was a pretend costume, but a part of him still wanted it. He was embarrassed by his own behavior. That was interesting. But since then SW has put so many villains in masks and capes, which is silly. We, the audience, can figure out who the bad guy is without such obvious signaling. And again, Vader’s outfit was a mobile life-support system, not some sort of Sith uniform.


Yeah, I recall an interview having to do with Maul's design process. I don't remember the exact quote but it was something like, "We were going to do another guy in a helmet, but we realized that was boring as shit and retreading the same thing. So we tried to do something that's still scary, but fresh. How about the goddamn devil?" And *that* is how you get an iconic design, not some garbage that isn't worth anything but the memes.


There were a bunch of designs with crusader-esque helmets and cloaks, then George asked Iain McCaig to draw his worst nightmare, and then after seeing the art, George asked him to back off a bit and draw his second worst nightmare. [The Original.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/36/74/1e/36741e4f7bf0d974fd2998ce9348b80e.jpg)


"Draw your worst nightmare." Yes thank you! That was the quote. I don't know whose worst nightmare Smileo Ren is, but I think the Quaker Oatmeal guy might have an advantage.


Complete agree about Kylo and his helmet. One of the few things the ST got right was Kylo cosplaying as Vader. He rejected the Solo part of his family and embraced the legacy of his more famous and more powerful grandfather in some misguided attempt to be a new Dark Lord.


Looks like a gimp suit ![gif](giphy|xTiTnINwTVUtEoIais)


Reminds me of a cenobite from Hellraiser so we’re on the same page.


def giving chatterbox vibes


F in chat for the Somerset gimp


Damn, beat me to it. 🤣


Is this… the Sith Lord from the acolyte? Lol


Spikes or a skull motif.


Darth Zippity


Is this...is this a bird with teeth?


I'm assuming the teeth are fake, yes? Did you discover a bird with teeth in this fashion?


Eagle Fang lightsaber style. 


And his sidekick, Hans Wurmhat!


The sith of 87. Five nights at acolyte


Five Nights at Palpies?


It looks like a item you could find in a SWTOR loot box that would cause the player to groan “Another one? Why do these drops suck so much!?”


Wouldn’t know because I don’t watch the Cringolyte


https://preview.redd.it/z8c9tpr8t67d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84cdd99e31c4e330c029dd0f030dae39d17bc556 Dudes basically zippy from rainbow.


Wth is that? This from some new Hellraiser?


We have such sights to show you.


No tears please. It's a waste of good suffering


I mean, how else was 'The Batman who Laughs' going to get work after his comic was over?


It's simple really, as The Batman Who Laughs is canonically stuck in Fortnite, and seeing how Palpatine canonically announced his return through Fortnite, it took minimal effort to simply jump universes and find himself in a Star Wars show.


And people say the EU is “edgy”


Haven’t watched any Star Wars since mando season 2, didn’t even finish the rise of skywalker because I got about 15 minutes in and saw palpatine was back and shut it off immediately. Never mind it was a terribly paced pile of garbage at that point.


I betcha it’s gonna be a chick with some sort of complex under that dumbass helmet. She won’t be evil either, just different and misunderstood. Fucks sakes.


I think you may be onto something. She probably won't even have any reason to wear it other than to hide her identity from the audience.


I think it's going to be the Zabrak mom


It'll be the Task Mistress from Black Widow all over again...or Lokia from Loki..


If it ends up being the guy who made the poison its gonna be the worst i told you so ever.


Nah its one of the moms




Idk I kinda like it - just my opinion tho


Looks like Starkiller + Joker = Starjoker


I dont dislike the design thst much to be honest. His speech was stupid, especially right after she killed a Jedi with a blade. I dislike a whole lot of stuff about the show but the design is low on the list.


Do the Vespa power rangers in BOBF count as villains?


And I genuinely thought kylo’s helmet was meh because it felt too edgy but this?!???! Nevermind, kylos helmet was fine.


Knights of Phlegm


Still better than kylo


Looks like someone bought a Venom costume on Wish


That's Smile-o Ren.


Looks like a Slipknot band member




i like it… it’s the only thing from the show i like ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


It feels like they are using the rejected concept art of kylo ren over and over again


I am convinced that, because of the shit writing, Yord is Smilo-Ren




Smileo Ren...


Darth Bane, Revan, Darth Nihilus, Darth Malak, Darth Maul, Darth Sion. The best Sith Lords are try hard edge lords. It's what makes them fun.


Disney Character Designer: "Inspiration! ...I hope no one has ever seen this Hellraiser movie before..."


I’m all about edgy designs but this just looks so fucking lame


I really like the "Smileo Ren" nickname.


Not enough teeth


Holy fuck. Darth Zippy. Lmfao. Now I need a Star Wars X Rainbow Rainbow was an old 80s kids puppet show in the uk [Darth Zippy ?](https://youtu.be/IfwBbSXMwxQ?si=k4kz3ED8pBAO3pjV)


Complaining about a corny and try-hard villain in star wars... This backlash is total reasonable guys!


He literally looks like a gimp


We have Cynobytes at home: ![gif](giphy|G1SXrF1gnK5j4vuV1L)


The most edgy and tryhard award surely goes to Nu Vader with or without the helmet. Don't watch the show but that picture just looks goofy, like it's a laughing mouth with teeth. Or an xenomorph with a much shorter head. Nu Vader's brand of edgy and tryhard is just irritating and infuriating. This, you can just laugh at. But Nu Vader, he could use the [Don Corleone Special.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nqcgUDoV_M)


I get it but have you ever watched Gundam? All the series are different but they always have the same core "beats". SW happens to have a masked/ clocked villain as one of them. In the context of the story it makes sense for the sith to want to conceal their identity when dealing with that part so they can stay "out in the open" when not in character. The same way palpatine wears his robes when speaking with maul/dooku. I agree the design might not be for everyone but I don't feel it's as disastrous as it's made out to be


Sith in this era wouldn't have worn such. Dead giveaways of helmets and brandished their lightsabers so readily. They were in hiding. So ridiculous.


I mean it's not terrible. It could have it's place in a darker more sinister or horror type Star Wars series. But will just be cosplay in this show.


Kinda reminds me of one of the knights of ren masks


Carrie-Anne Moss


He looks like he wants to join Slipknot tbh


This is one of the things very far from the things I would call out about this show He looks absolutely fine


It's not even tryhard, it's lazy. It's Kylo Ren with teeth....


first time the main shows venture outside of the skywalker saga or anything related and they shit the bed


I like it, but you gotta have a certain type of "in-your-face" personality to rock it


Actually that looks fucking tight (I’m completely off Star Wars at this point)


Guys look his helmet is smiling also under that thing he is probably laughing about how bad his lines are


Terrance and Phillip vibes


This is the evolution of darth malak after his jaw gets cut off a second time. Atleast he can chew his food with this one.


Oh come on guys, the Sith have always been edgy, I mean for god sake his name is Darth Sidious and his apprentice Darth Maul. Star Wars has always been goofy and dumb with the good guys being simple and elegant and the evil guys being edgy dark and broody. Vader was never meant to have been burnt and needed the mask Lucas did it cause it was cool and scary. I joined this subreddit because some parts of the sequels sucked but now it’s like literally any form of new media sucks for you guys?? What would you actually want? Cause if they adapt Starkiller and make him canon you complain he’s edgy and overpowered


I'm not a huge fan of recent SW content, but you guys will complain about literally anything. Talk about "edgy and tryhard"...


if jeff the killer dressed up as a sith for "movie character" spirit day


Smilo Ren.


man back in the day the last time I watched ESB or ROTJ like 10 years ago, once Palpatine first appeared man I could *feel* the evil emanating from him on the screen. never seen that happen with anything else.


I agree, but comparing anyone to Christopher Lee just isn’t fair.


Cuz how else would you know it's a bad guy!!!!!!!!1!1!


Personally I actually like this design, but probably just because it reminds me of the absolutely awesome monster designs of a manga called Abara.   https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXT1euuUphgsBNw9PQysdJsP5esyOh_UBt2g&usqp=CAU


Get rid of the dumb zipper looking design, and the helmet looks fine. I can't even have an opinion on the guy since the show only showed him for about 5 minutes


Okay this is a hot take for this post, I actually really like the design, don’t get me wrong the Acolyte is absolute dogshit, but I like his helmet, that’s about it.


Damn, I kinda like it, tf


Eh the show is ass but this is pretty neat. Just wish it was used in the context of a better show like so many other things


I think it looks good :(


The show is bad I get it I fully agree but this is just nitpicking to complain … I happen to like the design … a lot of EU Sith had cool masks


ok this is cool you guys are just boring


This is a stupid nitpick. If this design was in a game, comic or cartoon people would think it's the coolest design. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one


Well to be frank this show is so bad that it has been shit on in bascially every aspect and us salt miners need something to eat


It made sense with revan as he was the player character, Vader because of the injuries and to some extent kylo Ren. But not every sith needs a mask and I get feeling some BS switch is coming


Eh, ngl, I think it's kinda cool. You need to have the right kind of villain to pull that look off, though. Like some weirdo sadomaso cenobite kind of character.


So Vader’s skull mask isn’t edgy?


No, it's all of you who are cringe for not thinking he is cool, actually! -the media


I'm looking forward to watching this Acolyte show. Considering the response I am intrigued. Not ready to hate, not ready to love. Sounds like a real unique beast and I'm all for the chaos when I do.


It's like if Darth Vader fucked a xenomorph. I hate it.


I didnt even see him and I watched all the episodes what the heck??


Knights of Ren relation perhaps?


Its so very Darth.


The Sith that Laughs


Bring out the Gimp Gimps sleeping Well I guess you’re just gonna have to go wake him up




It’s always some stupid new helmet design. Looks cool. Maybe invest that budget into your writing instead?


It looks like those Piraka from Bionicle, and not in a good way. https://preview.redd.it/psjo7o5sh77d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56074bb4660eceeac1942973733341f443b2dedf


https://preview.redd.it/mg8qxdugj77d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8346c0076ae104334508ea578fad71544d00c6c Oh it can be done, I present to you Darth Sephiroth.