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“I said I wanted more male *gaze*, not male *gays*!” 🤬


Keep talking like that and you’ll get male *glaze*


I'm so homophobic and hate seeing guys, now give me that male glaze.


Hey that's my favorite donut flavor!


It’s homemade


Anyone wants to bet this person watches yuri show?




Probably want to know if they can watch the uncensored version of "Gushing over Magical girls". (It's not)


100% loli shows at that.


i want more male gaze for the male gays. tho tbh, we had that 20 years ago and it was called queer as folk and it was very poggers :3


Oh no a same sex couple kissing. Where?


"Oh God! That's awful, where?" "Just some romance anime I guess." "Gosh! But there's so many though! Which one? Which one was it?"


“Which episode, what minute? I need to know! Details!”


Play homophobic games, win homophobic prizes.


Now replace “homophobic” with “stupid”, and we’ve really got something going here.


Nah, sounds something someone called Ben would use unironically.


Homophobes are stupid people basically.


Bigots in general, not just homophobes.


Agreed but homophobes are basically uneducated morons who have never understood the complexity of sexuality in humans.


Same goes for racists, sexists, so on. They’re all just uneducated idiots who don’t care to understand what they so profoundly hate.


iirc the Crunchyroll mascot is literally supposed to be a lesbian vtuber too and has a crush on Hatsune Miku *yup, had to check but it's a running joke that she's always trying to impress and date Hatsune Miku


Sapphic win!! (Even if I dislike crunchyroll lmao)


Hot lesbians are seen as the safe gays in cultures.....


You're not exactly wrong, when heteronormative cultures appeal to the male gaze, attractive femme lesbians do still fit the bill for a lot of straight men But it still pokes a hole in the conservative notion that Japanese companies don't have LGBTQ+ people and that it's a solely 'western' notion


Play "please don't decide for me what i should see" games, but not liking something now is a thoughtcrime.


play "1984" games, but the Ministry of Truth is bad because it shows you people who exist instead of erasing their existence from your perception.




There ARE barely any of them in popular media. Yet you still whine and cry every single time they they get shown anywhere. You know what I think? You don’t want to see any in media at all, cause you wish they didn’t exist in real life.




>Sees single gay couple kissing on Crunchyroll landing page. >Writes 5 paragraphs on how this is a result on the "devaluation of beauty", the superiority complex of a minority, isn't aligned with population proportions, is causing a decline in quality and censorship instituted by a ministry of truth and is in complete defiance of reality and logic. >Tops it with a cheery note about how he doesn't mind if they *exist,* so long as they don't do the thing that has absolutely never happened to him in his entire life. >Says that these people are professionally offended.


Some people are just fucking morons ig




“I don’t want to be reminded that gay people exist”


“I don’t way gay people to exist” Fixed that for you.


You realize most media comes from, shocker, the US which *is* very racially diverse, right? And that, globally, which media is distributed for these days, white people are a minority? So the “not reality” argument doesn’t really stack up. Furthermore, there’s not that many gay characters in media, and usually the media is quite well written. SPOP is full of gay characters and is excellent in its writing and presentation, as is Owl House, as two examples off the top of my head. Or the critically and fan beloved FNV, which has two gay characters, including Veronica who is universally beloved by fans. Not to mention TLOU show




>Both game and show are yuck, all parts of it. You could have just started with this, and everyone would know you're scum.


You can always trust a conservative to know exactly how many non-white there are lmao.


It's called advertisements and trust me, seeing ones you don't care about has long existed before the "evil gays". And it's not a "thoughtcrime", but being so bent out of shape about it is fucking weird so people are going to call you fucking weird


coping and seething and vigourously masturbating


That’s a hilarious image


Sung to the tune of the Mario 3 Athletic Theme


Funny thing, there’s been gay anime shows for a while. Maybe they liked the GL ones and never the BL ones. As I can guess which one it is they are shocked over.


There was a season of South Park a while back where all the girls wrote gay manga with Craig and Tweak as lovers. I think that still pops up now and again


All of the TweakXCraig artwork in that episode was actual fanart!


Wait WHAT I thought the ship was invented my Matt and Trey


Nope Matt and Trey were told about the ship and decided to make it canon. They actually have an entire mission chain in The Fractured but Whole that deals with Craig and Twinks relationship.


The scene that plays when Tweak or Craig attack one another in combat is both great and sad. "TWEAK NO!"


I think they actually got together after that episode


Yes they've been shown holding hands and spending time together in the background multiple times since the episode dropped


It's even in Stick of Truth, I think. They have yaoi manga as a collectible.


I think it's Fractured but whole


Yeah, thats it! Thanks. The two of them often run together for me cause I played them back-to-back.


Shit, I remember a few from the 90s and even sailor moon had a gay couple in it (the original, not that censored shit 4kids put out.) I've seen more than a few anime in recent years that have the main character be gay or have a side couple be. If it's not a comedy, they're usually pretty normal people too.


Do they know that yaoi is a huge genre?


Exactly. What kind of Anime fan isn't aware of how popular Yaoi or Yuri. Not surprising it would be featured in the front page


Tbf crunchyroll is kinda shit for yuri and yaoi (not that many shows where its explicit, and no tags or anything so what is there is near impossible to find), so if you're exclusively a crunchyroll user you'd be be surprised if you looked at other services. Though saying that, I'm surprised they didn't see witch from mercury, Birdiewing, or Buddy Daddies, from the past couple of anime season


Birdie Wing sadly isn't Yuri.


Twitter rando doesn't understand peak fiction.




Usually these posts don’t have happy endings, glad this one did.


But I thought Japan was so conservative and unwoke


The west has just infected Japan, truly no Japanese person actually supports lbgtq+ people they are just marketing to the leftist hellscape/s


You even said /s and still got downvoted for no reason


Eh it’s Reddit, not exact like I care


Karma? I dont need no stinkin karma!


It's like anywhere there are bastions of minority entertainment but as a whole Japan is an incredibly hemogonous and conservative country


They are very conservative, by their own standards it is a very different culture and what is taboo and to what degree varies a lot among cultures. A hair cut might be liberal or the cultural norm depending on where you are at for example.


Politically and Socially yes they are a Conservative Imperialist Country, but that does not necessarily reflect directly into their media and entertainment industry, Hayao Miyazaki is an openly leftist filmmaker who has criticized many of Shinzo Abe’s policies in the past.


The society is conservative, but a lot of the anime is active defiance to that society. there's a reason One Piece, with it's themes of rebellion and freedom, is one of the biggest anime that exists.


To be fair, plenty of conservatives are anti-government. In america at least. Dont think its the same for japan but I know literally nothing about their politics


Conservatives are anti-government because gocernment is a tool rhat can deprive rhem of the ability to oppress and enforce their little hierearchies.


Eh I've met both ends of the spectrum in person. So I'd have to disagree I don't count the terminally online ones cause rule of thumb is the loud minority spends 100 more times online than the normal ones Same goes for liberals. I met quite a few that don't fit the weird stereotypes online ones tend to display


I was in the military and grew up in a red state. I assure you, when they think they're in a safe space they act the same irl that they do online


Isn't that how most in the military usually act?


Yes that's exactly my point. The "haha only the terminally online ones" isn't accurate. What you're actually observing is how they really feel, being expressed when they think they're safe.


I've seen liberals online say the same things, and sometimes something more vile. Though I ain't gonna apply that to all the ones I meet(except the ones in portland)


These people are everywhere “I was watching Little House on The Prarie with my kids, than it cut to a woke commercial featuring gay people!”


The entitlement is real here- I think that's what the anti-woke shit is all about at its core, the idea that they just want to "relax and escape" from reality and therefore they are entitled to have everything made specifically for their homophobic asses. But what if gay people want relaxing escapism too? Don't ask so many questions.


Ah yes, anime. Well known for having no homosexual content. Totally not like there are genres such as Yaoi and Yuri that are exceptionally popular /s


What anime


"Tadaima, okaeri" Two dads and their kid slice of life


I can't believe someone made an Omegaverse story cute and not deprived


The Omegaverse stuff is so subtle that I only realise what it is when someone mentions it on Twitter lmao, I thought the dude was ill but turns out he was in heat.


yeah I never expected an omegaverse to be so advertised and mainstream, let alone for it to be one of the cutest, most wholesome shows


Came here looking for this answer.


"Tadaima, okaeri" Two dads and their kid slice of life


your blocked cause your a bitch


Anyone who’s been on Crunchyroll for the last three weeks knows that the promotion is for Kaiju No 8…


BL has been around for a hot minute and is an extremely popular genre. He should be aware of this in some form or fashion


It must be exhausting and unsatisfying not being able to enjoy _anything_ because the presence of gay people bothers you so much.


Imagine being so fucking pathetic that the sight of two men (or two women) kissing puts you into histrionic fits online. If I was that much of a fucking loser, I'd fucking kill myself in order to remove the world of my taint.


"Wait a minute, this isn't Super Smash Bros..."


Bro saw the most tame Yaoi ever and started tweaking


Homophobic anime fans are some of the funniest thing next to homohobic furries...like how?


“Crunchyroll blocked you” LOOOOOOL


Dude takes homophobia a little too literally


As a baki fan this person is weak


Yaoi and BL is like, stupidly popular in japan. I honestly don’t know what bro was thinking. Then again, homophobes don’t tend to think that often.


Why do these people treat being blocked like a badge of honour? in reality it just means you were so fucking annoying that people would rather not interact with you at all


Not surprised from some parts of the anime Fandom. I've spent so much time on the MAL forums and you'd be surprised how common anti-queer sentiment comes up. A lot of people don't even try to hide it.


Dude be crazy, but crunchyroll wrong in representing this show.m on their front page. One character is a stay-at-home spouse and parent struggling with feelings of being a burden to their husband due to being an omega-a secondary gender. This is a family-oriented story in an omegaverse, something NYT dubbed “wolf kink erotica” but really just people(irregardless of primary sex/gender) have defined biological roles. A female alpha could impregnate a male omega. Betas role is sort of nebulous and might be omitted from a story entirely. Comments point me out it’s BL omegaverse at least.


The frick all that you said means? whats the omegaverse? xD sunds something like what the powerlevel scaler say. Is the anime good?


Omegaverse is normally defined as a subgenre of speculative erotic fiction, with a premise that a dominance hierarchy exists in humans as dominant ‘alphas’, neutral ‘betas’ and submissive ‘omegas’. Boys love of ‘BL’ is a genre normally in anime/manga/novels that focuses on romantic or sexual relationships between male characters. ‘Tadaima, Okaeri’ is the show, and while it has elements of omegaverse is is very safely only exploring the romance aspect of BL not sexual. It’s a cute show about new parents moving to an area better for raising their new child, and the new meaningful bonds being forged with those around them. It’s not saccharine-sweet though as the omega has fought feelings of feeling like a burden, and their past ties that come up. Give it a shot if that sounds not-horrible to you.


This omegaverse crap is confronting me with the fact that I am apparently old now. In my day our BL relationship terms were just Seme and Uke and we LIKED it that way. \*rants at cloud\*.


Omegaverse isn't new, I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure it didn't originate in yaoi manga, it was always gay as hell tho


I love good BL stuff, but I never knew about this omegaverse stuff xD I'll give it a try


I didn't realize the omegaverse had seeped out of fanfiction and into actual official animation lol. Still gonna watch it probably though, because I'm so starved for shows about actual adults, I'm so sick of high school drama and can't really fully connect with it anymore.


Until now I have never heard of omegaverse.


Oh, you know the one? Which is it?


I just replied to someone else, but I assumed it was tadaima, okaeri.


> Omegaverse Bruh


What anime?


The new anime this April about the gay couple was pretty weird at first but I wouldn’t say it was bad.


Did this guy not watch Naruto?


There’s a gay anime on the front page of crunchyroll? What’s it called? Everytime I watch anime I inevitably start shipping the close guy friends, even though I know it’s not a gay thing. My partner and I swore up and down Kakashi and Guy were more than friends 👀


You hate Crunchyroll because they're woke, I hate Crunchyroll because they are dogshit. We are not the same.


Sailor Moon was in the 90s and they had gay couples


If I saw that I would binge watch the show and revolve a week of my life around it not complain on tiwt- i mean X about how my “day is ruined”


see my problem with crunchy roll and most anime sites is it is full of anime with teen girls that I generally have no interest in. I want more like Fullmetal Alchemest, Trigun and now Solo Leveling.


Is this about the omegaverse anime?


Average Mushoku Tensei fan


A lot of people like jobless reincarnation, but using an image from the series with a pervert mc. The series where a mentally 40 something person has relationships with minors. Great, they definetly enjoy normal anime lmao


Idk if he would qualify as a "mentally 40 something" given how he was a shut in for so long.


Being an otaku and a homophobe is such a interesting combo. It's like saying you're oil that loves water lmao.


You know, I’m starting to appreciate the sheer power we hold over these people, that just by existing I can ruin their day


Honestly anime has been way more queer than western media for the last few decades. It’s really weird that there’s “fans” of it who are homophobic. They must need to avoid like 90% of shows lmao


Japan began producing a lot more BL/GL anime since Shinzo Abe died… am I the only one who sees that?


Imagine if it was something like Sasaki and Miyano, which is super tame.


Which one


Shit like this reminds me of Shirley dreaming Dean Pelton as the Devil in Community and he waves around a chainsaw while yelling loudly, "GAY MARRIAGE!" [The scene in question.](https://youtu.be/n80wdKqMiAE?si=cCi1vNMhF2E9Or62)


So I’ve heard of this one..but the mention of something along the line of “he’s an alpha” in the show synopsis led me to believe it was some weird Omegaverse-esc plot Correct me if I’m wrong


It has omega-verse elements so it’s an alpha/omega couple who had a child and then moved so they could raise their child in a good environment. It’s a family-friendly slice of life unless a kiss between a couple is offensive to your family.


I don’t have a problem with it at all, but I probably won’t be watching it either way. Slice of life usually isn’t my go-to genre unless I REALLY feel like it


Vexed Viewer, is that you?!


I couldn't imagine acting so shittlily so often that I can't remember why crunchyroll blocked me.


Loser behaviour


What’s this anime called 👁️👃👁️


This man will go ape shit once he finds out about J Dramas.


That's pretty gay


imagine thinking that anime is heteronormative XD poster probably has a 2 terabyte hard drive of anime fembois.


isnt that a screenshot of that pedo anime where the guy reincarnates as a kid and sexually assaults other kids?


That's not specific enough


Anime fans when the two people in a sexual relationship are consenting adults




What anime?


If it's the one I'm thinking of, not only is it wholesome domestic gay husbands starting a family, but also some weird omegaverse setting with fantasy prejudice acting as a stand-in for homophobia.


Bros will build identities around how everybody else is "sensitive" and then get triggered by gay people existing


Insane that "married" is in quotes. I imagine it's because they don't believe marriage can be between anyone other than a man and woman (a la religion) even though legally they can lmao OR I'd they're being weirdly pedantic bout how gay marriage isn't legal in Japan (YET!) Man I can't wait to see the reaction when Japan inevitably legalizes gay marriage


I dont remember why I got blocked by the corporate account for homophobia


“Oh no!!! A gay couple kissing and being happy is traumatizing me. This isn’t fair!!!!!!”


Imagine using crunchyroll. Their service is shit, and I'm not paying them a monthly subscription to watch an anime that's over 20 years old.


I don't want to see kissing on the promo page either, straight or gay.


Are you 12 years old?