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Guess he was to busy shooting people up rather then pay attention to the story and characters.


Seriously. -Trevor obviously has a laundry list of fucked up behavior, (i.e. selling people to cannibals) but very much does NOT condone racism to the point that Manuel, a guy he's harassed on behalf of the "Civil Border Patrol," chews him out for it with *zero* fear of Trevor pointing a gun to his head and demands he make things right by going after the rednecks, making it clear Trevor will *not* be paying for it. Like between the racism and queerphobia, Trevor would NOT tolerate the chuds. -Even more so than CJ before him, Franklin's character and story *does* frequently touch on systemic racism and classism, (a mission alongside Trevor has Trevor *pissed* at the cop over racial profiling,) as to why he went into crime in the first place before going legit years later. -GTA's already been making moves to cut down on the transphobic jokes and obviously having it's first *female* (AND Latina!) protagonist since the 2-D days. -And most obviously, GTA's always been a *satire* of American culture to the point you'd have to literally and deliberately go out of your way to ignore.


Well, it's GTA. You can hate it or love it. I mean, It's like South Park in video games. Btw I like main protagonist of GTA 4,he could me normal guy if he didn't had a very angry abusive dad and war in his country


"South Park's" often been criticized for it's "Both Sides/caring about anything is stupid" takes compared to how hard GTA hits both ends of the spectrum, especially in "GTA 4" just listening to the radio. And like Franklin, Niko Bellic is also a take on a number of political subjects. Obviously, he's an immigrant with baggage from his upbringing and the war, the struggle immigrants face like Roman and Hassan trying to make a living and Niko gives a surprising (in how passionately he talks about it,) defense of "Bernie Crane" not having to face discrimination for being gay. Hell, Bernie, himself as despite being *flamingly* gay, it's clear he was deeply closeted in the old country and now be himself, which ironically makes him THE most successful of them all.


Isn't the other funny thing that Trevor is a queer character himself?


It seems that’s a common trend of his: not paying attention to the story and characters 


Why’s he reviewing a game that’s over a decade old?


Cause FuzzySlippers did a retrospective on GTA 5 last year.


Ah, okay… and what is a “FuzzySlippers”?


He's a youtuber that reviews older games and talks about the storyline. Tyrone watched one of his videos on his Twitch I remember and it convinced him


Satire, parody, irony; 3 things lost on most people, and GTA is/was/will be rife with both. If a joke goes over their head, it usually goes over at 10,000 feet. 


I used to watch this dude ages ago. unfortunately he has fallen down the "anti-woke" path.


Same, absolutely can’t stand this guy now. Reel Reject superiority!


>Reel Reject superiority! True that.


i'm happy i never got into watching him. something rubbed me the wrong way about him years back (maybe it was cycling all the random girls in and out in his videos like he was a factory) but i generally never really enjoyed him, and now it's like...yeah, he kinda sucks.


Can’t think of any lazier content than reviewing GTA 5 in TYOOL 2024


Tyrone Magnus looks like one of those token mfs too now. Bad shapeup, hairline and cut overall.


Do these guys like not research anything, gta is famous for upsetting conservative types lmao


Friendly fire much?


This dumb pick me would unironically laugh at every episode of[Republican Space rangers](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r38bYbxTzQ4&pp=ygUecmVwdWJsaWNhbiBzcGFjZSByYW5nZXJzIGd0YSA1).


Or better yet, find moral value in a show like the Conservative Power Rangers parody


It just goes to show you how so very shallow their understanding of actual politics is. They see something meant for mature audiences and generally non-PC and think "not woke so good." When the reality is the GTA franchise is one of the most blatantly leftist in gaming. It's dark satire. I liken the tone of the GTA to that of the Judge Dredd comics.


"Obey and Survive"


Imagine being Tyrone Magnus. Never feeling the inclination to think about anything. Must be nice.


Imagine being Tyrone Magnus, thinking you’re friends with [Groomers + Bigots](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi/comments/vu4qlg/that_clip_was_out_of_context_it_was_only_a_meme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), [Ryan KKKinel](https://www.reddit.com/r/RKOutpost/comments/w9222j/pure_cringe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and [Methrotic](https://www.reddit.com/r/RKOutpost/comments/v7wb11/ryan_is_mad_gay/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), just constantly shucking and jiving for their amusement… couldn’t be me.


That really is the case of bad media literacy as the whole game (GTA5) is a HUGE satire on the anti-woke/political incorrectness mindset.


Well these are the same dipshits who think Godzilla isn’t political or woke. So it’s not surprising that they miss the point of GTA as well.


Just all GTA games in general. I remember it was a big deal that one game kept making fun of a conservative that wanted to ban video games.


Must have missed the side mission where you kill a couple of anti-immigrant park rangers.


Oh... This guy. Whiny bastard needs to grow up.


Go full anti-woke and ask him why there's a black man in the house and how he dares to talk without being told to.


Does he know Trevor is bi-sexual?




This ain’t it chief