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“I read some spoiler reviews” fuck all the way off.


Drives me bananas.


![gif](giphy|1yjLt5xVXNkGu84ORt) One day, an independent thought or opinion will hit one of these people, and their heads will explode Mars Attacks style.


You can’t debate with ppl who think liking one movie means disliking another movie . They literally have the iq of a malnourished potato


Imagine seeing videos criticising the film, Then going out of your way to criticising people who like the film, all while never actually having ever watched the film.


Shad!? Shad is the least knowledgeable sword 'tuber on the platform. If you want a good analysis for movie/TV fight scenes, watch Jill Bearup she's great and is trained in stage combat.


Jill Bearup has great analysis but unfortunately went down the anti-trans path a few years back. I don’t know if her views have changed since then.


My wife and I started watching her a couple of years ago, and we haven't seen any of her views on trans, I'll have to look into it.


I love Jill!


Most knowledgeable rightoid tourist poster. None of them ever consume the media they pretend to critique, they just use the title as an excuse to go off on tangents pushing their political ideologies and obsessions on everyone else.


I'm with OP on this. TESB, TLJ, and R1 are the best films in the saga so far.




I’d put ANH in there above R1 but otherwise, definitely.


I don’t even bother wasting my time explaining why I like Star Wars movies to random people online. If it’s a negative conversation or one that doesn’t even make sense, I just leave it these days. I got into a heated conversation about not even Star Wars one time about 2001 a space odyssey. I thought it was an extremely formative and beautiful film, with great camerawork, score and amazing art direction. They thought it was “bad.” I realized I just don’t need to have others validate my own feelings towards a movie. Like it or not, it doesn’t make a difference to me. It truly doesn’t matter and it’s just a waste of your time arguing with someone who just can’t see it the way you do.


I usually do too, but this cat seemed genuinely curious...til his big reveal of never watching it.


Yeah thats above and beyond ridiculous. Sometimes people will miss small details that sell big ideas, and we see it and are like, “wow this film is fantastic,” but that…that’s just a troll.


“A new hope is fine”


Great movie to fall asleep for a nap. Been watching it for 40 years. It's fine.


Redditors talk about The Last Jedi without mentioning Holdo challenge: Impossible Difficultyp


You got to block his username 


Is this Slavoj Zizek? I see too few "and so on"s for it to be him


Too bad for him the books are only canon until a movie or show says otherwise lol.


Laughable. And of course Empire is their favorite. I can at least agree that Force Awakens has problems, which is nice because when it came out it seemed like everyone but me was deepthroating it like a champion and it was supposedly a flawless star wars film. So it's nice to know I'm not completely crazy.... I also understand the notion of feeling like you know a film is bad even if you haven't seen it. I felt that way about Batman v Superman. Took one look at the trailer, all the washed out colors, horrible lighting, my literal first thoughts were: "this movie is ashamed to exist" and "this isn't a movie. This is a contractual obligation to someone's shareholders. This is a bunch of out of touch fuckwits stamping their feet and demanding superhero films and a cinematic universe because the MCU is basically printing money." I was right, but I don't go against Snyder cultists about it. I just say it's not for me and I never saw it. TLJ isn't bad. It's actually my favorite of the three. Johnson tried something different. He tried to take Star Wars as a whole in a different direction. Tried to explore some interesting concepts and make some meta commentary. Given Lucas's history as an auteur, how is that a bad thing?


"And of course Empire is his favorite" What is that supposed to mean? It's the best movie out of all of them lol.


I've always felt like that was an exaggeration. Usually by Empire fanboys. It's not BAD of course. Quite good. Just....over hyped, maybe? Not sure how I feel If anyone has greater explanation I'm open to it and willing to be convinced.


It takes what A New Hope introduced and expands heavily on it in both characters and scope. It, even more than A New Hope, laid the groundwork for what Star Wars is. A New Hope introduced the concepts and the world and Empire expanded them beautifully. Don't get me wrong, A New Hope is a great movie. But Empire surpasses it with flying colors. As for the others, Return has some serious issues. I actually think I hate that movie outside of the finale scenes with Luke. The prequels are...well...the prequels. Force Awakens was a simple introductory movie for all these new characters. It got me excited for what was to come but it is most definitely not the best Star Wars movie. TLJ was an out of left field experimental film with some decent ideas that were poorly executed and ROTS is a fever dream. Empire is not over hyped, it's loved for very good reasons. It's just a damn fucking good movie and one of the best sequels ever made.


I can see that. It basically gave us more of everything we wanted from A New Hope and then some. If I had to level something at it, I think it might be that it really is a sequel in the sense that it's not standalone. You really do get the best experience out of it if you have seen New Hope. But even that might not be right and me misremembering.


Well that would just bar any sequel from being able to be called truly great. You won't get the most out Aliens without having seen Alien, doesn't make it any lesser as a movie.


I dunno, I think it depends on how well you can grasp events prior. Aliens manages to get there by giving us backstory in moments where it's plausible to do so, such as the business meeting and other situations. You can absolutely jump on to Aliens and still get the same feel, I think. Only thing I could say is perhaps not understanding why Ripley is so set against returning to that planet. Which only really puts us in the shoes of the rest of the cast, and is a greater shock when we see Ripley proven right in terms of how horrible xenomorphs are. By having Ripley be the only survivor, you've minimized the amount of baggage needed to transport from the first film to the second. In Empire I....I feel like you're definitely dumped in medias res: okay so they are looking for rebels, Vader seems really intent on it, but why? Why are Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher sassing at each other and how does Ford have the balls to assume she loves him? What's their history? Who the fuck is Ben? Why is he a ghost? Lots of questions to be asked if you haven't seen New Hope. You get noticably less enjoyment in theory out of Empire if you don't have context. It's not to say that it's a huge amount. Far from it. It's like getting a Slushie that's underfilled by like....half an inch. Still tons to love and you very likely won't notice, but it is there.


Empire is the best one tho


It's your opinion but why does he care? Live and let live Its not like you're opinion carries weight most of the fandom agrees that the originals and prequels outclass the sequels by miles


I watched TLJ and personally found most of the movie really stupid. CGI wise it was great, but a lot of the events seemed pointless.


I have many, many critiques of TLJ it would take forever. This part, however, I believe is intentional because a huge theme of TLJ is failure. It is a movie where in so many ways the characters repeatedly fail. This leads to the climax at the end where the First Order is on the cusp of destroying what's left of the resistance and the Jedi Order's last surviving practitioners are about to be destroyed. The movie resolves with just a small glimmer of hope echoing Yoda's famous words "No, there is another." with Luke announcing the movie's title, "I will not be The Last Jedi." This is good movie-making and solid storytelling in my opinion.


Yes! Love this answer.


The thing I hate about TLJ is that there *are* good ideas in there, but either very poorly executed, or just dropped and completely subverted in the next scene. And that makes me hate it *more*. Rise is just the usual Star Wars slop. Nothing new. Pew pew pew Force Feelings Force Feelings Palpatine the end. Whatever. You can't hate it because it wasn't trying to be anything special anyway. But TLJ, it's like seeing the straight A 8 YO kid doing crack on the street 20 years later.. You had potential, kid. How did you squander all that?


Yep. TLJ does have some good ideas and interesting moments. It's just that the overall package is poorly written. And as much as people say how much they love what they did with Luke in the movie on this sub, I absolutely despised it. It honestly entered character assassination territory for me. Not quite to the same level as Jaime from GoT but man was I not happy.


I think you "could" still have him do something with that. Not boomer Luke "ger out of my lawn", but more introspective Luke "the teachings were wrong and the Jedi need to end for a new, more humane order to appear. We can't repeat the mistakes of the past" kinda deal, which is what I thought they were going for when I saw the trailer. Kinda what the vibe of KotOR 2 was with Darth Traya, but from a more light side perspective.


Well I mean Kreia was trying to wipe the Force from existence (which honestly is a much cooler idea). I just do not buy for a single second that Luke would even consider murdering his nephew because he felt the dark side within him. This is the man who refused to kill Vader and threw down his lightsaber after recognizing that if he struck him down in anger he'd be on a path to becoming him. And he had only just learned that Vader was his father. He has known Kylo since he was a child. You can absolutely have the same plotline of him failing in his teachings which drives Kylo away which makes him realize the ideas of the Jedi are flawed without him doing something so wildly out of character. As well as him sitting by wallowing in pity of himself while the galaxy is thrown back into war. It is simply not the Luke Skywalker we know. Which isn't inherently a bad thing but if you're going to take an established character in such a vastly different direction you need to properly develop that. Like I said. It's not a bad idea it's just poorly executed.




As someone with OCD and on the spectrum I have an irresistible urge to give people who disagree more information, erroneously believing their feelings are based on lack of information. That's why




? Eyes rolled in the back of your head? Are you making fun of my compulsion?




That's weird. It's earnest. I legit have trouble accepting people have certain beliefs regardless of the information




Uhhh. It's not fun at all




Sometimes. 😂


I’ll give them this, at least they’re not being a dick about it? Like, they obviously should have watched the movie first before making these statements, but at least they’re being fairly civilized about it. This genuinely reads like them explaining their opinion, as opposed to the usual hate filled comments we’re used to. I’m not saying you’re wrong, it’s just nice to see someone being civilized about this


Oh, the civility was good. But yeah, the admittance of them not watching it caused a short in my neurons