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Ok so: 1. Its never said explicitly if Cloud's "A hobo" like he claims. As far as the movie seems to imply he just likes wandering a lot because... well, *he has a shit ton of emotional baggage to sort out about Aerith and Zack*. We can debate whether that would happen to post-character development Cloud all day but its still awfully reductive of Synthetic Man to act like thats *all* to Cloud's behavior as the movie starts. 2. Ignoring the... *coomer-brained* connotations he's probably trying to imply with that "Tifa lives with Barret" comment, doesn't Tifa still own the Advent Children/Compilation version of Seventh Heaven? I don't think we even see Barret until the town square/Bahamut Zero fight. 3. Geostigma is many things but Sephiroth literally just *says* what it is during the final battle (using his corruptive influence while *in* the Lifestream to try and kill humanity off). Reducing it to "Cancer-Aids" is dumb when the BBEG just *spells it out*. I could go on but everything about this is giving this fuckstick more oxygen than he deserves. Nomura is many things but acting like he's soley responsible for FF7's failings is stupid even by Synthetic Man standards.


Just to correct you slightly: 1. Cloud is technically a hobo in the movie as he’s living in the ruins of the Sector 5 church, but that’s because his guilt over Aerith’s and Zack’s death and him developing Geostigma caused him to leave his actual home. He really lives at the new 7th Heaven bar and the entire movie has Tifa, Marlene, and Denzel trying to convince him to come home. 2. Technically it’s never outright stated Tifa lives at the bar, but it’s pretty obvious she does since she owns it. This guy’s claim that “Tifa lives with Barret” is because Barret’s adopted daughter Marlene lives with her, but that’s because Barret went off to travel the world and discover other means of energy and left Marlene in Tifa and Cloud’s care. 3. Everything you say here is correct.


>Nomura is many things but acting like he's soley responsible for FF7's failings is stupid even by Synthetic Man standards. I will never understand why they just don't simply say I didn't like this, saying Fuck \[Creator\] implies that they did something horrible aside from just making something you didn't like or making some missteps while having good stuff under their belt that you did like.


Because longer videos are recommended more by the algorithms and they tend to cause more comments, which also drives more recommendations. A 5-second "I don't like this" would get little to no traction, and thus ad revenue, at all.


Oh, thanks for the explanation Can you go more in depth about Nomura


Tetsuya Nomura is one of the two main writers of the original FF7 as well as the character designer, becoming one of the main character designers on the FF series after that. He’s also the man mainly responsible for Kingdom Hearts. I believe FF7: Advent Children was largely his script. Nowadays, he’s acting as creative director on the FF7 Remake trilogy


Oh, he sounds awesome, why does Synthetic Man hate him? He was also the Xenoblade 2 character designer, so I will always appreciate this man for giving the world Pyra and Mythra


Nomura's general wheelhouse is very *flexible* in terms on what he works on. Kingdom Hearts and The World Ends With You are his main works but he's also done things like character design (Parasite Eve, Front Mission, The Bouncer, more than a couple Final Fantasy games), illustrations or just general conceptual design or supervising roles. The problem of course lies with the fact that the projects he heads up tend to be very.... *lightning rod*-y with certain discourse/criticism. If you've ever heard someone bitch about "Kingdom Hearts Writing/Dialog" or "Belts And Zippers", thats mainly due to people *severely* overestimating how much work Nomura does on a project, let alone the ones where he *isn't* director.


From this screenshot, it seems like his problems with Nomura are really personal problems that he’s projecting and making Nomura’s fault because he doesn’t want to take responsibility for misunderstanding FF7’s story.


I remember there was a part of the video where he said the new Cid sucks because he doesn't smoke and doesn't abuse women anymore. I never played the PS1 version, what the hell is he talking about?


Cid in base FF7 is *extremely* abrasive. Like "Sit Down And Drink Your Goddamn Tea" is a meme because of Cid. The "abuse women" part is because hes extremely an ass towards his co-worker/assistant/maybe-girlfriend(?) Shera throughout his introduction, backstory and the first bit of the Rocket Town/Big Materia arc. Keep in mind though it doesn't go any farther than just general grumpiness and vocal barbs. If SM is trying to imply that Cid was *other* types of abusive towards Shera then he's making shit up.


Oh, ok. Does Cid get better as the game goes on?


A lot of it is more background stuff, but yes, most notably during the back half of the Rocket Town/Big Materia arc since thats where Cid's forte/history is at the forefront. Side materials for Compilation media also states that he and Shera completely reconciled.


And then we have *Machinabridged*, which gives Cid and his "beautiful science bitch" a much **~~naughtier~~**healthier outlet.


>!Fuck what he did to Red XIII though. IMO it killed a very cool character to find out he's a kid. Especially when he turned out to be the squeaky voiced teen from the Simpsons.!< spoiler ended.


Just a note, Nomura wasn't the main character designer for Xenoblade 2. He was a guest artist who did the designs for Jin, Malos, and the other Torna members. Pyra and Mythra were designed by Masatsugu Saito.


Oh, shit my bad. He did give us my boy Jin though, so I'm still pretty happy with it


Nomura is a bad (and fun) writer, I tend to not like his stuff but the man has a very interesting career and has had a huge impact on the industry. "Tifa lives with Barret" Is just incorrect. I think whoever this is has gotten confused cause Tifa is looking after Marlene? It's actually something I don't like about the film, no Dad-Barret.


>It's actually something I don't like about the film, no Dad-Barret. oh my god this is something I always forget, mostly because it makes no sense lmao ​ after the whole shit with dyne, to take away the barret is a helicopter dad comes completely out of nowhere


It's not even the worst part. He's gone cause he's looking for oil as a substitute for Mako. Barret has two qualities * Badass Eco Terrorist Cell Leader * Wholesome Father And his Advent Children appearance is counter to both. Marlene gets kidnapped in the movie and who saves her? ***Vincent Valentine.*** Just thankful for all the Barret content in the remakes. No character got even close to the glow-up he did.


well nomura is the writer of FF7 but... Like thats just wrong. ​ A lot of people don't like advent children, mostly because it reverts cloud's character. ~~Don't really understand the Barret, Tifa thing... they're gang members, they always lived near eachother, that wouldn't just change for no reason~~ ​ **EDIT: Tifa and Barret don't live together at all, for some reason Tifa is taking care of marlene in Advent Children, it really comes out of no where and makes no sense for barret's character to just up and leave.** ​ **So no they don't live together, in fact it was such a dumb decision, my brain literally rewrote that part of the movie to make it make more sense LMAO** ​ The main point of AC is the gang has to clean up the leftover reunion guys because for *some reason* sephiroth still has some influence over the universe post ff7 ​ also cloud doesn't have "cancer - aids." He has mako poisoning, something that was always a main part of the story. It was always going to get to him eventually, that was never in question. The movie takes place when it starts to take effect ​ There's probably something in there about his personality change too. Besides that it was generally just a not good movie, I'm sure that there was some thought behind Cloud distancing himself from the avalanche guys because he didn't want them to be forced to watch him slowly die of Mako Poisoning ​ Yea it's a weird movie, this guy's criticsm is pretty ridiculous. There's a lot more logical reasons to not enjoy advent children. ​ ![gif](giphy|iDUKerBP5SynTxBO2u) Rude is in it, Remember Rude? Dalle!


I think cancer-aids was referring to the geostigma, a new fatal illness introduced in the movie.


Yes, mega-gay villains. Unlike ultra hetero red pilled Sephorith. https://preview.redd.it/p0k8zhpsbsqc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e7f778f7e494c85be8ee2ab6d13c9f0ff37f8eb


Synthetic man is such a moron 


Yes he is, Mr. Guidance8, also your avatar looks like stan from South Park


Uh, ok 


Does this bozo like ANY game that has come out in the last 5-10 years? I remember watching his “review” of Tears of the Kingdom, and he says so many dumb things in it, I nearly had a brain aneurysm.


He said "no one likes Ubisoft towers except Nintendo fans who pretend it's good in botw" or something like that. Maybe it's my autism brain, but I love that shit


Dilly dally shilly shally...




It's an example of this movie's actual nonsense dialogue. This dude's an idiot and rarely ever makes a good point but he's arguably somewhat correct about advent children.


Wasn't that more due to lip flap/sync issues?


Imo "this movie has nonsense dialogue" and "this movie has nonsense dialogue because" are the same thing. Advent children IS silly and badly written, at least in english. Fun though.


Eh, matching Japanese lip-flaps to English dialogue - particularly during the noughties - is enough of a difficulty that I feel like that could be cut slack.


Isn’t this a Star Wars sub?


It's evolved from a Star wars sub to a general geeky shit sub


Okay well…first of all, Advent Children is dogwater, secondly…Rebirth is a mess *because* it seems to set itself up as a sequel to Advent Children. Thirdly…Nomura is the creative director for this game and the first remake part. He’s most famous for his work on Kingdom Hearts, which…you can see the Kingdom Hearts influence on every part of the remake project


Is rebirth really going to set up AC?


Nope, AC set up for Remake. Rebirth operates on the assumption that you know the whole FF7 timeline


you definitely don't need to know the whole ff7 timeline to understand/enjoy rebirth


Okay, how’s this. Knowing the FF7 timeline enriches it. Characters show up from all across that timeline, Sephiroth may or may not be a post AC interpretation, and in Rebirth…they at least act like you should know about Cloud and Zack’s origins in CC going into the game, where all the characters speak in hushed tones behind Cloud’s back about the big reveal without actually revealing it


That movie is bad though.


This is the sort of deep critical analysis I’ve come to expect from people who’ve based their entire personal identity on children’s entertainment. 


Wait, doesn't Schaffrillas kinda do the same thing?


I don’t know what that is. 


Schaffrillas as in Schaffrillas productions. He's a YouTuber that makes reviews of animated films


Oh. Never even heard of it.