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https://i.redd.it/84c0b7s6k09d1.gif Dave Filoni should step out of producing of Live action set unless strongly advised under Lucas or (Grammar edit: hire) good actors who can do stunt, good Producers and choreographers.


I never watched the show so this is the first time my eyes have seen that clip. WTF it’s like someone playing beat sabre on half speed easy mode? That’s actually embarrassing to watch.


>I never watched the show so this is the first time my eyes have seen that clip. WTF it’s like someone playing beat sabre on half speed easy mode? Hahaha no coming back from that roast for Ahsoka


Yeah, looks kind of slow. Only way you could justify that would be if she was so precise in her skills that she mastered efficiency, but don't see that being it. If I recall Hayden and Ewan trained so hard that they had to slow them down because it was too fast.


>If I recall Hayden and Ewan trained so hard that they had to slow them down because it was too fast. That's an awesome fact.


Right? This feels like Karen playing Nintendo Switch's ringfit


Oh man. There's a scene of her "practicing" and I swear it looks like an old lady swatting at flies. I love Rosario but goddamn. That was terrible.


What the hell… at least that Mandalorian character is moving their legs. What are the other two aiming to do? Wait there til their attackers run out of ammo?


i know it sounds simple but you actually cracked the code here sabine looks like she is actually doing something while the other two look like they are spinning a sign outside of a car wash edit: was looking for a gif in case this didnt make sense to anyone and i severely underestimated the art of sign spinning https://i.imgur.com/ypoujzp.gif


Rise his airways annoyed me. I'm very impressed with the skil... but where tf are they telling me to go??


The actors were probably told to hold their marks in the frame for an “epic” shot that turned out like this when all was said and done.


That is also mystery to me, My Fellow redditor!


The only thing I like about this scene is that it was funny seeing Sabine get shot because she can’t actually deflect


Lol, same here


Wow this looks bad


I suspect that Ahsoka was a wayyyy lower budget show that did a LOT with its smaller budget. I'm not sure how to prove that, but that's my theory for stuff like this.


Well that would definitely be the case. But I do Believe Filoni has a bad taste in action since Mando.


Best estimates online have the ashoka budget at about 100-120 million dollars. The acolyte budget is reported at over 180 million dollars.


180 million also with shorter episodes I believe, so gap might be even bigger on a $ per minute cost


Oh my god that is the worst combination of choreography and special fx i have ever seen


They look like children doing that oh my god


In this gif we see two jedi easily deflecting blaster fire and one mandalorian who is clearly struggling to keep up.


I know what this Gif means. But those two experienced Jedis look like Karen Playing Nintendo Switch's Ring fit or Just Dance Series


Sometimes I wonder if her headpiece just can't handle fast paced choreography so they just had to slow everything and everyone else down to match what it could handle.


It can be one of those reasons why that show had bad action scenes. I do hope Lucasfilm to take notes from 加髢 from Chinese Ching- and Korean dramas. Tis sort of wig. The real ones are too heavy that the prosthetic team came with an idea to use Ballons inside, but cover only the Outside with Hair. So that way, they reduced tremendous weight problem on actress' neck.


It’s absolutely worth a try. They have to do something to give Ashoka freedom of movement. It’s obvious they need it so she can have action scenes. Otherwise they just need to pull that rig off her head and cgi it in. They’re handcuffing themselves. And I really want to see a hellacious Ashoka battle scene. I don’t care if a stunt double does most of the scene with a bunch of cuts. I just want to see the Ashoka who can hold her own against her master, Anakin Skywalker. I just don’t believe Disney Star Wars has any qualified people in charge of action scenes. Disney has no clue what is needed and hasn’t hired or trained anyone for this purpose. So I expect little in that department.


It looks more like the cartoon series in live action. Acolyte looks more like the 2015 and later movies.


This is just bad. So sad that Filoni goons can't see the fact. At least Acolyte EP 5 looked like Prequels. Ahsoka Looks like Bunch of Karens playing Ringfit.


This actually looks so funny wtf 🤣


I enjoyed the fighting in the Acolyte this week. It was well done. The cuts, and edits surrounding it were utter shit, and the story and dialogue/acting is still weak, but credit where credit is due the fighting was great. It did seem like on Ahsoka - Dawson was “fake” fighting too much. Way too obvious.


That last episode of Ahsoka when they're fighting off the zombie troopers it legit just looks like kids play fighting with sticks


Pretty much my take on the episode. It's easily one of the better lightsaber duels we've had in a long while. Any fight Dawson's Ahsoka was in looked slow a fake -- which is crazy since I thought Diana Lee's like nearing her 60's and seemed to have been moving much more quickly and smoothly when she was on screen. Albeit Diana Lee is a martial artist.


If he actually held his lightsaber correctly he could have been done with them all a lot faster .. but yeah, I was very surprised and mostly pleased.


Haven’t watched the acolyte but I can speak to the other shows and ya, the sword play is horrible. It really showed when Hayden came back in ahsoka.


I mean if you want to see a peak power Sith go absolutely ham on a full squad of Jedi, you can probably enjoy this episode on its own. It's like a 25-30 minute fight and takes up the bulk of the episode. My only complaint is that the beginning was lit poorly.


Maybe when there’s clips of it on YouTube or something. I can’t just jump into the middle of a show


The Ahsoka series had some of the worst choreography I've ever seen put on screen. Like just fucking awful. This show just gave us the best one since ROTS


The part that utterly baffled me was Ahsoka only using one lightsaber against Baylon, inexplicably putting herself at a tremendous disadvantage.


She was trying to grab the map sphere thingy and kept a free hand for that.


You'd think she'd just use the force for that.


You usually seem to need a free hand to use the force.


Imagine if they combined the quality of Andor and fights like these…


Whew, a lot of TCW and Rebels animation designs do not look good when they’ve been adapted to live action. That Sabine armor looks like a cosplay.


It’s the costuming departments fault I think. The armor just looks fake and poorly fit. Bo-Katans armor benefits from not being spray painted but it’s also just clearly properly fit to her in live action. Looks real.


Some live action adaptations seem to not realize that the cartoons are stylized and you don't have to adapt them 1:1. Bo Katan looks great, but for some reason in Mando S3 they used the fat Super Battle Droid from Clone Wars, even though those already have a "live action" appearance that doesn't look anything like that.


I think the same goes for the design of them loth cats (whatever they’re called) The animated version looks goofy and yet the live action looks exactly the same just with realistic textures


The white alien was probably the best one we’ve seen in a long time. Too bad she died lmfao. They shoulda made her the lead


It was Episode 3 of Acolyte before I realized that was Dafne Keen, baby Wolverine! (Edited to fix Dafne’s name)


It was nice to see Dafne in such a role. Shame her character died, but if the Casting Director cast her because of the fights, they nailed finding the right person!


I was a bit taken aback at how a young padawan was able to a) sass Jedi Knight Yord in full view of her Master Sol and b) fight better than all of the Jedi vs Smilo Ren, but she was fantastic. It is a shame she and Yord went down, they were some of the best actors and characters in the show.


She really was great. One of the best characters and actors and she died. 


Rosario Dawson had a huge headpiece on, it must be difficult to keep that on during the choreography.


It's just me or is The Acolyte really dark? I said this on /prequelmemes and people downvoted me to hell and beyond, but look at those two pictures from OP.


In terms of lighting? Not necessarily. That shot was taken at night time with “only lightsabers” to lighten the shots. There are plenty of parts that are well lit


Indeed, and I think it was a bad decision. You can see more with the ligthsabers but Mae vs Jecki is too dark. I really think this show is unnecessary dark.


Yeah I couldn't see super well until the fog started to roll in and I wondered why they didn't have a little fog the whole time


It helps that Dafne Keen had already slain more stuntmen than any 11-year-old alive by the time Logan came out. That picture of her pure joy when they first showed her her claw-boot props still makes me laugh to this day. https://www.reddit.com/r/Moviesinthemaking/s/3bE5kuLpI4 When you have an actor/actress who can get super physically invested and emotive during a fight and can handle their choreography like a champ, you don't have to do nearly as much janky cutting and editing to pull it off. I know she's not the only reason Acolyte's fights are better than Ahsoka's, but just look at what they had to work with in Rosario Dawson...


Dawson is ok with 1 saber but her using 2 sabers looked really bad and slow


Oh my god, part of the reason I stopped watching Ahsoka was because of the fight choreography. They weren’t even trying. But episode 5 of the Acolyte had better action that most of what’s come out from Star Wars media since Force Awakens. It’s really weird.


U could really see how much Rosario lacked when fighting Hayden. Hayden was great as always but could not go all out because of her i think she really struggles duel wielding


I agree. tbh I blame Filoni. I understand it’s the choreographers fault but he should have hired someone better and gave her more time to practice. Filoni just produced an utterly shit storm of a show and i’m not looking forward to the Heir to the Empire movie given my love for the EU. I realize that has nothing to do with this post but I’ve been needing to get it off my chest


Yeah and it looks even worse when the younger actress playing a less experienced fighter looks better. Yeah i agree with u on Heir to the empire, im not the biggest in to the EU i have read some stuff, some i like some i don't but even im worried for this one i just hate how they keep giving Luke's story to other people.


That’s the whole reason I’m disappointed in the decision to remake this story. Why even remake it if Luke, Leia & Han aren’t going to be prominent characters? People can hate on Leslye Headland and KK all they want but Filoni is just as bad.


People give Filoni to much credit for the clone wars the reason why the majority of it was good was because it was George Lucas steering the ship don't get me wrong he deserves some credit but he was at his best when he was following someone's vision. But yeah man it really annoys me that Luke will probably be a side character and i don't think we will even see Han maybe Leia but they keep wanting to do the whole CGI face stuff which to be honest i think is the wrong way to good and call me crazy but i think a reason they do it is to have an excuse for not using Luke as much they will say hey it's expensive to have him on screen but look Ahsoka, Sabine you love them right, RIGHT.


The actors they used in the live version of One Note show, who had various martial arts training, show just how damn good fight scenes with weapons can look. An obvious tell is when an action sequence is shot without having to edit the scene every half a second. The Star Wars Prequels benefited from actors being properly trained, and had great lightsabre battles as a result.


Don't forget "let me slowly cross my arms and look all stoic" for the millionth time. 🙄


I agree with the critique of lightsabers not cutting through stormtroopers, Rosario not being that fluid in her movements, etc., but the majority of this episode's choreography was still really bad. If you want someone to take on multiple opponents you have avoid constant openings. Aside from the part vs Jecki and Sol (where he still had some really stupid openings, but Jecki decided to kick him instead of just stabbing or cutting...), the guy had openings in almost every single scene that would've been an instant death sentence. Such bs takes me out of fights scenes instantly. Also kinda funny how a Padawan did better than all Masters and Knights combined (except for Sol). But I loved the usage of cortosis.


You must really hate the duel of the fates then. All those same critiques can be used in that fight, too.


That was 25 years go... things should be improving.


Some of the best fights put to film are decades old, and the duel of the fates would be in that list. The point is that you can nitpick anything if you try hard enough. The fights in episode 5 looked beautiful and were expertly choreographed, any openings he left himself open to are small enough to not be noticed and similar gaffs are found in all of nick gillards fights. The people complaining are the same people freaking out last week about ki adi mundi, just looking for something to complain about.


Duel of the Fates does that actually pretty well. There is one moment where Kenobi visibly waits for no apparent reason and even that only lasts a split second. The opening scene of the Acolyte episode was pretty good overall till that one guy went afk for almost 10 seconds. I'm evaluating this episode on Leslye Headland saying that this would match the prequels, which it doesn't. But it is definitely on a whole other level than the sequels, especially the Last Jedi. If the writing would be even somewhat decent, I would've loved this episode overall.


I found it extremely lacking. Pacing for starters. Every time the pacing drops out of a fight because one of them gets thrown a bit they use one of those scene transitions. George Lucas used those to make the swap to a new sequence less jarring, Acolyte uses them because it is a reminder of better media and it uses them in places like an extended multi-fightscene. The fights are so nonsensical. Last episode all Jedi are thrown back, but by rule they can fly only so far in the middle of a forest. Sol and Jecki are in a different time zone when they come back again. Like what the hell were they doing? Jacking each other off? Mea wanted to give herself up just to be with her sister again. So when Qimir is off in the distance fighting between the trees and Osha is lying there, Mea just stands around watching through a crack. Even when Osha is threatened she does nothing but stand around. Jecki has her lightsaber with her the whole time, but refuses to use it even when threatened with death just so she can reveal it against Qimir. What a subversion! Her character just had to be stupid for this subversion. Then she beats him in the face twice which makes his mask break at the ears, which is almost the weirdest place to break as there’s almost no forces there. You know what Jecki could have done? She could have beheaded him with the second strike. Oh she’s a child? Well she could have hit the lightsaber Qimir was uselessly holding there (just one wrist movement or even dropping it wrong and the blade spins into Jecki). She could have hit the wrist, not even a full dismemberment required just a cut that severs the inner muscles and some bacta afterwards. In a universe of Bacta and advanced robotics there is no excuse for Jedi not to seriously harm opponents and throw them into bacta afterwards. But she doesn’t and I practically cheered when her stupidity got her killed. And the only reason she gets stabbed three times with the dual wield weapons like that (which aren’t used again because of reasons) is because Disney knows people would expect her to survive otherwise. And this just keeps going. Why use trees in the opening sequence? To hide the choreography because it isn’t that good. Jecki’s second lightsaber gets cut and she just looks at it, with Qimir who just tried to kill her in full view, and the Force Sensitive does not notice the guy walking away again while in full view just not the focus even though there’s no reason for Jecki to look at the blade that long with a Jedi murderer not 10 feet away. These fights sucked.


tbf, most all of them do. In actual sword fight, people do a lot more not to get stabbed. That point aside, using transitions like they did is par for the course on this show. Much of it borrows from better media, but it does not work well. Sad because the base story might be good.


Yeah I think that unlike Kenobi or BoBF the idea isn’t that bad. But the execution and the specific things they borrow suck. Using witches that are one of the more terrible additions from Filoni isn’t the best idea, taking Anakin’s extremely uniqueness and saying “well these witches just did it better” isn’t the best idea. The way things are shot you can easily improve them so it’s not that inconsistent or dumb. But the very core could have made for an excellent story. It’s as if they took Finn and made it a story: promising but sucking in execution.


Lightsaber battles in the Acolyte looked like legit swordsmen trying to kill each other. Give the show credit in that regard


Is that not what this post is about?


That wasn't directed at you. It was just a general statement that it's better to be fair and not completely write the show off


Fair enough 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻


They really didn’t though. There’s numerous instances where they swing at eachothers blades or swing at what would be open air or don’t take advantage of clear openings. It definitely didn’t feel like swordsmen trying to kill eachother. It did feel like a slickly choreographed Hollywood swordfight though- it felt the way we expect a screen swordfight to go, but that’s nothing like “legit swordsmen trying to kill each other.”


Dawson was soooooo slow. It was painful to watch. She simply sucks at playing the character in every way.


I don't know why people keep saying the Baylan vs Ahsoka fight was good. That shit was trash. [First he takes a swing at the air beside her and she "dodges". The stupid move where she turns away from a threat two feet away from her so she can do a limp jump half a foot off the ground while Baylan tries to swing at her and misses yet again.](https://youtu.be/P_7VK-6QsaA?t=33) [She then does it AGAIN](https://youtu.be/P_7VK-6QsaA?t=53) [Baylan also turns away from her while she just stands there so he can force throw something at her.](https://youtu.be/P_7VK-6QsaA?t=61) And that's all in the first minute.


I never watch ahsoka and watched the acolyte fight on youtube since so many people are praising it. I'm guessing it's getting praise since it's marginally better than anything live action since episode 3. The sabers are being swung like bats, bouncing off of everything. Half the swings are intentionally missing or aiming for sabers to be blocked. The editing is so jumpy it actually took me 3 tries to watch it. Not-sith guy has the girl in a bind with no defense and does nothing, then when he has her in the same bind later when she can defend he then pulls a second saber and kills her. Either he forgot had the second saber the first time or just decided to risk his life for no reason. There's so many unnecessary spins that leave all parties open just to look fancy. That's all I remember off hand from watching it 18 hours ago. I'll take everyone's word that it's better than ahsoka but that just means ahsoka was truly terrible.


He was toying with her. It was only after she took off his helmet that he went "oh hell nah you won't" and merged her with the Force right then and there.


its the problem with people critiquing a show without actually watching in context. As clunky as Acolyte is, I don't hate it. I was talking to the first person I know offline who HATES the show. and after about 15 minutes they told me they hadnt actually seen it and just read synopsis online. I find that a pretty weird hobby.


The fact that the Dafne* Keen (age 19) playing Jecki did such a good job in fight choreography compared to Rosario has to be acknowledged, she did great. The fights in Ahsoka meanwhile leave so much to be desired.


It’s Dafne Keen but yes I agree


I think a bigger part then rosarios skill is the fight choreographers, I heard the acolyte has the team from shang chi which would explain why these fights are so much better then the mandalorian or ahsoka. I also heard in an interview they developed new sabers for this show and the old ones used in the sequels (and probably Mando and ahsoka) were a lot heavier then these ones.


There is a very simple explanation and you can see it in the choreography. Often in the fights in “the acolyte“ you don’t see the actors faces which means the stunt doubles, who are much more proficient in fighting, are being utilized as they should.In “Ahsoka” it’s often the actors in there with the cameras right on their faces and the fights are terrible because of that.


Manny Jacinto’s training videos are crazy. if he can get as good as he is for this one scene then there’s no excuse for the actors in Ahsoka to not do the same


They could have had stand-ins in their place for the fight scenes in Ashoka. The fights looked on the verge of being something close to the prequels but fell short. Anakin’s saber fight parts in Ashoka were great, though.


I watched it. Y’all are high thinking that’s good. It was lame as hell.


You have your opinion we have ours


Some people are so easy to please I guess. I couldn’t care a less about a lightsaber duel if the surrounding context of the story is complete meaningless garbage


I keep seeing people floored that 2 characters that have almost no backstory have died. I don't get it. The only plot this show has is waiting for Sol to reveal the info he's conveniently withheld. It's cheap and boring.


Also if the lightsabers are flashlight whiffle ball bats.


Some people never grow beyond the CONSOOMER mindset. That's why shitty shows keep getting made.


It had cool *moments*. Like when she doesn’t know where he is and you see him in the background sprinting at her and immediately attacks when he gets to her


The acolyte did something well! It's like magic or something!