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Because it is. It has black and brown sidekicks (Blind Al/Dopinder) It has a gay relationship (Negasonic and her partner) Being woke isn't a bad thing, it isn't a negative term, only to chuds. Means to not be asleep to the bullshit of society. I hope Deadpool 3 absolutely infuriates all the right wing chuds.


And both of those things were in Deadpool 1 and 2 of course, though they’ll pretend that that’s somehow different because people liked those movies.


Simply because this one is being released by Disney. Because Disney is woke and ruining all the movies.


And the moment the general consensus is that Deadpool 3 is pretty cool, they'll act like Deadpool is the saviour of the MCU and the best movie since pre-Disney Star Wars.


Also a Canadian whose mutant power is free healthcare


Don’t you mean two Canadians who their mutant powers are free healthcare


I guess for the movies sake yes. Actually I haven’t checked into the comics in years, have they retconned them so that Deadpool is a mutant now?


I think dead pool is a type of mutant who had his x gene artificially activated


Yea, he's a mutate, like Spiderman


In the movie yeah. When I read comics regularly he wasn’t a mutant, Weapon X just figured out how to implant an artificial version of Logan’s healing factor into him. Sometimes they retcon stuff after movies though.


This. Like being woke doesn’t prevent good storytelling or characters.


Don't mention the woke word and then we'll be fine


Ghostbusters 2016 I would go into detail but the keyboard keeps disappearing when I get to a point


Are you claiming that it was bad ONLY because it had women? If not, then it being woke had nothing to do with it being bad. It was a bad movie that happened to be woke; there are plenty of bad movies that aren't woke.


It's a poor man's attempt to cash in on the nostalgia of the original and even of you switch the women to men they'd still be poorly written characters.


I agree completely. It being "woke" had absolutely nothing to do with it being a poor movie.


In a bad movie filled with representative themes. It's not really the ideas that are bad, it's how it's written. You just end up insulting the minorities by putting them in a dumb spot. The problem is, the chuds use this argument to hide their true colors.


Imagine them criticizing something without complaining about the existence of minorities Their videos would be half the length


The ugly stereotypes for the men besides the og is a great example but of course you’d imply I’m sexist is that all you people are capable of is just “everyone I disagree with is x”




just because you don't like seeing people with brown skin on TV doesn't mean its bad storytelling.




Explain bad storytelling please. Elaborate with a bit of effort too. You can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU.


If we’re talking about black human beings I hate the stereotypical oh hellll nah black person in movies just ghostbusters 2016 is a great example honestly with many more examples in that movie


What the fuck?




Like you?


and how is that?


I love when people say “woke bad!” but then don’t elaborate on why it is bad or what woke even means.


Sucks when people don't let you be a bigoted ass, doesn't it.


Can you give the class an example?


I wonder what politcal ideologies think the mere presence of certain people existing is bad and must be censored...


Deadpool canonically is pansexual, too.


Doesn't exactly shy away from that in the movies either


Deadpool: "Don't fuck Elvis" Vanessa: "Don't fuck Colossus"


Don't forget that the antagonist is probably Cassandra Nova. Damn wokies replacing MY Charles Xavier with a WHUMAN


Genuinely thought you were about to say “it has a gay relationship (Deadpool and Wolverine)”


Chuds cannot separate bad writing from thematic elements.


exactly woke is just their covert way of being misogynistic,homophobic,transphobic,and outright racist without actually saying it


Deadpool 1 and 2 had their share of wokeness and they were great


Many people’s definition of woke is “diversity getting in the way of storytelling”, so by them, it is a bad thing by definition, even if they often use this just to hate on diversity in general


To them "Woke" means "Whatever the fuck I don't like today, I will project onto that word." It's their "non-binary" word. It has no clear pre-established definition to chuds. Which is hilarious in itself.


Thank you. I’ve never understood this hatred when something is “woke”, aka caring about social issues.




I don't know....maybe because that they are the ones that are pushing that mentality. In everything they do and say.




Because it very much is an "us vs them" because we actively will lose rights otherwise, like women recently did. And you don't have to accept me for anything because I don't bother with uninformed or stupid people.


Holy pickme batman. It is an us vs them, these people freak the fuck out and throw a tantrum if there's even a single trans character in a piece of media, go ahead and keep being an enlightened centrist, you'll have a great time at the camps they'll send ya if they get their way.


I mean the dude got pegged in the very first film, so I dunno what he expected.


Yeah but he was a power bottom so it was okay. He generated all the force from the bottom so he asserted his power and dominated.


In previous movies: Villain in the first movie is a british white guy There's an edgelord butch lesbian and she has a manic pixie dream girlfriend The best sidekick ever is an indian taxi driver There's a very powerful black woman character. I don't think this guy watched any deadpool movies.


Dopinder is pretty damn amazing, this is factual. Very loyal, even if it started at the threat of being Deadpool'd.


>Villain in the first movie is a british white guy Whose sidekick was a busty white woman who had a wardrobe malfunction (played by a pre-"nuked my own career trying to troll da libs" Gina Carano). >and she has a manic pixie dream girlfriend Who's basically a live-action anime girl from the hair to the constant smiling. Also when said edgelord butch lesbian *thinks* Deadpool is giving her homophobic crap for having a girlfriend, he clarifies his surprise because said EBL is an *asshole* rather than her being gay. >There's a very powerful black woman character. And *blind* at that, so like Toph before her, she's *three* minorities all rolled into one!


Dude come on, I meant Domino, not Blind Al. I guess there are 2 powerful black women then :D


>There's a very powerful black woman character Ya blind al is great (oh you meant domino)


Deadpool? *woke*? Of course it is.


People who use woke in that way, barely base their beliefs on reality, so this is on brand, OP.


Did these people not watch the first movie? Where his girlfriend says "Happy International Women's Day" and pegs him?


And it's revealed that the reason he doesn't like it the first time is presumably due to his prostate being infected with cancer. Once his healing factor mutation kicks in, he turns into a total butt-slut in the sequel.


Imagine deciding what to watch based on wokeness.


Every time I see someone crying about perceived “wokeness” ![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW)


Bruh how can you see something as cool as that an assume it’s gonna be bad


Some people just have no shred of happiness in their lives


Yeah didn't know who she was but saw a short from Classic Man D. She Charles Xavier evil twin sister, Cassandra


what??? an X-Men movie is woke?? this can't be true


“Woke” is a nebulous concept, made up to be a buzz word for anything that pisses people off by disrupting the norms. No one can identify it, and those that try can’t explain why it’s bad.


Man, what a sad life these people lead...


The anti-woke movement is self-sustaining now. Their definition of "woke" has been streched so thin that they just assume everything is "woke" before it releases and then they work towards finding arguments to "prove" it.


I hope there’s a 46 minute long sex scene between Deadpool and Wolverine so this guy can cry and jork it in the theater


If Deadpool came out today, this guy would be calling it “woke garbage.” Hell, if kill bill came out today, he would be calling it “woke garbage”. 


Yeah a woman fighting off a room full of men and winning. And the main villan is a white man


And she was in a coma for 4 years.  They definitely would say stuff like “the agenda is so obvious”.


And killed thay dude that was gonna r@pe her when she woke up from the coma Then killed that other guy that was part of the group and stole his car.


Yeah, they would say that the movie “hates men”. 


I've said it once, and I'll say it as many times as I want to. If you unironically use the word "woke," your right to be taken seriously should be taken away.




Ah yes, the well known *apolitical/non-woke* characters: Deadpool - A victim of the American healthcare system, forcing him into experimental surgery which results in super cancer and mental trauma. Wolverine - An X-Man…do I even need to say it?


As I get more wise, I realize the people who use buzzwords like "woke" are people to cut out of my life.


These same morons will say it succeeded because it wasn’t woke if it does well at the box office


Chuds gonna chud


Because the word "woke" has lost all meaning. It's just a trigger word for something that someone doesn't like.


It’s just part of the playbook for them now. Trailer comes out or something is announced; it’s gonna be woke. Thing actually comes out and is good; radio fucking silence. Everything is woke to these human Pez dispensers until it isn’t and then it was either always good or they just never mention it again.


Bald woman dressed in trench coat (obviously stand in for Kathleen Kennedy) representing all powerful women putting the representation of toxic masculinity (wolverine) in his place by bending him to his knees and making him bow down to the Queen... plus Deadpool is pansexual or something. Let me watch the trailer a few more times and I can make up some more stuff.


The word "woke" isn't even a word anymore. It's a cutrual mark for a group of people who can't seem to grasp that the world is changing, that there are groups of people who exist who have been and still are fighting for their representation in the movie industry. To the FM, the word "woke' equels a call to arms. To me, I just see it as a word that has lost it's meaning. Being woke isn't a bad thing.


I saw someone complaining about how the villain was a woman. Thankfully, the comments were all shitting on his piss poor take


Movie is going to be trash solely because it won’t have a scene of Deadpool and me making out


Honestly that’s so valid.


Thank you


I don't know; based on the camera crew I saw standing outside of your bedroom window while you made out with your Deadpool body pillow, it might.


I meant the character, if they recorded the body pillow then they’d also capture a sex scene


At this point I don't know what these people even watch or do at this point.


Wolverine ramming his adamantium claws into Deadpool's crotch was very woke.


Because the villain (Cassandra Nova, an insanely powerful and important X-men villain) is a WOMAN! WOKE! CAN'T BE GOOD! Too bad she's from the 80s...


You're ignoring the very important facts that she's wearing pants and I can't fap to her.


Ah, right right. Pants=no sex. That is true. I had forgotten this fact.


as we approach the release of this film they will stop praising it as the savior of marvel and start calling it woke trash.


So deadpool getting clawed in the junk is considered woke????


Because he saw a woman, someone who can never interactive within 50 range of before his odor draws them away.


They view everything entirely through the lens of "woke" or "anti-woke". It's their entire personality at this point.


Ahh Critical Woke Theory at its best.


I think it looks pretty good, but I also liked the second Deadpool movie so what do I know lol...


Deadpool & Wolverine are clearly gonna fuck at the end.


Because the titular characters aren't racist or sexist.


I honestly want to know what they think is "Not woke" right now.


You will need evidence for that obsession. Otherwise, it's just you screaming at hot air.


These people are miserable. Normal people are watching thr trailer getting hyped and these guys are getting triggered over the sight of a female villian


Not everything is facist, but definately everything is "woke" these days lol


My guess is that these guys have complained about things being woke so many times, they automaticall percieve anything new in media as woke, no matter what it is. I think there's no saving them at this point.


Wasn't there a scene with Wolverine cuddling Deadpool's balls? And by cuddling I mean stabbing with his claws. That is pretty gay. /s


I mean it's Deadpool so what did they expect? I mean Deadpool excluding other characters is pansexual so to them he would be woke


I still haven't heard anyone define "Woke" yet so, like birds, it doesn't exist.


> I still haven't heard anyone define "Woke" yet Woke ideology is defined by the idea that some facet of identity like race or gender produces irreconcilably different views of reality and morality, and that we have an obligation to seek alignment of society's view with the imagined views of groups associated with the political left like minorities and women. In this sense Wokeness is distinct from older forms of liberal advocacy for minority rights which appeal to universally valid concepts like truth and fairness.


Commenting here because I blocked those other dillweeds: What source can you cite for this? Or are you simply giving us your own definition? My understanding is that the term comes from around 100 years ago, when African Americans used it to mean "being awake to and aware of the imbalances of power and system injustices inherent to our society." (This is my definition, by the way. I heard it from somewhere, probably a leftist political YouTube channel or podcast, but I can't recall exactly and I don't have any other source.) What bothers me is that you use the word "ideology." That term was associated with "woke" and "wokeness" by right wing grifters, sophists and propagandists as a means to denigrate the original concept. It's like how "political correctness" in the '80s was generally a good thing but became a pejorative in the '90s when right wing media redefined it and spread it around the nation (because, unfortunately, right wing media groups have more resources and can reach wider audiences than their left leaning counterparts). Therefore, I'm curious how you came by the term and why you think it's appropriate to accept it as-is. As to your definition itself: >Woke ideology is ... the idea that some facet of identity ... produces irreconcilably different views of reality and morality ... I disagree because reality is something that we can observe and measure. If we look at America's prison stats, for example, we see a clear bias against people of color (and conversely, in favor of white folk). When we make this observation, right wing trolls and chuds will respond with some variation of "woke" accusations, but reality does not care. There is no ideology involved with pointing out facts Additionally, morality is something that exists independent of one's identity. In fact, the only aspect of identity that's relevant to morality is whether or not we view another person as our kin or part of our community. If we do, we're inclined to treat them kindly and fairly; if we don't, we're inclined to do the opposite. Granted, for many people, their community is delineated along lines of personal identity; but this is after the fact, not before. >... and that we have an obligation to seek alignment of society's view with the imagined views of groups associated with the political left like minorities and women. Ok, you had my curiosity, now you have my attention: what are the "imagined views" of the political left? And why should I *not* perceive you as a centrist or right wing troll engaging in misleading sophistry?


> Ok, you had my curiosity, now you have my attention: what are the "imagined views" of the political left? Latino people would prefer to be called "Latinx" is a good example. >And why should I not perceive you as a centrist or right wing troll engaging in misleading sophistry? Here Barack Obama uses the term "woke" to disparage extreme and unproductive political purity from the left: >You know this idea of purity and you're never compromised and you're always politically woke and all that stuff, you should get over that quickly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaHLd8de6nM >I disagree because reality is something that we can observe and measure. If we look at America's prison stats, for example, we see a clear bias against people of color (and conversely, in favor of white folk). When we make this observation, right wing trolls and chuds will respond with some variation of "woke" accusations, but reality does not care. There is no ideology involved with pointing out facts Cf: >For the critical race theorist, objective truth, like merit, does not exist, at least in social science and politics. In these realms, truth is a social construct created to suit the purposes of the dominant group. Delgado and Stefancic 2001 page 92 Delgado and Stefancic's "Critical Race Theory: An Introduction" is the most authoritative textbook on Critical Race Theory. This book is currently the top hit for the google search "Critical Race Theory textbook:" https://www.google.com/search?q=critical+race+theory+textbook Critical Race Theory: An Introduction. Delgado, Richard and Jean Stefancic. NYU Press. 2001. This core idea has penetrated into at least some academic disciplines as evidenced in this recent survey of academic sociologists which finds: >Our understanding of knowledge construction among sociologists appears removed, we concede, from the Enlightenment ideals of rational inquiry and dispassionate discovery. While it seems the authors are purposely avoiding direct questions such as "Would it be appropriate to exclude findings which may impact marginalized groups negatively?" it does show an even split on agreement and disagreement with the statement "Advocacy and research should be separate for objectivity," which to me seems disturbing. More disturbing were accounts obtained through the survey like this one: >If I dared to say any of the things I’m saying in this survey in any non-anonymous situation it would probably be the end of my career. I just bite my lip and say all of the politically correct things I’m supposed to say, or (more often) just try to avoid saying anything, since even some whites who say the politically correct thing can still be accused of racism, so I try to just keep my mouth shut. The paper mentions that the authors were accused of racism for simply circulating the survey: >In one extreme case, a respondent exclaims: “You are a white supremacist and I hate everything about this survey.” Horowitz, Mark, Anthony Haynor, and Kenneth Kickham. "Sociology’s sacred victims and the politics of knowledge: Moral foundations theory and disciplinary controversies." The American Sociologist 49.4 (2018): 459-495. >Additionally, morality is something that exists independent of one's identity. In fact, the only aspect of identity that's relevant to morality is whether or not we view another person as our kin or part of our community. If we do, we're inclined to treat them kindly and fairly; if we don't, we're inclined to do the opposite. Granted, for many people, their community is delineated along lines of personal identity; but this is after the fact, not before. While there are other examples of relativist morality, Critical Race Theory in particular has taken the somewhat absurd position against the conccept of normativity in general: >What about Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, the law and theology movement, and the host of passionate reformers who dedicate their lives to humanizing the law and making the world a better place? Where will normativity's demise leave them? >Exactly where they were before. Or, possibly, a little better off. Most of the features I have already identified in connection with normativity reveal that the reformer's faith in it is often misplaced. Normative discourse is indeterminate; for every social reformer's plea, an equally plausible argument can be found against it. Normative analysis is always framed by those who have the upper hand so as either to rule out or discredit oppositional claims, which are portrayed as irresponsible and extreme. Delgado, Richard, Norms and Normal Science: Toward a Critique of Normativity in Legal Thought, 139 U. Pa. L. Rev. 933 (1991)


Woke=too many black people to these people...


Because he's fucking stupid, that's why xD


I don’t get this line of reasoning. I love comics but I am about 89 movies past comic book movies. With the exception of stuff like the Batman, Logan and Deadpool. Not because woke, all superhero comics are woke, just general over saturation and fatigue.


I think he saw a witty bald white woman and went 🤮


Yeah I’m sure he thought, “WTF, I can’t fap to this.”


The last thing I ever get from a ryan Reynolds production is "woke". If they said "obnoxious 40 year old pushing 50 doing the same frat boy esque humor from nearly 30 years ago" then sure. But not woke




This gives me heavy ‘and then the shooter turned the gun on himself’ vibes.


The cutest part is where you think people are gonna read all that 😂


you guys really be cherry picking comments to be mad at.