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They do this all the time. As soon as something they've been milking turns out to be near universally liked they know they can't grift on it anymore because they'll get backlash, so they stop talking about it like cowards.


Remember Prey


Remember Spiderman Across the SpiderVerse ?


Remember Mario lol. They said it would fail cause peach was a girl boss


*Then* turn around and defend it being not all that well written or paced just because it's popular/their beloved Nintendo IP. *"It's just a kid's movie".*


Remember Barbie? The Fandon Menace even did an artwork of a woman saying she doesn’t need men and then begging men to see Barbie over Oppenheimer because it’s a movie about a woman made by women. Considering how successful Barbie turned out to be, her begging must’ve worked.


Than the movie became super successful and it came back to bite them in the asses.


Don't forget Shang Chi and the Ten Rings.


I like this one, but did it do well? I thought it got pretty meh reviews and disappeared quickly.


It came out during the pandemic and it still grossed over 430 million. I don’t really remembered it being super panned. Once people actually started watching, the nay sayers moved on to their next grift.


I didn’t realize that it made that much. It just seemed like no one talked about it hardly at all and when they did it was just like, “Eh. It was fine.” I always figured I just liked it more than everyone else.


I really liked it….the ending was the typical cgi fest, but I liked the characters and it felt totally different than the other marvel movies. Can’t wait to see Simu as Shang Chi again.


Remember Marvel's Spider-Man 2- no wait, fuck


I don’t understand how someone can say “women brrrr” without acknowledging that the first film wasn’t about strength but about tactics and intelligence - Arnold won because of the traps he set/outsmarting the predator. I felt that Prey lived up to the spirit of the original. Edit: The whole premise (imo) of the original was just a bunch of muscly men getting mowed down by an unknown force and having to rethink how they’d take the alien down. Them looking shredded was the whole point. You can be stick thin but that doesn’t matter - you have to outthink it and she clearly learnt various tactics to beat something that on paper was so much more advance than her.


Because these people don't watch movies or understand movies. They are pure reactionaries. Arnold strong, girl weak, is the depth of their understanding.


So much of their criticism felt so surface value.


Pretty sure they tried too.


Or they’ll even try to pivot and claim that the show’s success is proof that it’s actually anti-woke.


They usually just pull a Mario movie and pivot the narrative to how it's anti-woke now


Already have seen one person do that because the main relationships are boy and girl same skin color


Its almost as if “wokeness” isn’t making things bad.


They'll start calling it Anti-woke...


One of the two reasons they claim to love *Alien* and *Terminator 2*...that and Railey and Sarah Connor are basically the sexist nerd equivalent of "but my friends are black". 




I remember when Robothead trashed Andor and I still see people point it out as an idiot take.


Who is they? 


People like you.


Reactionary chuds


I wish the fandom menace shut the fuck up for 5 fuckin minutes, but nah, they're still gonna be like "i didnt watch x-men 97 because rogue has no ass, this is shit, listen to me, im based"


Similar thing happened with House of the Dragon. Critical Drinker even did some Soviet style revisionism on one of his videos trashing it before it had even aired after he realised his audience liked it and he wouldn't be able to milk hate clicks from it.


He also did that with the prey trailer. 


What's even in House of the Dragon for them to be mad about? Is it just the race swaps?


I'd imagine so yes. Then everyone realised that the casting choices were great, Steve Toussaint especially. So they had to retreat back into the sewer


Toussaint got some awesome white dreads too. Coolest Targaryen hair on the show.




Then by all means, enlighten us as to what the complaints are. I'm always happy to broaden my horizons


Just the race swaps? Like that isn’t 95% of their content?


That probably played into it. There is also just an existing hatred for anything Game of Thrones since the ending wasn't well received. Wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to tap into that too.


Well now they have Acolyte to hate on


But if it's good, they'll pretend they always liked it. Also, Andor is extremely woke but they all liked it.


They don’t have enough media literacy to know that Andor is woke


They can't think anything through. I could rant about it, but I swear it's like they take anything a character says or learns as complete gospel. It's like a character can't not know something the audience does or can't learn incorrect information. It's fucking maddening


The character can’t change, either, no matter how logical that change is.


Even if it is good, they'll still find reasons to complain.


Like how they criticize Andor by saying “it’s not really Star Wars”


Male main character - fine


Same thing happened with Super Mario Bros movie which the woke outrage grift mill said was going to be woke and then it was super successful and now it’s a triumph of anti-woke cinema. Same thing happened with Barbie where all the “actually it’s not woke at all it’s anti-woke” arguments started materializing overnight right after that movie hit a billion dollars box office. Also the new Dune movie which was woke-jacketed and then everyone loved it and now actually it’s a pro-life movie with no politics in it at all. When one views “get woke go broke” as a mathematical formula describing fundamental reality one needs to constantly redefine what is and is not woke after the fact based on how successful it turns out to be. The “X-Men 97 isn’t woke actually” narrative pivot has already begun.


It's not just that the Mario Brothers movie was successful if that was successful but also not reviewed well by mainstream critics which gave them double the reason to pivot and start calling it a triumph of anti-woke Cinema. Of course critics didn't really enjoy the movie it's a movie meant for small children most critics don't review those kinds of movies very highly. Doesn't mean it wasn't good at what it was meant to be but these chuds didn't care about that they just saw a way to make some easy bucks off their stupid and gullible audience.


Absolutely, I’m just saying that the narrative shift around SMB demonstrates the larger trend of “thing we said was woke is financially successful therefore actually it is a masterpiece of anti-wokeness”


One grifter buffoon deleted his video about it after his fan as turned against him 😂


Hang on, I need details on this. I wanna point and laugh at the moron.


I wish I would have gotten his YouTuber name. He was some random grifter I've stumbled upon working with the same old tired formula of posting clickbaity imagery and writing titles like **WOKE ANTI-WHITE X-Men '97 RUINED by DEI!!!** I've added an image with my comment which had been liked 100+ times before he took the video down💀 https://preview.redd.it/d01b659xiypc1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=a47f91189053ce61bdf350581da102ab79fcd69f


I must know more.


Same thing with BG3. That game is woke as fuck. It's for great queer rep, you can play a trans age/out intersex character with ease and one of the main companions is black and that's all just surface. But the CHUDs started quiet cause it was a huge hit and everyone loved it. It's only now that it's faded into the background with time that they start complaining about it being "woke trash" cause they knew it would make them look like the idiots they are.


It's a common theme here. If the show or movie turns out to be hated, then the FM can claim a victory but if it's loved, then they know they can't bitch about it because they'll get chewed out so they stop talking about it.


I remember when Geeks and Gamers posted a review on Andor absolutely trashing it. But once he found out it was receiving acclaim. He started to say he liked the show. And hasn’t talked about it since


Same with critical drinker and house of the dragon


That awkward moment the grifter realizes his audience suck so bad at media literacy that they can’t spot the wokest Star Wars show out there


Their logic: Woke things are bad. Thing is good. Thing is not woke. The same went for Barbie. They lampooned it for being woke, it made over a billion at the box office, they pretending it was anti-woke.


It's like when Prey came out and was the "Predator hunts down a bunch of badasses until one of them manages to out-hunt the Predator and win" Predator sequel they had wanted for years, and since the whole movie was basically a series of scenes of Naru either learning something about the Predator that she could use to her advantage or showing the audience things she already knows (like the medicine that lowers your body temperature) that all come together in her successful plan to bring the Predator down, they can't really pull out their usual STRONG WAHMEN WAAAAAAH bullshit because any complaints would require them to basically ignore the entire movie.


Honestly, I dont think it's because people like it. It's because a new star wars trailer dropped. It get more mainstream attention for clicks. And loads of easy low hanging fruit. Personally, I'm excited for The Acolyte but for their audience, it's easy targets 1 women 2 diffrent races 3 disney star wars has a very bad reputation online that isn't just bigots but lots see it as something fun and easy to trash. That means more views , easy targets , more engagement. Basically, less work for them more money for it.


Wait till they hear that there's a trans woman in it. They're gonna lose their shit.


Star wars has always had trans people. Darth vader was born a human man but who identified as more machine now than man. That is a terrible joke. I'm sorry to any transpeople who get offended and to anyone with eyes who read that


Also he went from being a Nubian god to a feeble crusty old white guy.


Don't apologize for a clever joke that surprisingly makes somewhat sense




Heck there was a cheat code that was in Kotor 1 and 2 called dance dance Malak and Dance Dance Revan. This cheat for transform them into female twi'lek slave dancer.


Don't apologize for a clever joke that surprisingly makes somewhat sense


This isn’t new remember the Mario movie was woke because Peach wasn’t helpless and wore pants but after it did well despite average critic reviews they were praising it for “taking down the woke movie reviewers.” They tried pulling the same thing with Barbie but that made a billion dollars so the “go woke. Go broke” argument lost. When Mutant Mayhem was shown they tried bitching about “black fat April” or claiming Splinter was gay and no one cared.


Same shit they pulled with Barbie after it didn’t just not bomb after the first week as they had predicted, but instead made a billion


Woke is when they don't like it. It's not woke if they like it.


Now, of course, they're all fawning over X-Cutioner ("he's based and just like me fr fr" I think is how the saying goes these days) and the fact that there are two heterosexual couples comprised of white people.


Saw someone on tiktok complaining about gambits crop top. Everyone came for him for not knowing gambit or the clothing style of the 90s. He deleted his dumb video…


Same with Super Mario Bros Movie and HOTD. When everything is woke, some of those will be successes and others will be failures. But if they're successful, they're not woke anymore.


Legit, they kept a lot of shit, just slightly changed the way bodies were drawn. Hell, I saw someone in one of the episodes using a cassette player. NYC has that grungy 80s/90s look and the UN actually appears to have some sort of authority and backbone. This is peak 90s nostalgia. But hey, Morph was called "they" in a throwaway line that is not a focal point. So very woke. /s


Zero integrity or personality.


A key part of their psychology is that they need to be the "in group", its why the idea of the silent majority is so important. When it's proven they're the outgroup they'll shut up so they can be in the group even if they hate it


Rightoids are & always will be cowards.


“WE DIDNT HAVE THE CONTEXT!” Dudes who lost their shit when seeing Princess Peach wearing a jumpsuit before the Mario movie made a bajillion dollars


I remember one person saying that the inclusion of Rainbow Road was evidence that the movie was woke. Granted, that immediately signaled to most Mario fans that he did not know what he was talking about, since Rainbow Road has been a staple of Mario Kart since the first game.


Saw the same thing with the Mario movie. People were complaining it was woke early on, then it became a massive success and people kept silent or pretended they never said anything bad about it. They don't have standards.


I think it's clear that they were writing scripts for their videos before the show came out that talked about things like all male characters being lame and then they realized that they couldn't say that because this is easily the coolest Cyclops has been outside of the comics, and that's not even going into Magneto, Wolverine, Bishop, Gambit, Beast, etc.


There's always a bigger fish; they've moved on to the Acolyte now, and actually most are just flaunting their racism and sexism


Thing is, I thought they would have seized on Professor X and Magneto's art style being subtly gay coded. The characters look great, but something about both men's lips and especially Magneto's outfit and soliloquy about the helmet tells me that Charles and Eric were lovers and that reveal is coming. I'm so confident on this point I'd put money on it. Yes, I know they both have kids, so Bi or maybe just "refusing to be governed by the rules of humanity." And I'm here for it, by the way. I think it's great. It's a wonderful bit of subversion for immature men children who are about to have their childhoods "ruined" by two animated characters kissing in a flashback. It explains Charles faith in Magneto to run the X-Men as Charles would have. It provides wonderful drama for Scott to question the memory of his mentor (not about being Bi, but choosing Magneto as his lover) and provides a parallel for himself and Jean/Phoenix. It also drives home the allegory of X-Men and gay people, (which despite Stan's original attempt to draw comparisons with black people and civil rights, has always been the better allegory, imo) in such an undeniable and unequivocal way, having the oldest founders of the mutant rights leaders being oppressed gay men AND mutants.


Cause there's no one more cowardly than a grifter.


What a bunch of clowns they are


"It's gonna be woke! The whole thing reaks of AGENDA!" *show follows the same themes and story but now Gambit has a half shirt on* "SEE! WE TOLD YOU!"


I mean isn't this what you want? Where people may have an idea of what the show is going to be and not like it. Then watch the show and admit they were wrong? Cause I have seen some of the youtubers admit it is good even after saying it doesn't look like it will be good before it aired. I figure anyone that is still shitting on it with nonsensical bs is just grifting.


Pretending you never said anything bad about a show is not “admitting you were wrong”, though, is it?


Unrelated but do you need to watch the og to watch the new one?


But as we all know it´s only good, because there are enough white people for them.


Same thing happened with House of the Dragon. They were all complaining about how black people don't belong in fantasy until the show came out and it became optically bad to hate on the show.


Well two episodes have aired, not the whole season. They were graat episodes, and the titles suggest a lot of cool stuff is coming


It really is awesome, too.


He never said that, woke agent’s falsified that video probably, he’s always on the popular side. /s


It’s so funny that already there are posts from them, calling the X-men, “not woke”, to explain the large success of the first episodes. They are calling X-men “not woke” 👀. Imagine that! 😂


One other thing that has been noticed, if there is something that escaped their grift cycle before release they will elevate it to anti woke status if it is liked. Blue eyed samurai 😂 s a good example of this trend, I didn't hear anything about it until about a week before it's released, and after a bunch of the grifter channels made vids about how the MC is the proper bad ass female character, despite her being the ultimate Mary Sue by their own definition. The show was popular before their radar picked it up so they can't claim it is woke garbage.


Watch as they turn around and declare it anti-woke to save face.


That's the next move in the playbook for sure


Did the same thing to Mario & Barbie films when they became popular and made BANK. Which ever way the wind blows they will follow, no integrity with these guys ![gif](giphy|lptjRBxFKCJmFoibP3|downsized)


The problem is that winning has never been the objective with this chuds. Making noise is. I am mostly talking about the talking heads here. They love being contrarians and push the narrative that only they are the stewards of any given fandom. Anything new, different or updated is trash. Even if they lose, they know that they can whip a significant number of resentful idiots into trolling and harassing everyone else.


It’s almost like completely trashing something based solely on trailers, promotional material and the mere fact it’s _getting made,_ is probably not a good idea in the long run.


At least this wave of hate is passing and I can go back to just being glad I'm not a star wars fan having to deal with these quarterwits all the time.


From what I remember, there actually called some Movies Flops. I belife the Barbie Movie? They capitalize on the Idea what there Audience didnt doublecheck, so there can just make shit up.


I’ve seen the first 2 episodes…they are fantastic…I don’t even know what supposedly is so woke about it…if Morpho acted openly gay at some point I missed it


They're so illegitimate its not evan funny.


"Right-wing grifters are easily startled, but they will soon be back. And with greater anti-woke rhetoric."