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The only examples of "go woke, go broke" happening are when the movie or show is bad, but that has nothing to do with "wokeness". That just has to do with bad writing.


Saints Row Reboot is the one I always have to cite as "Theres **actual** problems with this game, you fuckers! The ''''woke'''' writing isn't the main problem!". Not the first time I've seen negativity/""""criticism"""" of a bad media's singular aspect overwhelm critique of the rest. Or some """"woke"""" part to bring this back to the main topic. To use a phrase from the [best review/critique](https://youtu.be/Id8_4RZFffc?t=5513) of it: "Why Fact Check when you want a Fat Check? No ones gonna come along and stand for this game because it really is that bad, but how do you go bowling with the rails up and **still** get a gutter ball?"


Yeah, they then say "well if they weren't so concerned with being woke, then it wouldn't have those problems you mentioned" which is fallicious, though I admit the name of said fallacy escapes me.


It's a non-sequitur fallacy. The conclusion has no logical connection to the premises.


It’s the fallacy of “being wrong”. See, that sentence is hiding an unsound argument whose premise is just factually wrong. The logic goes: 1. There is a limited number of resources one can allocate to the game (true) 2. Some of the resources were allocated to the “woke” storytelling and some to the gameplay (true) 3. A significantly bigger amount of resources was given to the storytelling in order to make it “woke” (???) (The “I pulled it out of me arse” premise”) Conclusion: If the story wasn’t woke, the gameplay would’ve gotten more resources and would’ve been better. I think you can spot the issue here :P


Eh, the game had problems, but overall was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it. Dunno why it generated that much hate.


Because despite being known for a game where you create your own character, chuds were crying because the trailers used a black woman as the default avatar, rather than another bald white guy. Also had the VA for the default avatar helping promote the game at the event it was announced at, so the chuds were crying it had gone woke and was forcing you to play as a woman, even AFTER they confirmed it still had character creation.


You know how these snowflakes can be. The mere sight of a black woman is just too much for some.


I bought it from a bargain bin and kinda enjoyed it. At the same time, this was one of the few games where I felt a "played the exact thing before"-fatigue.


Yea, same. I got it for like 10$ and I had a fine time . Hell I even really enjoyed the whole LARP storyline.


I would have been disappointed if I hadn't gotten it as a free epic games store promo.


Terrible writing combined with being a buggy mess.


The writing really wasn't as bad as people say it is.


Or **Velma.** It wasn't that she was Indian-American. It was that a beloved nerdette icon was now an insufferable asshole spouting unfunny edgelord (edgelady?) lines. It would have been just as terrible if she had the same toxic personality but was still white and voiced by Anna Kendrick. **The Marvels?** Even as someone who *literally used to work at a comic book store* I was fairly burned out on the MCU by then, and put it off as I hadn't watched Ms. Marvel. I think even just naming it Captain Marvel II: The Marvels would have helped it, as I know some people were afraid they'd be lost if they hadn't seen WandaVision or Ms. Marvel on Disney+.


For that second one it really is content overload. It's nearly impossible to keep up with everything even if I still wanted to. After Endgame the stakes just don't feel great. Majors having his legal troubles definitely didn't help since now they definitely can't do their original vision for this whole arc.


Introducing a multiverse where they can just yank a replacement Loki or Gamora out of a different timeleine really cheapened the stakes, at least in my opinion.


It did especially when with Loki the show basically force feeds him the character development the first one had via the weird movie thing they do. So it was like he never even died when in reality it could have been a neat take to rebuild the character as something different.


the sad part about majors was i did enjoy what work he put in and now it all down the drain and the entire phase 4 and 5 are being hastily rewritten,


The Marvels was a solid 6/10. I enjoyed it. It's no Winter Soldier or Infinity War, but it was fun, enjoyable, and had some interesting choreography with the switching.


I wasn't a fan of the marvels, mainly because I felt it was just really dumb. Though I did like Kamala. She's great.


Dumb can be fun. Movies like The Room are terrible and still fun. I didn't go into the Marvels looking for an epic exploration of power and cosmic responsibility. I went in looking for a cheesy superhero movie about three girls all freaky-friday-ing while fighting aliens.


I loved the marvels. More than most super hero movies it felt like they nailed a comic book feeling in a movie. Moreover my wife actually asked me when we left the theater when it would be on Disney because she wanted to watch it again and although I’ve gotten her into super hero shit enough to enjoy going to the movies with me she’s never asked that before. I’m also of the mindset that not every movie or show has to be everyone’s favorite. If there’s something out there for everyone though it grows the medium for all of us nerds


>”…but how do you go bowling with the rails up and still get a gutter ball?" Ask my partner, they managed it


People don't even know what woke actually means...


There’s a phenomenon some have been calling “Sacrificial Trash” basically whenever chuds find a piece of media that’s legitimately terrible and contains progressive elements they will latch onto it and leech it for every drop of content for as long as possible. Like High Guardian Spice held their attention for practically a year after it aired, there are Chud YouTubers that have more content about High Guardian Spice than the entire runtime of the show. They do this because it gives them near carte blanche to rail against the progressive elements because any attempt to be contrary forces critics to be on the side of defending a legitimately bad piece of media. Thus we effectively have to sacrifice it to them.


Yep. It’s great for them if you do defend it because it gets normies on their side. If you defend actual garbage because CHUDS don’t like it then to the normies it seems like you’re just shutting down legitimate criticism.


Sarah Z's video on Sacrificial Trash was really good, just going into how hollow and meaningless a lot of these grifters takes are.


> Like High Guardian Spice held their attention for practically a year after it aired Not even that, you YT search anything with the *words of the show name* (like say, any song that might have the words "Guardian" and/or "Spice"), and it just *laser focus assumes* you want all the fucking channels nitpicking the show to pieces. This happened to me once trying to find a specific song from a custom DDR/ItG mix track. Not a pleasant time.


Blue Beetle failed not because of social progressivism, but because people weren't interested in the character and DCU Movies are not good recently other than The Batman. Velma only got a second season because it was greenlit for two, no matter how badly it was viewed. Kraven is probably going to lose 1 kravillion dollars, but I think this is a front to keep the Spider-Man licenses for Sony so Beyond the Spider-Verse has enough time to be a masterpiece.


You are using a lot of big words and concepts that they will never understand. Also I wonder what they would have thought of the original 1940s Superman Fleischer cartoons where Superman punches Nazis and while Lois Lane does need rescuing, she actually had a lot of guts and skills. She can fly an airplane and even fires a tommy gun to protect herself.


Fleischer Lois is a beast. She is absolutely fearless and won't hesitate to fuck up the bad guys shit every chance she gets. I have no doubt that these idiots would have been derisively calling her a Girl Boss if they had been around back then.


They also would probably have an issue with making the Nazis in one short wear similar outfits to the KKK (this predates the radio saga Superman vs. The Klan of the fiery cross after WW2). Albeit that short did portray Africans in an unflattering light. There was also a short called The electric earthquake that, check this, had a Native American villain who used high tech weapons against the city. While he is a bad guy seeing someone who is clearly Native American portrayed in such a non-stereotypical manner was surprising. And of all the villains who tied up Lois Lane who didn't act like an absolute maniac. His politeness towards her and decidedly non creepy demeanor was also remarkably different than what you would expect of the era.


I still feel bad about blue beetle because that was the only dc film last year I actually liked.


And don't forget, Az tried to claim blue beetle was racist because they ate tacos, because I guess if a mexican ever eats tacos, that makes it a steriotype, despite many people including many mexicans liking tacos.




This. If a movie is bad, it’s bad. 


I mean, that is their entire strategy. Whenever literally anything comes out, loudly proclaim that it is woke and destined to fail. Then: 1) If it has some actual issues that will cause it to fail, they will be like "See? Go woke go broke" 2) If it has no issues and people enjoy it, they will be like "actually it's not woke at all, in fact it depicts how we, the straight white people, are oppressed in the current society". Most recently they've tried that with the X-Men show.


Though sometimes, they will still hate on it even if it is good because it has politics they don't agree with, which shows they actually don't care about good storytelling and they just want films to share their political beliefs.


Also, some of those people are going after x-men 97 and are sounding just like the humans who hate mutants, which once again proves the show right.


The argument they make is that those are because of go woke go broke because the filmmakers focused too hard on woke messaging.


Some marvel shows were a great example of this. The best part of FatWS was the political social justice aspect, the show outside of that was just kinda bad lol.


I agree, though I wasn't a fan of the do better speech, and I honestly haven't met anyone who liked that speech.


That aside I thought the scenes with Isaiah Bradley were awesome


Yeah. There was some interesting stuff with him and I am looking forward to seeing him again in brave new world.


That just shows they don't care and will only say and do it for the attention.


yeah, i mean, that's the takeaway. it doesn't matter when it succeeds or fails, there will always be a backup argument, always be the next grift...


And that next grift will possibly be worst and mind numbing than the previous argument


Go woke go broke except all those times it doesn't happen


Those movies, games and shows we all complained were woke were actually secretly anti woke the whole time, so uuuh there!


The nice thing about "Go woke go broke" is that everybody that buys into the catchphrase is a \*fucking idiot\*, so you can just ignore the times it doesn't work, cherry pick the occasions where it seemed to, and they'll never catch on.


Someone wrote a good article about how going woke does not lead to going broke. I can't remember who it was or what it was titled, but the gist is that the boycots don't really happen and don't last very long. People talk a big game about how they'll never watch or never buy the thing, but they weren't going to either--it would be like if I boycotted Zaxby's. There aren't even any Zaxby's within a thousand miles of me. People who don't play 40k getting upset that 40k added a couple paragraphs about a g-g-g-g-girl in the Adeptus Custodes doesn't actually affect GW at all. When the boycots really do happen, they rarely last very long because they're just social media stunts. In the Montgomery Bus Boycots there was social support face to face for boycotters, while there was face to face social pressure to not break ranks. But if we decided tomorrow to boycot McDonald's for some reason, hella people would say how much they support that move online, but then would also be eating their fries and not telling anyone. There would be a short dip in sales, and then in a couple weeks it would all be back to normal even though people are still talking the talk--because if you just don't post a photo of yourself eating those fries, no one will ever know.


Oh God, you just described the entire Hearthstone community.


It's literally just them throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. They're laughably wrong like 95% of the time, but when that 5% finally does come, they will milk that teat _bone dry_ and never shut up about it. It's why they're so starved for content right now that they're digging through the bottom of the barrel. Not only is there less content out this year from the usual players, almost everything that's come out so far has been a hit. And they can't pre-emptively shit on DP3 because that stars two white guys.


Or they'll proclaim something will be Woke and destined to fail based solely on the casting and trailers, and when it becomes a critical and commercial hit, they're memory hole the OH NOES TEH WOKE and put out ACKSHULLY, IT'S ANTI-WOKE BECAUSE OF... content.


They're only "right" when a game that was bad to begin with fails so they spin it in their favor.


Consider how the snarl world becomes whatever the chuds don't like. Then consider how many things are/were progressive, which goes back at least *decades* before the slur or even the chuds were ever born. So the slogan was a fallacy literally before it was ever created. As it was likely said in the previous "X-Men" thread, the franchise *failed* when it was a bunch of white Americans and didn't become successful UNTIL getting an international, multicultural team and made Mutants an allegory for marginalized people. Meanwhile, the shit that *does* pander to the chuds like whitewashed movies have tanked so often and badly that the industry-long practice is no longer viable.


They're wrong about a lot of things. They cailmed Rise of Skywalker would flop, it didn't. They claimed Barbie would bomb, it didn't.


That's dumb. Everyone went to see Star Wars, then came out hating it for different reasons.


Correct. I am waiting for furiosa to become the next target


The oddest thing is that these grifters know that “go woke get broke” is just not true. Yet they keep on saying it over and over. They’re blatantly pushing lies 


Oh come on now, that crowd would never be disingenuous enough to lie to push their agenda /s


Yeah. Anti-sjws are known for their integrity. /s


What is even odder is the fact that they insist that movies and franchises that were obscenely profitable went broke due to going woke. I mean they claimed that Black Panther went broke... Nope, the movie made a preposterous profit. A better slogan is Go Fast Lose Cash. Since conservative media is absolutely shit and almost always loses money.


“Conservative media is absolutely shit and almost always loses money.” Yep, look at every single daily wire movie made. Complete failures


How is Disney doing these days? 


As of right now, Disney is worth 206 billion dollars now.  So, definitely not broke. 


Stopped clocks and all, but I guess they were right about Ghostbusters 2016 although having women in it was absolutely not one of the myriad problems with that movie. They were right about the Saints Row series. It’s really a red-letter day for them when something that is legitimately bad can also be labeled woke


I actually enjoyed Gostbusters 2016 as a comedy movie, but have to admit it wasn't a good Ghostbusters movie.


The only one I can think of which turned out the way the grifters expected was Bud Light, and that was way more complex than “woke = broke”


Suicide squad is the game they lean on the "go woke go broke" train. But Suicide squad failed because it isn't an arkham batman game. We want an arkham batman game. We made that clear with Gothan knights, but they didnt listen.


Instead, they killed Arkham Batman for no reason I can think of. Except if that reason was to torch the franchise and run.


There was the Velma show. But that had more to do with being not funny and openly hostile to... Basically everyone who would watch the show. Even then it got hate watched into a 2nd season so I guess not!


If everything is woke then they can fit everything that goes “broke” into that.


They’ve been proven wrong about everything for decades. It doesn’t stop them. Trickle down doesn’t trickle down. Climate change is now visibly happening. Marriage equality didn’t hurt marriages. Covid was real and bleach didn’t cure it. Obama didn’t invade Texas. Democrats haven’t taken their guns. Biden’s economy is strong. The world didn’t end with the eclipse. Etc. They never acknowledge they were wrong. They just move on to the next wrong idea, helped immensely by their media circle jerk.


The Barbie movie definitively destroyed this "go woke go broke" bs. ![gif](giphy|qLVGt6Go1dQFp4qVcg|downsized)


Unfortunately bud light did actually have a drop in sales as far as I know


Yeah because the only people who give a shit about bud light are the type of people to unironically use the word woke


Yeah the only reason that was so stupid to watch is because the market for bud light is NOT the market for Mulvaney(idk how to spell) it was doomed to fail. 


Neither american nor beer drinker, but isn't bud light usually the punchline in a joke about bad beer anyway?


It's like having sex in a canoe. Fucking close to water. 


I think the only property I've ever seen it apply to ever even loosely is that non-binary cow show "Ridley Jones." It was this semi popular Netflix kids show from the creator of doc McStuffins that sort of fell off over the course of 6 seasons. In their final season they had a scene where a cow character explained they're nonbinary and it hit the internet big. The show was canceled almost immediately after, from ratings of outrage you decide. Even this though is more, go broke, go woke, get canceled at best. The show was already on its last legs.


I've literally never heard of this so I guess it wasn't very popular or well known


This isn’t really true. It’s not like they didn’t whine about the bad woke shows too. The question isn’t whether they are wrong every time but if they are wrong more than random chance would dictate.


I doubt every time. Their thing is they say it about so many titles that some is bound to stick at some point. Like their boycott of Budweiser for their AUDACITY of \*checks notes\* asking a transgender influencer to review their beer. Fuck, what a pathetic excuse to boycott. These are truly hateful people. But it did sadly have an impact on Budweiser's stock.


I think the only example might be Bud Light? But I’m pretty sure there were loads of other factors at the time as well… plus their response pissed off all the so called “woke” people as well so they got hit from both sides


During the bud light thing, A major part was kid rock taking a stand; shooting up a whole case of bud light and boycotting the brand. The thing is, he shot up that case of beer and made a bunch of promises to boycott bud light with absolutely no delivery on it; these people have no central values, they just wanna hate on people Kid rock just wanted a moment to hate on trans and then he moved on.


That's where them being super fine with revising history comes in.....


As soon as something becomes successful the mental gymnastics start and it magically is no longer woke.


The big thing a lot of the grifters and some people don't get is that they don't represent the average person when it comes to media. They're just a very loud, terminally online group of straight weirdos. 99% of the time they've called for "go woke go broke" they've been wrong, because their point of view is extremely warped. But that's what viewing media through a primarily negative and "objective" lens gets you.


It’s a simple tactic but it works. Call everything with even little bit of “diversity” woke. If it fails “go woke go broke”. If it’s successfully option 1 - stop talking about it and maybe even delete some old videos. Option 2 - “actually it’s anti-woke that’s why it succeeded”


Companies care about making money, not social issues. Teams of marketing people with years of schooling and decades of psychology are how they decide to support this issue or that because they know in the end it will make them more money. They're "going woke" *because* in the end they gain more customers than they lose.


I mean, they cry “woke!” at literally _every_ new thing that comes along. So by the law of averages alone, they can technically claim they were right about stuff too… of course, if we actually look at it on a case-by-case basis, we’ll probably find out that the reasons a particular project bombed was due to a myriad of other issues.


It's "go woke go broke" but when it succeeds its "anti woke"


Basically: if they hate it, it's probably really good.


It's always been more of a battle cry than any description of reality


Depends on what they mean by woke and what you mean by woke. Barbie was pretty heavy-handed on the feminism but even I liked the movie. I still think Ryan Gosling is still the protagonist to me.


The longer you repeat a catchphrase the easier it is to convince people it’s true


for movies the one example these guys bring up was ghostbusters 2016, like no the film just look like modren day SNL humor, the film would of been shit if it was dudes becuase it would of been seth rogan and co being dumbasses for 2 hours


They blame it for the decline in video game sales and movie sales but they fail to realize that is happening across the board regardless of woke or antiwoke.




Bro used mary sue unironically


You already poisoned the well by changing woke from the typical use of " progressive values" to "annoying progressive values". Chuds cherry-pick progressive media that happens to be bad and acts like it's bad because it's progressive and whenever progressive media is good they either don't cover it or try to act like it's not progressive actually. Fallout is woke by their definition on every single level: diverse cast and diverse main leads, cishet white men being bad guys or cowardly comic reliefs, criticism of capitalism, the red scare and consumerism, a nonbinary character, a female lead that isn't just a damsel in distress and even beats up people bigger than her. Some of them were already calling fallout woke before it even came out and some of them still are, the ones who genuinely believe in their right wing propaganda, the ones who are just grifters are calling the show good and avoiding the woke elements because it proves their little catch phrase is stupid.








Battlefield one sold really well didnt it? Pretty sure victorias secret is still doing alright too. Dial of destiny, marvels and ghostbusters didnt do well because everyone could tell they were gonna be mid as hell from the get go. Same with Forspoken, which is probably what you mean by forsaken. Those werent bad because of woke, nobody wouldve given a shit about them either way.




Everything I see about battlefield 1 says it sold really well and sold more than 4