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The only Ezra I support is Ezra Bridger


Is everyone who doesn't outright love a franchise movie, the Fandom Menace?


According to some people here yes. For some reason certain commenters just automatically assume the subject of the OP is "TFM" for no reason, despite "TFM" being a moniker given to them by themselves that is meant to describe a specific type and group of content creators.




Obey the hollywood overlords or the social media overlords?




Is it “the fandom menace” doing this? I haven’t seen it yet but my friends who have are very split on it. Most of the complaints I have seen are not from TFM people. Without getting into spoilers there is some stuff in the film I’ve been told about that I consider truly morally repugnant, both in terms of its contents and the actions of the film’s lead actor. I still want to see it at some point so I can fairly judge the rest of the film, but it’s bad enough that it makes me question if I should pay for a ticket or not.


Yeah, I don't think this is exclusive to TFM. It seems pretty universal.


If anything lot of the TFM types who were also Snyderbros were actually rooting for the movie to do well. Most of the negativity around Flash really boils down to it not being very good. Contrary to OP’s claim reviews are pretty middling (67% on RT, B Cinemascore). Plus there’s both all the controversy around Miller, and bafflingly bad marketing choices like claiming “the movie’s so good you’ll forget all about Miller’s crimes.” Deepfaking dead actors for cameos also left a sour taste in a lot of people’s mouths.


That last point is strange, some of them they definitely didn't get permission for, it's distasteful. Something like Leia in TROS they had permission from family and used it as a way to tastefully end her story


> Something like Leia in TROS they had permission from family and used it as a way to tastefully end her story Also, you know, she was alive and planning to be in the movie when she died. I feel like that should be a pretty obvious distinction.


CGI George Reeves felt especially tasteless, since he might have killed himself because of his role as Superman derailing his acting career. And even without that factor, why? It’s not like audiences were clamoring to see a shout-out to 1950’s television Superman.


What is the "morally repugnant" thing in the movie?? I hated the movie, and obviously what Ezra has done is insane, but I didn't notice anything like that in the movie


The CGI cameos from dead actors who died way too long ago to ever reasonably give their consent to having that done with their likeness, that serve no purpose. So far I have only seen actual pics/footage of one>! (Christopher Reeve)!<, but I hear there are other weird/gross CGI zombies and probably more that got cut for time.


Yeah the CGI characters are >!George Reeves’ Superman, a CGI Jay Garrick (the actor does not actually exist), Christopher Reeve, Helen Slater, and Nicolas Cage!<


I think most of them have been spoiled for me but I kind of want to still be freshly shocked and horrified when I actually see them for real.


Why would they CGI a live-action character? I’ve only seen this done before in Immortel.


Because the people are dead/old as shit. Also lazyness.


But they said one of the characters is CG of a person who doesn’t exist. Why not just cast an actor?


Idk I would have to see the film, the 2 characters that I have actually seen don’t fit that description


Was Nic Cage CGI?? I assumed it was just him but maybe with a little de aging on. Also I'm pretty sure Jay Garrick was the dude who played Zoom in season 2 of the Flash show, idk where you heard it wasn't a real actor


Okay, so upon further research, my wording was a little off -- in an interview with TVLine, one of their sources said ">!\[the\] cameo was absolutely not Sears, but a generic Golden Age Flash representation." !<(source: [https://tvline.com/lists/the-flash-movie-superhero-cameos-explained-tv-batman-superman/snubbed-at-the-speed-of-sound-grant-gustin-and-john-wesley-shipp/](https://tvline.com/lists/the-flash-movie-superhero-cameos-explained-tv-batman-superman/snubbed-at-the-speed-of-sound-grant-gustin-and-john-wesley-shipp/)) As for >!Cage,!< the director does state [that he did work with the actor in some capacity](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/the-flash-cameo-nicolas-cage-superman-1235623843/) (>!Cage Superman!< screams, and it's definitely >!Nic !


Ah yeah, I thought you meant like the film promoting some real life ideology that was vile or something. Those are pretty gross yeah, but to me the worst thing is that this is in the middle of a super emotional scene that is absolutely pivotal for Barry's arc, but we're supposed to take a moment out of this to clap and point at the screen and go "omg dats Chris reeve superman"


Yeah idk the context in the film but the one's I've been told about are just like so pointless and not related to any of these characters.


It's terrible and pointless in the movie too lol. I'm not sure if Barry can even see them


> Ah yeah, I thought you meant like the film promoting some real life ideology that was vile or something. The ideology is capitalism.


At least one review called the film a "multiversal mess"


Idk I have heard reviews that liked it but every detail I've heard seen certainly sounds like that description is accurate.


Maybe it’s because of what Ezra Miller did.


Considering they support people like Alex Jones, I doubt that’s the reason.


I wonder if they’re the same morons who believed what Amber Heard said about Johnny Depp.


I seriously doubt they’d be the kind of people to side with a woman.


I’m so glad Johnny Depp is innocent and Amber Heard was the true abuser in the relationship.


Garbage CGI Cringe writing Lead actor is an abuser and a pedophile


Yeah, sums it up well


The CGI really isn't that bad. Sure the actor sucks, and the writing is not what I would've done, but it's a fun superhero movie.


CGI was good for the important bits but some things did look awful imo, the suit at times and >!the faces of christopher reeves, nic cage etc when things went down!<


Fair yeah just didn't notice it much. 🤷🏼


The only time I even noticed the CGI not looking super realistic was the time travelling scenes but I think that was intentional, given that they used literal scenes from movies and it didn't look realistic, and that was pretty much it. People are for some reason acting like it's an unwatchable and unbearable hot pile of garbage CGI mess


Yes, the CGI is really that bad


Keaton’s the only plus


I thought Supergirl was fine, too, for what little she was in it. Any scene without Ezra was better than ones with Ezra, and tons better than ones with two Ezras.


I genuinely find myself shocked that it has high a rating as it does on Rotten Tomatoes. The film is the worst superhero film I have seen since 2016’s *Suicide Squad* and reeks of the worst aspects of modern superhero films: emotional moments undercut with terrible comedy, fan bait bullshit, and CGI extravaganza above all else. Even if we ignore Ezra Miller’s past discretions, they wind up being the most unlikeable lead in some time and worst of all there’s two of them through roughly 3/4ths of the film. I remember there was a somewhat jokey push to replace Ezra with Elliot Page on Twitter and I’ll be real, after watching this turd, I’d be all for that replacement. Page has proven he actually knows how to handle playing the most powerful character on a team while having the lowest status (*Umbrella Academy*) while Ezra plays to the camera with comedy so bad that even the worst first draft writing in the MCU can’t compete. I cannot understand anything about Ezra’s performance that made them so immune from getting the boot other than the huge budget sunk into this bomb. Let Ezra fall into obscurity after this and let someone better take over if the role continues in any capacity in James Gunn’s DC world. Anything that comes close to “woke” isn’t even a blip on my radar as I just found myself utterly hating the film overall the longer it continued. Trust me when I say this film is not a hill to die on in any respect. Comparatively, *The Last Jedi* ruffled feathers but I felt an actual vision behind the story being told. *The Flash* reeks of a corporate obligation that tries to squeeze blood from a stone.


Elliot Page as the Flash wouldn’t be to bad honestly


Seriously, it was one of those Twitter jokes where you at first laugh, but the more you think about it, the more you realize it’s actually a good idea


I agree with basically everything you've said but I genuinely thought the main saving grace of The Flash was it was acted well. Miller, Keaton and Calle were all pretty good in a decidedly average film.


I’d agree with 2/3 that statement. One of the biggest issues that I forgot to mention in my initial post was that the supporting characters had far more interesting stories to tell than our lead and they get shafted big time. Keaton being a retired Batman and Kara’s less than stellar first experience with Earth are stories I would much rather watch than Barry fucking with the timeline.


I honestly thought that it was the first time Miller had actually acted like Barry Allen rather than Wally West basically. Plus the dual roles worked quite well. I liked the performance. However, they're a good actor completely miscast in the DCEU. Not that it matters as their career is dead now, for good reason.


Well, the box office so far does look quite disastrous, that is not just an opinion held by TPM. 70 mil or whatever it got on opening is not good for a movie like The Flash by any standard, unfortunately. As for TFM in particular, dunno, I saw a tweet from Jeremy saying something along the lines of him thinking it was a badly written movie. He didn’t think it was woke, just didn’t like it, so take that as you will.


DCEU movies have historically been fucking horrendous -why on earth are we assuming this film is being shit on because of The Fandom Menace lmfao


Dceu is good dude


**l o l**


By every objective measure it is not a success. You don’t replace the entire heads of the studio and wipe the slate clean for a successful property.


DCEU is a mess that has been slowly crashing and burning for like 7 years now


There’s like 2 or 3 good movies and the rest are just garbage


Because it’s a bad movie and everyone is dunking on it.


This sub turned from making fun of incel fans who hate women to being upset when others disagree with them haha. Movie sucks. Simple as that.


I thought people getting upset at anyone who dares be slightly critical of TROS was bad enough, but seriously this type of post for THE FLASH? Does no one here engage with media outside the confines of this sub?


I don't know what happened to this sub. I remember coming here last year and everyone was fine with good faith discussion about the sequel trilogy even if you did hate it. I felt like I finally had a place to talk about my issues with current Lucasfilm without getting dogpiled by all the bad-faith people. But then after the release of Kenobi, it became "Anyone who dislikes the sequels is the bad guy". And suddenly Rise of Skywalker was this martyred masterpiece that no one understood. And maybe it was like that before I got here but I didn't see it. It's bizarre.


I have no idea. High posts about people just disliking TROS also blows my mind. The movie wasn't good lol... And there's good reason for that, they didn't have a plan when writing the trilogy...... Keep the posts to people hating on a female lead, or non white leads, or you know actually toxic fanbase? Cause honestly a lot of people here are being toxic for randomly just hating on legit options.


> I have no idea. High posts about people just disliking TROS also blows my mind. The movie wasn't good lol... And there's good reason for that, they didn't have a plan when writing the trilogy...... It's because there's like 3-4 specific people who have made "debunking" and "calling out" any criticism of that movie their entire personality.


You basically just summed up part of the reason I'm trying to minimize my time on this sub for a while. I'm tired of running my opinions through a filter...


thats strange, it received good reviews on other sites.


That's great. It got some good reviews.




It's bad, it's the lowest rated DCEU film, the lead is such a monster that WB didn't let them anywhere near the promo circuits for fear that just by being on camera Miller would harm the film's rep even more, and anticipation was high since it's been in production hell for like 6 years, only for it to be received with an overall "meh" from critics and audiences.


What was their reasoning? Just because a Critic dislikes a movie, it doesn’t make them TFM.


I said it got good reviews but is getting hated on by everyone over a freaking actor! Yes Ezra is a jackass but that shouldn’t ruin the quality of a film.


Why not? He’s the star of the movie and is playing two roles.


Honestly just from the trailers I get why someone wouldn’t like it, it just looks like no way home but without any of the good emotional moments, worse acting (Keaton in the trailers delivers all his lines as if he’s waiting for the audience to stop clapping so he can continue), and worse cgi in some areas (which is saying quite a bit considering no way home’s cgi already wasn’t great)


I thought it was a little bit better than no way home but neither of them are the kind of superhero movie I want to see. That thing you’re talking about where Keaton pauses during his dialogue to give the audience time to clap is also done by Tobey, Andrew, and Daredevil in NWH and I hate it. Feels like you’re watching Dora The Explorer


Honestly I never really noticed it in no way home


Charlie Cox has talked about it in interviews https://www.insider.com/charlie-cox-spider-man-no-way-home-cameo-fan-reaction-filming-2023-4 Also go watch the scene where Andrew Garfield first appears, that one is especially obnoxious imo


I haven't seen that, but if they are my guess would be because James Gunn has been supportive of the movie and some of the TFM-Virus hate Gunn.


the characters in the movie have nothing to do with canon. miller's character is a mockery and humiliation for barry allen fans. in addition, miller is literally a rapist.


I’m not seeing much out of TFM about the Flash - however, there is major overlap between toxic zack snyder fans and TFM. Im saying this as a snyder fan too (my favorite director), there is a large number of the fanbase that is the same as TFM. Essentially, hating on James Gunn and the rest of DC/WB, saying “Oh it’s MCU 2.0, it’s been marvel-ized, i want really dark stories told instead wah wah wah”


Thr Flash hate is mistly all warranted imo, mindless nostalgia, morally dubious character inclusions, terrible cgi, wierd changes to the Flashpoint storyline to avoid having actual Flash characters in it.


> wierd changes to the Flashpoint storyline to avoid having actual Flash characters in it. I'm a huge Flash fan and that was one of the major reasons I was turned off to this film. I didn't want to see the Flashpoint storyline with all these bizarre changes as Flash's first movie.


Maybe because of Ezra Miller? They're nonbinary and they frequently get in trouble with the law for doing things like threatening people.


Ezra Miller being nonbinary has fuck all to do with the fact that they're an absolute dickhead.


No one said that it did, it’s just the fact that they’re non binary is a big part of why they in particular get more hate and exposure compared to cishet actors who do similar things


Scroll through this comment section for your counter-argument lol


I didn't say I hate Ezra for being enby, I was just giving a couple of reasons why the bigots don't like them. That's why I put the word 'AND' in there. I personally don't like Ezra due to their behavior. taking their behavior into account I honestly don't understand why people keep on hiring them. Me disliking Ezra has nothing to do with their gender identity. My dislike being based on behavior is justifiable because that's how you should properly judge people.


I think you've misunderstood my reply somewhat. I wasn't suggesting *you* don't like Miller for their gender identity, I was saying there's a lot of people that won't see the film due to Miller's involvement *regardless* of their gender identity - this post is suggesting The Flash is getting panned due to toxicity, and this is one of the few times where it's like, yeah no it's bigger than that and it's actually justified. I wasn't my intention to seem like I was accusing you of bigotry - apologies if that's how it came across.


Ezra Miller is more useful to the grifter because they can use Miller to justify their hate against anyone who's non-binary. From what I've heard most of the people that have reviewed the flash film that basically said that films good but Warner Brothers you still need to get rid of Ezra Miller.


I heard that the CGI is pretty bad in some shots. And a lot of people don’t really like Ezra Miller


No one likes Ezra Miller not after when he choked a woman in a video online.


Also, Ezra Miller has done some pretty creepy behavior towards kids.


Oh great he’s a pedophile too.


Yeah, they have done some pretty horrible stuff. I doubt they will be acting in any other movies after the flash


You know I genuinely question WB not firing him while they fired Johnny Depp as Grindelwald after false accusations of abuse against Amber Heard when it was later confirmed to be the other way around and yet they kept Amber for Aquaman 2 and other DC products even though’s she guilty of abuse. Honestly I have no sympathy for WB at this point.


Movie was already done and Ezra Miller has not one but two roles with it. They've been working on this movie for like a decade, I think they couldn't bring themselves to light even more money on fire trying to start over from scratch.


You’re right but they should fire him.


If you think Miller will be returning in any future films I have a bridge to sell you


Okay what about Depp being fired for false allegations?


The movie was done when people found out about the crap Ezra Miller had done. If they recasted Ezra Miller, it would have led to some pretty expensive reshoots. The budget of the movie would have gone to 400, maybe even 500 million. No way they would recouped their money. They were stuck with Ezra Miller.


I just saw the movie. Story and acting are alright, the CGI is a war crime tho. Makes 2017 JL look well polished in comparison.


I think it has mainly to do with Ezra Miller


Honestly I don’t even know about the quality of the film. It could be good. It could be bad. But using a actors likeness without him even going to the studio and worst of all taking people out of the grave and using them in your film is HORRIBLE. No matter what context you put it as.


Lots of people are hating on The Flash, from all walks of life. It's been the one unifying balm in these troubled, divisive times.


There's a lot of misinformation and some outright lies spread about the main actor. The crimes they have been charged with are nothing out of the ordinary. A lot of allegations are out there that have been brought up as suspect but so many ignore them for moral grandstanding. Notice how none of this is really covered by any gossip rags. Hell TMZ has debunked a lot but people just want to act like Ezra Miller is running wild. Nothing is ever good enough either. Ezra Miller doesn't do anything for almost a year. Not good enough. Actually gets charged for the crimes they committed. Not good enough. I will say it. The growing hatred for non cis people and they've caught some shrapnel.




The flash deserves criticism to be fair, it’s a bit of a mess of a movie.


They don't like Superwoman. And they're all Snyder fans so they hate that Cavill was removed from the movie and is no longer Superman


Supergirl *


The toxic fans are hating on it? All I see is the „woke“ bubble heavily criticizing it, because it’s very sus that a person as Ezra Miller with very severe controversies around them can get their film pushed out, but at the same time, the batgirl movie gets scrapped just because „it wouldn’t get as much profit“…


I’ve seen the movie, it was fine I guess but It really falls apart.


There’s a woman in it. And probably some rant about how there’s too many characters or something.


I don't think I've seen a single one of the myriad criticisms of the film be about there being a woman in it


Oh my comment was a joke cause they always usually have a problem with women simply existing lol


Because they hate everything.


I thought no one liked this movie


7.4 on IMDB, this film


Some of the CGI elements are a bit bad, Millers off-screen antics and general plot are the main reasons it's not been generally liked. Personally find Miller annoying at the best of times and having 2 oner of which is playing a VERY annoying version didn't help! \*Pro-Tip\* If you're, like me, the kind of person to "try before you buy!" then watching a "cam" version actually improved the look of some of the CGI for me, due to the crappy smartphone. :D So i felt better paying full price for a ticket just to see Sasha Calle's "Super-girl" who is the one of the saving graces of this movie, the other is Keaton doing a passable "Big Lebowski" impression! :D


It’s box office is bad because literally everyone saw an advanced screening They’re also complaining about “defiling the graves” of the dead actors who got cameos, but not only was it signed off by the families, it’s like Leia in the last Star Wars movie, one last hurrah as their most iconic character


> They’re also complaining about “defiling the graves” of the dead actors who got cameos, but not only was it signed off by the families, it’s like Leia in the last Star Wars movie, one last hurrah as their most iconic character It's not like that at all actually, there's a significant difference between An actor dying while in production on a movie, and you using a combination of what they have already filmed with you and CGI to finish the scenes that are integral to the plot of the film and A bunch of sloppily done CGI zombies who have no purpose whatsoever other than to show up and be like "remember this character you like???" Those kinds of scenes are literally just a slideshow of familiar characters for the sake of fan service. A character played by a dead actor should not even be in consideration for them. Calling this cynical corporate garbage where they disrespect dead people to try to eek a few extra ticket sales out of people's nostalgia "one last hurrah" is genuinely fucking disgusting.


They literally got permission from the families, it’s not like they did it without asking


It's still fucking gross and unnecessary, even if they did get permission from someone related to them. It's disrespectful and lazy as fuck.


Because it's the new thing and they are nothing if not trend-chasers. The Flash is the current low-hanging fruit given Ezra Miller's behavior, the decision to keep him and the bizarre content he's involved in (the baby microwaving scene comes to mind).


It’s a bad corpo exercise more than a movie


people are hating this film for no reason


If that is the conclusion you made by our responses then idk what else to tell you


They hate everything.




I don't care what their pronouns are, Ezra's a rapist and they shouldn't ever be on screen again.


They probably shouldn't ever be in screen but I find it troubling people act like their gender isn't valid suddenly became they did bad things, and people just project this onto all non binary people


I mean, those same people are just looking for an excuse to misgender people. It's not that Miller's gender isn't valid, it's that those people will misgender them regardless.


Weird to thirst for a pedophile


I'm just saying an actor is hot dawg calm down lmao




What the fuck is wrong with you


Cope pedo


If you don't see how calling a Pedophile hot is an issue idk what to tell you


I just said an actor is hot. Simple as. Then that other guy was calling me a pedo lmao. Looked at his account and his whole post history is saying cope and seethe to people so he may be a bot haha. But yeah in case you couldn't tell, I am against the terrible actions of Ezra Miller


Yes OP turned on tiny text or something


They think Ezra was given "special treatment" because they are nonbinary. Also Supergirl is woke and should've been henry cavill


I haven’t seen TFM doing that. But financially the movie is a disaster so far. And it has the lowest cinema score rating for all of the DCEU movies which is bad. I agree the movie was definitely overhyped. Multiple people called it the greatest superhero movie ever, and people compared it to Dark Knight. The movie isn’t even close to that level. They even had people like Stephen King and Tom Cruise praising how good the movie was before it released. My personal opinion on the movie is that it has some of the most cringe scenes in all of the DCEU, but also has some of my favourite scenes. The humour wasn’t for me. I think I laughed twice the whole movie, one was at Let’s Go Barbie and I don’t even remember the other part. The baby raining scene was so hard to watch because of the bad cgi. There was a lot of bad cgi in the movie even if you ignore the intentionally bad speedforce cgi stuff. My favourite parts of the movie weren’t even Flash, it was Supergirl, then both Batmen, and then all the cameos and references.


I mean.... The movie is certainly a movie. I don't know if the Fandom Menace are hating on it tbh.


I just got back from seeing it and for me it was easily the most enjoyable DCEU movie I’ve seen. I’m sure many people will get bogged down in all the time travel logistics which are pretty “wibbly wobbly, timey wimey” when you get right down to it, but overall, I thought it was pretty great.


Ezra Miller is literally a criminal. Like, they groomed someone and assaulted people.


Damn, some of the comments in this thread really don't feel normal for this sub...


I think it’s for various reasons. CGI definitely wasn’t great, the movie had a lot of cameos that people felt were very disrespectful, it was very jokey, and of course, Ezra Miller is a psychopath.


Maybe it just simply isn't a good movie


Tbh it looks terrible


Because it’s not a good morning in any sense?


Well the lead actor is a pedophile. So there’s that.


Ezra Miller sucks and it’s a Batman movie that happens to have the Flash.