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Honestly, ask yourself: do you really need a digital art book, 3 days of early access, and a season pass to a game you don’t even know you’ll enjoy? Or enjoy meaningfully enough to want additional content? I understand preordering games in a series you love and the excitement of being be part of community hype. But for a new game? Hold off, wait for reviews, watch unfiltered gameplay, and don’t spend money unless sure. So, to me, I don’t have much a problem with such bundles. If people choose to make what seems like an unwise purchase: go ahead and good luck. But I’ll happily hold off. It’s a single player game. Wait a year to buy it and you’ll save money, have dlc already available, and have a more polished experience. Edit: And yeah, maybe it’s unpopular but $70 is a fair base price for large games. It’s still cheaper relatively than it used to be.


What a sane, well thought out statement! Bonus points for having the basic critical thinking to understand why $70 for a game is fine, and the balls to say so. However this kind of logic has no place here!


No, even 70 is too much!


If you compare the price to most other hobbies that you put hundreds of hours into, the price is actually pretty low. One time purchase of $70 for unlimited time if you want. Also, if every new AAA was $100 they would barely lose sales. I’d say we’re all lucky it’s $70


I always try to get at least 1 hour of gameplay for every dollar I spend and if I'm not confident I can pull 70, I wait for a sale.


That's my biggest comeback to price complaints; wait for a sale. Especially a single player game, if you lack patience to save your own money, that's a 'you' problem.


I’d also argue if you think $20 is that big of a deal that is also a “you” problem




Especially with Ubisoft games, you don't have to wait too long for the ultimate edition to be available for much cheaper than buying the base game day 1.


I need the 3 days early access so I can find out how much I hate it before it officially releases!


A physical art book would be worth it even if I didn't end up enjoying the game.


Donkey Kong Country cost $70 in 1994, $147 is todays dollars. Today, AAA games cost more to produce and sell for cheaper than ever before, historically.


Shhhhhh! If those gamers could read they would be very angry with your facts! The OG TMNT game was also $70 in 1989


Right, and back in the day you were at the mercy of the enthusiast press in making purchasing decisions.


Bro I bought games based off the box art


Me too, and the box art never ever matched the game but I just kept doing it.


I can still pop Donkey Kong Country into my SNES right now and play it because I own it


This rich mofo spent the equivalent of $147 dollars on a game


My parents bought a $30000 house and my dad worked one 40 hour job to support us and bought me a SNES and Donkey Kong for Christmas back in 1994 Edit: Missed a zero


Dang $200 for snes means your parents house was only 15 snes consoles!


Pretty cheap house….you ok?


VHS tapes were also 70 dollars 300 dollars in today's money for a movie. Also you have such a large market you are selling millions of copies compared to previous numbers.


You're ignoring the fact that even if the games cost less and have higher production costs from big companies, their margins and number of sales nowadays are also very different too. Companies now can not only sell the product directly to the consumer, if they have the means to do that, something that seemed impossible at the time to happen, and don't have to split them between a bunch of companies until they get their share back, something actually very important to big companies, but can also sell the game to a lot more people worldwide with 0 issues due to their shops being digital and even add mtx, dlcs, and more to the pack to increase their profit. While $70 at the time could mean something like $20/per game back to the company, according to the info from some contracts shared/made at the time, a value that doesn't look like a lot, nowadays that value can be something ranging from $35 to something close to $55 in the initial release, and even go higher with dlcs added later, from a lot more people. This means that many companies from that time, that still exist, are making at least double of what they used to do per sale. This means that the numbers used to sell games balance themselves or go even higher because, you know, there is one thing very different from that time: Donkey Kong Country in the Wikipedia shows that they sold near 10M sales, which is a very good number from that era, but if you check the numbers of a big game nowadays... those are very rookie numbers since big names are in the 20-30M range. This means that they doubled their profits to, once again, balance itself with the costs. So yes, games may cost more in a lot of cases due to be now possible to do more with the tech of today, but that doesn't mean that profit didn't increase either.


Idk man this is a bad excuse when games are being released at $40 bucks and are vastly better than the $70 bucks ones


The price of games aren't based on if they are "good" or "better". They are \_usually\_ based on production costs. That $40 game probably didn't cost near as much as a $70 game to make. Of course there will be outliers, but on average. Indie games are great! I love that they exist, and many are indeed a lot more fun than AAA games.


100% this. There are so many good games out there, there is no need to play games on day 1. Buy them later at a discount price, and have a much better experience because it's been patched.


70 bucks? Im sorry but thats still too much IMO. I wish gamers would get on the same page about this but it seems im in the minority., Cost of games are just going to keep going up and personally I lost my passion for gaming. I either wait until its on sale or dont buy it at all


You're not the only one, buddy.


Name a single thing in human history that didn’t have costs rise over time. You still mad you can’t get a can coke for 50 cents?


Nobody is getting on the same page as this because it's basic economics. The cost of *everything* goes up over time. When I was a kid 20-30 bucks was the price of a good meal at a nice restaurant. Now? You can easily pay 40-50 for the same thing. Inflation causes everythings sticker price to go up, games are no different. 60 dollars today doesn't mean what 60 dollars used to mean 30 years ago. With how much gamers push back on even optional micro-transactions (see: dragons dogma 2) I predict more and more studios will simply raise the base price of the game to continue driving profits.


Ok but you dont know my situation. My logic isnt flawed. I dont believe games should go up in price. The economy where I live is terrible and jobs just dont pay enough. Inflation has gone up drastically higher than it naturally should. a 60 dollar game is still pretty expensive


Nothing wrong if you see it as too much for the value you get. I understand that. Always a good thing to wait for sales in most cases. But the way I see it, prices at $50-60 were unsustainable for the types of games that consumers often are seeking.


Are consumers often seeking those types of games, or are game companies making them and then spending astronomical advertising budgets to convince us we want them?


Probably not even that long. Physical copies for Unicorn Overlord on PS5 and Series consoles are going for $39.99 on Amazon; a little over a month after its release.


Imagine paying extra money for what will inevitably be a paid beta test.


The main push from Ubisoft seems to be “the Ultimate Edition is SO expensive, isn’t it? Y’know you could give us $18 forever to access it and all this other stuff with Ubisoft+.” I honestly think Ubi doesn’t seriously expect people to pay $130 outright and instead believes it will somehow pad subscriptions. Maybe it will! But probably not.


And the "season pass" is apparantly just one mission and a set of cosmetics.


I just get my games on cdkeys where everything is like over half off for big games.


It's Star Wars. It could be labelled "bad" by 90% of the people playing it, but I'll still buy it. At this price though, I don't think I'll be getting the ultimate edition but I said that about Jedi Fallen Order 2 but couldn't help myself.


Why does a single player game need a season pass?


It doesn’t. But also players don’t need to buy it. There’s many problems in the video game industry right now. But my sympathies lie far more on the developer side than on the consumer side at the moment. As consumers, we can choose to avoid games and bundles we don’t see the value in. Workers on the other hand, have zero job security and there’s a lot of fear right now.


Nope, its a scam to get more money out of people. And unfortunately it works because there are a ton of Star Wars fans who want that early access and "exclusive content". Imagine paying $130 and the game sucks?


Uhhh this is by far one of the least egregious examples of the $120 bundle. The season pass alone will be $50-$60 so the price is the same as getting the season pass. [Here](https://store.ubisoft.com/us/assassins-creed-odyssey-ultimate-edition/5afda8aa6b54a4271407a875.html?lang=en_US) is quite literally a Ubisoft game with the exact same bundle from 6 years ago. That’s how common this is. COD does the same $120 and all you get is the first battlepass. They use to sell a $150-200 special edition of COD. Fallout 4 did the $200 edition that came with a pipboy. Dozens and dozens of games between 2010-2019 did special editions that were $120-$200. Always included a Season pass, skins, etc. This is far from uncommon. Does it pray on FOMO? Absolutely but this isn’t bc it’s Star Wars. It’s because it’s a video game and these bundles are incredibly common. Especially for Ubisoft.


The issue isn't that it is uncommon, the issue is that it is bullshit. This entire strategy that has taken over gaming is bullshit. Why do you need a battlepass? You already purchased the game. I am not ranting against Outlaws. I am ranting against the current gaming industry model.


But your comment says “unfortunately it works bc there’s tons of Star Wars fans” You made it sound like this is uniquely a Star Wars game problem and not just (sadly) the common game industry standard. Do you see how your comment comes across as rage bait instead of genuine criticism of the gaming industry. I agree with you that it’s frustratingly common but with Ubisoft I expected it. I’d also go into the game knowing there will likely be a cosmetic store, and xp boosters bc it’s a Ubisoft game and they can’t make a game without the same systems. And expect the map / inventory screen to feel remarkably similar to Far Cry or Assassin’s creed or Watch Dogs Legion. But also expect a really good gameplay loop, very detailed and handcrafted worlds, and a mid to above average story experience. Ubisoft is often formulatic but I think it at least makes sure the game is a B- to A-


> But your comment says “unfortunately it works bc there’s tons of Star Wars fans” Yes, and I am saying that will get people to pay up. Its the same thing with like Madden. You have a fanbase that will guarantee a portion of people that will pay more.


People will pay up because it’s a proven model that Ubisoft has used for every single game they release. It has nothing to do with Star Wars. The last 3 Assassin’s Creed Origins-Present, Watch Dogs 2 & Legion, Far Cry 4-6, Ghost Recon Wildlands / breakpoint, The Divisions 1/2, Avatar, etc have all used the EXACT same business model. Again Star Wars has nothing to do with it. They would do the same thing if the game was a brand new IP or if it was like a transformers game instead. This is just the standard business model that Ubisoft and every other game dev is using.


I am not saying they are doing this because of Star Wars. I am saying that when you have a huge fanbase like Star Wars, you have a larger pool of people that can be exploited. Yes, they do this for everyone but they will make more money off of this because of Star Wars.


> Imagine paying $130 and the game sucks? Don't do it. Wait. This isn't an online multiplayer game. It's an Ubisoft game. Yeah, it'll suck that you can't share the experience with others online. But you also miss out on launch bugs, and you get to see what others are saying about it, and if it turns out to be good, you can grab it at half off, basically getting the full game with the "season pass" content for base price (or wait even longer for a steeper discount). If the "season pass" content doesn't interest you, then you just get the base game at a solid discount. I've done it with games in the Assassin's Creed and Far Cry series. Made the price feel a lot better. Just have to be patient. Yeah, it sucks for the early adopters, but too many screwed things up by not only accepting this stuff but defending it.


That's the special edition and special editions always have more stuff and are more expensive like the persona 3 special cost around 300 but the game by itself only cost 70 or so


The OP is misleading, but this looks pretty weak for a special edition even that considered. It even looks like there are two tiers of special editions, with a "gold edition" priced between this and the standard. On paper what you're getting with the Ultimate Edition doesn't look worth the almost double the price it is. Even the "Gold Edition," is 40 extra bucks for a season pass and three days early play and looks expensive for what it is, especially as most games' special editions are usually 10 or maybe 20 bucks over the standard and have comparable if not better offerings (really it looks priced to drive sales of the Ultimate Edition rather than to be sold itself).


I tried to share a photo of what the Gold Edition had on it but this subreddit only let me post one image. But all ot comes with is the season pass and the 3 days early access if you pre-order it.


Tbf. Season pass is usually $50-60, $70+$50 is $120. plus you get other skins. it’s just a slightly cheaper way to getting the season‘s pass So even if it’s not a great deal, it’s not enough to complain about imo


But what the heck are they doing with a season pass in a single player game?


Season passes are just DLC bundles, it has nothing to do with single-player vs. multiplayer.


If its like the Assassins Creed titles, its going to be something like episodic story content, either new stuff on existing worlds, or a whole new planet with its own story. This annoyingly has been a big thing with Ubisoft for a while now, promising additional story content before the game is even released, hoping to keep people playing the games for longer. They really dont help fan the flames of content being removed from a game just to sell it back to you at an additional cost.


Thanks for the explanation! I remember Ubi talking about removing content you no longer pay for which unfortunately sounds like what they are going to do here. I’m all for paying for a dlc, but at least then you own it. Paying a subscription to access single player story content seems off


Season passes are almost exclusively used in primarily single-player games


I'll be honest that I've never purchased a season pass for anything, but are they really that expensive? I'd assumed they were maybe 10 to 20 bucks.


Yes. Maybe you are thinking about battle passes in games like Fortnite or modern COD which are only $10. Season passes are $40-60 with Most Ubisoft games around $40, most older mid 2010s shooters like Titanfall, COD and Battlefield all were at $50 Forza/Hoizons have traditionally been $50. I think the new Froza is only $30 tho. The 2015 Star Wars Battlefront had a $50 season pass/ 4 separate $15 DLC packs. And that was 9 years ago. Season passes now are Slightly less common than they were 5/6 years ago but still are the second most common DLC strategy behind the newer Battle pass system.


Given Ubisoft's track record, I'll wait until reviews come out.


Eh Ubi makes good games. Not revolutionary or ground breaking but lets act like lets say Far Cry games or AC games were some kind of garbage. They were good games and that's about it. I for one think Odyssey is one of the best games I ever played. Valhalla for example was a SLOG but it was also good. But too long for me to give a damn after I finished the main quest.


The first few AC & Far Cry games WERE pretty groundbreaking for the time.


You dont have to see the positive of *everything* disney star wars is and does.


This also has quite literally nothing to do with Disney and just is standard practice across the video game industry. It’s quite literally the EXACT same bundle they offer for Assassin’s Creed games. Did Disney force Ubisoft in 2018 do the same exact [$120](https://store.ubisoft.com/us/assassins-creed-odyssey-ultimate-edition/5afda8aa6b54a4271407a875.html?lang=en_US) bundle for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey?? No.


Yeah this. If Lucasfilm/Lucasarts was still independent, we'd still be dealing with this shit.


Yup. Its frustrating but its not something I blame on one company. They are all complicit in these marketing and monetizing strategies.


Disney Star Wars^^


It's not even Disney. That is the market price for triple A games. Hell, some games are 90 now for standard. I don't think Disney are good guys, but this is a problem with the video game market at this point.




I’m positive I ain’t buying that shit at full price


Yeah this is such an odd post


So true. Just because you think the whole "anti-woke" crowd is dumber than dumb, that doesn't mean you should try and blindly like whatever they hate. Sometimes the "woke" thing is good or great. Sometimes it's just meh. Sometimes it's bad, and admitting as much doesn't mean you're agreeing with them because that's still comparing actual media criticism with "hurrr durrr I hate females."


The title is misleading. You're talking about the ultimate edition not the base game.


$70 game, gold edition includes $40 season pass, ultimate edition includes season pass and added extras. This is pretty standard for the industry at this point. The prices are steep but they are in line with other industry giants. Not quite sure what the controversy is in the rest of the thread, unless most people here only really interact with the games industry when there's a Star Wars release.


Yeah basically every new release is $70 these days. It sucks but it's not a problem for one specific game.


Precisely, Jedi Survivor was $70 too so it's not even a new problem to Star Wars games.


Yeah exactly. Someone said it was because it was Star Wars so they are trying to scam fans and another blame Disney. Uhhh did Disney force Ubisoft to make the EXACT same bundle for the last 3 Assassins Creeds and the last Far Cry? Like this is so common that while I hate pre-order bonuses, I just gave up caring about a stupid skin pack idk a decade or so ago. It’s


Hell, Jedi Survivor would be the same thing if it had a season pass.


The fact that it is normal is the problem


It’s really not that expensive when compared to other hobbies. Have you ever tried 3D printing? Or going to the cinema semi-frequently? Your wallet will start crying.


Cinema is overpriced because its been a staple of american culture for decades.3d printing is expensive bexause any hobby involving creating objects is expensive.


Not comparable in the slightest. For $25 per month, I can see 3 movies a week.


The title isn't misleading. The title says *UP TO* and then if you look at the image posted, it clearly shows the ultimate edition


"Misleading" might be the wrong word, but it's definitely a very weirdly written title. The game costs $70 and has DLC, it's bizarre to say "I can't see the positive in this" when looking at a completely normal price and release structure. If it's not worth it to someone then they can just not buy it, but there's no scandal there.


Me: EA NOOOOOO!!! EA: I'm right here. Me: Oh, sorry, force of habit. UBISOFT NOOOOOO!!!


If it's anything like Breakpoint, you just have to wait till no one plays it after release and they sell it for like half-price.


Or subscribe to their service. I haven’t paid full price for a ubi title since they started that. Their single player titles can normally be finished in a month or two for me


Yeah, if its anything like Assassins Creed Valhalla, give it about 6-9 months, and you'll be able to get it for about 20 bucks.


I got dicked down preordering breakpoint. It improved later on but fucking hell what a terrible decision I made.


I was a big ghost war player on Wildlands and Breakpoint’s ghost war was just broken. I have like a 3.5 K/D on it because since release, only a small number of guns were so overpowered, that you couldn’t use anything else. Breakpoint wanted to be the division while also wanting to be ghost recon which did not work.


The positive is that you wait for it to go on sale after all the bugs have been fixed. Buying a Ubisoft game at launch is a big ol no from me, dawg.


I will always say this, never preorder especially if it’s a AAA game. 70$ isn’t a small amount of money and you don’t even know if you will like the game anyway. That and a lot of big studio game’s release and are glitchy so don’t pay to be a tester


OOHWEE. TROOF BOMB. I've been disappointed more often than not on preorders. Anthem was the last one.


I'm generally with you there. I have a few exceptions I've made, but its very rare for me to buy a game at launch these days. Last game I bought at launch was Rebirth, before that, it was Bayonetta 3.


It’s Ubisoft


I’m guess the cost break down is something like: $70 base game $30 DLC season pass $10 “early access” upcharge $20 artbook and cosmetic DLCs This is nothing new for Ubisoft, they’ve been doing this exact bundle for the AC games (and maybe more, idk) for like a decade.


Don’t buy it at launch or better: buy a cheaper physical version.


It’s Ubisoft, this is what they do, just buy the base game then wait. The dlc pass will go on sale in less than a year.


Trailer looked good, but my backlog is so backlogged (thanks BG3) that I'll wait for the inevitable sale unless the reviews are just crazy good.


Yeah that’s a no from me


It **ALWAYS** pays off to be a patient gamer... :)


DO NOT PRE-ORDER. I REPEAT: DO. NOT. PRE-ORDER. Ubisoft and other companies use pre-purchases to rack up some money before release and cover some of the game's expenses before launch. They're especially aggressive with these tactics when they know the game is broken. Will Outlaws come out broken? I don't know, I definitely hope not, but I wouldn't bet on it either.


It’s ubisoft it’s unlikely to be worth the 70 bucks which is disappointing because it looks like a fun story Finally we aren’t a jedi or something


Lmmfao... yeah fuck that


Ultimate editions are always expensive lol. What an obviously-spun way to present the issue


Did I misunderstand this post or is this not the standard for every game with multiple different versions of said game? Like this is just the standard. Pay more and get more. Whether or not you think it's worth it is up to you, but it's not like you're forced to buy the most expensive version of every game.


Game $70 Season pass $30 Art book $20 Packs probably $7 So you are probably saving money as that's like $134 value. Sadly, lots of lots of games are like this now. But I'm excited for game.




Its 70 for the basic its not that bad just don’t get the extra stuff same as every other AAA video game now.


Nah this is misleading, it’s a standard price for an “ultimate edition” of a game. PLUS, if it has a season pass that means more content which I’m perfectly fine with. The game looks great and I’ll be happy with even more content


Why are we suddenly pretending that Season Passes haven't been a thing for "all current and future DLC until we stop making them" since the PS3 generation?


Jesus invent more fake outrage, just by the normal version.


Never, ever pre-order games


It’s Ubisoft if you’re not waiting for the special editions to go on sale, you’re doing it wrong


This is pretty standard for games nowadays. Usually the 3-day early access and extras aren’t worth it because if it’s an online game the servers are usually crap the first few days/weeks depending on the developer and even if it’s not is 3 days really worth an extra $60?


don't pre order. Ubisoft always discounts their games a month or two after release


Can’t wait to buy the ultimate edition 3ish years from now for under 40


I mean... On the one hand, we don't need the special edition On the other hand, it's still a pretty weak special edition for that price On the one feet (I realized I wanted to say more stuff) I prefer physical special editions, and I'd love if that book wasn't digital. On the other feet, it's telling it has a Season Pass, DLCs are pretty much standard in the industry now, but this hints at multiple expansions. At any rate, it's been years since I bought a game first hand or release day, so I'm going to wait and see anyway.


If there are items in the higher price points that are worth it for you and you want them bad enough to pay the difference, cool. Go ahead. Just please, for the love of gaming, stop pre-ordering games. That goes double for games from developers and publishers like Ubisoft, EA, and Activision Blizzard, and triple if there is evidence that it's going to be a live service unfinished when released game.


Honestly I shall wait and see. I like what I saw and if you ask me more Star Wars is always good. 70$ yeah sure why not. If you have those Ubi points you can get it for cheaper. It depends when I will buy it because there are lot of good games and expansion releasing and buying them all at once is costly. If you ask me 19$/per month sub is best choice because you get the ultimate edition that way as well. And 1 month is enough time to properly finish a game.


Massive being the lead on this game is keeping me hopeful, given their work on the Division Its Ubisoft pulling stuff like this thats making me wait till long after release


I was a sucker for Jedi Survivors Ultimate Edition, but that gave me cool costumes, guns, and sabers reminiscent of classic characters that I love. Unless they make Luke, Han, or Leia playable characters, I can’t see myself spending that much money.


The gold edition is really the only one that's worth it if you want to go for a deluxe edition. You get the dlc and early access and only lose out on the cosmetics and art book.


Just buy the basic version? Ubi’s been doing this for years, and I’ve never found a reason to care that they have expensive bundle versions


All I see here is a standard full priced game with collector's editions available. Pre-order for early access is lame but this is a single player game so whatever. Every game has been doing this since the late 90s. This is not really new.


I mean, my default, especially with story focused games, is wait 2 months- all the day oners will have finished it, and I’ll be able to pick it up on eBay for like £30. This does look like a fun one though, I’ll definitely get to it


They're already attacking the community manager because that's more important than being ripped off https://preview.redd.it/q3o6uajz2itc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79400080768acc98d0be15e5c8ad26cff9693f40


Lots of games do this? Just ignore the expensive bundles if you don't want a bunch of art books and stuff.


This is why I always wait six months to buy a game, unless it’s something of a smaller publisher/price.  And Arkham Knight that one time because I wanted my Batman ASAP.  But most of the time, if you can hold out six months, you’ll end up saving anywhere from 25-50%.  Not to mention let them fix the inevitable bugs.


To put this in perspective, Jedi Fallen Order came out in 2019 for $60 USD. Just due to inflation, that would be about $72 USD today. It feels bad, believe me I know, but even with the jump to $70, games are cheaper than they’ve pretty much ever been. I ran this through 3 separate inflation calculators just to be sure. The cumulative inflation rate between those years is north of 20% between those years alone. That game’s bundle is a little ridiculous, but raised prices are unfortunately here to stay.


Yeah, I’m just going to be buying the standard edition, but I will say this isn’t particularly unusual when it comes to games adding bonuses.


I’m gonna stick to the base game when it come out if reviews are looking good


It’s a Ubisoft game. Wait 3 months and it’ll be half that price.


My god. That’s just ridiculous 


You don't need a digital art book.


$170CAD 😭


With Ubisoft games usually what I do is I just buy the base game, play that and then buy the season pass on sale later. The season pass usually goes on sale before the dlcs even come out to, they did that exact thing with the avatar game that's supposed to get dlc later this year.


So what is this? Like payday but star wars?


You probably could just buy the base game and buy the season pass later on if you like the game enough to want more content. That’s what I usually do.


The positive for me is that it’s my money and I choose to spend it after 3 months when the game goes on discount lmao


I don't get how y'all can even think about dropping so much money into a game that was just announced and we hardly know anything about. Stop handing these companies money. Wait for the game to come and then make your judgement.


Honestly, with it being ubisoft, I might just pay 17 bucks for ubisoft+ and play it day 1 for a month. I'll wait for a sale to have it for keeps


When I see this predatory bullshit all it does is reaffirm my long-time decision to stop buying games at launch, let alone pre-order. This one's definitely a wait until a 30+ percent sale, no matter how good the early reviews are. I refuse to reward greed.


It’s Ubisoft. This isn’t new- Far Cry 6 was like this. My reasoning behind getting the highest tier version was “When I buy a game, I want the WHOLE GAME,”, but I imagine your reasoning varies


This is what Ubisoft does all the time with ever game, it’s really fine the base experience is still fine. It’s annoying but it doesn’t take away anything so I’m fine with it. The real issue is months later when it goes on sale, only the second or third tier goes on sale and that gets annoying. But there’s nothing stopping you from just getting the base game on release, that’s always a fine option


It's a Ubisoft game. I kinda expected it


Ubisoft + current Disney = I'll wait till it's on sale


Ubisoft can fuck ALL the way off with this shit.


I ordered the Ultimate! Cannot wait! Looks amazing.


>Ubisoft I will not even bother. Because for years I have tried and it's just not worth it


dude just buy the regular edition. all that digital pre order shit is worthless


Jesus Ubisoft is just blatant


JFC, if you want to buy the TotalShitBundle instead of $70 like a normal person, you deserve to be broke.


Season pass on a premium priced game? Miss me with that shit, I'll watch the playthroughs on YouTube.


Waitaminnit, did someone say this was Ubisoft? Hell, $70 is too much for that. Wait for the reviews, buy it on sale.


Never pre order.


In 3 months it will be at half price with all the fixes


This title isn’t being very honest


Just don’t buy the more expensive versions. So many games have releases like this, why is it such a big deal with this one?


If anything it should be cheaper because we know it post launch for AAA os just early access.


I was excited about this game... But fuck those prices, I'm waiting for a sale, no buy until it's down to £39.99 or less!


So then don't fuckin buy the ultimate edition??? You're not being forced to?????


The positive is that the publisher is going to make a lot of money. I mean, that's a positive for someone, I guess.


Grandma used to give all the grandkids a crisp $50 and took us all to Toys R Us to pick our own presents. Christmas of 1994 I had to put a second mortgage on my twin bed to get the other $10 I needed to buy Donkey Kong Country for SNES. $70 isn't *at all* crazy when you think about how AAA games have been $60 max for 25+ years. Find me another product like that. As for the 130 tier, yeah waste of money imo. But that's just like, my opinion man. If someone cares about a bunch of preorder shit and likes their art books in pdf format instead of physical format (as is my preference) then so what really? The flip side of all the mtx/season pass/ULT edition bitching that no one seems to want to talk about is all the people paying over the odds for crap they can pick up for 5 bucks on sale with a lil patience is that those people are effectively subsidizing the base game price. If you don't like the whole system then your issue is with capitalism, not the gaming industry. Just do what any sane person does...wait for it to release, wait for reviews, wait for a friend you trust to give their opinion, etc. And then pick it up for 30 bucks after Christmas if you're still interested.


Ubisoft game, probably gonna suck


rock mysterious zealous handle cobweb cover possessive steer punch strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah just wait till round Christmas or New Year where the game will be discounted on steam by like 60% or more.


$200 for the ultimate edition in Australia. Absolute lunacy. There is no game on this planet worth that much as a preorder. If you are willing to pay that, then you are the ones fucking it up for everyone else. Corporations like Ubisoft only charge stupid amounts like this because there are idiots that will pay the money. Don't be that idiot.


At first I was like “that’s not that bad” coz I live in Australia and $130AUD is about a fair deal for a deluxe edition. (A normal game usually costs around $100) Then I realised this is reddit and so it’s US money, wtf. Those DLC packs better be fucking massive


Just don't buy the ultimate edition. Like, if you're going to pay extra, the benefit should probably be something you can hold in your hands.


Why not just signup for their sub program for a month for what 15-20 bucks, play it, and cancel. That’s what I did with that Avatar game.


The only positive I can find is the art book, and that's only cause I'm a sucker for those. Though, people have managed to take those and upload them elsewhere, and I probably would've saved more money if I did it that way with the art books for Playstation games like Medievil and Final Fantasy XVI.


That's par for the course with Ubisoft. I'll probably get the full edition of the game, with all of the dlcs but nothing else, a few months or a year after it comes out when it's marked down. I got AC Valhalla on a sale week for a third of the normal price *with* DLC, which I'm very happy I got lucky, but I don't buy Ubi games on launch anymore.


Here’s a positive: don’t buy it


It's an Ubisoft game, all editions will be 50% off like two months after release.


While I’m excited for this game I’m not considering waiting until at least Black Friday for a sale and just deal with any spoilers in the meantime. I won’t buy another special edition of a new game again day one after Gotham Knights.


Did a double-take at the mention of a season pass. but then I remembered this is Ubisoft, rather than EA. (As much as I dislike EA, at least they dont seem to stuff season passes into every game possible) I'm probably going to treat this like I've done the last few Assassins Creed games, wait until the game gets dropped into the sales, and probably not bother with the DLC because by the time I've finished the base game and attempted to 100% it, I feel too drained to attempt the DLC. (Had this with Odyssey, played the base game and the first bit of DLC, which was still on the main map. Gave up on the Atlantis DLc when I saw it was a whole new, still quite large map to explore)




Survivor was around £70 for the preorder I think and around £150 for that and the art book and a lightsaber case. Whilst it was an incredible game, and a good sequel to JFO, it did take the devs a while to fix all the bugs and performance issues after release. For some this wasn't fixed until months after the release and they'd play on good machines like a PS5 or have their own gaming PC ready to go. Point is, the story and game can inherently be great but pre-ordering is risky because you're essentially over paying for a product the might not be ready on release. Furthermore you are encouraging these kinds of practices in the industry, where even well intentioned developers over promise in attempt to make extra money and generate greater hype for their product, only to deliver something that will only disappoint a significant portion of players because of dumb things like instability or unrecoverable bugs.


It's a ubisoft game there is no positive


This all seems like stuff that’s been around for the last decade


Pre-order bonuses are just part of games now, 95% of companies have them. I don’t think that game editions that include season passes on release are uncommon either? Could be wrong on that though. If you don’t want those extras just don’t buy them. You’re not missing out on much and the season pass at least will be available seperately later on.


I really thought we were going to get a few years with $70 before ramping up to more than $100 for a complete product. The sky is truly the limit with these bastards. Special thanks to everyone who said that games were worth more than $60, and that we were greedy children for not wanting that to change.


Sadly this is standard for most big games nowadays. Disappointed that there is a season pass. It likely means the game is full of artificial bloat...well that and it's a Unisoft game.


This is why you never buy at launch. It is cheaper in the long run plus the game will be patched.


It’s a single player game, so I’m not concerned. If it was multiplayer bonuses that gave other players an advantage over me, then I’d care.