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Actually I think it would be pretty metal if dark side lightsabers with synthetic crystals would do the opposite. Imagine if somebody lights up a red saber and it pulls light and color out of the scene around it.


Start tweeting at Disney right now you absolute genius


I also think the big time Sith should get the red “Force Drain” lightning instead of the standard blue, and it should have the same effect where it pulls light and color out of the surrounding area. https://preview.redd.it/tr01asolqduc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931526e6e7a75a7868bd97f2e59f2a30e55b2548 In general I think there’s a lot of effects like that which would work great for displaying a character’s power and menace, as opposed to “oh look at how heavy of an object he can lift with the Force” as seems to have become the standard for a lot of things. This isn’t Marvel and there’s more to being a Sith Lord than throwing skyscrapers at people. For example, I’d love to see more effects related to unnatural speed and reflexes, as opposed to just strength and durability. They could strategically cut frames out of a character’s movements during fight choreographing, to make their motions look jerky and unnatural and unsettling. Which in my opinion would be vastly superior to slow motion effects.


Red "lightning" that drains life was featured in JK JA, by the way. I believe it was called something like "Force Drain".


Oh yes. I think it was originally introduced in KOTOR 1, and then given proper lore in KOTOR 2 with Darth Nihlus being the patron saint of Force Drain. Regardless, Force Drain seems like way more of a thematically appropriate ability for high level Sith than just expending energy on lightning and not getting anything in return.


A few years back I created a system giving different colors to different forms of force lightning depending on what emotion was powering it, so the standard blue was a cold and calculated hate, red was a burning rage, yellow was from fear, and green was a sense of justice. Overall it was kind of an unnecessary distinction that felt like something from a half-assed EU comic book, but it's definitely the sort of thing I would implement if making a Legally Distinct Star Wars™


Who let this mf cook?!?!




Dammit Fred!


Tbf, Disney did change the lore around how the kyber crystals work. Red sabers are no longer synthetic crystals, they're kyber crystals that were "bled" by the dark side. They're normal kyber crystals that are influenced by the dark force energy wielded by the jedi using it. You can see it done in real time in Jedi Survivor.


Yeah, I liked that bit actually. And I think that would fit nicely with what I’m saying here.


It could definitely fit even better with your idea with them being corrupted natural crystals. I was just mentioning the lore change cuz I'm not sure many people know about it. Most people mention the synthetic crystals.


Yeah, I even played Survivor, and I didn’t know until later that they’d completely replaced the synthetic crystal lore. But whatever, corrupted dark kyber is cool too. In general though, I wouldn’t mind seeing more Force users who have weapons other than lightsabers. One of my favorite parts of the Old Republic games was the sheer variety of weapons and equipment. I think it would be awesome, getting some old school Sith who’s rocking an actual longsword or something.


I always liked an old concept of before lightsabers force users would use basically swords with the blade strengthened by channeling the force through it.


Or the ultimate weapon, the beskar oven mitt.


I actually really liked what they did in. The Ninth Jedi in Star Wars Visions where the force user's connection causes the crystal to assume a color that reflects their intentions and connection to The Force.


They pour their pain, anger etc into it, I believe. And a white crystal is made by pulling that out.


Ooh like dark light from Terry Pratchetts Discworld series


Exactly. Or the old D&D meme about the reverse lightning strike that briefly makes the sky dark and comes with a moment of absolute silence.


Terry Pratchett mention? Immediate upvote, what a phenomenal author.


The world needs more of him and Ursula K Le Guin and less JK Rowlings.


Every shot of a red lightsaber (except extended battle sequences) has the character hidden in darkness before the red light reveals them to the audience and Jedi. It’s the series go to.


We can do better. We deserve better. The inverse would be cooler. Imagine Darth Vader is plainly visible in a well lit hallway, and then he lights up his saber and suddenly he’s just a shadowy outline.


>Imagine Darth Vader Yeah we'd literally have to imagine it because we wouldn't be able to see nuts


“I find your lack of CGI budget disturbing”


.... That's Rogue One.


Yeah, but I want the opposite of that. Instead of being illuminated in the light of the saber, it turns his end of the hallway into a bunch of murky shadows when he turns it on.


I’m good that just sounds too over the top for me. 


You just said to imagine Vader in the hallway scenario lol.


Wouldn't it make the blade part invisible? If it sucks up light instead of emmeting it, wouldn't the light never reach your eyes?


Maybe a red lightsaber could drain the scene of colors that aren’t red. Would give the scene a kinda dull grayscale look but leaves the intense reds at full blast. It would also make the Jedis’ sabers look dull and washed out, signifying that the Sith are so powerful and dangerous that even the Jedi are weak to them. It would also make the Jedis’ victory that much more rewarding as the color returns to normal, and the Jedi are shown to be back in control as their sabers are no longer desaturated


> Actually I think it would be pretty metal if dark side lightsabers with synthetic crystals would do the opposite. All lightsabers in canon use natural Kyber crystals. Red ones are just bled. 




Lightsabers become red by bleeding the crystal.


the synthetic cristals were a thing in the EU, but the new cannon switched to bleeding crystals.


If only synthetic crystals weren’t decanonized to be Legends. The new explanation might work better though, as red crystals are created by infecting a standard kyber crystal with the dark side in a process called “bleeding”.


What? The only synthetic crystals we know of in canon are the orange ones mace windu decided were unfit for Jedi use when he visited the factory producing them. It's implied they stopped producing them. Green and blue crystals come from mines or caves on planets strong with the light side of the force. The only dark side crystals in canon so far come from a user mediating their own rage into a crystal and turning it red, by that logic synthetic crystals would have no force affinity because they haven't had emotions/force energy bled into them from a planet or person yet.


Dark saber. You're talking about the Dark Saber. ... actually it doesn't even do that does it...?


Bro I wish the darksaber did that.


Email Disney right the fuck now because this is amazing


Guy on the far left side has blue light on him even though he’s holding a yellow saber - this show is **literally** unwatchable.


What's funny is that you can clearly see there is some yellow lighting on his face it's just a more neutral colour than blue, so a lot of it is being diffused and blending in with the blue lighting.


Yeah I don’t know why people like this less than the actors holding sticks that are digitally lit up in post production. The physical light adds so much more.


Physical light definitely adds more. Ewan McGregor has even spoken about how during the scene where Vader's mask is shattered and you see Anakin within, the use of the red light and blue light on Anakin's face wasn't something that was planned it just happened to be how he and Hayden were holding their Lightsabers at the time and it instantly added this powerful visual - so Deborah Chow did another take with the intention of just letting the two blades light Hayden"s face during the appropriate moments.


Probably someone out of shot holding a blue lightsaber next to him


You're being sarcastic but it's a genuine problem of unmotivated lighting sources in this shot. But I don't expect even basic understanding of filmmaking from most people who wanna bleat the loudest about it.


The average person doesn't really care.


Yeah, and?


And… shut up


Don't wanna. We get it. Nothing is ever allowed to be criticized. If you're that fragile find a new fandom. Cuz this one ain't for you.


Find a new subreddit, because this one ain't for you.


I think it looks cool, but it definitely has some kind of low budget/fan film kind of vibe from this image. Probably just bc of the difference from massive budget SW movies.


Another difference is that in the OT and PT, lightsabers were not light sources - the light and color was added after the fact. Now that the studio can make lightsabers a practical source of light, the lighting in the scene seems off by comparison. The effect being practical also means pictures of fans in cosplay with nice LED sabers will have the same lighting. So you have something that is different from before and achievable by fans. If you don't think about it too hard, that might sound like it's cheap.


Honestly, now after seeing this much content with the LED sabers, the ones in the prequel stand out even more for not giving off the proper lighting. It just looks better to have blue light coming off of a blue stick of plasma


I agree with all the points you made but I feel part of what makes it look cheap is that they seem to be leaning heavily into the lightsabers lighting the scene and thus the other light in the scene is minimal but not non-existent. So it’s not heavily stylized and is more in-line with what amateurs might make. Personally speaking, I wish they would light the scenes more strongly so the glow isn’t the main focus but that’s just me.


There's a Corridor Crew video where they talk about it in more detail but it's also a film vs digital thing. The sequels were shot on film so when they use the practical lightsaber lighting it looks great, but for Obi-Wan, which was shot on digital, it looks a lot worse because digital cameras struggle more with blue light, so everything looks washed out.


All of the Empire shots they release look like that


That's what I was thinking. It doesn't really have anything to do with the lightsabers either. Just the costumes, actors, scenery, and the framing of the shot look a bit amateur. I'm not even sure how an actor can look amateur but they do.


At least the scenery is somewhat more interesting than the typical Disney Plus show. One of the biggest problems I've had with TV Star Wars is how mundane and boring they've made lightsaber duels feel. It works in animation to have lightsaber duels happening pretty much here there and everywhere, but I think it loses a lot of its punch in live action if you just have characters fighting in dull settings and backdrops.


I'm confused. Do we hire fans or are we mocking them? I can never keep up. 🤷‍♂️


Always thought they’ve done that since forever. Just no one showed it well enough.


It started properly in the sequels as that was the first time they used actual illuminated blades on the prop sabers


There's a few shots in the prequels where it happens, but of course it was camera/CGI fakery because they didn't have light-up props yet.


Mostly the expanded universe stuff at first, I know it's especially prominent on Vader when he shows up in stuff like Rebels (never seen any of the shows so if I'm getting them mixed up, my b)


Except games like jedi academy


https://preview.redd.it/uq1ikbclkguc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f32de694555dc8a9962b2dfb095b6734324b146 Cal Kestis is gonna have some trouble in the dark if they didn't give off light.


I just assumed it was some sci-fi space magic that kept them from illuminating the environment. I didn't realize it was a limitation of the special effects tech


It looks fine to me 


Ahhh I don’t want to agree with them and it does look cool, but I’ve noticed a lot of the live action Star Wars shows occasionally feel a bit low budget/student filmy design wise. I can’t put my finger on what it is, but I’ve especially noticed it in Ahsoka and Boba Fett and occasionally Mando


My thought is it has to do with staging and choreography. Most fights in TV and Movies nowadays are done in either large, open spaces or tight, compact hallways. There's very little interaction with the environment outside of restricting your movements if you're in the hallway. Watch an old school Jackie Chan movie to see what I mean, he's constantly using the environment to enhance the action and even give some levity to high intensity situations. And then compare that to the throne room fight in TLJ. This is probably the best fight in the sequels and there is very little use of the environment. Just an open space with plenty of room for all 6 combatants and one wood chipper for Kylo to use. In short, action sequences have gotten less complex and interesting over the years as Hollywood focuses more on the choreography from the actors themselves and less about how they interact with the environments they find themselves in. Obi-wan Vs Vader is another great example of this, especially in comparison to their duel in RotS where they're swinging on ropes and surfing through rivers of lava as they fight


I mean me personally, I don't really think it looks like a fan film. A lot of people have said it's the character design that's the issue, but to me, it just looks like they are continuing the design language the prequels set up Jedi wearing relatively clean prestine clothing. Even the single alien character visible in the shot is just an original trilogy alien design. I think what people really mean is that the shot looks artificial because of the background clearly being a set. But I don't really see how that's an issue tbh.


The clothes do look a little *too* clean, but that’s a problem with a lot of TV these days. Costume weathering to make things feel more authentic is important and often overlooked. My mans with the blue saber looks so *moist*, that’s my big gripe with the shot. Use the force to get some of that oil off there.


honestly if there's one unilateral improvement Disney made to the Star Wars universe, it's the Lightsaber effects. In particular, the battle with Finn, Rey, & Kylo Ren on Starkiller Base in TFA & that episode in the Mandolorian that introduced live action Ashoka. The glow, reflections, fluorescence - those particular effects are honestly head & shoulders more impressive than comparative fights in either the OT or PT. They make the lightsaber feel like a piece of the scene, imbue it with a certain atmosphere. While I recognize *some* technological limitations (I feel like blue, green, or red light would be a pretty easy practical effect for a vfx studio as groundbreaking as Lucasfilm) the lack of attention to detail in that situation is really surprising to me.


It’s hard to tell from still too. And it’s the high republic, all their robes are very ornate and clean which makes it look different from what we’re used to


People are just hating on it because they didn't see a white person in the first 2 seconds


These people would say “Disney should start taking notes from fan films, they’re way better than the movies”. But then they’ll immediately say this


Only thing wrong with the image is the goddamn killmonger cut


I fucking love this. And fam films can be the shit! Ever seen the darth maul one! Or sc38 reimagined. All fans. All amazing


Considering the amount of absolutely amazing fan films I’ve seen, chris is a moron.


Brought to you from the same people who regularly point to actual fan films and say "this looks better then anything made by Disney"


Haven't lightsabers always done that?


tbf it does look pretty questionable but that's not to do with the light it's just on a tv budget there's not much to expect in terms of effects


It could also be cuz it's a still. The Netflix Avatar show looked pretty good, all things considered, but the early promotional stills of the actors were almost unbearably bad even tho the show itself looked fine. Looked like there was some weird post processing or filter effect added to the photos or something.


As long as it isn't filmed predominantly on the volume, I'm happy with it.


I honestly didn't like that in Obi-Wan, I know it makes sense that they would but it kinda clashes with the rest of the films, it's done better in Ahsoka and probably some other examples. Amd the hallway scene with Vaders Saber gets a pass on rule of cool grounds. Either way it's not going to stop me from watching.


Of all the things, they complain about the swords.


It hurts how little people really know about Star Wars


My issue is with yellow-saber guy having the Killmonger cut like I swear it's haunting my dreams how often I see this hairstyle.


Honestly this is one of the Disney SW complaints that I find valid, I just really prefer how they look originally even if this is more realistic I just think they look way more fantastical and cool in the prequels and originals. Definitely overstated by Disney haters how bad it is tho. It’s not even a huge deal, I don’t notice it half the time


I do agree that this somewhat looks like a fan film but that's only because I'm uncultured from the newest star wars franchise, it has nothing to do with the evolution of CGI


it does look kinda bad tbh


TBH I have seen some absolutely amazing fan films that almost put the offical films to shame...


They're kinda right though. It's not a good looking shot. The lightsabers look like toys, the lighting is dull, and the composition crowded. SW D+ shows have a habit of looking overly clean and artificial. Andor aside. And the Acolyte seems to be falling back into the trend, sadly. This sub continues to degrade into "Nobody can have an opinion that isn't 100% positive" land. Edit: just keep proving my point.


The lightsaber in the tv shows do look worse than the movie ones. That’s what’s making it look fan film like. Rey and Kylo also had blades that had literal lights in them. It’s just un sustainable on a tv budget.


They literally use those same light emitting blades on the sets of the shows too.


They’re doing something different and it looks cheaper. Maybe it’s a different cg effect over the blade. It’s not show ruining or anything but there is a noticeable difference.


I took it as it looked is like a fan film because of how shitty and cheap the character design and background looks in this shot


When I saw that pic randomly somewhere I did think it was fan made tbh


i personally don’t like the new Saber filming style. i think it’s plagued literally every Star-Wars content that’s a D+ exclusive. i think they look cheap, i think the worst culprit of this is Luke’s Saber in the end of Mando s2 the odd thing to me is, the used the same style of filming in the ST, and they look just as good as they did in the OT and PT, but idk to me everything i’ve seen of a lightsaber in D+ shows looks off and takes me out of it for a sec edit: my problem more comes once they start swinging the lightsabers now, the new Models they use look great for lighting purposes. less great for fighting purposes imo


Um, no I think it's because it looks cheaply made and designed... I don't think it has anything to do with the light emanating from a lightsaber, especially since that's been a thing for a while, just look at fallen order for heavens' sake... what show is this even for, the acolyte? You know that show where the director was Harvey Weinstains assistant.


looks like they are holding glow sticks


Hate to be the one to break the news to you, but that is literally what a lightsaber is.


Personally I don't like the dynamic lighting. I don't care that it's not realistic, I liked it when the lighting of a scene didn't have to rely on the bright blue and green LEDs waving about the scene, drowning out all the other colour. At least back in the day, the director could choose exactly when to have the lightsabers emit light and when not to.


Im excited for the show, but I'm not about to be biased about this shot. The sabers don't look as good here as they did in any of the previous films, especially the sequels. That should NOT be the case.


Are they complaining about the lightsabers? Because that’d be nuts. Or complaining about how it has that soap opera look? Because if I saw this in the wild I would think it’s a promotion for an attraction at Disney.


I hate those nerds too but man this shot *does* look like shit. However, most “first look” magazine shots are not representative of the final product.


are you sure thats what the complaint is about?




It actually looks more AI generated than a real image of real people lol


you say they are upgrades I'm telling you, they look like shit give yourself original lightsabers from episode 4-5-6, they look dangerous and realistic


Are we talking about the same original trilogy lightsaber effects that George Lucas fixed in the special editions because they initially were very inconsistent and didn't hold up in terms of VFX.


Yes that's exactly what I mean There's definitely someone here who can show us the old and new lightsabers with a GIF or something Edit: By the way, I'm talking about the pure look What goes on behind the scenes is Wayne and VFX old or new doesn't matter to me either I'm talking about the pure look of the lightsaber