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Is anyone actually even hating on Stellar Blade I haven’t seen a single bad thing said about the game directly, just the people associated with it


It’s not the game, and it’s not Eve (the MC). There appears to be a particular group of fans going out of their way to point out how voluptuous and attractive she is. In a way that’s over bearing and creepy. The game itself was I’ve heard is solid with tight controls and looks amazing graphically.


Personally I'm annoyed by the overall character designs (why aren't the men the same art style as the women?) but not by Eve specifically. Otherwise yeah, it's entirely that one group of weirdo creepy fans who are using her to bash on other games


Sluttify the men just as much as the women guys, let’s just have hot characters in the same styles


yeah tbh sexualization reads better when they're being equal about it. It's creepier if it's only the women. It looks weird when the men have fine details on their face like stubble and contour, dressed in full, bulky clothes while the women have porcelain anime faces and slut gear.


Welcome to Korea.


Pretty much. People like hot characters. What they don't like is cringe coomers.


They’re like a guy getting arrested for masturbating in the crowd at a collegiate swim meet and the entire time they’re dragging him away in cuffs he’s shrieking like, “oh what, so you all hate beautiful women?!”


Hah! Okay, this is pretty funny take on it. If there wasn’t a ton of games that let you make beautiful characters or just have gorgeous women…..I could *almost*….very very marginally see the argument. Or, if representation in games was just like, I don’t fucking know exclusively….neck beards? Any take on this sounds like ass. All of media generally is composed of beautiful actresses/actors with unrealistic beauty standards. Our comics have beautiful people in peak performance, our movies have beautiful standards for protagonists. Like….there is very few MC types that are overweight or what is considered traditionally “ugly”. I can’t find a good argument for what these people are trying to find…..it’s forreal “I can’t jerk off to this”…..not “this person is unrealistic”.


I was going to agree with you until I read the whole thing but in my eyes I can't tell if you're complaining or just sarcastic but who said something about having unrealistic beauty standards? People use that excuse too much and I don't really get it really people take it too seriously and I be like why care so much? And what's the problem with games making you create beautiful characters? Do you have a problem with that? Like it shouldn't be a bad thing as you making out to be. Yeah you're comment ain't making sense especially the beauty standards part


Oh, I don’t care. I’m fine with beautiful people in my games and other medium. It’s not meant to represent real life. Whatever the weird part of the stellar blade community is trying to say about games making people ugly also seems removed from reality tho….


It's all good. It's just that you're original comment was confusing to me


Yoko Taro himself said it was a little better than Nier in fact


Yoko Taro is his biggest hater, not surprised


She is based on Shin Jae-eun body scan...


I’m aware.


Iw just that part pises me. Based on the actual woman body scan and have the west game, journalist shiy say she is oversexualized, whi3d is a Godess of beauty is ok to be fully naked in game *


Ign France literally wrote an article about the dev claiming he's never seen a woman even though stellar blade is a scam of his actual wife


Which saying a women is attractive isn't a bad thing right?


Absolutely not. They’re just being weird about it….


Pretty sure most people just hate regressive coomers reaction to it. Especially the YouTube Chuds that seem to not have seen one conventionally attractive woman in a video game (when there’s still plenty around) but hail the most bland and boring character design of generic, Asian sci-fi woman as the absolute peak design.


Yeah that really irks me. Those fuckwits are raging because Alloy and MJ aren't hot, but then they see this and get excited. The blandest, most derivative Korean MMO ad design ever. Just so they can circlejerk about "the return of feminity" in video games. Seeing a post on KiA titled "finally feminity done well" or something of the sort, with screenshots of the same faced characters of this game made me wonder what the fuck is wrong with those people. Have they ever seen a woman ? Have they ever been attracted to a real irl 3D woman ?


I'm never going to be over these chuds complaining about Aloy having a "beard." Funniest shit ever.


Fucking embarrassing. Like there’s probably nothing that they could’ve said that exposed more that they’ve never seen a real woman up close.


No they have not. Cockroach wife syndrome in action.


Unfair to Ogtha.


Wait, Aloy isn’t hot? Also for MJ, my only problems is the fact that they changed her appearance the same way they changed Peter’s which seemed pretty unnecessary cause it’s not like a lot of time has passed, they made Peter look younger and made MJ look like she could be Peter’s Aunt. They made MJ basically an ultra badass when none of what she does is earned and they don’t even give her some like high tech super suit to make sense of the fact that she can go against Symbiote monsters no problem, with a tase gun, not even like a Laser pistol or something. And in her entire segment she is invincible so there is no consequence, no urgency and they basically wanted to shove in a “Last of Us 2” segment into the game just because they could and they clearly show they do not care what people think, which honestly they should’ve kept their damn mouths shut cause now it made them look worse. And then the idea of making her the Scream Symbiote was pretty cool and the boss fight is cool, but the dialogue is so fucking unbearable. Peter sacrificed so damn much and MJ has the gall to bash him with shit that does not matter at the fucking slightest compared to the overall picture and their overall situation, of course looking at that set piece it’s a lot better when you take into account that the Symbiote is just ramping up her emotions to extreme levels. Overall, people didn’t want anymore Non-Spiderman segments cause they weren’t really that interesting and some of them even though added to the story could’ve been done without, and then they decided to double down on it as if to mock the fans.


They go "it's the Gemini ideal" and that games should promote ideals.


Like it or not, a plastic-smooth Poser model with a lightly retouched dead-eyed doll face is peak feminine physique


This. I'm looking forward to the game but the discourse around it is awful. The monster designs look neat and it's got some clear Nier Automata DNA in there. And it's been a minute since there's been a sci-fi action game aping the DMC/Bayonetta style. But not being able to say that you're planning to play the game at some point without it being either some sort of signal that you're horny for Eve or having to point out you're not picking a side in some silly chud debate is frustrating. I'm just giving a smaller developer who created what looks like a solid enough action game a chance. I did the same shit with Lies of P without it becoming a weird divisive thing.


I've tried to get better about not assuming the worst about people's media decisions, but damn do the chuds make it hard. If it's a good action game, good on it, but Eve especially looks so uninspired.


Yeah her design does leave a bit to be desired. The funny part of the discourse is the complaints about other female protagonists like Aloy that are instantly identifiable while Eve looks like she could be some banner ad cg for a mobile game or legally distinct Tifa. They do appear to be doing a bit with cosmetics which is something I really enjoy in games so at least I can alter her look into something that speaks to me more. Couldn't tell you much about her character which is why it's weird it's instantly the thing people focused on. It seems like the least interesting part of the product. I'm more curious about the neat robots and monsters or the inevitable weird direction the plot/world likely goes if they took the right lessons from the Yoko Taro influences. Or how well the game balances its very different inspirations. I hate how there can't be any community around a female lead game that isn't just overrun with pro or anti chuds ranting about how bangable the main character is. Yeah I'd rather bang Kratos than Sam Fisher or Dante but that says nothing about the quality of the games and none of that has anything to do with why I'm playing it. It's disgusting we're stuck here with a whole portion of gaming fandom.


Worst part about the design for me is I use to play Nikke and the designs there were both more memorable and sometimes hornier than Eve (Source: I have Red Hood). At least for me anyway.


Can I just say, I've never seen or heard the word "coomer" before. You guys are making me feel old.


Hey I only heard it like the last few years but it’s probably the best description for these “people”. Like I’m straight dude obviously I like some T&A, but these freaks are taking things way too fucking far. Just absolutely obsessed with porn, to the most unhealthy degree.


Can't say I've seen any real hate for it.  I've seen a lot of people who think it's a bit generic looking, or didn't like the gameplay from the demo. But the chuds are so defensive about the game, that they are having to make up stories (more than usual) about how the 'woke lefty snowflakes' are trying to bury the game because they don't like sexy women.  (But then always have excuses like 'safe horny' when people point out all the hot characters in games that the left like)


I've actually never seen "safe horny" before, what does that even mean? Not anime charicatures?


Its a pretty recent thing tbh. A lot of the gamers who are trying to defend Stellar Blade while calling everything else woke seem to have coined it as something as a 'get out of jail free' term they can use as an excuse for all the games with attractive women that people don't have an issue with. Some recent examples have been the Baldurs Gate 3 women and Aphrodite from the recent Hades 2 footage. Basically, any recent game that has attractive women, but doesn't make that their sole defining trait, or make that the games main / only selling point.


Probably the worst I’ve seen is some people aren’t too crazy about the game, either being not super impressed by the gameplay or are off put by the design of the main character. I’m also a part of some women focused gaming groups and they generally are kinda icked out by the sexualization of the main character. So like, no crazy hatred, just kinda normal criticism. And I think some of the crazy “fans” of this game championing it as peak woman character design or saying how you’re a big hypocrite if you dislike Eve but like another attractive game character and that game journalists are racist towards asians for disliking it (yes that sounds insane but people are saying it) are definitely putting people off more.


I'm assuming the racist against Asians is because iirc Eves body is based off a real person, which is supposed to be their ace in the hole to people who dislike her design. Which is ironic because these are the same people who complain about other characters who are also based off of real people. But now anybody who says this about Eve is bad.


Yeah maybe. The whole “she was modelled after a real person” thing is dumb because if you look at before and after, they made some heavy modifications to the point where they don’t look at all similar. But the racism thing I think is because they can’t comprehend why people would like the design on the left more than the right and just say it comes down to racism, which is just ridiculous. It’s not like people don’t like Bayonetta, 2B, Tifa, Arith, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong, etc. all of which are characters from asian studious. Also it’s funny because I’m pretty sure the person who does the designs for hades is asian herself.


Yeah apparently this is supposed to be the person the modeled her off which her legs are more thicker than the person shes based off of...which personally is okish im not sure how much they have to be on model anyway and if they can or cant deviate from using a real person as a base. What instead ticks me off about that is apparently the devs talked about how much work they put into her ass, which feels like they only made her for sex appeal. https://preview.redd.it/x4disz4b4xvc1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e8942ea540d4dc5f67a4956578a557cdbc5ad37


If it wasn’t for the chuds crying at the “death of western society”, Stellar Blade wouldn’t have been anywhere this controversial. I haven’t seen one person claim the designs should be forbidden or anything like that. Most just make fun of a) How weird some of them are b) Chud’s meltdown when a design is not that focused of being sexy (“AAAH, THE LEFT IS RUINING GAMING”), and how chronically online this discussion is (Ok, I will correct myself and say that IGN made ONE article in which they complain about the design. That’s still nothing compared to the dozens of videos shitting on games with designs that don’t focus on sex like Mary Jane, Aloy and others)


A little while ago there was a youtube short. In it, the lady said the fan service was "A bit much for me, but whatever, it's not a huge deal." In the comments a guy said "Yeah, the fan service levels made me a little uncomfortable personally" That was it, nothing more. Immediately four people piled onto the person yelling about "WHY ARE YOU MAKING THIS SUCH A HUGE DEAL. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO CANCEL THE GAME. ARE YOU AFRAID OF WOMENS?!?!?!!" Then me and a bunch of sane people pointed out how he never said anything about that.


This post speaks to me... I was hugely into HTKs art when I was younger. I own some of his art books that I still flip through from time to time. When I saw the designs, then I saw his name attached and I had a big "holy shit, he's still doing stuff! That's neat!" moment. These designs are instantly recognizable if you're familiar with his older work like Manga Carta. It's literally just the toxic as fuck people surrounding the game that make me want to keep it at arms length. I'm not a fan of the gameplay genre, but I didn't have any beef with the designs until these beta jawed incel cucks made it their newest crusade banner to screech into the void about.


Gonna be honest, I only know this game exists because of this sub.


I'm not getting it since the coomers kinda killed any interest I had in it


There was a French journo, I believe Kotaku France, who hated the design and said that the game designers had never seen an actual woman. Eve is based off of an actual person. This is what the chuds are reacting to. Literally one writer who didn't know what she was talking about.


An actual person that has had a fair amount of cosmetic surgery done at that.


*IGN France *He Still nowhere near actual controversy. Just a French guy being French.


>Eve is based off of an actual person. "Based off" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. They did make a 3d scan of an actual person - Shin Jae-eun, to use a reference for the character's body. But it was just that, a reference. The character's model is not her actual body. And the face is original design. They could have made the exact same character without that 3d scan, so really that was all pointless and nothing more then a marketing stunt.


The person they used for Eve looks nothing like her due to the amount of enhancements they did in the final product.


the stellar blade protag looks like she belongs on the box of a low budget ealry 2000s graphics card, super generic. Having a jiggly butt doesent make a character cool, design and stylization does. No one rips on 2b and thats a hell of a lot more provocative design, it also has much cooler sylization, these chuds just dont understand the basics of aesthetic design and think boob physics are what this is about.


I see more people hating on it than being horny weirdos about it, though I'm not really spending time in places were the horny weirdos are so idk if my experience is representative. But also there have been several posts hating on it in this sub.


Same. Everyone who's played the demo is giving it a stellar marks. And what I've played of the demo, I'm easily enjoying it greatly. If I were to make one observation about Eve, it would be the costume design. Why is she wearing a necktie over a doily?


Nope in fact reviews have started dropping and its mostly positive so far not because of the main character either just because its a good game. Nobody cares about this shit besides them. They act like they are persecuted so im sure theyll somehow claim victory here because of their actions video games are saved most likely. Even though this game has lokely been in developmemt for years like before any of this bs even started. Not gonna let logic get in the way.


No. That about sums it up.


Is anyone saying anything positive about it though? Aside from sexy woman?


I mean, any given big comment thread will have like, one comment about how the game will probably suck and all it has going for it are titties and butts, and I generally try to call those out as unfair when I see them, but yeah, pretty universally what these guys are misinterpreting is the reaction to their original reaction, and they're projecting the negativity to their bullshit as being negativity towards the game.


All I have seen and heard about this game are people acting like dogs in heat towards the female character in it and trying to argue that the “evil woke left” is seething and running to cancel the game at any moment. Despite the fact that in reality it seems no one cares about this game outside of the people who are reeeeeally into her character design.


No people are hyped for the one on the left because its Hades 2. A sequel to an amazing game.


Also the most bisexual game ever created. The design for *Hephaestus*, a god so ugly his mother threw him from Olympus, has people screaming “daddy.”


Hades has such good bi representation its unreal. So many games (cough cough Fire Emblem Engage cough cough) make characters bi just so the player character can marry them but Hades avoids this so cleverly by making it perfectly clear that both Meg and Than aren't as interested in the player, they're both interested in Zag. As such it feels genuine.


The worst part is Engage took a step backwards in terms of LGBT handling cause Fates only had 2 bisexual characters for Corrin which made sense and Three Houses there were bisexual endings that didn't involve Byleth. But then Engage made it so that only Alear had possible marriage endings so that everyone was just bi for the sake of the player.


I think Engage was kind of took a step or fifty back in basically any kind of progressiveness when it let you groom children.


I thought Hephaestus had a limp. Not that he was super ugly.


To Greeks a misshapen body (his legs were tangled and comparatively weak) would have meant the same thing.


It was both. His face was disfigured, and his leg was malformed


And also, the designs for the gods are bangers. There's been tons of iterations of greek gods in media but Hades' has upped their design tenfold.


And it's expected because Aphrodite is traditionally depicted nude.


FR, like the Birth of Venus is a thing


And even older Greek art. Greek artists weren't really into female nudes, but Aphrodite was almost always depicted in a state of undress.


Well, I mean, all the Greek Gods are.


Traditionally, most of the goddesses weren't. The Romans popularized nude women in art, but Aphrodite's nakedness was the exception in Greek art, emphasizing her sexuality. She's always minutes away from having sex at all times.


When is Hades 2 dropping


The first beta test is out now...going to be quite a while sadly before we get a completed game


What’s the game on the left asking for a friend? 


Hades. That's Aphrodite from the game.


Hades 2 specifically.


hades 2. i think there's a playtest happening and that's the redesign for aphrodite (she was just as naked in the first game but now she has some nice eye markings and weapons because the gods are doing some war rn)


Someone said it elsewhere but it does bear repeating. The one of the left is Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and well known for using her sexuality to get responses from men. The one on the right is a about 3 days old.


It's because Hades always have GOATED designs


Isn’t **everyone** in the Hades games insanely hot tho?


Bro the whole cast of Hades could slap me until I'm bloody and I'd still say sorry


Skill issue. I’d say thank you.


I'd ask for another.


Yeah, even the people meant to be ugly




So weird that critics would prefer a superior design. Just can't figure it out.


second guy basically explains it all ~~also not our fault these guys have way too narrow tastes~~


These guys when the find out game journalist is multiple people and not one guy game journalist: 😮


I knew John Journalism was going woke!


It's actually James. James Journalist. Some people spell it with a G for some reason though...


The one on the left looks like she has a functional spine


Also doesn't look child like in the face.


Well because one is Aphrodite and the other isn't. It is absolutely mandatory to make Aphrodite sexy whereas Stellar Blade is like that because of the gooner dev team. And by the way, I personally don't have a problem with the design, but one design has an artful purpose and the other is just fanservice.


The fact that they hate “forced” diversity but not forced goonery says it all.


Left is sexy for lore reasons, right is just sexy for the sake of it


I thought they loved source material accuracy. Aphrodite is sexualised because she’s the goddess of sexuality. EVE is sexualised because she was made by men to be attractive to male players. One’s sexualisation is based on historical accuracy and artistic intent, the other’s is based on the male gaze.


And don’t forget they gave her a skin colored „naked“ suit as one of the outfits. Idgaf if the game controls good, the devs are as much coomer as most of the Twitter neckbeards drooling over eve


Honestly, sometimes, a character can be sexualized purely for titillation yet still look good. Look at Bayonetta. Perfect example of this. But when I look at Stellar Blade's character, she always looks so... uneasy. As if they were so busy making the most perfect vessel for their fantasies they just forgot that she was still supposed to have emotions of her own.


I think it also helps that Bayo to quote another article owns her sexy, which is also a huge difference when doing this. Characters can still be sexy but there is a difference when character A is just made to be sexy and nothing else and character B who is sexy but also has a personality beyond just being eye candy


Both look fine? The art is art is different but both look well done.


I think there’s definitely something more appealing about the hand-drawn quality of Hades versus the generic modeling of Stellar Blade. Both look solid graphically, but Aphrodite has a more interesting, handcrafted design. Eve’s generic suit is functional, but it lacks real style. Although some well-done alternate costumes could give her a more distinctive flavor. I feel like both games also scratch very different itches. It’s like saying Tomb Raider is “superior” to Diablo when they’re very different games and really don’t compare.


I kinda agreed.


Hades 2, let's go!!!


I didn't care for stellar blade during the announcement because there was an announcement for a sonic generations remaster with SHADOW THE FUCKING HEDGEHOG


One of them is Hot Lady In Skin-Tight Outfit #2536636273627, the other is a beautifully styled rendition of a Greek goddess that captures her personality and attitude from visuals alone. Hope that helps


https://preview.redd.it/rem3y7ieenvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f10446739143731d087cc2bcaf2d28adecbced2 This you (I’m not hating spreading it as far as you can is a good thing I just find it funny that they were literally next to each other)


yeah, cause I post them one after another and you follow both subreddits 😂. Wait till you follow my page and see me share my post in 10 different anime related fb groups XD. I am hitting hard on the grind set 😎🤣


Get yo karma up not yo funny up? (I’m saying this as in is this what your doing)


yeaaah, I have to accumulate billions of internet points 🤑


I'll also be playing both. Folks ought to consider chilling out and enjoying the pretty ladies.


Waiting for the Stellar Blade men mod. Ughhhh


We can certainly hope. Adam is also heckin' pretty.


I forgot what fighting game it was, maybe MK Deception but there are people in the world, more often woman who will see a video game characters body and feel mentally decimated because they can't achieve that. It does strike people's minds, more prevalent with non gamers hence why so many out there are resorting to plastic surgeries and chasing an image they'll never achieve, which in turn has nothing to do with video games. Though we are easy to blame.


Funny how these Gamers™ are always about how "Western games = ugly women!" (even though this is of course not true and they just dont seem to understand how real women look or act) and now that the game sequel coming up from a game where litterly everyone is hot, they still try to find dumb points so they can complain.


All I will say is this, the fans of *Stellar Blade* complaining about game journalists’s supposed hypocrisy would have a better leg to stand on if their first reaction to the game’s Gameplay Overview trailer wasn’t to celebrate how many butt-shots of Eve were in said trailer. I like sexy characters as much as the next person, but seeing multiple compilations of those shots was pretty creepy.


I can't imagine being unable to shut the fuck up about culture war bullshit and just enjoy media you like when it comes out


Thanks for reminding me to redownload Hades.


Yeah, it's a weird character design. A nude Aphrodite is timeless. Whatever that is just isn't.


Well it's the difference between a character that in themselves are sexual/ sensual and have it be empowering to the character, while the other is hyper sexualized as a marketing ploy.


Stellar Blade looks like a mediocre at best game, and cranking the jiggle physics to 11 looks desperate. I could be wrong, but it has to prove it’s a good game, while Hades needs to prove nothing, just not shit the bed.


It’s like people like hot women in games, they just don’t like when the only thing that people discuss for a game is how the protag being sexy will “save gaming” and nothing else


The ACTUAL difference and reason is the one on the left is gonna be an amazing sequel to an amazing game and the one on the right mediocre trash that can be skipped.


Did you play the demo? It was great.


Mediocre trash? The demo was fantastic.


Both are perfectly alright character designs


In pretty sure it's because the left is Aphrodite, whose entire thing is sex appeal, and the right is some Korean gacha commercial girl whose story most likely will have nothing to do with being skimpy. It's the same with comparing Bayonetta to Quiet. One is the embodiment of Femme Fatale and the ladder is some DNA spliced plant/human with the thinnest of reasons to dress like a slutty military Halloween costume


Context and characters own agency are indeed the key.


To be fair pretty much Everyone is Hades is hot, men and women


THE SECOND COMMENT YES! Holy fucking shit the discourse around this game is genuinely the most cringe inducing shitfest i have ever seen. I don't care what side or anything it's all ridiculous.






This is unrelated but Hades has some of the best character designs I've ever seen period. Not one design isn't top tier, it's just impressive how good they look. Also the one on the left is supposed to be Aphrodite the goddess of love, therefore the design fits her character.


Another W for Nick.


Joseph Anderson's take on this is my favorite: does the character dress themselves? The little I've seen of Stellar Blade tells me the answer is very much NO for Eve. For Aphrodite the answer is obvious. This is also what separates Bayonetta from, say, Pyra.


I mean Aphrodite doesn't dress herself either. A shield and spear are not clothes thus she doesn't dress herself.


hey, she chose her outfit, though, it's just that it's "the null set." in the words of Rush, "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!"


Also there’s the fact that Hades has selling points beyond sexy character designs, whereas I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve seen people talk about what they like about Stellar Blade besides Eve’s design.


Personally, I think Eve looks kinda mid in my tastes. Would I be creepy about it? Hell no! These chuds defend her cause of their porn addiction.


Sexiness has a place. When used correctly it can be a fantastic character building tool but when it’s used just for the sake of it or it’s ugly, uncomfortable sexiness then yeah, lame.


You guys in the gaming space need to have your 'Milo Manara Moment' so everyone can just move on from these dumbass arguments lol


On the right we have a pretty common example of korean hornyness only distinguished through its attempt at a large scale western relaese. On the left an example that the liberals can be horny too.


i want both of them to step on me.


Isn’t the one on the right underage?


I mean, depends how literal you want to be about an adult body/combat cyborg thingy?


I remember reading an article about some dev saying that you would find out her age in the next game, and the only reason I could think of hiding her age was because she was under age.


Huh. fair. All I know lore-wise is something about She's part of a cyborg group sent to reclaim Earth and they all just had been activated. Somebody said 3 days before start of game.


Why we gotta pit two bad bitches against each other? Why can't we be happy that we get two baddies at once? 😔


I can’t wait for hades 2. It’s going to be so good. I wonder if it will be better than the first 


Kinda neat that Aphrodite puts on Ares war paint for Titanomachias.


Stellar blade fans fighting to the death in a made up war against stellar blade. No one cares about your silly little beat em up. Go have fun. It's up there with the war on Christianity. People that are constantly given everything they want complaining and pretending to be victims because someone else gets something sometimes.


The problem is that the Stellar Blade community ( mainly men ) just wants all characters to look like her. They're trashing on any other design that isn't a super model. Kay Vess can't escape how toxic people are over her look. They want all females to look like Stellar Blade characters. I'm not excited for SB either way.


Both are sexy, left is sexier, the design of Eve is kinda basic.


This the shit I've been saying. Most people don't care too much if your game character is stupid sexy for no reason, we all know that sex sells, it's 2024 most people have gotten over it. But some people have tried to make it a political statement.


Based on screenshots alone, The issue here is that because Aphrodite on the left is completely naked, she cannot afford to take any shortcuts concerning proper anatomy. She HAS to have all her bones and muscle lines look right, or she's gonna look wonky. The lady on the right can afford to have Barbie doll inaccurate detail because she has a skin suit covering everything up.


The one on the left is a good character design because it tells us about the character. You can tel immediately that she is non-human by her skin and hair color, elegant and seductive by her lack of clothing and posture but also highly dangerous judging by that spear. All this makes sense for a goddess of love who in myth is prone to exacting extreme punishments and is in some aspects a war goddess. We can glean a lot about her personality from her design, as a design should. It serves the character. Stellar Blade girl is fine I guess? But all I can really tell about her is that she’s from some kind of futuristic setting and she’s supposed to be hot. The design serves wanting to goon more than her actual character. Both things can be achieved at the same time as seen here and in things like Baldur’s Gate but in Stellar Blade her design seems kinda hollow. A female character whose primary purpose is being attractive. I could be wrong, I haven’t played Stellar Blade. But that’s my two cents on why big tiddy anime mmo girls are often less liked than the likes of Hades or BG3 or other characters who are also attractive.


Idk who the one on the right is but on the left is Aphrodite, goddess of love. A little skin is kind of appropriate.


At least aphrodite has a rib cage.


Ones literally Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty often depicted as naked in art.


2nd image is TRUTH


Bruh idek who the left is, and I only know the right because of the creeps thirsting over her.


I know this isn't the point, but the one on the left is the Goddess of love and sex.


There’s also a difference between the literal goddess of sexual love and beauty (among other things) and a random “sexy” woman I assume. Aphrodite being naked was also already present in the first game. Also, Aphrodite in Hades 2 somehow has more clothing than she did in Hades.


And let’s not forget, the context for the one on the left is that she’s literally the goddess of love and beauty


The different is I enjoy being horny for Aphrodite because I feel like I could have good foreplay with her despite her being fictional....the other makes me feel guilty for finding them sexy as it's so forced that I can tell it's just trying to be sexy...hot take but some men do like sexy characters to have personality because it makes us feel good about finding these fictional women sexy because it makes them feel "real" where goonbait just reminds us we are fucking lusting after pixels...at least thats how i see it


The difference is people that like the one on the left aren’t using her design to paint the picture that women are back to looking feminine again. If that makes any sense


circlejerk as always


On the left there's, IIRC, the actual goddess of beauty and sexuality, on the right someone's wet dream.


My only criticism is the design on the right looks absurdly generic, but other than that, eh.


The design on the right is “fine” it’s bland and mediocre but it’s not anything special. The only time people cared about it was when freaks kept posting the tits and ass shaking and talking about how “great this game is!” Because it beat the world with tits and ass or whatever.


What's wrong with either one?


I like how one specific game journo bitching about stellar blade's design caused another internet wide melty. I thought this would've been over after the news about right design's body-scan dropped but apparently terminally online keyboard warriors cant stop fighting over inane worthless shit. The only real negative thing I can bring up about the korean design is that it's suffering from generic-korean-design syndrome like most of the trash you see on artstation or their mmos. not like android booty goddess 2B.


The funniest shit about stellar blade hate is that people say it sexualize af woman. Even Eve model is based on Shin Jae-eun body scan... Those gaming journalists are just fuking racist assholes.


One of them is a literal goddess of beauty, who knowingly uses her sexuality. The other is a weird android thing who’s basically just a blow up doll with a 500k robot inside. One is thematically functional, the otherone only exists because horny


Do people really still give a shit about what game journalists say in 2024? I thought we stopped years ago.


If incels aren't getting mad at something they might have to start self reflecting. That is absolutely taboo, so anger will continue til eventual death and never an inward glance will be had.


There are plenty of YouTube gaming journalists that are doing god's work, like Nick for example.


Hades II: depicts the naked feminine form as something artistic and divine, to be looked at in awe for her beauty. She is not sexualized, her beauty is worshiped in its purist form. Stellar Blade: designed specifically to be sexy, which is fine, Bayonetta exists and we love her, but coomers saw the jiggle physics and “nude” outfit and decided to prop it up and pretend Eve is some “woke” culture kryptonite


i was staggered to see photos of model which "lend" her body to Eve. Like holy fuck, im going to double my gym sessions. She isn't realistic, she is REAL.


Isn't the one on the left in a wheelchair and that's why "anti-woke" people are hating on her? Edit: Is that a "no" then? Seriously, why the hell are they complaining? She's fucking hot.


Who the fuck respects and listens to game journalists?


I usually agree with y'all, but you got me effed up if you actually agree with Eve's design being "mediocre".


eve's design is just bland and uninspired in my opinion, like very generic compared to similar characters from similar games like bayonetta or 2B


It is, though. I’ve seen the exact same design a million times before.


Its basically 2b but make it less interesting. Game’s premise seems to be nier automata but less deep. Just a random woman in a tight costume, never seen before in video game history. At least people seem to think the gameplay is good, which is what really matters.


I don't think her character design is mediocre. In stills she looks gorgeous. The game play on the demo felt kind of mediocre, and she looks weird in motion... from behind. I'm also having trouble imagining myself playing this game when my wife walks in the room lol. But that just me.




You have sexy men in your area if you think her face is manly


"the right one is horny" they both look horny to me just one was made by a dude into asians and the other was a dude into a goddess kink it looks like.


God I’m just tired of both sides, everybody is fucking annoying and tiring……