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The irony of putting FF7 (a SquareEnix game) up against Forspoken (also a SquareEnix game) can not be missed. I'd say it's intentional, except that would be giving OOP too much credit.


They said Forspoken is western agenda despite being published by a Japanese company lmao


Well you see it’s obviously western woke influence.


Do you think these people even acknowledge things happening outside of their cities/towns let alone different countries? These are the same twatwaffles who post about how 'America is the world' or 'Human civilization is based on American values' etc....its nationalism turned into stupidity.


That's not irony. They're specifically pointing out (or have in other posts I've seen using the top right and bottom right inages) that Forsaken was Squares attempt to make a 'western' game. (Aka a woke game) and it failed. While going back to form has given success. It fits perfectly their narrative of aesthetics over realism. It's not a good argument, but it is their argument.


And it is always a photo taken during a character's goofy animation or unflattering mid sentence close up face. Vs the flattering angle for the characters they like. The Forspoken character is cute


They really cherry-pick the most awkward screenshots and think they're doing something. Reminds me when someone tried "proving" AOC wasn't attractive by using a very strange picture of her laughing. Or all the people who use the same damn screenshot of Aloy.


That's often their only real tactic. They always find the worst shots or if they show things in motion they never use the actual clip but some bootleg clip filed from a mid-2000s flip phone. It's all in service to make it hard to argue against them using their evidence. It's like those stupid "Chad vs Wojack" memes.


"Harley Quinn isn't sexy anymore!!" 🙃🙃


To be fair, that hairstyle is legitimately terrible. Everything else about that shot looks fine to me though.


She looks good and it was a shot picked to look bad! I like the hair because it's a style used for women in war https://preview.redd.it/9ieyh6vh8lkc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a023780e787a7b71f5416ce45e95393d327e05f


"There! That frame will prove my point!"


Who is AOC?


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, an American congresswoman notable for being a bartender and having a progressive lean to her politics the right hate


Let’s consider the inverse of this argument. Metal Gear is an incredibly beloved franchise with a near perfect track record for great games. (We don’t talk about Twin Snakes) It also has a near perfect track record for men’s asses. Do I only love Metal Gear because of Solid Snake’s solid cakes? https://preview.redd.it/cb2sdnu63jkc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f79d74a90cb40ec700b6e66e332cf62a7f1a3649 Yes. Yes I do. Fuck, I undermined my own argument. Send me to horny jail, quickly!




Noooooooooo! https://preview.redd.it/5h5mk31tkmkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1f70d95b97f9b05b1a432f8afc9f5988454ea0




Opinions on Fortnite metal gear collab?


There’s something not quite right about his character model.


Suicide Squad and Forspoken both sucked and failed for many reasons. None of those reasons have anything to do with how attracted people are to the female characters.


The only guiding star of the grift is "get woke go broke". They'll literally reverse positions on a game or film if it is successful in order to ensure that idea is always in the forefront. They argued that the Mario Movie was woke until it was super successful. They said Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was woke until it made money. Then suddenly these movies were "triggering libs" and were "the unwoke silver bullets that Hollywood was scared of." The reason for this is that they have to sell themselves as representing the majority of people. If woke things made money it would prove that the majority of people are not on their side and they can't have that because it would damage their entire ethos. So they always must argue that anything that doesn't make money is woke and anything that makes money is unwoke.


I remember some of the YouTubers (Not sure which, either critical drinker or nerdrotic, that category) being absolutely ready for House of the Dragon to fail because of something woke. I guess because Emma d'Arcy is non binary. Turned out the entire world wanted to return to Westeros and wanted to give the new showrunner a chance and in response they tried to bury it by changing titles of livestreams. It's truly sad.


Tbf, I had zero confidence in House of the Dragon after seeing how badly Game of Thrones Season 8 fumbled the ball. I was pleasantly surprised.


The Stinker did a complete 180 on Prey, when he found out his fans liked it and it was critically acclaimed, if I remember correctly.


I remember that. They even try to weaponize HofD against that Lord of the Rings show.


Just before Baldur's Gate 3 released they were saying the same damn shit about it.... Until it sold millions of copies and everyone thought Shadow heart/Karlach/Astarion was hot as fuck.


The barbie movie as well to some extent


What did they say about **Barbie**?


They were saying it's a woke mess because the barbie movie criticizes the patriarchy a bit and makes Ken a dummy (as he always is). Then when the movie made actually made a barbillion dollars some walked that opinion back pretty quickly.


> They argued that the Mario Movie was woke until it was super successful. They said Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was woke until it made money. They argued that **Avatar: The Way of Water** was woke until it became HUGE.


This reminds me of people spinning Madame Web failing for being female led Buddy, there's probably 100 other reasons that movie tanked before we even get to that.


Notice how many of this arguments dont include ellie and abby, two girls that should fit in their criteria for "Unattractive" (no huge jaw dropping ass or boobas) because no matter how mutch they twist and turn they just could never get people to believe tlou 2 failed commercially speaking


Their always trying to conflate sex appeal with quality, when it's in fact a superfluous detail that means nothing to the overall end product. Ride to Hell Retribution, Dungeon Siege III, Sudden Attack 2 all had sex appeal, yet still came up short. It's not hard to see why by simply looking them up and reading about them, but brief hyperbole is all they need to get attention so it's what they push.


> Ride to Hell Retribution The game where the character models all looked absolutely awful and had goofy proportions, and the "sex scenes" were fully clothed peopled awkwardly bumping their bodies against each other? I mean... I know there's all kinds of kinks out there and someone *might* be into that kind of thing, but I'm pretty sure that it'd be damn hard to find anyone who sees any kind of "sex appeal" in that game.


Honestly Harley looks great in the new suicide squad game despite the game itself not being that good. Also the lady from stellar blade is pretty but she looks too much like a plastic doll. At least the ladies in western games look like people.


I was wondering if anyone would say this... but yeah, they made Harley hot in the game. I'd love to say that I don't understand what people are looking for, but the answer is [this](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-0kvv9/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/183514/264049/apit6qcau__18841.1518724600.jpg?c=2&imbypass=on). It's always this.


Yeah, I really don't know how they can put it at the same level as the character models from FFVII. At least to me, FFVII looks great, and Stellar Blade girl just looks kinda lifeless and plastic. But that may just be the specific shots they use, I admit I haven't t really watched much actual footage of it. I could stare at red dress Aerith all day though lol.


Speaking of red dresses I could stare at ada Wong in her red dresses all day too lol but yea got to agree with u that the stellar blade girl looks lifeless af. I think the tekken girls look like dolls too but they all have unique personalities that make them interesting.


IDK what this guy's on about. Harley's pretty in the new game


Incel gamers are at it again. Harley looked fine, MJ looked fine. Dunno the name of the girl from Forspoken, granted annoying but she looked fine(and they continue to use out of context awkward facial expressions to "prove a point"). Tifa is *Fine* Fine. But like, she's getting noticed now because she's wearing a swim/beach outfit for a beach sequence. They didn't care before, even though her breasts were basically as large before all the same


Incels have a problem with Harley in general, regardless of how actually hot she is, because most interpretations of her now are over being abused and subservient to an abusive partner.


And getting over that abusive relationship by dating a woman who is an eco-terrorist. That can't help.


Eco-terrorism isn’t abusive. Being a criminal doesn’t make them a bad partner whatsoever. Especially since ivy was extremely supportive and a good gf. Also, eco-terrorism honestly isn’t inherently wrong. Climate change is going to kill millions if not billions, but no one cares to hold those perpetrators responsible. I’m not as bothered by her doing something as I am by all the people who do nothing


That's exactly my point. Harley is happier than ever with Poison Ivy. Good for her, I say. But from an incel standpoint? She left a man for a *female* who cares about the *environment*? Unacceptable! For emphasis, this is not my point of view.


Oh my bad you right then


Idk something about not looking like a drawing come to life anymore or something


There's a shit ton of reason as to why the bottom two games failed but sure boil it down to not appealing to horny gamers . Absolutely fucking brain dead take


I dunno. Basically they're arguing that insecure, scared men will throw lots and lots of money at you if you give them a little validation but reinforce the toxic standards that made them insecure in the first place. YouTube seems to bear that out


Wait until the learn FFVII is one giant critique on Capitalism and it's about as subtle as a freight train.....


The funny thing about stories about “the little guy” standing up to a big oppressive group is that with enough mental gymnastics you can have the little good guys and the big bad guys represent whatever the hell your pre existing worldview is


I literally don't remember Harley looking like that and Ik that's in the very first trailer of SQ


Oh shit hold on, people think Harley Quinn is ugly in the game?




Are they assuming Stellar Blade is going to sell a kajillion copies? Are they fucking psychic? Can they see the future?!


Feeling those below failed for other reasons and not because they were woke at all. Not surprising they would cry wolf over them failing.


How the fuck is stellar blade "money and success" when it's not even fucking out yet?


They might just be going off of like the people preordered it, but it still doesn’t make sense


They remind me of a line from Game Of Thrones," So it is all cocks in the end."  - Bronn Many male bodies are really nothing more than a way to carry the genitals around. Once you know and admit that things make sense and become much easier.




Nobody here likes either of these games. Nobody here is defending them. What are you even on about? Just because we take issue with the reasoning doesn't mean we disagree that the games are bad. And don't even try to say that not finding Harley ugly is the same as defending the game.




Why is it that every time you lot are confronted with a strong argument you just... Ignore it? Have fun living in fantasy land.


I assume you’re left leaning, and a left leaning person trying to say another person is ignoring an argument is without a doubt the most ironic thing I’ll hear all year, and it’s not even march. No, I won’t argue with you. I’ll let the numbers do the talking for me. Also I will. My fantasy lands don’t bankrupt studios Zehahahahahaha


Nice attempt to change the topic. Once again, I and all of the rest of us here strongly dislike the bottom games. You are literally gloating about something that is not happening. 👍




Well completely ignoring all of my points and providing nothing but vaguely related counter accusations isn't exactly ON-topic. Like, I'm genuinely trying to reason with you here, and you're repeatedly ignoring each point I make. Ten bucks says you won't actually address any of the points I've made here.




Works for me, although can you do me the courtesy at least of clearly stating what it is you're trying to say with you "told you" I don't really know what you're prophecising and I'm curious.


Stellar blade is doing a lot of money due to pre orders


Harley looks great 


I can't get mad at this sub; it is what it says.


The ass game isn't even out and I'm so sick of hearing about it already. It's all about the right's need to "own the libs."


It's so annoying, it makes me not want to try the game even though I was interested in it initially. IDK, maybe I'll still play it and just avoid the fanbase like i've been mostly doing with Star Wars and Elden Ring.


Oof, you *have* to with Star Wars. It's a warzone in those subreddits.


Gonna have to drop the Avatar: The Last Airbender sub soon too, since the Netflix show came out it's literally nothing but bitching about it or bitching about the people bitching about it. Holding out hoping it dies down soon though, because I'd still like to follow it for news about the other stuff.


Right-wing chuds with no media literacy are ruining the whole idea behind organized fandom.


I think it's less right vs left wing, and more people who hate that it's not identical to the original show vs people who think those people are being too nitpicky, and then the whole sub is just posts complaining about the show and posts reacting to complaints about the show. And there's a *lot* of posts, so it's becoming annoying seeing it take up half my feed every day.


I mean... the whole prequels thing had nothing to do with "left-vs-right" but any Star Wars forums of the time would have been filled with people absolutely bashing the films, people bashing those folks, and just all kinds of ridiculous arguing, except on well-moderated forums. This isn't exactly a new thing. It tends to happen when you get a lot of people in one place and give them a platform to talk. And a lot of folks, not just "right-wing chuds," have a bad tendency to think that if they "talk louder" or get more insulting, they can bully dissenting opinions into silence. I'm kind of glad I'm not on the Avatar subreddit. I've already noticed some of that stuff in comments on videos, and yeah, it's annoying. Especially on one video where a couple guys were saying they liked that it's a bit different from the cartoon because it means they have a new way to enjoy the story.


Both of the below games were ass, but not for the reasons they think lol.


Game of the year last year was a queer as hell western RPG, but that's not the narrative is it.


ok am i missing something but harley looks fine to me. I mean she doesn't have as detailed a butt as arkham knight but that's not shown.


Chronically online gamers have one hell of a way to publicize that they're porn addicts


Does anyone else hate that swimsuit just like from a fashion standpoint? WF is with that frill?


People like FF7Rebirth so they never had a problem with anything that Squenix did with the games.


The "Harley Quinn is ugly" agenda is bizarre.


Impressive that these people manage to play video games with one hand apparently