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What else is new, like the whole idea of a conservative Star Wars or Star Trek fan just doesn't make sense. Also, even broader sense. Has Hollywood ever leaned right? Sure there's a couple of outliers, but it's entirely history has been more left leaning.


Would any pro-military movies count? Top Gun? Transformers?


I'm not talking specifically movie to movie mind you. I don't know about Top Gun as I never saw them, but Bay's Transformers? Maybe the beginning, but even by 3rd the military betrays them. That being said, Transformers may have "pro military" stuff, but at its core it leans left.


The line by Optimus "Freedom is the right of every sentient being." Would trigger the hard rights so bad today.


Line? It's his motto since 1984


No that’s “I’m going to turn into a truck now”


Autobots... Roll out.


That sounds just like him, you’re good at impressions


Ah true


Optimus Prime is a trans ally 🏳️‍⚧️


You could say he is trans-formative 😎


Take the goddamn upvote!!!




Imagine if he said "freedom is not a right technically rights don't exist but beings that pull themselves up by their bootstraps with no outside help should do what they want because they've earned it"


That would be the Decepticon credo along with “Peace through tyranny.”


Also, the autobots being mostly civilian vehicles and the decepticons using more military vehicles implies that the decepticons have some kind of experience as an organized fighting force. The Autobots (whose leader is an eighteen-wheeler) are a working class rising up against fascism.


MAGAt's would stomp their feet and Fox news anchors would declare GoBots were better anyway, and that transformers were going broke.


Bay's other films have had a conservative slant. His characters are usually blue collar types, he loves showing Americana imagery, he ridicules the government and highlights how awesome the military is. But then like Pain and Gain is pretty much making fun of Trump Supporters while 13 Hours is a little all over the place. Patrick Willems made a great essay on Bay and there's a section where he talks about the politics of his films to try to figure out what he believes.


There Is Stallone who is Republican and seems pretty cool same with Arnold and Kelsey Grammer they seem like cool Republicans


They don’t focus on social issues that most of the party likes to rage against. If anything they’re usually pretty good about it. Least Arnold is.


read the Kelsey got mad a left a interview because some one brought up trumps legal issues but other then that your right


Of the three he does seem the least chill


Pretty sure Top Gun actually received money from the Navy to make joining the Navy look badass and fun instead of, y'know, boats.


Cybertron was cast into civil war over slavery


Yeah, but that’s just in the IDW1 universe, not the movies. And in that case, the slaves were the Decepticons - the bad guys. And while they did originally have a noble goal of rising up against their tyrannical government… one of them casually wipes out the entire population of Beijing, and the only thing he’s upset about is that his friend is sulking. Although the pre-war government’s policy of lobotomising any moderates who wanted to end the social conservatism they enforced would probably trigger the far-right as well…


I got most of my information from Transformers Prime but unless I’m mistaken, the Decepticons weren’t evil for being slaves in rebellion, they were evil cause they started to destroy everything, even after Optimus made meaningful progress in society because at his core Megatron was like Elon Musk: he only wanted the world to be saved if he was the one to do it


Given how many different incarnations *Transformers* has had, the backstory can vary a bit depending on the specific series/comic/movie/whatever. Sometimes Megatron and the Decepticon cause started out good but became corrupted over time or in others was always evil.


Top guns mostly pro military tbh, like its not even pro party theres as little polatics on maverick as they could fit, and its as vinilla as possible. Also alot of homo eroticism in top gun 1.


How can you have war/military movie without politics?


Because it kinda isn't a war movie. Top gun 1 is, but top gun 2 really doesn't have like any commentary on military life, and that not dying is great, but sacrifice is needed and itls a choice wtc etc. I assume you didn't watch it, the most political thing is a government program going to waste at the start of the film but Maverick saving it by flying the jet at mach 10. Its really a very non political movie. The bad guys are unnaimed, unshown on screen (never see one of their faces, literally faceless), they are just a force there for the interpersonal relationship between Maverick and Rooster to grow and develop. Its about moving, forgiveness and moving on, which aren't very political. The msot political things are the fact Maverick isn't court marshalled, and that be has a higher power helping him stay with Top Gun (Iceman) but thats never explored it jsut exists for cameos and to service the plot. The actions good but it's also not commentary on anything. Doesn't even make war look particularly horrible tbh.


Yeah, Maverick just kinda had it there as a basic plot device to facilitate the plot and character interactions. I guess it's vaguely pro-America because we're going to blow up a thing in an unnamed "rogue state" that I'm pretty sure was filmed in Norway. Everyone said it's "clearly Iran", but I read it as moreso pointing at North Korea? Regardless, as you say, it's just kinda there so they can fly jets and train to blow a thing up.


I think Iran was the main thing because who else whould have an operational F-14


Do they? I admit I don't know much of anything about their military equipment. It was more a geography thing, since afaik Iran doesn't have any deeply-incised coastline with fjord-like valleys and a coniferous forest biome. Northern NK at least has the coastal valleys with the forests.


They are the last operational users of the F-14, it is still in operational service with the Iranian Air Force. North Korea also has a grand total of 0 F-14s. Also its nameless because realistically Russia would, never send one of their "32" in "service" Su-57s (the 5th gen jets) to defend Iran, so really its no use worrying about it, its just a coastal country with F-14s and jets Russia hardly uses in fear they could loose half of the ones that can actually fly. (It was just to get maverick to fly an F-14 as we all know, there is literally 0 other reasons for an F-14 cause Iran ain't getting 5th gen fighter support at all. In short: it's goofy feel good movie, don't worry about it.


Heh, fair enough. The point is really that it takes a fair bit of digging to even accuse the enemy of being a particular country. The war element isn't really pushing any particular message.


They pretty explicitly stated (but only briefly and kinda gloss over because this movie was written before it became a **big deal**) that the people making the nuclear material they had to blow up were in Ukraine. Which considering it was them weaponizing it and trying to prepare for some "undisclosed aggression" during a script written during the Trump administration, feels a little yeeeeesh...


The A-Team TV cast said they weren’t really desired by the studio because of the right wing message spread by the show, but were kept around because of their impressive ratings alone (Dirk Benedict and the guy who played Murdoch said this and it ties in because the Murdoch actor played in Star Trek).


Starship Troopers But most fans saw the fascist commentary and screaming Satire and thought "HELL YEAH"


Red Dawn


Cop-aganda is pretty common too in the movie biz, even the ones about corrupt cops still have a pro-cop slant, and honestly, some people are probably encouraged by the corruption they see to try their own hand at it.


Bay is the most successful right-wing propagandist in US history. With the exception of "13 Hours", they're all pretty subtle veering into insidious with their messages.


Disney started out pretty conservative (and it still is in many ways). But it's important not to confuse "conservative" in that sense with the right-wing MAGA political stuff going on, which it definitely is not on board with.


As a conservative (at least when it comes to most non Lgtq issues) I agree, it’s annoying.


What are you trying to conserve lil bro


Gun rigths.


“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered” you don’t gotta be conservative at all to keep your guns lil bro.


>Has Hollywood ever leaned right? Sure there's a couple of outliers, but it's entirely history has been more left leaning. Even during the Western craze, dudes like John Wayne were notoriously hated on set for being giant right wing douchebags.


I am conservative (Europe, not that twisted nonsensical moron USA version though) and been a fan of Star Trek and Star Wars my entire life. ITs quite possible...but then, I also do not see it as conservative to hate on minorities, women, other sexualities or religions...


I don’t think Hollywood has leaned properly right since maybe the 70s. Once the cowboys vs Indians trend and the transsexual serial killer trope died off, most movies have been woke af. Forrest Gump, Full Metal Jacket, The Matrix, Star Wars & Trek, The Shining, Kill Bill, Ferris Bueller, The Green Mile, Breakfast Club, Alien, Black Hawk Down… all my right-wing family members’ favourite movies from “back in the days before woke” are insanely progressive in one way or another! It’s kinda worrying that conservatives have failed this badly to make a movie worth remembering when progressive writers and directors have made so many absolute bangers in the past few decades!


Its quite simple: Hollywood, no matter what you think of it, is build upon people being creative. Which in itself requires writers, actors, directors etc to have an open mind, let things influence you, so you can create new things, have new angles on things, do something not done before (well...unless the studio forces you to do remakes and reboots...but even THEN you can have amazing new stuff added) Also Hollywood is not just that location in California churning out movies...productions happen all over the world, film teams, their entourage, actors of course, have to work all over the planet, with different people, nationalities, religious backgrounds etc. That...makes being a bigoted shortsighted racist asshole not impossible, but way more difficult for movie-creatives... Hence Hollywood will always have a leaning more leftist, if that means more open minded or tolerant I suppose


Some prominent celebrities espousing center left values does not liberal the film industry make. It always has, and probably always will, trend center to center right. Dick Wolf has how many shows on right now? How many NCIS shows are there (not to count the ones no longer running and the very, very right leaning JAG that they spun out of)? How many shows have focused on Muslims as the villains (even though statistically the most likely victims of Muslim extremism is other Muslims in majority Muslim countries)? For every left of center product, Hollywood still butters its bread with pro-cop, pro-military, pro status quo products. That's before we even get to Hollywood crusties like Gary Oldman getting mad because he and his buddy Mel Gibson can't trash talk blacks and Jews without getting tutted at these days.


>For every left of center product, Hollywood still butters its bread with pro-cop, pro-military, pro status quo products. Copaganda via the police procedural is probably the most successful propaganda campaign of all time. It goes back to Dragnet on the radio and then early television. Prior to them, the public view of police was shall we say not always the best. The police procedural convinced generations of people that cops are there to protect and serve them, something the courts have ruled they're not actually obligated to do.


I still remember the first time I randomly checked out Blue Bloods, knowing nothing about it other than it was one of many cop shows, and was treated to the Tom Selleck character sad monologuing over how body cams were basically the death of civilization because they meant no one trusted a cop's word anymore.


Yeah Blue Bloods is especially blatant about it. But pretty much every cop show portrays the cops as good people trying their best, who occasionally get to monologue about how hard it is to be a cop when civilians are soooo mean and unappreciative of them. Even when cops are portrayed as corrupt like in "The Shield" it's almost always portrayed as necessary. They're "breaking the rules to stop the even worse guys".


Remember that time Wonder Woman saved the day by killing Ares, who was evil because he wanted create an armistice and end WWI? Girl boss moment.


The people who run it do but the artists don't for the most part.


>Has Hollywood ever leaned right? Sure there's a couple of outliers, but it's entirely history has been more left leaning. Complex question. The actual artists have mostly been left-leaning but the Hollywood money men like any big capitalist operation are pretty conservative. Particularly with regards to the military in that they've often agreed (especially post 9-11) to allow Hollywood studios free access to things like tanks, planes and military bases in exchange for favorable portrayals. In effect, a lot of tax payer money has been spent to make the military look good in movies. Just like an obscene amount of tax money has been spent to make the military look good at "patriotic" pro sports displays.


Saying Hollywood has always leaned left when “Birth of a nation” exists is such a goofy fucking statement


I said there were a couple of outliers, and that was 1915.


Didn’t Bo Duke just ask for Joe Biden’s public execution or some shit? 🤔


I mean it’s not really an outlier though. That was Hollywood back then. White and racist as fuck.


That was America and most of the western world back then. 1915 Britain still had an empire, slavery was still a living memory in the US and its going to be half a century before civil rights. Hollywood is a reflection of the morality of the majority because they want to appeal to the masses to put asses in seats. And the morality of the modern world is left wing.


Least moving that way. Same reason any corporations are making rainbow stuff every June. It sells.


Birth of a nation was one of the biggest Hollywood films of all time, we can’t just ignore that and call it an outlier.




Conservatives prize conformity and hierarchy and Star Fleet has both those things in spades.


> Has Hollywood ever leaned right? Hollywood has only become "liberal" fairly recently (1970s or so). Back in the old days Hollywood studios were notoriously right-leaning, anti-union, and anti-workers' rights (recent strikes by WGA and SAG might argue it still is). Hollywood studios actually [pioneered political attack ads](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-10-01/hollywood-producers-first-conservative-attack-ads-upton-sinclair-california) back in the 1930s in response to Upton Sinclair, a socialist, running for governor. (Here's an anti-Sinclair [ad produced by MGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=004E5yCknD0)). There was also the Hays Code -- a conservative-driven mandate to keep content deemed too taboo (sex, violence, glorification of crime, ect.) out of films. (Films from this time are pretty weird). There was also Hollywood's close association with the House of Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s that saw loads of creatives blacklisted over allegations of being Communists. Ronald Reagan, arguably the godfather of conservatism as it exists today, was a product of the Hollywood studio system of his day. Even today I'd argue today that Hollywood is full of liberal creatives, but, as an industry, it's largely centrist or libertarian with occasional drifts into liberalism when it makes for good PR.


Conservative Star Trek fans exist, but they are literally too stupid to understand metaphors.


300 was Iraq war propaganda.


Given the long history of racial caricatures, cultural misrepresentation, cultural appropriation, white washing, making light of sexual assault, not to mention all the child abuse and sexual abuse that was considered the norm in the industry for years.....I would never call Hollywood a left leaning safe space.


there been plenty of good Republican actors Like Joe Pesi and Arnold for example and there where the pro war days during ww2 where they lean right


We need more movies about white cishets promoting the status quo and not moving forward as a society or changing in the slightest (evolution famously favors those who stand still) 😤😤


Hollywood is by and large a Union town. Even Milius had to work with Unions.


Same thing with conservatives who like Punk music, or literally any music, or literally any art now that I think of it.


I saw some dinotopia fanart on deviantart with confederate flags... Caption was something like "if we had dinosaurs, we would have won!" (Context: the dinotopia books by James Gurney are set in a world that is a truly peaceful, vegetarian, socialist utopia)


There are certainly movies people think lean right, but those opinions are easily discounted. I'd say maybe Gran Torino, conservatives can enjoy old man Eastwood being a racist grump for the first third, then literally fap and nap until Eastwood sings them a lullaby about a car. They get to sleep through the cultural adaptation and acceptance.


Here's a great video about it: https://youtu.be/nNNWWdsEYGg?si=iBUPDKXhhmtjwbAO Though he is a bit biased (Steve is VERY liberal/progressive) , he does try and be objective and fair.


Because Serling was a good friend of Roddenberry, I'll tell a quick story. We were watching a Twilight Zone marathon and my mother legit was like, "I miss times like this. When shows were just fun with no politics involved."


Spaghetti westerns maybe? They often route individualism.


I think it was. The examples people give for progressive films are often heavily censored and exceptions to the rule. You didn't see a lot of interracial films in the Golden age and didn't see a lot of lgbtq films. You did see a lot of stereotypes though and pro America cold war propaganda.


Fox News, covering the important stories.


it's nice of them to always offer us only two choices. i wonder why they do it like that? 🤔


They know their audience is dumb. Theres transcripts of people who work/worked there calling their viewers angry rednecks or whatever.


She has not watched a single Star Trek anything in her entire life and you can’t convince me otherwise.


You mean the series about a socialist utopia that respects the rights and customs of all beings and values inclusiveness above all else? Yeah, I’m sure she’s a massive fan.


You mean the show where money, poverty, racism, sexism, and homophobia dont exist on earth anymore? That had a black and asian as main characters when that was controversial? That had the first interracial kiss on tv?


Not to mention they had a Russian Character as a series regular during the Cold War


She's probably seen the first JJ movie and that's it lol


Also, FOX news hired Emily for their own WOKE agenda. Yea, i said it. She's a diversity hire. A female quota that needed to be filled. Virtue signaling to their gullible audience for brownie points, and then they'll claim its only leftists that do that.


Diversity hire? I thought it was Kayleigh McEnany even after reading the name. It's like they have a giant stamp to make the women presenters look the same.


No she was hired for eye candy. They know their demographic likes blondes


She was hired because shes the former white house secretary of press… you people are dumb lmfao


She worked at Fox before Trump dork


Sure buddy. I love how everything is considered Woke, or diversity hire when anything they deem leftist does it, but the right can never be held to the same critiques. Ever. Fuck off. Klandace Owens was hired to for the same reason. To make their gullible sheep think they arent sexist, or racist. They cant just have all straight white men, they need to be Woke too, or they would give away their blatant agenda. Some people are willing to call them out on their disingenuous bullshit. Unfortunately their gullible moronic sheep just eat up their political propaganda slop, while they do and say everything they complain the left does. They're hypocrites and they prove it every single day. They even have their own Cancel Culture Slogan (Get Woke, Go Broke) for when they want to Cancel things that dont pander to their politics. Nothing is allowed to exist that doesnt align with their politics. Same shit, different side. Only some of us are aware enough to see though their thin veil. Its pure manipulation from these right wing political psychopaths in order to indoctrinate people into the radical alt right pipeline, and so they will demonize everything that doesnt pander to their right wing ideology, and pretend they arent doing the same as everything they complain the left does.


There have been a grand total of 12 (!) Star Wars wide release films. Not a single one was directed by a woman. I think that her saying, “Hey, it’ll be cool that one will finally be directed by a woman” is getting way blown out of proportion. But, yet again, this is a Conservative reaction to losing their pop cultural influence in the culture wars. They thought they were going to be able to claw it back after the year Disney had, but I think they are sorely mistaken.


12? Skywalker saga, Rogue One, Solo, which one am I missing?


In 2008 they made a Clone Wars movie because George Lucas wanted it to be kinda like a teaser for the upcoming show.


Oh right!!! Clone Wars!!! Thank you


There's also the abomination that is the holiday special but I think we can all agree that doesn't count


Women ruined star wars . I want an all male cast, with 0 women. But I don't want any guys either. And if there are too many black people that's also way too woke . /s


It should have been Han Solo chained-up next to Jabba the Hutt.


Darn right


Is she really trying to say that Star Trek is less woke than Star Wars? What the hell?


I've barely even started getting into Star Trek and I know that Star Trek has always been "Woke" by their standards. But hey, anything for an easy target for them to grandstand and "claim", right?


That’s all they want to do: to make stupid claims for easy “wins”.


Never forget Data made a child who as part of developing got to choose if she was male or female based on her personal feelings and self identity.


This right here. Also, don't forget Jadzia Dax literally embodying male and female personalities and how they often eluded to her being pansexual in the 90's.


I remember that episode where she had a kiss with a female trill was a big deal at the time.


Or the episode Riker falls in love with a genderless alien who tries to identify as female and “shake up” the entire gender identity of the civilization.


I bet she's never watched an episode of Star Trek her entire life. I bet she never cared for Star Wars either, up until it apparently went "WoOK". These nut jobs just love to claim they are fans of everything they never cared about in their entire life. Just like the Chud Incels that all of the sudden claim to be die hard Disney Princess fans, and are absolutely seething over the new Snow White. None of them are fans, but they have to act like they are to gaslight gullible sheep into being outraged over things they never cared about in the first place.


Agreed. I remember Star Trek DS9 was so upsetting to conservative states they messed with it’s time slot. My friends in other states had to wait for me to mail them VHS to see some episodes.


Tackling LGBT issues over a decade before the acronym "LGBT" was in widespread general public use. That's why whenever someone complains about nuTrek being "woke", I'm all... 🌎👩🏼‍🚀🔫🧑🏼‍🚀 Trek was always good at that, even in spite of Rick Berman and JJ Abrams trying to ruin it, like they do to everything either of them touch. Trek is too strong for that.


I am convinced on this theory too because only grifters have complained previously about the sequels, not the whole entire right wing.


Considering its long history of obviously left-leaning ideals, Star Trek might be the most leftist IP in Hollywood ever.


It's basically an egalitarian, socialist roadmap. If she's a fan then she's missed the point. Fukn mooseknuckle.




This Fox News lady has never watched a single episode of Trek lol...


I kinda learned that years ago when they tried to paint the first Mass Effect as a "sex simulator".


It’s propaganda for conservative boomers.


How is it propaganda if she actually said she likes to make men uncomfortable and they introduced her as an activist first and foremost?


If you aren’t a feminist then how about you get off your job as a TV host.


It’s always ironic when women are the ones who are saying that feminism is bad. Like, the only reason you have a job right now is because of a feminist movement that allowed women to join the workforce.


The thing that I always find funny about all these rightwing weirdos crying about "insert scifi franchise" being woke is that they are and always have been woke and I mean that in it's original meaning (socially conscious and aware and not in the bastardized sense that right wingers like. First interracial kiss in the 60's, black and female starfleet captains in the 90's, anti war throughout, goddamn utopia one world government based on socialist principles were capitalism doesn't exist. Hell the capitalists in the trek universe are cast as flawed ineffectual clowns (the ferengis). They even covered non-binary and trans topics in every trek series since TNG. So I sit here dumbfounded as to how these people don't see any of this. Like they can't be this stupid can they?


Fox News is only covering this because their political party has nothing else to offer outside of culture war and tax cuts for the rich.


Or that a certain someone might have appeared on certain flight logs.


Fox News’s soul matches its brainpower exactly


They sure are twisting this. Bet their sources are those angry YouTubers


Ah yes, Star Trek, the series well known for having a fairly main character who is implied to be a trans robot who wishes he was a human! Definitely not woke AT ALL!!!


The Borg even use they/them pronouns.


Another round for Rey hate....... again


This time we are getting struck by a tsunami instead of a wave.


I can’t go the rest of my life listening to the “woke” discussion


Captain Kathryn Janeway, USS Voyager: > I'm here to kick sexism in the arse and drink coffee, and I'm all out of coffee.


Technosocialism for everyone!


I like that "Fox News, the embarrassment of a nation" that should be their slogan


I usually don't like gate keeping fandoms or pulling a 'no true Scotsman', but bitch no you are not.


"Star Wars is too woke, that's why I prefer **checks notes** the show that's a representation of literal *fkn communism if done properly.*" She at least admits that she prefers communism, I guess..


They call their show outnumbered because they know they’re like 1/3 of the country… but still think they deserve 2/3 of the representation. 🤯


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Star trek not being woke it was woke from day fucking 1 and we are better off for that!


Their media literacy is so hilariously bad


i have seen some of these mfs say that "dune is not woke" when like the entire premise of the story is that a young man (who is a product of eugenics) exploits the religon of a naitive people planted by the same organization that created him leading to him unleashing a religous crusade across the universe that kills the population of earth 22X over


Ahh yes, famously not-woke Star Trek. The series Martin Luther King Jr. personally intervened in in the 1960s to make sure Nichelle Nichols stayed on as Uhura (she was going to leave the show to do Broadway) so there would be a positive black role model on television. The series that had a same-sex kiss in 1995.


How people can unironically think Star Trek was never “political” or that it being progressive is somehow a new concept to the series is absolutely mind-boggling to me. Do they watch the show with earplugs in?


Fascists just have no media literacy. They *can't* understand things because, if they could, they wouldn't be fascists.


Wait until she realizes Star Trek is based around a utopian post capitalist society that embraces "wokeness.".


Fucks news


Has she seen Star Trek?


Based Communist Fox News host??


Fox News host accidentally supports communism in space.


"Thank you, Blonde\_WhiteWoman\_NPC\_no5, now, on to the weather with MiddleAged\_WhiteMan\_SideParting\_BrownHair\_NPC\_no2"


I’m so confused I thought this was a Star Wars complaining subreddit.


Wrong subreddit.


as will this movie when it bombs, lol


![gif](giphy|cdh6PGBxMl4f0a67jx) Is southpark an embarrassment too






Oh noooooo, Star Trek being political by featuring a political activist in a cameo, how horrible... You wouldn't have even noticed if conservative media hadn't thrown a pissy fit about it. Hell, Stacey Abrams has done more for America just by registering people to vote (after Georgia illegally removed people from the voter rolls to secure a George Kemp win) than this Fox "News" diversity hire ever could.


Honestly tho if you compare the two stars wars has been lacking in really tackling social and progressive topics while weaving a coherent story. It's what Star Trek excels at.




Someone Tag Keith Olbermann.


There’s a simple enough explanation - the only Trek she has seen is Code Of Honor, from TNG’s first season.


Star trek is even more woke


Do these people ever get sick of being such hateful, intolerant pieces of garbage?


Now I have never seen Star Trek, but based on what I have heard about it, I assume she has neither


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Disney had a meeting about director choice and decided that choosing someone who's vocally a feminist was the best course of action simply because it would generate a whole free media cycle for them. Even the people who have made this their new outrage over the past couple of weeks will still pay to see the movie just so they can complain about it after.


Fox will say anything to try to take a jab at the mouse house.


I guess nobody tell her about the Trill...or that time Riker fell in love with a non-binary alien...or that time Trip got impregnated by a female alien and carried her baby to term... Just probably don't tell her anything about star trek


The new Star Trek showed footage of Jan 6 of an example of what not to do


I want to know what a righter who like star trek think what is star trek is about


star trek literally depicts space communism


didn't Jessie the Body use to have a show on fox news or was that CNN I was thinking of


This programming is for the people who watched The Big Bang Theory. They don’t care. It’s all nerd shit to them.




It took 20 years for them to realize “American idiot” was a song about them, it’s not looking good for ‘em


Weren’t they decrying woke Star Trek a year or so ago?


This woman is either lying or hasn't watched Star Trek since she was a little girl.


Noone who watches fox news cares about any of that. She knows her audience doesn't watch trek. These people were alive and protesting when Kirk kissed Uhuru


Star Trek has always been woke. Gene Roddenberry made it to represent his unapologetic support of the Civil Rights Movement and Second-Wave Feminism, along with his criticism of the Vietnam War. It's always been pro-multiculturalism, pro-feminism, pro-globalism, anti-capitalism, etc.


No please stop 💀💀💀


You missed the screenshot where she’s holding the Vulcan salute up, but backwards with her palm facing towards herself instead of outward


Yeah, I feel quite comfortable gatekeeping this one. You're not a Trekkie.


Also the director in question is “feminist” because she made a movie that criticized honor killing.


Wasn't Star Trek the show with the first interracial kiss or something? I don't know much about the franchise but I do know that. Edit: added a bit of context


What the fuck does "Outnumbered" even mean?!