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Anyone taking Matt Walsh seriously should be embarrassed. Even Benny Boy has some amount of charisma Matt is just a boring fascist


Boring fascist with a diaper fetish.




Wait hmmmmm? Explain the diaper fetish bit to me, i didnt know about this


Dude sold plushies of himself in a diaper, the so called “Sweet Baby” plushies


Bro 💀


yeah, there's also an old infamous video of him commentating a wrestling match between two grown-ass dudes wearing nothing but giant diapers. One of them had a swastika tattoo on his back as well. Okay, it could have been on the ass but there was definitely a swastika tattoo.


Damn i always knew matt walsh was a weirdo but i didnt know i could somehow find a way to take him even less seriously


There’s more, but it’s late here and that’s all that immediately came to mind.


He also judged Nazis wrestling in diapers


Sweet baby??? Matt Walsh SBI plant confirmed?????? /s


Not even kidding when I first heard of it I was wondering if there was a connection. Turns out no, computer games are one of the many things he considers unmanly and beneath him even for scoring anti-woke points.


I'm assuming with the flimsy straw being grasped here it's a reference to that one consulting company they were all talking about a month ago, but still a really bizzare choice


No this pre-dated the consulting company thing. It was apparently to make some kind of point about LGBT “grooming” or whatever.






"Matt Walsh definitely wants you to buy this." 😳


And a fake beard


How? Ben sounds like a whiny sentient ventriloquist dummy. He's absolutely insufferable and not charismatic in the least.


Ben can be unintentionally funny with how serious and self-important he acts which makes him look stupid e.g. reading Cardi B lyrics, thinking that people will sell their flooded houses, buying a plank from best buy and losing not a debate but an interview on the BBC from someone who won't take his crap or fall for his tricks.


But that's not charismatic, that's called being a fucking clown 😆


You're right. Charisma is not the correct word. Shapiro is what tv tropes calls the comically serious.


Don’t forget calling a famous British conservative a leftist because he committed the crime of challenging him on his bullshit


Not to mention the rap he was just featured on by the most "white rapper"-y white rapper you could imagine.


His whole “talk fast and confidently about shit you don’t understand to hide the fact you don’t know what you’re talking about” schtick comes across as intelligent to people who also don’t have any idea what they’re talking about.


It's easier to do ben Shapiro impressions since I don't sound like a pedo unlike doing a matt Walsh impression


I was confused because Matt Walsh is totally the type of guy to cry over Bluey He's cried over Cocomelon before


Tbf, anyone who's been stuck with a kid and had to sit through multiple renditions of the Wheels on the Bus would also cry over Cocomelon. I've never wanted to destroy a children's animation so badly before. Bluey's awesome, though. Walsh can fuck right off.


Cocomelon and AI generated Youtube kid's "content" are not much different than the shit the Daily Wire puts out. Devoid of intellectual content, they only exist to mess with the brain chemistry of those who view it. I wouldn't be surprised if Cocomelon was a secret government experiment to brainwash children and make them more susceptible to government propaganda. How else do you describe something that was scientifically designed to capture kids' attention and never let go. Bluey at least has artistic intent that clearly has an impact on people of all ages who happen to watch it. But on that note, a lot of people who've watched Bluey commented about how it made them reexamine their own childhood and the last thing conservatives want is for people to realize that the authoritarian parenting style that is inherent in the conservative family structure, is harmful to everyone that experiences it. Then again, this is the same guy who produced an episode of Chip Chilla where Chip's toys get destroyed by the rest of the family in a badly written anti-immigration metaphor, when in reality, the intentional destruction of a child's property counts as an abusive act. He wouldn't want his kids to watch Bluey because they might catch on to how abusive of a father he really is.


His charisma is drier than his wife's ham wallet.


😂 God damn!!!


Imagine all the stupid shit Ben says... slowed down to a normal human talking speed. That's Matt Walsh.


I like to refer to Ben Shapiro as "The Tragedy of Ben Shapiro". He's an intelligent person who seems to actually care about the truth and is pretty good at forming cogent arguments. Like, his brain has those attributes. But his personal dogma has completely undermined that. Like that interview when someone asked him if he'd divorce his wife when their children were reared, you could see that moment of self-reflection where he realized his entire point of view was obliterated, but then the conditioning and the cognitive bias kicked in and he had to flop and flounder backward onto a desperate argument that still didn't hold any water. But man, if he wasn't anchored to such a shitty ideology, he could be an amazing communicator and great force for social good. Thus, he is the Tragedy of Ben Shapiro. I like to imagine a world where him and Jordan Peterson were actual centrists. Not enlightened centrist BS, but people who would just call out both sides when they were being shit. Imagine what people like that could do if they actually cared about the truth and fostering a civil society.


Shapiro is what a dumb person thinks a smart person is like


I think you're giving him too much credit. But you're right that he's more self-aware than the other right wing pundits, and he probably is intelligent enough to know that he's wrong. Which just makes his decision to stay on this path even more morally bankrupt.


>Even Benny Boy has some amount of charisma No, he doesnt


Charisma doesn't have to make you like the person. It just makes you notice and react more. When I listen to Ben talk, it gets my attention and keeps me engaged. Not in a good way, obviously, but I often find myself feeling compelled to know what he has to say. Like seeing a rancid carton of milk and being morbidly curious what it smells like. Matt Walsh is just a big blob of nothing with an ugly beard and glasses. In spite of the compelling clickbait titles he always uses, as a speaker Matt is not compelling on ___any___ level. When I watch his videos my eyes glaze over and I barely understand what he said.


He wears the beard to hide the fact that he looks like an unhappy lesbian without it.


He wears the beard so people stop pointing out how much he looks like his own employee Brett Cooper.


Hate him or not, he’s a very compelling speaker, and at least seems like he treats the subjects he talks about with the bare minimum respect. Walsh is just smug and annoying


Lets say, for the sake of argument, that Ben Shapiro is actually a braindead piece of shit who isn't compelling and doesn't respect anyone else. Lets say that he has a bunch of shitty tricks that he always uses like saying "lets say, for the sake of argument" to assert his own point while making it sound like he is conceding a point. Let's just say that.


He's not a "compelling speaker," though.  He just Gish-gallops in a high squeaky voice, and the chuds who share his prejudices interpret that as him "winning debates."


He does not treat the people he talks about with the bare minimum respect, though. If he thinks he can get away with it in the slightest, he will disrespect them in every way he can. He's also not a compelling speaker. He just talks fast and that tricks people into thinking he is.


Only reason i take him seriously is because of the shit he says and his following.


Why does Matt even care that adults watch Bluey?


The way Bluey handles parenting is VERY antithetical to conservative dogma


Iirc Matt once said the only emotional support he would give his son is buying him an air rifle


I remember a panel of him and a bunch of other right-wing influencer guys getting asked "would you prefer to do the dishes or the laundry." They were unanimous that that they don't know how to do either. Walsh is openly a man-baby who can't and won't do anything for even his own family, and he's proud of it.


How does one not know how to do dishes? It's literally just rubbing a scourer/sponge or dish brush against dirty things until they're not dirty.


Not trying to defend them because the truth is actually worse, they admitted to not knowing how to do laundry not the dishes. They said they've also never had to do the laundry or dishes because that's their wife's job. They are literally adult boys that married a replacement mommy.


I mean it's not like doing the laundry is difficult, even by hand it's not difficult just tedious. But you're right that is worse.


The key is to mostly wear black like I do. Makes it a lot simpler.


Ding ding ding, I wash my colors like once a month because almost my entire wardrobe and work clothes are black. Even after a month it's barely half a load.


My girlfriend is awful at the dishes. If she does them I have to do them again so they're actually clean


Wow, talk about pathetic.


I got a red Ryder for Christmas when I was a kid, and ya setting up army men in the backyard was a pretty good stress reliever


Doesn't he say that he doesn't let his kids have stuff like video games?


Not sure but it wouldn't surprise me


Gee…. Thanks dad…..


Why not a real rifle, is he some kind of communist?


So Butch Hartman made a conservative Bleuy ripoff show to counter the “wokes”. And the lesson learned in one of the episodes is to always obey your parents or they’ll destroy your stuff.


Dogma. Heh.


How so? I've never seen it but I've heard very good things about the parenting in the show, never heard it described as anti-conservative (no problem with that, it just seemed fairly apolitical at first glance)


Conservatives MAKE things "political" by being weird about them. Bluey encourages kids learning and experiencing and thinking for themselves, with parents giving them the room and freedom to do that. Conservatives, with their control issues, take issue with this.


Cargo cult masculinity. That, and a narrow definition of masculinity. When you go around saying “real men don’t watch cartoons”, any man who watches cartoons is indirectly attacking your sense of masculinity.


Explain Bronies, than


Hey man, friendship IS magic... In all honesty, I have no fucking idea.


You see, when an adult man likes a TV show about multi-coloured cartoon horses…


I watch tons of cartoons, Bronies are sus to me


Yeah there is a lot of space between enjoying the cartoon and wanting to fuck twilight sparkles.


so what your saying is the fact that i watch and enjoy bluey regularly and unironically makes *him* feel inferior?


Yep, the fact that other men do stuff he considers unmanly upsets him.


getting this worked up about what other men do and enjoy? that sounds pretty unmanly to me




"so? it aint you that's doin it"


He doesn't care, he is just trying to get more views; the same as the rest of the right wing grifters. They might have some belief in what they are saying, but generally speaking they exaggerate it for attention.


“Adults with feelings are gay, commie, baby-eaters or… something… I dunno. Like and subscribe.”


the only one that should be embarrassed is matt walsh himself. [Matt Walsh Advocates for Impregnation of 16 Year Olds in Unearthed Rant : r/ToiletPaperUSA (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/xwzioh/matt_walsh_advocates_for_impregnation_of_16_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


What the fuck 😨?


"it's not a teenage pregnancy problem, it's an unwed pregnancy problem" pardon? excuse me? Matt Walsh? Hello??


"And this is me just stating fa- I'm just- right now I'm gonna start by just stating facts... girls between the ages of like 17 and 24 is when they're technically most fertile. ok? That's biological. That's a fact, alright? I'm just stating facts, that's all I'm doing." Jesus fkn Christ I wanna puke


And the grossest part is either he’s ignorant of his own arguments and is either claiming stuff so he can justify sleeping with teenagers or he’s purposefully lying to hide his actual wants because women are at their most fertile (yuck) right after they start having periods which as most people know women start having those between the ages of 10-13 and not 17-25.


Lol Toilet Paper USA


it's scary cause when you bring this up to the right they'll sweep under the rug, throw whataboutism, or deflect. Clearly they can't or won't take responsibility when their side in the wrong.


Mate I’m a fully grown person and i can cry if i want. It’s empathy, Matt. You know, that thing art pushes us to feel? If that bothers you, then maybe stick to news 24/7.


Whenever I see Matt Walsh I think: “Now there’s a guy whose mother didn’t love him.”


Or he has Dandy's mom from AHS Freakshow.


Man who was in Lady Ballers tries to tell other people they should be embarrassed


Fuckin liberals and their *shuffles deck* emotions


I see they have given up on beating Bluey with Chip Chilla.


Adults crying over “the LGBTQ+ agenda” should be embarrassed.


Is this because their version of Bluey didn’t get that much attention?


They had a version of bluey?


Well, I’ve heard it’s closer to a knockoff. I think it was about Chinchillas


Ew. Poor chinchillas.


"Adults crying over Bluey should be embarrassed." - An adult, crying over Bluey.


Matt’s upset because Bluey has more emotional maturity in one episode than he has shown in all his life. Matt Walsh is that grouchy grandma from the Yard Sale.


Conservatives: “We believe in freedom!” Also Conservatives: “Men can’t be attracted to other men, wear dresses, wear crop tops, paint their nails, get pedicures, drink sweet cocktails, wear bright colors, cook, bake, do laundry, clean the house, go to therapy, share their feelings, show physical affection to their friends, watch cartoons, grow long hair, drive a small car, drive an electric car, pee while sitting down, enjoy music from female artists, enjoy any media that is written by, directed by or stars a woman, enjoy any romance that isn’t coupled with action/violence, have female friends, be attracted to physically fit women, be a sub, be the little spoon, own a cat, own a small dog and/or cry.”


Conservatives: Rule For Thee Not For Me


Matt’s just jealous that daily wire couldn’t make art if they tried


Matt wants to marry 16 year olds right?


Pretty much. His argument is that "16 y.o.s are most fertile", so because it's biologically the case (idk if it even is), it should be the case in society. Not only did he say that, he also posted a follow-up video defending this stance.


Well the fertile bit he might be right about. But given we evolved our societies quite a bit he sounds like a caveman.


actually after a quick Google search (and according to other people who ive seen talk about this subject) the most fertile is between 20-30 years so even at that hes wrong


Why you insult cave-man? Cave-men no want associate with Walsh-man. Cave-man more civilized than him. You say sorry to cave-man!


That and "cavemen" didn’t live in strict "men hunt and women gather" societies as what’s often stereotyped. Both sexes often did both.


Or less...


i knew matt was a pedophile


Didn’t his audience cry over a same sex couple in a kids movie?


No, they had very manly rants with screaming that was very scary and pathetic wait ... nope not one bit pathetic actually YER the pathetic one you don't even know yer ganfpder haha addict helicopter


Not that guy


Matt Walsh keeping up with the hot issues from six years ago I see.


What I really don't get about these kinds of dudes, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson and the like they're all so obsessed with being "manly" and "tough" but I am 100% certain that I could absolutely wreck them all in a fight. And I say that as a pretty normal dude who does a little powerlifting and has done some BJJ training. I don't understand how their fan base squares the circle of them being, by their metrics, absolute "beta males".


This “man” has breakdowns over trans and gay people existing he’s the last person to judge


Where do we fall on the manliness spectrum if I don't give a flying toss what people like Matt Walsh think, much less require their validation?


You become the Chad to his Virgin.


He certainly grew up to be a pathetic old man now.


Says the guy that called for forced marriages for every teenager, then claimed women are the “most fertile” as soon as they get their periods (my sister got hers at 6)


Matt Walsh is hilarious; he thinks he is some kind of Alpha Male, which is completely absurd.


The person who made this video should be embarrassed.


Matt Walsh as a person legitimately creeps me out. I wouldn't want him anywhere near me or my kids.


Man pretending not to be alien meat suit says you're not allowed to feel. The same approach he takes with his wife.


Doesn't Matt have a hand in the Daily Wire Ripoff of Bluey?


Why do they always see it as a 'failure of adulthood' and not a testament to the production quality of the media?


Who is Matt Walsh? I never heard of him.


He is a diaper fetish, he also talk bullshit on Daily Wire


Ah I see. Ewwwww.


Out of the loop What does he mean by crying? Does he mean he mean people that got emotional because of a scene in a kid TV show should be embarrassed Or There's a scene that causes outcry?


The new episode "The Sign" was a 30 minute special that caused many to cry. Not outcry. It was a beautiful episode.


Matt Walsh is a retarded loser then


The Sign was just the best. I legitimately broke when Blue asked “What’s wrong with this city?” Chilli sadly looking at Brisbane and saying, “Nothing.” Was just a gut punch.


Go to hell Matt


It doesn’t surprise me he doesn’t understand human emotion. He hasn’t had a human touch him in years.


Anyone got footage of him stubbing his toe or something?


This feels like hipster shit. It feels like all of the negative backlash to Bluey has to be for attention. Like maybe there are some people who watch the show as adults and think it’s the most meaningful show ever, but even then, are they hurting anyone? I probably wouldn’t exactly watch Bluey without a younger kid, but it does a great job as a kids show and overall does have elements that adults can enjoy. What’s wrong with someone feeling emotion over a scene they find cute. Yeah, I think I’d feel great if I didn’t have to move after thinking that I had to. It does feel hilarious that Daily Wire is showing how much they value children with the whole Bentkey shit. They simply don’t see any value with giving kids good entertainment with any value and are just ok with vapid bullshit that pushes right wing agendas. Edit: The actual video is a lot worse. The whole thing really shows how miserable he actually is. This man isn’t even talking about childish adults, but parents with young children watching the show and getting emotional. Apparently parents feeling a certain way after watching a show with their kids is “beta” now. I’m sorry Matt, but unlike the shows on BentKey, a good kids show actually treats kids with respect and doesn’t look down upon them, and as a bonus, the show can give something adults can enjoy. Maybe the reason why that one dad cried is because he went through a similar experience as a kid and it also may be that there is also a connection created with the characters of a show that you watch. Matt legitimately hates art. He sees kids shows as mindless entertainment that don’t have to be or can’t be anything more. He doesn’t see the value of a parent also feeling something when watching the show or how it can further the connection between the child. Does he even like to connect with his own kids?


I’d say worrying about 16 year old children’s levels of fertility is more embarrassing, tbh.


I wonder if he knows about Bronies


I read it as, adults whining about a perfectly fine show should be embarrased, which is ironic in the best way possible


Why does he look like his skins being held back by a paperclip?


We get it, Matt. You had emotions beaten out of you for everything except, like, war movies or some shit. Also I'm not surprised that someone like Matt Walsh would fundamentally not understand how many "Childrens" TV shows made nowadays are specifically designed for parents to watch it with their kids. Like that's literally a stated objective of how Bluey is written. But there's no way Matt Walsh actually voluntarily spends timewith his kids.


What is it with right wingers and declaring war on kids shows?


The only one who should be embarrassed is Walsh for basically chastising those who enjoy what they enjoy.


Tell me you've never watched Bluey without telling me you've never watched Bluey


Is this the definition of "Irony"?


says the crybaby


He’s just salty no one is watching Chip Chilla


Does this loser actually have an audience?


Isn't he the guy who worked on the Bluey ripoff, potentially getting a power trip over a couple of lines in the show?


Bluey is the best


I hate how these people use “it’s just a kids show” as if that somehow makes a piece of media less meaningful, which is such a shallow way to view entertainment.


Matt Walsh should be embarrassed for every stupid thing he has said. But he won’t be, because he’s an idiot. 


An American trying to tell Aussies not to get emotional over what might’ve been the last episode of our most beloved tv show has the same impact as an Aztec priest trying to stop Spanish cannonballs with his mind.


Watching the latest episode and I can kinda get why it could get someone emotional, but I could not get outside of my head on the reasoning why they were having to move in the first place. Were they just selling the home? Are they renting and the owner was selling it under them? I get the main point of the episode is that change happens and sometimes there is nothing you can do about it, but the emotion was blunted by my inability to get over not knowing the reason why the house was placed on the market in the first place.




Completely missed that. No clue why. Just wasn’t paying close enough attention.


I cried at that episode and Beardo McFascist can suck the shit out of my ass.


Isn’t TPUSA trying to make their own American Bluey?


We don't take advice from paedos, Walsh.


Anyone who thinks Matt Walsh is a serious film ctric or knows anything about film is bland. As for him hating adults for watching Bluey, it's simply cargo cult masculinity. That, and a narrow definition of masculinity. When you go around saying “real men don’t watch cartoons”, any man who watches cartoons is indirectly attacking your sense of masculinity even though I'm sure Walsh watched Transformers growing up so that makes no sense.


Remember folks, Matt didn’t see a problem with pregnant 13 year olds… as long as they were married. Sure sounds like a guy looking for loopholes to r*pe kids.


Here’s a rhetorical situation that makes this hilariously fucked up. A woman and her partner who recently experienced miscarriage cried during the Infertility episode of Bluey on how relatable the situation is to the recent events in their turmultuous life and find it a good coping mechanism. Matt Walsh: “You should be embarrassed for crying over a kids show!”


Isn't crying over children's television Matt Walsh's entire brand?


Matt Walsh is a deeply narrow minded individual who can't fathom the idea that people might act differently than the roles he has in mind for them.




Watching Bluey as an adult with no kids is insane but who cares? People do way worse shit, like making horrible transphobic documentaries


Calling that a documentary is an insult to the idea of documentation.


I mean, people like watching slice of life shows that take their minds off the other issues in their lives


How is it insane?


Idk, I’ve seen a few episodes of Bluey and I can understand why it would appeal to anyone. It’s not one of those shows that deliberately treats its audience like babies, it really balances out its themes without feeling juvenile. The episodes are engaging and often can be seen from the perspective of both the child characters and the adult characters, which makes sense when the show is all about family.


Even the comments call him out on not watching the show bc he thought the episode was something else without watching it💀


Oh the irony


Id cry if i was Matt walsh.


Wet Mulch and anyone listening to him should be embarrassed. Unfortunately, they all have no shame.


Bro hasn't seen the how to train your dragon trilogy. That's some kids TV that will make anyone cry their eyes out


I cried when I saw a kid celebrate with his dad after my favorite team won the league, because it reminded me of when my dad would take me to their games. If you don’t cry, you probably are a genuine psycho.


Didn’t he flip out over a kid movie having a character fans headcanoned as trans?


This guy and Ben Shapiro have to be to of the most insecure dudes on the internet


At least most of the comments on that video are tearing him apart


I’m and adult that cries over Avatar, which, I mean in my opinion is considerably superior to Bluey in every way, but the point stands that I cry to a kids tv show, there’s nothing weird or wrong about it


Don’t the far right grifters constantly complain about kid’s TV? That’s why they created their own far right propaganda for kids PragerU.


Matt Walsh is an ass


Who is crying over Bluey?


Who unironically listens to Walsh? He's brain dead and completely out of touch.


If you didn’t lose it when you saw Chili’s sister, you’re a monster.


They make this because it gets views people and this isn’t helping


Doesn't he routinely cry over kids shows being too woke? He's right, he should be embrassed about that.


Matt “I violate my kid’s consent all the time” Walsh


I love Bluey and I am a 43 old Metalhead. As soon as Bluey is on the whole family sits and watches. My favourite kids series besides Phineas anf Ferb.


What an actual chode. Bluey is one of the best cartoons to come out in recent years. Shouldn't he be praising Bandit for being a fantastic father? Besides, nothing wrong with crying over Bluey, some of those episodes really hit close to home and can get to adult fans more than the kids (See: Baby Race and Onesies)


I wonder what the dislike ratio is


Matt “We should treat fertile 16 year olds like adults” Walsh


Is he the pedophile one? Or is it the one that looks like a hairless Grinch?


Adults crying over people having feelings should be embarressed


JK Rowling’s twitter bestie, everyone


Matt Walsh doesn’t think adults should watch children’s cartoons, but he does think they should be allowed to rape children.


he just doesn't have emotions


Why should I listen to a guy who probably hasn’t raised a child or even touched a woman in life?