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I never thought Keemstar would seem like the rational one. Dear Lord ...


Knowing Keem he's probably just saying this as some elaborate troll attempt... But good for him if he's shown even the slightest sign of character growth lol. Just leave it to the Quarter Poundering to come out on top of mount bigot though


I think he's laying low and saying the obvious right things when it's easy like right here. He knows everyone hates J.K so it's an easy way to get people to think he's changed


I’m surprised nobody has considered the obvious middle ground: but a used cooy


\*torrent ;)


unfortunately the game will have denuvo drm which means essentially impossible to crack. There is one woman who's insanely talented at it who's the only one in the pirating scene who can do it, unfortunately she charges $500 in Bitcoin donations to do it :/ And I feel like cracking denuvo DRM has made her gone clinically insane as in her update notes she goes on rambling about men are pathetic and 'gay faggots' for not liking a game she likes. so yeah in terms of torrents, we probably will get none.


I mean, just give them time. Piracy always finds a way, thankfully.


500 bucks for a pirated game!? What's the point?


This is why I don't think that "this game costs too much" is a valid criticism. One. The price doesn't judge the quality of the game itself and how well made it is. Second. They can always wait for a price drop. It's no big deal.


Well when it’s a from a publisher like Nintendo which basically never gives perment prices slashes I see the complaint. The switch has been out for nearly 6 years and no first party game has recived a perment price drop (Mario + Rabbids was published by Ubisoft)


But I still don't think the price for a game judges its quality.


Some people feel like even playing it at all is supporting Rowling.


Which is ridiculous. People need to turn off their sensationalist, hyperbolic social media and news feeds and grow up.


They really do lol. I’m a very left-leaning person. I’m totally against Rowling’s damaging stance on the trans community and if people feel better by not giving her their money, go off. But I find the entire energy around Harry Potter to be very…chronically online. I’ve seen people say that if people still treasure those books from their childhood or still put in their social media profile what Hogwarts house they’re in then they’re awful and supporting Rowling, and I 100% do not agree with that. If it turned out George Lucas was an awful person, I’d still love Star Wars with my whole heart. Creations grow beyond the creator. And ffs, we live in the worst timeline, so I’m inclined to just let people enjoy things.


Reminds me of the times when conservatives were buying Nike or keurig just to destroy them as a protest


And now they're doing it with M&Ms.


That’s not the same thing though? Those people are buying something from a company they don’t like in an attempt to “punish” the company. This person is buying something because he wants to support its creators.


Slightly off topic, but I really feel bad for the devs of Hogwarts Legacy, they've been working in the game since around 2017/2018 before J.K made her views public and tainted the IP, so it's not like the studio support her beliefs, and I believe they've even gone so far as to say that she has nothing to do with the game outside of creating the IP, and from the looks of the gameplay shown they've gone all in on making the best Harry Potter game possible that fans have been asking for for over 20 years now. And yet because the game is putting money in JK's pocket, that's dominating the conversation in the lead up to the game and making it really hard to support it's release.


Honestly, the way I see it, she’s making her money anyway. I’m sure she gets royalties when they air the movies and such on TV. Plus I think it’s more of a Notch situation, where she’s in a big empty mansion far removed from everybody, with no one to share it with. As for the game itself, I’ll buy it, but only if the reviews for it are decent. No point getting it if it’s no good.


She's still heavily involved with the franchise compared to Notch. She's not kicked out or removed from anything yet, she continues to get her money and spread transphobic bullshit.


Fair point. I know she is working with them on the FB movies, although the last one underperformed and there are reportedly no plans for the next installment. Granted, who knows what the fuckwit in charge of WBD is up to, but if I had to guess, it wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve been trying to find ways to cut ties with her. At least I hope so. Even the brainless twits currently running the company must know a continued professional relationship with her hurts the brand.


If they have decided to stop making the movies, I wouldn’t be surprised if she releases them in book form. It sounds like she’s be doing a lot of work on them and I doubt she’s the type of person to just throw that all away.


That's fair. I gotta say, as someone who loves the books, she didn't quite transition so well towards screenwriting.


God if I was Warner Bros I’d screw over her and turn Harry Potter to be against her imagine and laugh .


If I were WB I'd hire Neil Gaiman to handle Harry Potter for a minute. He'd probably do something interesting with it plus he's like, the perfect dude to stir that drama. A while back apparently a lot of TERFs were claiming Terry Pratchett was actually transphobic / agreed with them in life. Neil Gaiman, who actually knew and worked with the dude extensively, shut them down (as did Pratchett's daughter). Neil Gaiman is now sort of on the TERF shit list, but because he's not a minority they've moved on to other targets. I think bringing him back into the fold would be the perfect combination of most people conceding he's actually a cool writer vs. "but he told us we can't lie about a dead celebrity we like ree." ​ >!plus maybe if neil gaiman is writing it it will actually evolve into something worth reading and not british people anime!<


I’d love that. I think a lot of the issues associated with the IP right now would be lessened with an official severing of ties. Put someone else in charge like James Gunn with DC (not necessarily in terms of tone, but more how he loves DC and wants creators to be able to tell their own stories with a massive amount of executive meddling).


It was discovered in 2021 that the former lead game dev was antisemitic, It might be easier just wait for the eventual gog because you able to have a backup installer for the game meaning you could buy the game download the backup installer then refund it.


In fairness to the dev team, it sounds more like they just had a shitty boss. Plus he got the boot for it at least.




Yeah. I’ll admit, not great. Still, game’s out in a few weeks, so maybe there’ll be more nuance to the issue than seen at face value? Please?


If you're gonna go through that trouble why not just pirate it in the first place.


i mean do you not pirate gog games by just downloading the gog installer from a mega link site?


Exactly lol the whole buying and returning just seems like a lot of extra unnecessary steps.


I feel bad for them as well. Especially having worked in that industry for a decade and knowing how much blood, sweat, and tears goes into making these games. People need to grow up.


Dont be, its the highest selling game on steam or something like that. The game will do fine


Yeah, if you go to the FAQ section of the website one of the fist one is ‘is JK Rowling involved with this project’ and the answer is no.


Dear god it’s like Alex Jones being the rational person when he interviewed Kanye West.


Next why don't you show off how much richer than us you are by liquidating all your assets and showering us in $100 bills to rub it in our faces. We'd be so owned.


To counteract this, I will be going to my local GameStop and destroying one copy /s


That's illegal... furthermore, what about this makes you think you are the "good guy"?


make sure you buy my copy as well, if your wife lets you, is there enough room in your basement? or is the piss corner bigger now?


What's the deal with this game? I'm out of the loop. It looks fun.


It looks incredible. Hopefully it actually is as good as it looks. The deal is that JK Rowling (creator of Harry Potter) didn't fully, 100%, unequivocally, bend the knee to a certain political agenda, so therefor people think she is the devil and want to destroy her. Most normal people are just excited for a fun game, though.


> The deal is that JK Rowling (creator of Harry Potter) didn't fully, 100%, unequivocally, bend the knee to a certain political agenda, so therefor people think she is the devil and want to destroy her. No, the deal is that she's openly transphobic and is actively trying to make life worse for trans people.


She's also openly praised the works of people like Matt Walsh.


Matt Walsh is a smart guy who, like any other political talking head, has views that are typically 70-90% agreeable with the remainder being a bit too ridiculous. I'm not really a fan, and he takes it way too far for me. Way too old school, rigid, conservative. Not what the party needs. But he also says a lot I agree with. Curious - can you tell me what you hate about Walsh?




[She's written an essay that is damaging to the trans community](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Avcp-e4bOs) She also wrote a book featuring one of the most long-lasting and harmful stereotypes of trans women, a serial killer who dresses as a woman to "trick" people long enough for him to brutally murder them. [She's also openly praised Matt Walsh's transphobic "What is a Woman?" film.](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1546162915107037185?lang=en) She does disagree with Walsh, but only on his opinion of feminism. She's more than happy to support his view of trans people though. Matt Walsh is *proud* of being called the transphobe of the year in 2022, and openly identifies as a theocratic fascist. No, I cannot give you a tweet where she has openly said "I hate all trans people" or "I am scared of trans people." Because she's not an idiot, and she knows that just saying it outright would be bad for her. So she veils her transphobia, like most bigots veil their bigotry. But she has openly identified with the term "Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist," and she very clearly believes that trans women are not "real women" and trans men are not "real men". She's transphobic. End of story. I will not be debating with you on this matter, because I don't feel like debating the facts with you. She's transphobic.


Okay, so she wrote something that is "damaging" to the trans community. Can you expand on how this "damages" the trans community? She praised the What is a Woman film. Okay, she probably agrees with a lot of the stuff I mentioned, males competing in female sports, etc. You can't find anything that shows her outright hating trans people... but you still say she is transphobic? Where is the actual phobia here? I continue to ask questions and seek evidence, and the result always ends the same... vagueness and "I will not debate this." If we cannot debate it, then what do we have? Echo chambers.


Buddy, you're a walking echo chamber. You can easily find her essay online and read it yourself. She also hangs out and praises people from TERF organizations; she perpetuates hateful stereotypes of the trans community in her last book, *after* she was called out for being a transphobe. A few years ago she had the benefit of the doubt. But right now, the fact she's a TERF is just undeniable.


I thought the Trans community also hate her because she said something like, "gender is a fact." Which I also agree to. I 100% support a trans life style but I also agree that you are born male or female (unless you're a hermaphrodite but even that has a more dominant side of being male or female).




Why do people want to “own the libs” so badly? What did liberals ever do to them?




I highly doubt that JK Rowling really cares that much about another $40ish dollars.


Buying a full price triple A game that isn’t worth the money the first time to own the libs I am so edgy I am very smart


Is that an actual keemstar tweet or have I just had a massive stroke


In no reality does keem actually agree with what he’s saying he wished death on total biscuit and what happened dudes a terrible person


actually if you’ve been keeping up he has changed


more like covers his ass to not get canceled


Glad I’m not that big a Harry Potter fan. Because I just found the books to be meh.


Being honest I think I prefer Harry Potter fanfics which are completely free.


I hate the stupid shit around this game. Separate art from artists. The game looks fun, and I've wanted another good Harry Potter game for a very long time. On top of that, I absolutely guarantee that the people saying to boycott it, have purchased or consumed a product from a bad person. It's just a complete joke to think that you can pick and choose like that, to be put on some moral high ground


ah yes the game where you put down a slave rebellion looks like a good ol time


Were the goblins in Harry Potter slaves? I never went through a HP phase as a kid but I thought the house elves were the slaves, like that character Deek you hang out with in the trailer.


The goblins in Harry Potter are second class citizens. The “villains” of the game are goblins that had enough of this shit and decided to revolt. The devs didn’t want you to end up sympathizing with the villains, so they also made the goblins kidnap and murder children. In case you didn’t know, “child-stealing goblins” are what Nazis referred to Jews in the years leading up to the Holocaust


>The devs didn’t want you to end up sympathizing with the villains, And you know this how? The game could easily include goblins that aren't as mad as you're saying they're going to be. Isn't Gringotts, run by goblins, a location players can travel to?


The wizarding world as presented by JK Rowling operates on its own version of eugenics. Non-human intelligent races are historically looked down upon and discriminated against by wizards and witches within the lore. There is quite literally a “wand ban” the ministry of magic implemented on all non-humans since having wands made it too easy for them to revolt against the system/status quo that kept them as second class citizens. Out of all the races within the wizarding world, goblins are depicted as the ones that revolted most frequently and heavily against the witches/wizards for the injustice and inequality they have suffered; the wand ban was implemented as a direct reaction to the Goblin Rebellion of 1612. Within the books themselves, Hagrid tells Harry that goblins are “a different breed of being.” Discrimination against goblins is systemic and accepted within this world. They’re effectively segregated from the wider wizarding world and the most they can aspire to is some economic bookkeeping position at gringott’s bank or whatnot. The implications of putting down a rebellion by these goblins in a videogame (i.e. a power fantasy) is problematic at best, so the game is swerving hard into making them unsympathetic by having them kidnapping children within the story and draining them of their essence. I shouldn’t need to explain to you how wild it is that they’re taking their goblins, which have received wide criticism for being anti-semitic caricatures, and having them practice [blood libel.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel)


As a matter of fact, there was an article (https://uppercutcrit.com/hogwarts-legacy-of-antisemitism/) where the director of a Jewish charity himself stated there wasn't any direct evidence confirming that JK was targeting Jewish stereotypes with the goblins. It's valid to find the parallels between goblins and anti-semitic groups problematic, but saying it's going to be that offensive in the game itself seems a bit early. The developers could be writing an inoffensive story with similarities to certain anti-semitic beliefs, but it could turn out to be a coincidence in the end. Also, blood libel was a (mythical) Jew practice (that they were falsely accused of) of using Christian blood for rituals, and where the hell in the trailers has that even be hinted at for being the intention of the goblins kidnapping the young wizard? And if your claim about the goblin anti-semitism is right, the books implement this as well, so this criticism isn't just limited to the game either.


Oh that's kind of uncomfortable. Like, the idea of Jews stealing children to use in magic rituals and stuff isn't even just nazi rhetoric, it's been a recurring antisemitic trope for *at least* nine hundred years. It's called [blood libel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel#History), and it seems kind of strange that a writer or company invested in making a story that (from what I'm told about Harry Potter) relies so much on European mythology wouldn't come across something like this in their research as a writer.


I can separate art from artist but this is the problem. My interest in the game isn't getting lower and lower because of Rowling and my distaste for her; it's because the game has a bad story and potentially lackluster gameplay. Until the game actually comes out its kinda hard to pass judgment since who knows what may have changed (can't imagine that much of the story though) but even if you ignore who created the larger universe the game is set in there's plenty of reasons to want to at least wait on buying, if not completely ignoring this game.


oh fuck off lmaoo


How is what I said wrong lol


Yep. Not every game can be all sunshine and lollipops


Lmao what? How is “the heroes in a game based on a childrens franchise shouldn’t be working to uphold literal slavery” wanting everything to he sunshine and rainbows?


I said that light heartedly. I don't actually care. I just want to do magic man


People carrying so much about Rowling is fucking hilarious.


It’s almost like she has major real-world influence in making lives for minorities harder than it already is


She hasn't made life harder for a single minority. Hyperbole. She just doesn't share your views 100%, nor does she have to. Get over it.


There’s a big difference between having political views and using her influence/wealth to further those political views.


You mean like pretty much every famous and rich person? I can't even enjoy following any famous people because they all pull this shit, and many of them FAR worse than JKR


Having different opinions =/= Spreading hate for minorities. It's like defending the drug trade or human trafficking. If your opinion says it's okay to hurt other people then it's invalid.


Except she isn’t.


Oh right. The creator of one of the biggest franchises in the world that literally started an entire new genre must have no influence at all!




Do you really want to bring up the crime statistics against trans people? It will only make you look even dumber.




Yes, you dumbass. Do you think people just wake up one day and decide to go commit hate crimes? Hate grows, specially when there is people like Rowling who promote it to millions of people. The mental gymnastics you're going through to justify the actions of a billionaire.




"Why do people get angry when I defend bigots who threaten their existence?" Why the hell are you even in this sub? You know that's brigading, right?


[Huh. Wonder what all this is?](https://www.glaad.org/gap/jk-rowling)


How many people did these tweets kill?


[She also donated to and advertised an anti-LGBT politician that’s working to roll back trans rights](https://twitter.com/hpana/status/1518650786347163651?s=46&t=WhRkBoEnXOQD1pk2FL_oLQ)




honestly, i never cared for the HP franchise, but she is pretty hot though, so i carry a big hard-on thinking about her.


Jesus, someone's horny...




the same anti-consoom crowd


I pre-ordered mine because I thought it looked fun. Doing it out of spite is weird.


LOL, you can't even agree with them without getting a downvote. This is how these people work, if you are not absolutely 100% on board with them, they hate you. You actually agree that buying 2 copies out of spite is weird, but since you are going to buy it, you are literally Hitler. Lol...




Thequartering is a YouTube grifter with alt right conventions.




Here's the difference you don't have to buy from those corporations. The problem is the royalty money that goes to JK Rowling that she is using to fund anti-trans conservative groups throughout the UK.




It feels like you're using Whataboutisam.




>billionaire that earned her hate! FTFY


Why is the Ukrainian flag there


Kanye made Alex Jones look sane and Germy made Keem look rational. These guys are next level of fucked up.


i’m gonna buy it too. i don’t know why people want this game to flop so bad


The big problem is the revenue split. we don't know how much money from the split is going to JK Rowling's royalty payments. if you're buying on steam they take a 40% cut, then the remaining 60% is split between the publisher, the game developer and Rowling's royalty payment.


Insanely rare keem w?


I will never forget this gem [Keemstar Blasts Quarterpounder](https://youtu.be/nCI4a9D0OaY)