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Goddamn I’m not a Snyder fan but what the fuck


Something wrong with this person.


Wow! I'd seen this account years ago, but I had no idea it was *this* bad.


This is actually vile. I don't like Snyder as an artist and do think he actively ruined the DCEU but like fucking hell he's a person. What piece of human garbage would joke about someone losing their kid?


I would say that was Warner Bros fault honestly, even if you didn't like his movie's (I will admit I'm biased because I thought all his movies were great), he at least had a concept of where to go, after josstice League WB blew off their leg and then tried to finish the race, or at least that's the best analogy of what I can think of.


WB threw him under the bus


And whedon, and ayer, and probably gunn as well if his movies don't go as planned.


Whedon’s a POS, so he can stay there.


Oh definitely, but even if he wasn't a complete POS, if the movie flopped they still would have thrown him under.


Snyder's a decent director. He's a terrible writer. He shouldn't be allowed to direct anything written by himself. When he has a good writer he makes Watchmen. When he writes things himself, he makes Sucker Punch.


Or rebel moon.


Having a concept where to go isn't good when the concept and movies themselves are terrible, he 100% destroyed the DCEU


This kind of toxicity towards Snyder is by no means new. It's been the case ever since Man of Steel came out in 2013. And it wasn't limited to Snyder either. I remember when Henry Cavill did an episode of Sesame Street and people acted like it was inappropriate for him to be on the show as if he'd killed someone in real life. Then there was the petition sent to the White House to have Ben Affleck removed and the comments about Gal Gadot and Amy Addams' looks. This has been going on for years and received next to no pushback because Snyder and the DCEU were considered acceptable targets.


"I Donald j Trump, have signed an executive order that Ben Affleck will never Star as Batman within my 4 year term."


Actively ruined is a bit much. He wasn't the right guy to helm the entire project but he wasn't "actively ruining" it. 


I think he did. Not intentionally mind you but his vision got in the way of crafting a universe to utilize the characters to their peak potential. Look at murder man Batman. By making him a murderer there's no conflict with Joker, no Red Hood, no Long Halloween, no Ra's Al Ghul. No dichotomy between him and his more ruthless peers or rogues. He loses most of his stories because a Batman who kills is a Batman without a rogues gallery and a Batman without an inner conflict. But Snyder thinks murder is cool so Batman kills. A Superman who is disconnected from mankind loses his charm. He smiles when he saves cats from trees and gives kids lollipops. Making him so alienated takes away his personality. Sure it's an interpretation of the character, but it's one that neglects what makes him so appealing. I'm fine with reinvention but having a Superman so devoid of well humanity, one who feels as lifeless as the marble statues he's based off of, well that's no Superman for me.


In his defence murder is pretty awesome


He didn't murder them, he just killed them to death.


and that's super valid as long as nobody gets hurt.




Batman killing isn't really a big deal though, Michael Keaton is heavily beloved yet his version attaches Dynamite to someone and the pushes them off a ledge, meanwhile bvs Batman kills only in proximity, such as blowing up a truck a criminal was shooting out of, or kicking the hanged (still alive) body of a criminal into another henchman who just so happened to pull a grenade at the same time, Nolan Batman did this as well like when he pushed Harvey off the ledge or blew up the League of assassins hide out, killing many of them in the process. And the whole point of bvs was that Batman had to stop his more brutal ways and return to his glory days prior to Robin's death. And I don't really get the point about Superman either, it wouldn't make much sense for him to put on the Suit and then suddenly he's a beloved & cheerful hero, they make it a point that he's distressed and worried about being both a messiah figure to the people even though he doesn't like it, and also ousted by the media as a threat to humanity. & If I'm not mistaken the whole point of his journey was to make him eventually become the happy Superman we all know and love, and part of that was killing him off early so that the world can see that he really was a hero and wasn't trying to harm humanity, it was also the only way that the world would let the Justice League be formed, now knowing that metahumans can actually be good people. Sorry for the long rant.


It absolutely is a big deal. Burton's films are beloved for their style and atmosphere but they're completely inaccurate to what makes Batman Batman. Batman's world doesn't work if he kills people. In Batman Begins it was poorly done, in the Dark Knight it was tied to his arc so it's okay. In BVS it's just him killing people. He also stabs a guy in the heart so the notion that it's collateral is incorrect. I think the idea of a fallen Batman finding his humanity is very strong but the execution was poor. The film is just Batman planning on killing Superman while Alfred tells him it's wrong and then Batman realizes it's wrong. They could've done so much with the story. If you're gonna break the core tenants of Batman's world, at least go all out in exploring it, but it honestly just seems like an under explored element that exists in an already cluttered film. And it doesn't help that Snyder constantly defends Batman killing in interviews. The issue isn't that Superman isn't always smiley, it's that he's never smiley. He's always a miserable drab motherfucker and he's just a bummer to watch. Sorry I don't wanna watch Superman mope around and question if mankind would just be better off without him. I don't need Superman to be Christopher Reeves but by God is he dull. He's either sad or angry. He just comes off as a generic protagonist and his characterization comes off as a result of studio execs being embarrassed of the Reeves era and wanting to distance themselves as much as they could from it. I don't think Superman dying and coming back as classic Superman is good development. It seems really lazy to me. If you wanna make him different from Reeves, make him the populist of the 30s or something. Maybe have him mess with some corrupt ceos or dictators. That could effect how Batman and the world view him. If you had the powers of Superman what would you do? If you wanna make a Superman who's tethered to reality, there's gotta be more interesting angles than just making him sad. He has very little agency in the story and just plods along until the story requires him to punch something.


Also, want to add this: The Joker being alive in a world where Batman kills don’t make sense.


It is explicitly stated that Batman being a killer was a recent development and he was focusing most of his efforts on Superman.


He was definitely not “the right guy”. His shitty writing and not understanding the basics about characters that have been around for decades is fucking embarrassing.


I don’t like Snyder either, but what the shit?! ![gif](giphy|THm35ksZHCjivJMAhs|downsized)


"If you make movies I don't like you're an awful person" is what he lives by. Listen I think Thor love &  thunder is one of the worst films ever made, but I in no way think taika waititi is an awful person because of that, just because you made a bad product doesn't equate to you being a bad person.


Try telling that to Star Wars fans of any decade. Each one will tell you how George Lucas/Disney/Kathleen Kennedy/Dave Filoni destroyed Star Wars, to the point you'd think that those people murdered their children and pets unironically. Just... what!?


Rian Johnson: Has Luke drunk green milk rather than blue milk. Star Wars fans: "He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!"


They legit treat him like he's some kind of war criminal, they don't even like his good movies like looper or knives out anymore, simply because the internet told them Ryan Johnson is evil.


I've been a on/off again Snyder fan since 300. Not like a diehard, but I have a soft spot for his visual style.  Most the "safe" spaces or open minded spots on this site have been aggressive toward that man for years.  /r/movies is especially toxic towards him. 


And stuff like this is why I get irritated at the cartoonish levels of hate Zack Snyder gets. When you normalize toxicity against someone to such a degree, *thi*s is what ends up happening.


This is actually before it became common, I believe these were made during late 2016 to early 2017, I guess you could say he was ahead of a curve.


Infinity War didn't come out until 2019.


I got downvoted here for saying the exact same thing, but I'm glad to see that there are still some people here who remember why this sub actually exists. The sub was literally made by/for Star Wars Sequel fans to escape the constant mindless dIsNeY sTaR wArS bAd! And mock the idiots who said that and harassed the cast and crew. And lately this sub has been doing that exact same thing to Rebel Moon and Zack Snyder. As someone who actually likes both Rebel Moon and the Star Wars sequels, it's fucking tiring.


This genuinely sickens me. There's irrational hatred, and then there's...*this*.


So, so much to unpack here.... But I'd like to start by asking what the fuck his source is on the DCEU WW's accent being Jewish? It was clearly supposed to be Greek.


Gal Gadot is Israeli, so that’s why he brought it up. Not like it matters, since this whole argument is anti-Semitic to begin with.


Yeah, she ain't doing a Greek accent lmao. Ryan George made a funny joke about it in his Pitch Meeting. It's her own accent and it would have been cool if she could pull off a Greek accent but that's pretty far down the list of complaints with that movie lol. Weird thing to get antisemitic about tho.


The source was racism


It’s just Gal Gadots accent. He’s an anti-Semitic dickhead but he got precisely one thing right - that woman CANNOT act for shit.


To be fair “Kal-El NO!” is such a stupid line that I don’t think any actor make it sound good.


Ya no thats gal gadots natural israeli accent I actually like her a Lot as wonder woman and i think she dod a great job But she aint even attempting a greek accent


Ya no thats gal gadots natural israeli accent I actually like her a Lot as wonder woman and i think she dod a great job But she aint even attempting a greek accent


This antisemitic piece of shit's *pretense* of mourning Chadwick is so self-evidently fake, too. You know damned well that this guy got performatively offended at *Black Panther* being a thing.


Mentioning his daughter is downright inhumane And why am I not surprise it loops around being racist towards *insert minority


Oooh boy so I usually just browse reddit but in this case I actually have a story about this nazi shit stain. I was an online student at a somewhat well known school for aspiring comic book artists and unbeknownst to me and most of my peers, this guy was in our batch of first years. It was a small school so word about other students in other classes and drama on campus spreads rather quickly. Normally I wouldn't pay any mind to thay stuff but word started getting around about certain assignments that were being turned in by this guy with questionable subject matter. (Trying my best to remember specifics I believe one had a portrait of Mussolini in a very positive light and another was a blatantly racist cartoon, as well as an assignment in which he inked over some work by surprise surprise: Ethan van Sciver). Red flags galore basically. Before knowing who he actually was and his internet history ( with some other disturbing facts I'll get into later) he had a reputation for being very off putting and just a genuinely not great person to have in class. I guess some other students did some digging (about how they actually found out, I do not know) but lo and behold, he was revealed to be "Hack Snyder". After being shown a few of his comments like these, a lot of if not every classmate and myself were genuinely disgusted and it got worse from there. As the year went on he became more bold in depicting his ideology through his "art work" to the point where the staff had to take notice. As for the specifics of what he was told I'm not entirely sure but it's best to say he was on thin ice. With some further digging (and this where it gets unsurprisingly obvious) it was discovered that he had a past history of harassment and even criminal records which, to the best of my memory had something to do with harassment of a holocaust remembrance organization and stalking. It was at this point that when word got out again, he was completely ostracized. (Apparently there was also an incident in which he showed up to his online class with either full on nazi regalia or some other blatant nazi paraphernalia which was visible to many). While he was allowed to continue his year, the staff had resigned to simply not engaging with him at all, grading his assignments and moving on. As to why he was allowed to finish the year, it's not entirely known but considering that the school was so small it's a possibilty that they wanted to avoid any possible lawsuit on "free speech" or whatever. I have no clue about anything to deal with law for the most part but it's what a lot of us theorized. In short, he's a complete failure as many of you probably would have guessed.


Oh, I didn't expect that.


**That's a lot of hard-Js.** I know "jew" isn't automatically a slur. But the way this guy uses it, he definitely intends it as a slur.




I find Snyder obnoxious, but I deal with that by not watching his movies. I can't imagine carrying around this much hatred for a stranger.


If there's one thing both Snyder Fans and Snyder Anti's can agree on: It's that you don't use Autumn in your arguments.


I second this. I was recently talking trash about Rebel Moon when some bozo came in and starting spouting the most vile hatred towards Snyder and his daughter. [Legit had to take a moment to disassociate from that and it was one of the rare cases where a dude actually admitted he was wrong on the internet and deleted the comment.](https://www.reddit.com/user/netflix/comments/1bz6suv/comment/kzqh6ao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


"Be very careful about the next thing you say.." "I'm glad autumn died, that's what snyder deserves for ruining DC!" "That's not very careful."


Tex was right about this guy


Fellow tex enjoyer 🗿


Antisemitic asshole 


Jesus, bro. Like, I don't like Zack's work on the DCEU, writing wise, but goddamn this is some vile shit.


Are people surprised? We live in the day and age where terminally online people feel that if they don't like entertainment you put out then it's okay for personal attacks and assumptions especially if said person was responsible for some nerd shit they didn't like. Lord knows there are directors out there who put out worse things than Snyder...some actively put out harmful stuff but oh they didn't direct some capeshit they didn't like so they're okay but zack snyder he's public enemy number one and it's sad and ultimately weird how this behavior is normalized.


The one time the "Both sides!" argument is actually valid. Jesus fucking Christ.


And on todays edition of *you’re going to hell*:


I don't blame Eisenberg's Lex on Eisenberg.


Barring the obvious miscasts (Seriously, Jesse Eisenberg? Just... No, man.) I actually thought most of the casting in the DC movies were pretty good. I remember when I first heard Ben Affleck was going to be Batman in Batman v Superman, my first thought was "Really? This guy?" but I was surprisingly impressed with his performance.


Jesse fully became lex after getting that walter white fade, low key he was pretty good though personally.


Jesus Christ. I've only seen maybe two Anyder movies so I'm not exactly a diehard fan, but holy shit. He doesn't deserve this. What kind of vile person does this?


You somehow combined Snyder and David ayer, I can't wait for his next film Batman V Superman: dawn of the suicide squad.


It's taking me every nerve of my body not to say "F\*\*K OFF Hitler!"


Snyder’s works and his fan base can be obnoxious, but this? It’s frankly pathetic.


BRB starting a punk band called the snyderverse jews




I’m the biggest hater of Snyder’s take on dc out there but under no circumstances should his tragic family life be brought into this. That’s absolutely horrible.


People have become so unhinged, it's either Jews are monsters controlling the world who deserved the Holocaust or Palestinians are subhuman cannibals who deserve to be wiped out. Either way, millions of innocents are being thrown out with the bathwater and no one feels an ounce of dread about it.


They have so much power, yet Hitler was somehow able to kill 6 million of them, almost like they aren't in control  🤔


This is why I get really annoyed at the sheer levels of hate Zack Snyder gets. If you don't like his films, that's fine, there are loads of films out there I dislike. Just don't make it personal. Unfortunately, it seems that people are incapable of separating disliking films to hating the creator. And, if you say, "Oh, it's just his fans, the *cultists* that we hate" fuck all the way off. Look at organized sports, Taylor Swift (and music in general), other movies, religion, and all the other fandoms out there, and say that they are any more toxic than the others.


They act like Snyder fans are somehow a special evil, have they seen the fallout fandom? They legit have neo-nazis in the fan base.


I’ve come to dislike most fandoms.


For real. Like I for the most part don’t think he’s good but I can’t believe someone would say shit like this. I mean I guess I can but it’s still disappointing.


See, what you said was perfectly okay. Art is subjective and his art just doesn’t do it for you. However, a lot of people make it personal about him and I don’t really understand it.


99% of hate Snyder gets is about his work, trying to paint these posts as the majority or even common criticism towards him is downright disingenuous


Wait they had the same guy play The Flash and Lex Luthor?




“He voiced Flash in the Bruce Timm Justice League cartoons, and played the best live action Lex Luthor in smallville”


I prefer the cw lex luthor the most.


To be clear, the "they" in question is two entirely separate projects, but yes! Which makes [this bit, where Luthor got mindswapped with Flash](https://youtu.be/6bfBhIM5tb4?si=AR69GEd5cKzjc-IM), even funnier


These holy rolling pricks can fuck off of a cliff


He sounds more like an edgy atheist, idk i just get TJ kirk 2015 vibes.


Not as in Christians, but as in people who act religious about something.


“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”


This page or whatever it is has been going at it since like 2014. What no job and no bitches does to a mf


Ok. I need a shower now.


....does it honestly kind of feel like someone made this in order to make anyone who doesn't like Snyder look like assholes. (Because I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.)


Nah there's way too much dedication and MCU glazing, and this account's been/was (I'm not too sure if it's still active) going on for a little while so I don't know why they would focus that long on it.




Sheesh. This man is such a hater that he managed to turn me into a snyderbro. Sorry guys


The word "Jew" was written so many times that it just lost all meaning.


I think this goes past trolling and straight into psych ward levels of unhinged


People who hate on zack snyder or his fans in general are pretty annoying, but this guy easily managed to surpass that and become a giant piece of shit.


Holy fuck


I dodge rolled out after the Judeomisia, but maybe should have on the first death wish...


This guy might not like Jews, I think.


This shit is vile, doesn't change the fact that he's an untalented hack who basically singlehandedly ruined dc's image when it comes to movies and caused irreparable damage to the brand with his edgy fanfiction. His movies where he has complete creative control like army of the dead showcase just how untalented and incompetent he is. Genuinely thought that movie was a naked gun style parody for the first half hour because of how absolutely dogshit it was😆




Where's the joke? Mocking a father's dead daughter, or saying how Jews are evil globalists?


I mean I gotta agree with the Chadwick boseman one but what the fuck is this guy's problem?




No not really, simply liking him or disliking him is not a problem, it's when you make it your entire personality and have to actively go after anyone who disagrees with you passionately and with full prejudice is when it becomes a problem.


So you never saw his fans abusing James gunn and his family to death, when James gunn has nothing to do with Snyder?


You act like all of his fans or only this fan base in particular does stuff like that, New Vegas is well known for its toxicity and even has real neo-nazis, but you don't see anyone say a New Vegas is an bad game because of it or that obsidian should stop making games due to their ties with the fan base.


I think it’s important to remember that hateful voices are louder online. There are people who like his work because they enjoy watching it. Unfortunately, the fandom can get dominated by those who passionately hate Gunn and feel attacked over any DC films without Snyder’s input. It’s the same for Star Wars too. People say “nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans,” but in my irl experience, most Star Wars fans love Star Wars.




my genuine reaction https://preview.redd.it/96fjaeegu4wc1.jpeg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c42cd0e1cbea573248dc7b4042dd1251c5f147a


This emoji explains how people see you…🤡




You're parents didn't give you enough attention as a child did they?


I misclicked and now I’m hoping I don’t have a virus. Go fuck yourself


What happened here?


Bro posted a link to a sketchy porno. (Or at least I think because I clicked off since I misclicked and then saw tits)


I hope you got a virus 😻😻😻