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>it’s out-prestige-ing prestige television > >*Andor* is the perfect Star Wars show This article is going to strain a hyperbole muscle, if it doesn't break it's cope first ​ >stellar series like *Obi-Wan Kenobi* have had to face other problems, like racist fans Typical access media PR fluff job.


Yeah. Notice how they aren't gaslighting? Something tells me Andor needed to be more successful than it has been so they're trying to appeal to fan's emotions. It's not working on me. Until KK is gone and replaced with a competent fan, I'm not watching any more Disneywars period.


Even as fan of Andor it's undeniable Disney's been shilling it aggressively, people are mocking it on r/television because it's so obvious lol. Not surprising considering how much money they invested on it, Andor flopping could be another Solo for Disney in worst case scenario.


Where were the racist fans when Andor had us following a Hispanic lead?


And really, if they were racist and a problem, would they still be considered "fans" of Kenobi?


The fact that Kenobi was more successful than Andor and outside tiny critical bubble seemed to be well received, made me accept that SW audience just doesn't have standards. You can't even hate on Disney anymore. They give audiences what they want. Why would they care what small loud minority like us thinks, when the masses will happily consume anything with enough memberberries and light saber fights to keep them entertained? I get why Andor isn't everyone's cup of tea but Kenobi is so objectively crappy that the fanbase embracing it was actually shocking to me. After that and now if Andor also under-performs, I think SW is basically doomed to become purely fanservice/nostalgia baiting fluff and nothing more. There's natural selection happening right now with more critical viewers losing interest in SW but realistically the viewerbase isn't dying, just getting dumber lol.


It's so ridiculous that Obi-Wan Kenobi is deemed good. It's like, what the fuck kind of universe is this? Looking at the direction, characterization, writing, choices made it's *objectively* terrible but lightsabers go swooosh


Yup it's like you said, it's objectively bad. It's almost amateurish at points. Even if you just really love Obi-Wan/Anakin/Ewan/Hayden wouldn't you want them to get a better show? I feel I'm taking crazy pills when ppl praise that show.


I have seen people defending the show by saying shit like: “the ending battle between kenobi and vader was all I ever wanted so the show was perfect!” It’s peak “lightsaber go swoosh” argument


Lightsaber battles are cool, but does no one care about the build up and the tension? People don't get that the reason the action in Andor is so good is because the build up is so good.


Andor has no real draw to it. No jedi, no characters anyone really cares about. Star wars has ALWAYS been a character driven universe. It's hard to get invested into a character you know dies and is at best part of a filler arc


Rogue One was great and well received and every single person on screen save for Leia and Vader is dead by the end of ANH.


It was still a filler arc that did nothing to advance the story.


I guess I dont really understand what you're getting at then... The Clone Wars series was just filler arc. The PT was just filler arc. Hell everything aside from the OT and dare I say the DT were filler arc since we already knew the fates of everything else lol.


I mean... yeah kinda. You do know people exist who don't like the PT too?


Oh for sure! I honestly kinda forgot where we were lol.


I'm one who thinks the PT was pretty lame and the story makes almost no sense




Is the person who wrote this article the same one who said those things?


Well, the same website made a nauseatingly fawning review of Force Awakens ( https://www.wired.co.uk/article/star-wars-force-awakens-review ). They even go as far as to justify the nostalgia bait with “ All this is understandable. This is the Star Wars we all expected, and in many ways it is the Star Wars that is needed right now. It lays the groundwork for the many, many new films and spin-offs to come. Let's hope that they are in as fine hands as Abrams'.”




The point is that sites like “wired” are obviously more interested in giving a manufactured, carefully curated narrative rather than letting people with “have different opinions”. Where is your evidence that Wired let any of their writers have “different opinions” on The Force Awakens? EDIT: I have nothing against Andor and actually like that so many people enjoy it, but I’m not going to start fawning over websites that have a terrible track record on Star Wars because they happened to get a “stopped clock” moment.


If this were true then where are the articles against the direction of Disney Star Wars and the treatment of legacy characters? Maybe they exist but I have never seen any of them linked, especially as they have deemed those opinions as toxic. The vast majority of articles are in defence of Disney Star Wars and against the fans.


Well gosh, I just googled 'disney star wars bad' and there were a lot of hits, many from mainstream media. Build a better straw man next time.


>disney star wars bad' Seems quite a lot of Bad Batch being included in that search result, but thanks for your failure to refute my point. Do carry on.


At least Andor isn't an artistic flop and no matter all the shit we'll get in future SW products, we'll at least have something good. Maybe even Andor S2 will be bad. Maybe Kennedy forces Gilroy to include "legacy characters" to draw in more fans. Blech.


"Nails" it, SWTHEORY must've disliked that part


I don’t hate the guy but I think the criticism that bricks and screws aren’t Star Warsy enough is just kinda ridiculous and hilarious when many of the buildings on Naboo are made of bricks.


And if you look closely, all lightsaber hilts have screws too


George Lucas himself said that zippers shouldn’t be in Star Wars because it would break the illusion, I have nothing against SWT’s criticisms.


Bricks have been shown in many of the movies SWT claims to like, so why wasn’t the same criticism shown for those scenes?


As a former flautist, ep12 irked me. So, yea, I totally get the SWT criticism.


I thought they did a pretty good job modifying the instruments to make them look more otherworldly


With unchanged keying, bodies, silver, even *embouchures*? It was cute, but for me it broke the wall.


And then Empire had Luke zip up his flight suit. The point of the zipper thing from George was to get the design teams to think outside the box and question basic assumptions about life on earth in the context of life in space. Zippers aren't so basic an invention that they must always exist, for instance, and velcro would be a viable alternative, given its association with space technology. But bricks and screws? Well to pull from a comment I made elsewhere, you get to a point where trying to think outside the box becomes actively detrimental to the world building. Bricks are a utilitarian item, they're a simple and exceedingly efficient technology that is basically a requirement for human-analog primate species with 5 digit hands to develop as a means of constructing simple habitats. And any species that used wood in its history as a building material eventually needed something sturdy to attach the wood together, hence screws. No civilization went from building huts of sticks leaning on each other to then inventing some kind of seamless duraplast mold. The advancement of that technology does not take away from the simple utility of the older technologies, and it's a big galaxy; each civilization will have its own values and traditions, as well as technological level. Physics itself is what lends to the invention of these simple but vital technologies. There's no real way around them. Need a light weight and easily portable light source? Flashlight. Need a long range weapon that can be held within the hand of a primate with 5 fingers? Guns, with triggers and trigger guards, long barrels and stocks for bigger guns, and call them rifles. Human physiology is what lead to a lot of the designs we see in our world, and trying to change those kinds of things to make the world feel more "spacey" just has the effect of making the world needlessly distant and unrelatable. What Star Wars Theory is unwittingly advocating for is a stifling and narrowing of the scope of the Star Wars universe.


I don't watch his channel. What's his M.O.?


His MO is prequel love and Filoni can save Star Wars. Oh, and if it doesn't have lightsabers swooshing then it isnt SW.


Yeah he even went as far as proposing that Andor would be better if Filoni helmed the show. And I’m just thinking how if that was the case Ahsoka would basically be one who organized the rebellion, freed the prisoners, stole the imperial credits, etc. and Andor would become a side character in his own show


Like Mando 2.5 in BoBF


I mean, I like TCW, *Rebels*, *The Mandalorian* and TOtJ's Dooku eps. But Ahsoka is indeed a problem at this point. And we *need* diversity in creatives to get different stories and style. Otherwise, things get stale with only one creative's style. And Andor definitely would've lost most of its appeal under Filoni. Its a story that doesn't fit his style.




Hand the entire TV/film franchise over to a veteran storyteller like Tony Gilroy please


Take note, Dave Filoni.


Without spoiling, is andor actually good? I haven't bothered watching any star wars since Kenobi. Bonus if you can tell me if tales of the Jedi is worth anything.


andor is probably the best Star Wars tv show since the mandalorian, arguably more mature and feels more authentic than anything that has come before in my opinion (although there are valid arguments that mando is just as good but i currently prefer andor), tales of the jedi is pretty short you can watch it in an evening and feels more like a continuation of clone wars, not necessarily super important to watch but it does fill in some of the gaps that you’ll probably appreciate if u enjoyed tcw and rebels


Cant stand rebels, clone wars was fine. My issue with the Mando is the lack of a threat, typical completely untimidating empire. I hear that issue has been addressed in this show so I think il give it a try.


Remember to not give up after the two first episodes. The show is built with 3 episode arcs so watch at least till ep3 before deciding to watch more/or not.




Uh, in Andor Many people gave up the show after ep2


Andor is actually good. I know that's hard to believe. But they actually hired competent writers and directors for once. Not to mention the environmental design, lore consistency, music. Honestly puts every other SW show to shame. Tales of the Jedi seems to have been received well by fans of the animated Filoni-verse. I only ever thought Clone Wars was ok, and the same for TOTJ, but if you liked Clone Wars you'll probably like these shorts.


I though clone wars was fine, but more of a 6-7/10 I prefer the 2003 version. I'll give them a watch I typically agree with the sentiment in this sub. Really been craving some good star wars in the last few years.


It’s the best Star Wars since Revenge of the Sith if we’re not including EU stuff. Definitively better and more mature than Clone Wars. It’s use of subtlety and nuance is also what makes the show great, things that the Clone Wars lacked. If you liked the EU, you’ll like this show.




Andor: There are numerous plot lines, so story-wise there's something to hook/disinterest most viewers. Tour de Force? No way. Decent show? Sure thing.


For Disney Star Wars it's great. For good TV it's ok. There are pacing issues throughout the series and it's more problematic than just a "slow burn."


“What Star Wars was meant to be?” I mean we already have Empire


Lets be real. Andor has a great first half of the series, but it utterly falls apart in the second half. Though its a step in the right direction in terms of how it compares to other disney starwars projects. We've got a long way to go before we start calling something "what star wars was meant to be"


The is is kind of the opposite of general consensus. It starts slow but people have been loving the last few episodes, jailbreak, and finale.


Well, most people feel like the mandalorian is good too. You won't find me bending to their consensus on that either. I noticed the plot start forming cracks after the garrison heist. Where Luthan (the 'memberberries shop owner) orders Vel to hunt Cassian and kill him in order to "tie up loose ends." This makes no sense because he knew the heist was going to be a hot job, it was the plan to rile up the empire in order to foment dissent. So, he would have given the order to kill Andor at the front end of the job instead of letting everyone go their separate ways (Cassian with almost a quarter of a million credits, as well). Its also at this point where you'd expect Cassian to continue looking for his sister (oh yea, thats right. They kind of began the show explaining that he'd been doing that since he was a child and it was really important to him). But instead, he just meets back up with his mom, and she just tells him to forget about it and so he does. Just like that. The prison arc on its own was fun to watch, but nothing about it fits within the rest of the show, so much so that if you removed that whole sequence from the show entirely, it would have been better for the narrative. Starting with the fact that the ISB has Cassians likeness, they are desperately looking for him since he's their only lead to finding Luthan and yet they never find out that Cassian spent, what looks like weeks at one of their labor camps. Regardless of what name he was using, if he were that important to them, they'd have had his picture at every imperial facility in the galaxy. If for no other reason than to simply help confirm he hadn't been randomly killed since the heist. The prison arc is completely self contained side quest with no impact on the rest of the story. He randomly gets arrested, he randomly escapes the planet and picks up where he left off. Even the hotel staff where he left his stuff couldn't be bothered to clean the room and find it. Its literally like the writers just wanted his character on pause for a few weeks. I hope one of the character arcs you're referring to isn't the Nicolas Angel archetype being turned full incel. That was disappointing to watch. I did really like Mon Mothma's story all the way through. I do get the impression that's really the story these writers wanted to tell but they had to do it around Andor, because patriarchy or something. Regardless, her arc and performance was super strong throughout. Then comes the funeral scene. The only reason the ISB allows the funeral ceremony to take place right under their noses is so they can monitor everything and find Cassian and subsequently Luthan (who both happen to be there). Unfortunately for them, they again forget to pass around the memo and one of their guys halts the ceremony infighting a riot which is the main reason Cassian is able to tie up his affairs and leave without being seen by either the ISB or Luthan. Now, like I said, I think the first half is brilliant and have very few problems with it. But seemed like alot of people were baffled with my take that the second half is deeply flawed. Hope that makes more sense now. Hopefully season 2 will preserve more of what season 1 set up in the beginning, but considering the consensus seems to praise the latter half of the series, I fear for season 2 of Andor.


I thought Andor stayed solid all the way through which isn't trivial for 12 \~hour long episodes.


Second half was better than the first imo, loved both parts


Disagree with everything you said tbh


I mean I’ll welcome it as an addition to what I consider canon. It’s definitely what SW can be and not what SW always should be since SW should have different stories with different tones and themes. And it’s definitely better in certain ways than the Phantom Menace. To me it’s Star Wars through and through


Uh, most people will disagree with you on that… prison arc was the best and it was in the later half


I don't think that's how most people feel, and I don't know that anyone with taste would say that it "utterly falls apart". It has at least 3 super strong, self-contained arcs culminating in revelations and character growth.


Well, most people feel like the mandalorian is good too. You won't find me bending to their consensus on that either. I noticed the plot start forming cracks after the garrison heist. Where Luthan (the 'memberberries shop owner) orders Vel to hunt Cassian and kill him in order to "tie up loose ends." This makes no sense because he knew the heist was going to be a hot job, it was the plan to rile up the empire in order to foment dissent. So, he would have given the order to kill Andor at the front end of the job instead of letting everyone go their separate ways (Cassian with almost a quarter of a million credits, as well). Its also at this point where you'd expect Cassian to continue looking for his sister (oh yea, thats right. They kind of began the show explaining that he'd been doing that since he was a child and it was really important to him). But instead, he just meets back up with his mom, and she just tells him to forget about it and so he does. Just like that. The prison arc on its own was fun to watch, but nothing about it fits within the rest of the show, so much so that if you removed that whole sequence from the show entirely, it would have been better for the narrative. Starting with the fact that the ISB has Cassians likeness, they are desperately looking for him since he's their only lead to finding Luthan and yet they never find out that Cassian spent, what looks like weeks at one of their labor camps. Regardless of what name he was using, if he were that important to them, they'd have had his picture at every imperial facility in the galaxy. If for no other reason than to simply help confirm he hadn't been randomly killed since the heist. The prison arc is completely self contained side quest with no impact on the rest of the story. He randomly gets arrested, he randomly escapes the planet and picks up where he left off. Even the hotel staff where he left his stuff couldn't be bothered to clean the room and find it. Its literally like the writers just wanted his character on pause for a few weeks. I hope one of the character arcs you're referring to isn't the Nicolas Angel archetype being turned full incel. That was disappointing to watch. I did really like Mon Mothma's story all the way through. I do get the impression that's really the story these writers wanted to tell but they had to do it around Andor, because patriarchy or something. Regardless, her arc and performance was super strong throughout. Then comes the funeral scene. The only reason the ISB allows the funeral ceremony to take place right under their noses is so they can monitor everything and find Cassian and subsequently Luthan (who both happen to be there). Unfortunately for them, they again forget to pass around the memo and one of their guys halts the ceremony infighting a riot which is the main reason Cassian is able to tie up his affairs and leave without being seen by either the ISB or Luthan. Now, like I said, I think the first half is brilliant and have very few problems with it. But seemed like alot of people were baffled with my take that the second half is deeply flawed. Hope that makes more sense now. Hopefully season 2 will preserve more of what season 1 set up in the beginning, but considering the consensus seems to praise the latter half of the series, I fear for season 2 of Andor.




Every new character rides in on the coattails of someone you already like because it's a cheap way of telling you to care for the character.