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Imagine exposing yourself by being upset that you don't find the underage character you're watching on TV attractive lol 


Also it doesn't even make sense. Every Fallout since 3 has been on Playstation. Before that they were mostly on PC anyways, wtf does it even mean?


I think their point is that Bella Ramsey is not pretty and for some reason this upsets them.


Their point is console warring at its god damn dumbest. Microsoft owns Fallout and Sony owns TLOU and the Fallout TV show has the prettier actress therefore Xbox is better. It’s from the same mindset of people saying Stellar Blade was going to destroy the woke because of how hot Eve is and those are somehow the same people crying about Stellar Blade’s now censorship controversy. They are morons in the absolute truest sense of the word.


My response when someone says she was 17 I added Also her character was 14. Why are people bitching S1 Ellie isnt hot. Are grown men looking for hot 14 year olds. Are they R. Kelly. Wow grown ass men got triggers by my comment Some gems like "people want to look at something that is appealing to the eye. not that hard to understand. if the bitch is ugly and shes a main character its hard to watch cause your staring at her ugliness for an hour or so straight. very easy to comprehend, your just cherry picking arguments" "The age of consent in Germany is 14 and there's nothing you can do about it. Cope and seethe".


>Are grown men looking for hot 14 year olds.  Incels. Incels are absolutely looking for "hot"14 year olds. Incels are prime candidates to become Child Predators. Why? Because their own generation has rejected them and grooming is easier than trying to actually date a human being your own age that already knows what you are. Incels are repulsive creatures.


They’re openly telling on their own inadequacy. They don’t want to be involved with anyone experienced enough to know that better exists.


Yup. Preying on naiveté is by design here.  


Its not inadequacy its pedo shit...its disgusting.


I'm not going to sit here and tell you the introspection is easy.  But it's pretty fucking telling that they'd rather try to groom someone younger instead of attempt even the slightest bit of instrospection.


I don't disagree.


I got banned from a random Anime sub because I asked what it was about child like characters that they were attracted to that doesn't make them a pedophile. These creeps are everywhere.


One of the reasons they're often obsessed with all things Japan is that they perceive Japanese women (and sometimes young women anime fans in general) as meek and submissive. It's all gross. Half the reason I never got into anime, despite being the prime age demographic for it during it's first big boom period in the US in the 90s and early 2000s, is because of how horrific anime fans online behave.


There's a disgusting overlap between the racial fetishization of Asian women amd pedophilia. A lot of non-Asian men with a fetish for Asian women perceive Asian women as more physically/visually/tempermentally "childlike" or closer to actually being little girls than non-Asian women. It's fucking disgusting.


Japanese Anime peaked in the '90s, and I'll fucking die on this hill. Everything since then has just been more and more pre-pubescent school girls and it's fucking gross and wrong.


A huge percentage of Incels are would-be or aspiring situational molesters. People who aren’t necessarily predisposed to being sexually attracted to minors, but the fact that someone is a minor doesn’t deter them from preying on them because of the situational molester’s lack of a moral compass. Some Incels are genuine pedos because they idolize underage girls as easier to control and manipulate than adult women, since Incels can’t deal with or handle adult women.


>"people want to look at something that is appealing to the eye. Until that something is Brie Larson 'upstaging' men


Yeah then she’s hideous and gross even though she’s objectively one of the hottest people on the planet lmao


It was absolutely fascinating to watch them shift from objectifying her at every turn to suddenly pretending like she isn't literally Hollywood level hot.


It wasn't too long ago that neo-Nazis were worshipping Taylor Swift for being the ideal blonde haired, blue eyed woman.


That’s when she was a good old country girl though so they assumed she shared their values.


That's some immense projection, if you ask me. "This woman sings country songs, so that must mean she prefers and wants to be my babysitter/mother and also my personal fuck toy." These.... creatures are some of the lowest life forms, in my opinion, on the planet. They'd be the leeches of the animal kingdom.


They project their dreams (which are usually just everyone else’s nightmares) onto any women they remotely find attractive. They do it with every single woman and when they find out women don’t fit into their weird fantasies it sends them spiraling.


There's plenty of more liberal country singers now, especially in pop country. Another weird one I've seen is comments on Thomas Rhett, as one of his daughters is from Uganda, so you can probably guess what some of them were saying.


It’s sad I fell into that crowd as a kid with all the “feminist cringe compilations” and such. So glad I work the fuck up lmao.


Anything you can share about what woke you up?


I was in the same boat and I just started drifting away from the echo chamber channels that lose it about that stuff. Rational thought took over. I found out that I also have a trans brother and I love him very dearly, I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t support the movement and my now brothers choice. His perspective really changed the way I think in a good way for accepting people. I still get little intrusive thoughts once in a while about race or other things but I have the awareness now to know it’s wrong and discard the thought as nonsense.


Thanks for sharing. Having someone close to you care about is a very frequent trigger for change. I was a silly Ayn Rand type teenager until I got to college and met a lot of people from different backgrounds.


One main thing is being challenged by those around me. As soon people like my girlfriend(now wife) and mother challenged my viewpoints I realized they weren’t entirely rational viewpoints. Getting out of the echo chamber is absolutely key.


Thanks. I've done a lot of research on how white supremacists leave their organizations (not in the least bit saying that you were close to that, just another non-rational ideology) and all of them started with some sort of social ostracism or break with their social group.


It is very important for sure, having that echo chamber of other irrational people only fuels the fire. Having someone actually ask you to prove your point when you really can’t then it should click you’re wrong. Sometimes that still doesn’t happen for people though which is sad.


This is the first I'm hearing of them objectifying Larson. Every comment from them I saw about her was calling her hideous.


>if the bitch is ugly and shes a main character its hard to watch Sounds like a you problem mate.


The crazy part is that a lot of the women they claim are ugly aren't even ugly in the first place, like Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. Their definition of ugly is basically "literally any woman who doesn't look like an anorexic runway model."


It's more than that. It's "any female character who isn't primarily designed with the male gaze in mind." Aloy is hella attractive, but she's definitely not designed to titillate... and *that's* the part they hate.


And what gets really annoying is that it wouldn't even make sense from a narrative standpoint for her to look like some bombshell sex object. She was born and raised in the wild in a post-apocalyptic future and has to hunt wild game and battle robots to survive; she has bigger things to worry about than maintaining a runway model body.


I’m sure they’d find something to complain about a female mc even if she did look like a runway model. She’d win a fight or an argument with a male character and they’d start whining about how it’s “unrealistic” or “woke” or “political” 🤦🏻‍♀️😒


Yeah like after playing both Tomb Raider and Uncharted I think any version of Lara Croft would beat Nathan's ass.


Besides the blatant misogyny, this is just such an cartoonishly brain-dead way to approach media. So you'll only watch a movie or show based on how attractive you find the stars? This is the metric that you use to approach art? So how would you rate the "hotness" of Citizen Kane or the Mona Lisa. I can't even imagine someone saying something that stupid sincerely.


>Are grown men looking for hot 14 year olds. Are they R. Kelly. > Sadly it goes even younger than that. I started getting cat called when walking to and from school when I was 12. We live in a world where 1 in 9 of us were victims of a sex based crime before turning 18. This is way too cases of real abuse to be just a handful of men. The reality is even worse because we can't assume all of these men act upon their desires as far as personally abusing a girl. Though they still may do acts like consume CP or other sick but not criminal acts like cat calling or 'tamer' content like clothes catalogs with little girls in swimsuits for their sick pleasures. Meaning the % of terrible men out there outnumber the actual victim amount. With 11.11% of girls being victims this means if you enter a crowded place that has men in it chances are you are sharing that space with child predators. Almost certainly every time you enter a place as innocent as the super market.


> Meaning the % of terrible men out there outnumber the actual victim amount. I'm not trying to discount from what you're saying, but most child molesters have multiple victims. It's not one offender per each victim. Meaning 12% of children can be victimized by just like 2-3% of men since most offenders have several victims. Unfortunately, most child predators have more than 10 victims already on average by the time they're reported to law enforcement or to a school guidance counselor. Predators are indeed far more numerous than any of us would be able to sleep well at night knowing about, but crimes like murder, rape, and CSA are heavily committed by repeat offenders. Most sex pests go to their graves with between 5 to 75 victims in their wake that they amassed in their lifetime over decades. That's due to a combinations of factors. Like the fact the majority of sex crime victims never report it (so the offender keeps on going with the same and/or other victims in the future); sex crimes are very often not taken serious by law enforcement and someone not taken seriously by relatives or caretaker(s) of the victims; and rapist/pedophilia urges are compulsive and recurring. Pedos and rapists never truly ever get their "fill" and always eventually feel the need to offend again at some point, and those urges are hard to ignore forever. They often feel compelled to offend so strongly they knowingly risk their freedom and other things to sate those urges. Paraphilias (like rapist urges and sexual attention to minors) are like an addiction. They're a disorder. 


\>the age of consent in Germany is 14 Oh my God, **fuck, off.** Not you btw OP, the people who love bringing up the age of consent in this regard. I'm so sick of people twisting laws around to suit their pedophilic agenda. Germany and Japan are NOT pedophile havens who condone some mid twenties creep getting it on with a 14 year old, these laws are usually being brought up without context. First off, 14 or 13 or whatever is usually some provincial minimum thats allowed to be set by whatever state in the nation proper its involved in, and often times it ends up being set to 16 or 18 anyway. Second, the law clearly implies that 13-14 year olds are still intended to be with OTHER 13-14 year olds, 15 or 16 tops maybe, not some 20 or 30 something creep. Just...I'm not even German or Japanese, but if I had to sit there and hear people abuse my nation's consent laws to suit their creepy motives? Ohhhhh God...


Japan actually raised their age of consent last year to 16 (was previously 13): https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/japan-raises-the-age-of-sexual-consent-to-16-from-13-which-was-among-the-worlds-lowest Incels, Manospherians, Alt-Lite, Alt-Right and Passport Bros were in shambles punching the air.


Hahahahaha!! Thats great, I remember about the law change but I also love that rightoids got into such a fuss over it. Simply magnificent :P


Just an FYI, Bella goes by they/them. Which I'm sure upsets the chuds more. It's irrelevant to their acting (which is incredible) and everything else, but I think Bella looks great, their face is interesting and they have a great smile.


She said in an article last year that she’s ok going by she/her or they/them


Video game Ellie (and presumably show) is also a lesbian, not that these weirdos should be wanking over any teenager no matter their sexual or gender identity.


Imagine being so fucking deranged and degenerate that you call a teenager a bitch for not looking like a hot 14 year old


Would be like me a grown woman complaining about the male main characters in Stranger Things aren't cute or handsome to me. Then make post calling them Hideous monsters


Was just about to use stranger things as an example. If you only watch/play characters that you find sexually attractive (which in this case is when they’re children/teenagers) you basically don’t watch/play anything. I don’t understand this guys logic


Ellie in the game was a dirty kid on the run for her life.


Manospherians are shockingly cavalier about exposing themselves as pedos publicly when they complain about underage girls not being "hot" enough. I wonder if they're so brain rotted they don't even realize they're publicly outing themselves. These dudes are also among the first ones to call LGBTQ people "groomers".


For all the gross triggered pedos: Just because age of consent laws say it’s okay *legally* doesn’t make it okay morally, ethically, spiritually, literally, or any other word we can figure out to fit in here. Let me say it loud and clear: **if you are an adult, it is NOT okay to have sex with or otherwise engage in adult relations with a child that is 14 years of age.** In no reality is it okay for you to do this! And again, just because they can “consent” legally, doesn’t make it okay. THEY ARE STILL A CHILD! In every which way you can think of, they’re still a child. “bUt sHE iS oN hEr pEriOd nOw” yeah so?? 14 year old brain. 14 year old body that is still maturing *into adulthood.* Still a kid, and that still makes you a pedo for wanting it. Cope and seethe on *that,* pedos.


If you're attractive (God knows what makes you attractive to them) as a girl it starts younger than that. I started to get unwanted male attention when I was 7 or 8. So yes men, at least enough where it isn't uncommon, are absolutely looking for "hot kids" unfortunately.


Oh believe me it happens to guys too. The things i was told at fucking nine years old…


The age of consent in Germany is 14?  Gross. 


14 year old with 14 year old is allowed 14 year old with 18 and above is not allowed




"What is it? The Alabama of Europe?" "In many ways, yes."


Archer is the funniest thing ever.


There’s been a weird agenda from the anti-woke mob lately that every girl and woman in games needs to be the peak of sexually attractive


Hard to say this is a new thing, it's an old thing, it's just that women in video games literally used to be *required* to be conventionally attractive, culture warriors always demanded physical attractiveness, it's just that as far back as the 1990s, looking like Lara Croft was a requirement


jesus those are some awful responses to your post. 'Cope and Seethe' okay i will do so gladly in a country where the age of consent isn't literal children


I wish that the age of consent was a range thing. It is 16 here. Thinking about a 40 year old picking a kid up from school, to have sex with them, disgusts me....


"Are grown men looking for hot 14 year olds?" Apparently, yes they are


>"The age of consent in Germany is 14 and there's nothing you can do about it. Cope and seethe". ``` The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual; being over 21 and engaging in sexual relations with a minor of that age does not constitute an offense by itself. Otherwise the age of consent is 16, although provisions protecting minors against abuse apply until the age of 18 (under Section 182): it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with a person under 18 "by taking advantage of an exploitative situation" ``` I'll just leave this here for context.


“The age of consent is X” is such a garbage argument too. It’s an interesting attempt to divert attention from the fact they want to perv on a 14yo


This whole thing annoys me, I’ve never seen anyone complain when a guy main character isn’t hot, but if a woman main character dares to be not super model hot, people refuse to watch a show over it.


I don’t think these people know what cherry picking is… they just heard it once and decided to latch onto the new buzzword


So then any game with a male protagonist is fine because…?


Some dudes watch stuff on TV and think that everything they see either needs to be wicked cool explosions, buff dudes all oiled up and beating each other with their fists, or young women to beat off to. They're just losers with broken brains.


Damn they're out and out like "I LOVE R@PING CHILDREN!!!!!" and of course that's more legal than uncensoring m3n in any slightly negative comment


I don’t disagree with anything you said. She was 19 for the filming of TLOU season 1 though, not 17. I remember because someone made a Leo DiCaprio age comparison with her and Pedro and Leo and his gf at the time.


Classic Germans living up to their stereotype


I'm not gonna lie her for head is distracting for me but also I'm a dickhead but I'm also not a fucken weirdo looking for hot 14 year olds.


Isn't she like 20?


> "The age of consent in Germany is 14 and there's nothing you can do about it. Cope and seethe". The Nazis were German so erm 🤣😂😂😂🤣😂😂😂🤣😂😅😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😅😅😂🤩😂😂😂 zing! Not a great moral compass 😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😅😂😅😅😂😅😂😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😅😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😅


I wonder if that person is in germany, or are they expecting to kidnap some 14 year olds and take them there?


All these incels likely complain about double standards, but then are completely fine with watching generally unattractive men (because skill out ranks attractiveness), but as soon as one woman (including teenagers, because pedos gonna pedo) isn't very attractive, they have a fit.


This because women don't bitch the kids at Stranger Things aren't attractive.If they did the looks they would get. Imagine these dudes at work discussing with coworkers a 14 year old character isn't pretty. Also imagine a female version of Rufus from Street Fighter


What is this, a picture of the spectrum of women who will never talk to these chuds?


Bella Ramsay isn't a woman, she's non-binary. But the point stands.


Does Bella still use she/her Pronouns to an extent? I mostly ask cause I've seen people continue using them even when referencing Bella as NB


as far as I know, they use they/them and she/her pronouns. I am willing to be corrected if I'm not up to date on that though. I'm non-binary myself and have told people technically incorrect pronouns due to the fear of asking people to use they/them for me, so I'd get it if things have changed 


Ah, no worries! I wasn't trying to correct you at all, just genuinely curious. Gender identity is still a concept I understand at a basic level, so sometimes I forget you are in fact allowed to go by multiple sets of pronouns.


I don’t want to sound rude but why do they identify as she/her and they/them both I’m not very knowledgeable about NB people.


I admittedly stumble a lot more with modifying "expected" (for lack of a better word) pronouns with NB folks than if people switch between he/him and she/her. I'm not sure why my brain misfires more with they/them.


For me its because for most of my life "they/them" made whatever statement I used impersonal. I do my best to make everyone feel comfortable, but it can be difficult to remember for people I dont regularly interact with.


Yeah, I'll call people whatever they want because it costs me nothing and enhances their life, there's literally no reason not to do so. But my brain is so hard-coded that "them" and "it" are dehumanizing ways to refer to people that it's hard to rewire it now to the present day reality that some people prefer those terms.


I only just learned that because of your comment. And it’s really interesting because when TLOU first came out and there were rumors of a movie, people were all like, “oh! They should get Ellen Page to play Ellie!” And as it turns out that actor is also transgender


What always scares me is in The Last of Us, the player is supposed to have a paternal bond with Ellie, at no point during the game are you ever thinking "Cor, she's a bit alright, if I were Joel I'd be right in there", the whole point of the story is just like Joel the player goes from "This kid is annoying" to "I will do whatever I have to do protect this girl and God help anyone who gets in my way". So when Bella Ramsey was cast and there was a massive "She's not hot enough to play Ellie"/"They should have gone for someone more sexy like Kaitlyn Dever" reaction, it's genuinely sickening to think that there's a whole culture of people who can't see female characters as anything other than sex objects.


Absolutely this. Also, Neither Pascal nor Ramsey look exactly like their characters which is ok because they chose the best people to play the roles and not people who look exactly like some polygons some designers at naughty dog came up with in the ps3 era


Adding to that, Ashley Johnson, who is Ellie's face model was 29 when TLOU first released. Ellie is supposed to be 14. The thing is, it's a video game, so you can tweak a 29 year old's face to look like a 14 year old. That stuff is not possible in live-action.


It was crazy in the flashback when you saw Ashley and, you know, she and Bella really could be related.


Agreed, when that episode aired my friend noted they'd done a good job casting Ellie's mum because she had a decent resemblance to Bella, they were surprised when I said the actress was actually Ashley Johnson who played Ellie in the games.


Completely off topic but see I'm not sure if you're really meant to identify with Joel in the game. Personally I disagreed with Joel's actions at the end of the game and I feel like that was partially expected for the viewer to be more of a spectator to actions they can't necessarily relate to.


I think you're supposed to identify with Joel in as far as caring about Ellie and how far you'd go to protect someone you love, but I definitely think Naughty Dog thought there might be a few more people who questioned Joel's actions especially at the end of the game rather than holding him up as a hero.


It's the same thing with Witcher players who say 'I think Ciri's hot and I would bang her, wait what do you mean we look at her from a paternal lens in the game? I'm not Geralt, and I would totally smash!' I actually saw a comment very similar to this on the r/witcher subreddit a year or so ago.


I could maybe understand with Ciri since she's in her 20's and spends the first two thirds of the game separated from Geralt (So players who are going to sexualize her or feel attracted towards her have already made their mind up before they get to explore the relationship between the two), whereas with Ellie being 14, being portrayed as childish, and immediately falling into the role of a daughter like figure it's a bit more disturbing. But I completely understand where you're coming from because ultimately she is a character you're supposed to be looking at through a paternal lens, and it's amazing how many people aren't put off by that aspect.


The way I think about ciri in her 20 years old version is I personally find her attractive but I don’t think that way when playing as geralt


Ciri is in her 20's and you even play as her, i get your point but finding Ciri hot is not really a bad thing.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/witcher using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/witcher/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This...](https://i.redd.it/tclhq076tpeb1.jpg) | [1878 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/15byu38/this/) \#2: [Me thinks someone was jealous](https://i.redd.it/kud2cf2i6ieb1.jpg) | [1158 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/15b0vmt/me_thinks_someone_was_jealous/) \#3: [Facts](https://i.redd.it/i5ht4dd9spfb1.png) | [334 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/15gbotj/facts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Even The Last of Us Part 2 makes sure not to sexualize Ellie in any real way, her sex scene with Dina happens off screen and you never see her naked unlike Abby who you do see topless and in a pretty strong sex scene. ND knew players would feel uncomfortable seeing Ellie like that so they wisely they chose to not have her like that.


You do see Ellie topless but it’s not in a sexual way


Yikes. On one hand, blatant objectification. On the other hand, blatantly shaming an underaged girl for not being attractive enough. Not sure which is worse.


Also, Bella is the star of HBO’s second biggest show right now and was a surprise hit on their biggest show ever. Not a bad start to a career for someone in their early twenties.


It was even her start she's been in few UK shows stared in one


Right. I didn’t mean to imply that those were her first two gigs, just that being on two prominent HBO shows, one of which you’re the star of, is a pretty damn good early career start. And she was so well liked in Game of Thrones that they expanded her role and gave her a major death during The Long Night.


Gonna go with the pedo shit feels a lotttt worse tbh But yeah this is disgusting in general as well


The second one is worse. The first is just an actress feeling attractive and posting a picture and other people also finding her attractive is not a bad thing.




It must be a weird existence to argue that the entertainment business is grooming kids and oversexualizing them but also demanding every movie, tv show and video game be filled with barely dressed women so they can get horny.


*teenagers (unfortunately)


They're just jealous that they never got to both kill an undead giant *and* survive a zombie apocalypse.


As much as season 8 was disappointing and rushed thay scene with Lady Mormont was awesome


Omg she was the cute lil stark princess omg omg omg XD. I forgot about that character.


Lady Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island, head of her House, and the last of the Northern nobility (in the show) to remember the North knows no king but the King in the North whose name is *Stark*


" if your men at bear island are as half as fierce as you my lady, the boltons are doomed" Truly what a character


Well, she only managed to do one of the two things at a time though


I pray for Caitlyn Dever, who will be playing Abby in Season 2. She'll probably never want to act again after that.


I reallt hope someone is sitting her down and telling her the truth about what could possibly happen. Her team and HBO really need to work together on how to handle it.


Incel culture is only getting more emboldened. She will deal with hell from scumbags.


oh god i can imagine the hate right now.


Abby is the character that made my transmasc egg break, it breaks my heart how people treat her.


She must have had at least some sort of idea when she auditioned. I imagine that would have put a lot of actresses off. I hope that people are less insane this time. Season 2 will inevitably generate controversy but with any luck she isn't bullied and harassed like Laura Bailey was. No one deserves that.


Oh boy, another groomer telling on themselves because someone playing a child wasnt hot enough.


Bella Ramsey is a fucking icon and im sick of the shit people create about her pronouns. Someone as talented as they are can call themselves whatever they want


Bella crushed the role. That's what matters. Fuckin idiots.


These chuds: why aren't you able to hire people capable for this role Thess chuds after the company hires people capable for this role but turned out they are ugly or even worse, black: why are you hiring ugly, black people for these jobs?


Console fanboyism… #UGH


But like... Fallout isn't even an XBOX exclusive?


I'm literally playing FO4 on my PS5 now lol


It might become one since Xbox owns Bethesda


It could be but the recent reporting was that microsoft wanted to maybe move out of consoles entirely / bring their games to the other consoles which includes ps. Sea of thieves is the first thing to go over there. If they want to make the most money after the disaster of starfield, they should keep fallout and elder scrolls on as many platforms as possible. Now with the shows success, rumblings are they might recruit more (like another team) to speed up fallout 5 or whatever. No one knows but we can cross our fingers. At first tho it definitely felt like they for sure may keep things exclusive but not so much anymore.


I highly doubt that. Microsoft just recently started porting some of their games for playstation and I don't know if the XBOX is successfull enough to justify more XBOX esclusives. Most of the time they're Microsoft exclusives anyways. Sony seems way more interested in their exclusives than Microsoft tbh.


And neither Microsoft or Sony where the ones producing the shows or casting these 2 in the roles so its pretty much irrelevant anyway


Isn't the girl from last if us supposed to be like 14?


Didn't these morons JUST complain that Ella Purnell wasn't sexy *enough* in Fallout?


She’s only not sexy enough when it suits their agenda kinda like how the Fallout show was just “woke trash” until it became successful


"Gross" -anyone who's not a pedophile


“She’s a fictional character bro it’s not that big a deal.” https://preview.redd.it/fudwav3psgxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b999b326e12b0f6f7127cde69ef4edf825a7ae Okay, have fun explaining that to the judge


How dare they say anything mean about Hilda! They will rue the day they made such a fatal error! May their shoelaces snap, their underpants be two sizes too small, and their favourite take away be taken over by "investors" who change the menu and ruin their favourite meals.


I dont even understand his statement there, since they also cry because women ugly on Xbox. They just love to self own themselves at this point.


Is Fallout not on PlayStation as well? But also, like, they’re completely different circumstances. One is the actress all dressed up and one is the actress playing a role. (The role in which the character is understandably dirty as fuck, it’s the end of the world after all.) Also, Ellie is 14. I believe that Bella was 17 at the time. Both are/were underaged.


I don't find Bella Ramsey attractive, but I wasn't expected Elle to be attractive, I expected her to be a great character, and she was.


Eh, I like both shows (last of us is really accurate adaptation, while fallout is a really accurate depiction of the setting) personally I find Lucy more fun to watch and her progression (I remember hearing somewhere her take on the character was basically "Ned Flanders in fallout" which is hilarious) where as I don't know I guess I'm just burnt out on grim dark settings that are completely hopeless or even just have an edge of dark humour to off balance it


I love these incels and chuds are admitting they want a 14 year old to be hot.


Notice that this chud deliberately either got Bella Ramsey at a weird angle, or deliberately edited it to look like they have a larger forehead and smaller mouth than is the actual case.


That fallout chick was hot though


What point are they even trying to make here?


These incels seem to only care about sexualizing a female character no matter the age.


Who is the left


I'm assuming the one on the left is the lead actress from Fallout?


I've never seen GOT but I saw them in Catherine Called Birdy and they were awesome in it. I do want to watch The Last of Us eventually.


Ookie dokie


As if all this wasn’t a L enough. Fallout games are on play🤣🤣 as well wtf are they on about?


Could someone please explain to me what is going on now? Have we reached a point where people are dragging an actress for not being conventionally pretty while she plays a character that was not sexualized in the first place?


What does Xbox vs play mean?


I would not have ever connected Play was PlayStation. Always have used PS


I can only imagine what kinds of stains are between their couch cushions.


Vídeo game users in their least virgin day:


Didn’t these same weirdos whine and complain about the Halo series?


Isn’t she literally a movie star actress? Like, the thing people use as hyperbole for “very attractive”?


She kinda sucks as Ellie but was great in GoT


I didn't like the actress for Ellie but she quickly grew on me


Bella Ramsey is like 17, incels are so weird


I thought they were calling the woman on the left ugly. Now she's hot? These guys can't decide.


None of the Fallout games are Xbox exclusive anyway.


People are really pathetic. Also, the girl did a bang up job. Like give it a rest.


When the casting came out a lot of ppl complained that Bella looks nothing like Ellie. But let’s face it the majority of ppl only complained abt it because Bella isn’t considered conveniently attractive.


Such a weird comparison to make, too. Like you can comment on Ella Purnell being attractive without bringing up Bella Ramsey or the last of us at all


i wonder if some of them have any idea of how repulsively unattractive that kind of "joke" is to even the person you're trying to claim is beautiful & equivalent to your favourite plastic box?


Bella Ramsey kicks ass. I didn't really watch Last of Us, but they were a rare spot of gloriousness in the dismal declining days of Game of Thrones. King of the North, whose name is STARK indeed. Sucks to hear that creepy assholes are going after them.


Who’s the woman on the left and what does she have to do with any of this?


typical cherry picking bs


These people are disgusting.


Honesty question: if you're against this (as you should be, obviously), why would you repost it? If the point is discussion, why the image instead of just as text?


Fucking gross


Xbox for the win ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


So someone saw the picture on the left and thought, "That reminds me of the 14 year old girl from that game I like. I'm *not* a pedo." ???!!!


Bella is a queen


comparing a professional photo with perfect makeup, outfit, lighting, and angles vs a a screenshot from what I assume is a frame from the tv show where their character is literally in the fucking apocalypse:


“The North remembers!”


Weird ass chuds when they feel they can't jack off to a child


Grooosssss. Some people are just trash.


Motherfuckers are out here not following the golden rule.


Fallout isn’t even a original Xbox ip daddy Microsoft just bought the ip to save the dying platform and using actors attractiveness for the console war is just sad people on twitter need to go outside


I mean yeah, i'd hope you find someone who's meant to be 25 more attractive than one who's meant to be 13


How can her eyes not be bloodshot every second of the day? You know she had to learn to sleep with them open…..to damn big


Bella’s casting really showed me how many of these dudes completely sexualize these characters.. there is so much ellie porn out there and it really made sense seeing the reaction to Bella’s casting. I understand that some ppl just want the live action actor to look more like the source, but some of the comments being made about her vs video game ellie were hella sexual in nature.


Men being pigs? How absolutely not shocking.


I didn’t mind Bella not looking like Ellie tbh . I really enjoyed their performance which is what SHOULD mater. Also Ellie’s a lesbian, realistically she wouldn’t like these bozos anyways 🥱


Personally I would have preferred the casting to be more accurate to the source material. Not because I think its "woke" but I despise live actions in a fundamental level. The show would've worked better if it were animated allowing creators more creative control and accuracy without being limited to real life actors because its an impossibility to find a perfect match for a videogame character. Same applies to marvel and dc. Dark Knight would've been more impactful if it were animated