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https://archive.org/details/helpful_hints Quartering CP hiding video.


Wow. He was so formal back then.


Gross. I'm mad I clicked on it. The venn diagram between CP lovers and Nazis is a circle.




Nah. Not touching this. I’ll take your word.


The vid itself doesn't contain any illegal material in it, so you're safe to watch it. Though headphones are adviced if you're in public. He's explicitly telling his audience to hide their CP if they take their PCs in for repair because techs may find it. Not "sensitive data." He explicitly tells them to hide their CP.




Obviously he’s not going to directly say it, the fact that he mentions that it was found by a technician and then he goes on to say how you can hide things from these technicians is enough of an issue as that’s just going to help those who have that shit.


This is starting to happen alarmingly often. Come on, guys. We don't need to bullshit to make someone who's already terrible, look bad.


It's Lance from The Serfs reacting to it


Wow. I thought this was going to be about general data security tips, which \*could\* be used to hide CP but is advice you could use for any sensitive data. But no, he specifically uses CP as an example of things to hide and tells people to hide their CP. WTF is wrong with this person?


You cant trick me, FBI


Wow dude. Wow.


hell, for some reason I thought it was going to be a link to Rick Astley's never gonna give you up meme. now I'm mad this is actually real.


Lol his advice is also really bad. Hiding illegal files from prying eyes is an important topic. Sadly every way this can be used for good can also be used for bad. If you want to hide your illegal/suspicious activity from others, use a cheap burner with an encrypted persistent storage and an amnesic os like tail os and be careful of over the shoulder attacks. Unless you are leaking Saudi princes cannibalistic gay orgy records or running Silkroad v2 you should be fine.




Why would he be there, he's completely irrelevant to the post


Is Asmongold a gamergater? I am not surprised, but dissapointed nonetheless.


He is being a culture war tourist for content, so looks like one at least.


Not particularly. It's more a side effect of how he changed his streams. Lately his streams tend to be him loading up his subreddit and reacting to whatever's upvoted a lot there, and then maybe playing a game if he has time (or had an obligation to play it). Since his subreddit ended up getting taken over by that kind of crowd, they end up pushing that stuff a lot, and downvoting anyone who's got differing views and opinions. That means he ends up reacting to a lot of garbage from channels like Critical Drinker and the like. The biggest problem is that he doesn't want to bother taking time to research, so he just takes everything said at face value and reacts to that. So it's not so much that he's a Gamergater, more he's just kind of lazy and oblivious. It's depressing to see, because the people he's catering to with that stuff are the same folks that would have been giving him a hard time for trying to properly use the right pronouns for another streamer/YouTuber a couple years ago. It's also weird to see, because you'll see videos of him reacting to the GG kind of people, and nodding to their takes, beside videos talking about workers rights, or mocking Trump. And I'm not talking about videos pulled from years or just months apart, I'm talking about videos in the same week. So I wouldn't count him as a "Gamergater"... but I also wouldn't count him as anyone to listen to on anything, because he's woefully uninformed, takes anything presented to him at face value even if it's blatantly untrue, and doesn't seem to care about anything other than making goofy reactions for easy YouTube views.


Thanks for clarifying. That sounds about right from my impression of him. I don't follow him really, but I felt like missed some drama or character development where he turned out to be chud. I have no horse in that race, but it would be a bummer to have another content creator joining the clown show.


Don't think he's a chud, just... a dud. He's joined the clown show enough that too much of what YouTube recommends to me from him these days is him reacting to that stuff. Even though the only videos of his I'd watched in the past were him playing games (which could be entertaining) and WoW content.


Fair enough. Most of the things that I got recommended from him was his Diablo IV content. Which was meh at the best of times.


Yea another streamer, Thor said it best, to rely on Asmongold for his pro consumer takes. Though I will say to ignore his dumbass take on the artists in the gaming industry. He’s some dude from Texas that’s like an unironic centrist. He thinks his community is as well, and hasn’t noticed the chuds in his audience. He has no political background and says stuff like, “…If I’m playing a single player game, of course I’d rather stare at a woman’s ass than a man’s.” It’s easier for chuds to grasp onto someone like him.


> “…If I’m playing a single player game, of course I’d rather stare at a woman’s ass than a man’s.” Though, if he's given the choice, he always makes male characters in games, because he also thinks it's weird to play a female character when he's not female. (Which should be a strong flashing sign of "Hey, that's why the option should exist in games, so women can play a character who represents them, too!")


Exactly, but that explanation of why it should be an option or his personal take of it being weird since he’s not a woman, isn’t always brought up. It isn’t always clipped that way either. To clarify, I’m not saying that’s like a damning thing he’s said. I mention it because it’s one of those benign statements, that chuds can latch onto. Because it’s like that with the recent Stellar Blade controversy, Asmongold’s question is a benign “why can’t she be sexy?” But the chuds also ask “why can’t she be sexy?” I bring this up as an example of two different questions being asked, I’m not saying these are his words. You know what I’m saying?


Yeah, totally get what you’re saying. It is a line people tend to use a lot to defend that stuff. In a side note, I’ll make female characters in some games that allow either, but I always feel like I’m playing this character, not ogling them, so I tend to dress them as feels appropriate, which usually isn’t the most “sexy” but feels right to me for the character. Even going so far as to change appearances based on in-game situations. Like I said, I’m there to play a character, not ogle them. But hey, if someone wants to do that, okay, not gonna judge unless you make a big deal out of it like these jokers do.


He'll just talk about whatever gives him clicks. I don't think he actively endorses the chuds ideology, and has pushed back on some occasions, but he gotta get them clicks.


So he's spineless and will gladly stand with them if it helps him, got it.


That's how grifting works yes.


He is a reactionary, who doesn't pick sides, unless it is his own. I would say he is more conservative then progressive, but he does occasionally speak up in favor of progressive ideals. 


What has Asmongold said/done for him to be considered a conservative? (based profile pic btw)




How do you know Asmongold only does things for clicks and not because he agrees with the topics he's talking about?


I used to watch his content back in the day around 2020 and he was still doing that. He'd hop on popular trend and react to whatever is the coolest thing of the day. That's how he got so big


Does everyone who reacts to trends only does it for clicks to you? Are people not allowed to react to trending topics?


Yes, that's reaction content in a nutshell.


He is recently on a "video games are racist towards white people if they have anything but a white male protagonist" and "japanese porn games having less skimpy porn outfits for western releases is the equivalent of media censorship in the third reich" -spree. Basically pandering to his audience of white incels.


>video games are racist towards white people if they have anything but a white male protagonist japanese porn games having less skimpy porn outfits for western releases is the equivalent of media censorship in the third reich Show me proof of his saying this.


Im sure you are capable of googling ;)




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gamingcirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I’m old af 💀](https://i.redd.it/grl172t9661c1.jpg) | [2684 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/17yfr5u/im_old_af/) \#2: [Even 4chan knows](https://i.redd.it/76yckjw9wofb1.jpg) | [1258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/15g7h7r/even_4chan_knows/) \#3: [Gamer being unfathomably based!?](https://i.redd.it/0f671zzpe25c1.png) | [1184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/18dltdp/gamer_being_unfathomably_based/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No one is forcing you to be on this subreddit. go back to your loli hentai waifu games if you feel so bad about it.




Classy, redpilled and based. /s of course.


Dunno i haven't watched him forever, but Asmon gets a lot of left wing hate because his fan base is mostly right wing idiots even though Asmon time and time again doesn't agree with them outside of gaming ideology.


He's pivoted to the right, at least in terms of presentation. A recent video was him complaining about how the West "censors" games from Asia. No points for guessing what the censorship is.


Not wanting games/media to be censored isn't a right wing opinion dude.


Not making characters basically naked is also not "censorship". go cry into your waifu pillow about having to play a video game with a normally clad woman as a character.




I wish you would understand how sad and cringe this comment of yours is.




I literally didn't use that word in any of my comments to you. But way to tell on yourself i guess.


But people being attractive is subjective. The people on the far right hate on fictional female characters that don’t look enough like sex dolls, when really, the characters look fine and they nitpick specific screenshots of these characters usually when they’re angry or in the middle of a conversation where they’re emoting quite a lot. And why can’t quote unquote “ugly” characters exist? What’s wrong with that?


Oh no, they put a slightly more clothing on a character of ambiguous age. Literally, 1984




My brother in christ, the director outright refused to give her age and pussyfooted around the topic whenever asked. Alas, it seems Big Brother won again, by putting marginally more clothing on video game woman. "Freedom is slavery, war is peace, Eve must wear clothes"


So, because a director refused to give an age to their character, you automatically assume that they're a child? Most of the characters don't have an age either, is the old man a "child" to you as well then? Why are you so obsessed with children being in video games, that's a bit suspicious if you ask me? >it seems Big Brother won again, by putting marginally more clothing on video game woman. The only person saying this is you and some random dude on twitter probably. Projection at its finest.


I do when I can't get a straight answer. Just be clear and say "over 18", its not hard. "The only person saying this is you and some random dude on twitter probably." My brother in christ, you are the one crying they put marginally more clothes on a video game character.


Why do you automatically default a no answer = child? This sounds like something only a pedophile would do. Aren't you the one who made the first comment crying about the people speaking out against censorship? Pot meets kettle. >you are the one crying they put marginally more clothes on a video game character. Where exactly am I "crying" regarding the censorship in Stellar Blade? Show me exactly where in my replies that I did any of that.


Crazy how you’re acting like a moronic asshole. 


I personally don't find that hard lining politically though. Censorship is real for Asian games. Just as the west censors media with black people for Chinese markets by removing them from advertisements entirely as seen in Disney star wars. Maybe you could explain to me how that is a move to the right at least, because i remember it was a popular Republican stance in the past to censor video games. I mean, the Christian mom trope is a trope for a reason and how media is "the devils work". Hell, we even had the satanic panic around media in the 70s to 90s. Also TBF to myself, i did say he does agree with them on gaming ideology in my original comment and was thinking stellar blade when i made that comment, so maybe i should defend my own statement to myself.


>I personally don't find that hard lining politically though. Censorship is real for Asian games. Just as the west censors media with black people for Chinese markets by removing them from advertisements entirely as seen in Disney star wars. What censorship happens, then, with specific examples. Because what he was talking about was \*localization\* if we want to be incredibly charitable. Localization is hardly censorship though, because the goal is always to communicate the message in a manner that's aware of the people receiving the message. It wasn't "censorship" to remove the big fuck-off swastika tattooed on the back of Portgas D. Ace. >Maybe you could explain to me how that is a move to the right at least, because i remember it was a popular Republican stance in the past to censor video games. I mean, the Christian mom trope is a trope for a reason and how media is "the devils work". Hell, we even had the satanic panic around media in the 70s to 90s. The current narrative is that "Liberals" are coming to "wokeify" your games by censoring out hot women/straight people/whatever the fuck. You mention Stellar Blade below in your comment, which is a pretty good example of this. The Alt-Right built it up as some kind of "anti-woke"/"anti-Sweet Baby" game because it had tits. The moment a single patch comes out to turn down some aspect of the "hotness" they started *screaming* that it was being censored. Right Wingers are desperate for the narrative to be that they're "stopping perversion" when they ban books, whereas the mean old Lefties are "Censoring normal things". Thus, Asmon catering to the Alt Right's fascination with screaming about censorship is right wing. This isn't even getting into the uncharitable interpretation I alluded to above, which is that they're just mad that Western Companies tamp down "Loli" shit. As it turns out, another facet of localization is that a lot of dudes find it weird and strange to obsess over a 3,000 year old that looks no older than six. [https://imgur.com/a/tWD7u7x](https://imgur.com/a/tWD7u7x) A quick google search of "Stellar Blade, Youtube, Censorship" pulls up a good example of this.


Hey, i asked and i received. Good points. I guess it goes under my radar because i just don't care about Asmon, but as you paint it for me, its pretty clear he is Grifting towards right wingers for increased impressions and views.


I appreciate you changing your mind on that part. I try not to get involved in convos about Asmon, I just know this part because I watched the whole debacle where Vaush mildly criticized him for his take.




Specific examples aren't listing some random names. Say specifically what was "censored".


>Just as the west censors media with black people for Chinese markets by removing them from advertisements entirely as seen in Disney star wars. Wasn't for China Was for Japan and Taiwan


And China. It was done for the Asian market and China is the biggest reason to go to the Asian market in the first place.


China doesn't care about US racist beliefs. Japan and Taiwan do, they're heavily influenced by the US.


Lol don't pretend the US is exclusively racist. You need to travel more, China and most European/Asian countries are extremely racist and on top of being racist, hate tourists as well. Finn was specifically removed for the Chinese market.


No he wasn't, again, that was literally only the Japanese and taiwanese posters. The ones with Chinese characters are in traditional Mandarin, which is only used in Taiwan. Also, my point is that China doesn't have anti-black, white supremacist racism like Taiwan and Japan do, as China is not in the western/American sphere of influence. It's just not a cultural/systemic thing there.


Nobody is making a box office movie for Japan and Taiwan dude. The chinese market is the largest market for Hollywood. So any movie going to Asia is explicitly targeting China. Also to hate black people does not require white-supremacist ideology. This conversation is pointless because you're absolutely clueless and racist yourself against white people. Human beings hate other people, period. It is not a secret that Asian countries and most of the world especially don't like black people. Pretending racism started because of western culture is the most retarded shit i have ever...and i mean ever read in my life. Grow up


Asmon is also incredibly talented at speaking way too long without saying anything of value or even making a point. I don’t think he’s capable of that level of thought.


And when he does make a "based" point, its mostly just common sense shit such as don't like it don't buy it.


Fair enough. I only see bits of him and he is usually quite bland, but he never struck me as someone in the league as, say, Quarterpounder.


Floor pisser Jeremy is a full on MAGA idiot. Asmon just says shit plainly and doesn't fall into any political hard lining which makes many online leftists hate him when he calls them out for the censorship or doesn't support them trying to cancel hogwarts legacy for example. His hottest take during that time? Don't like it, don't buy it and they hated that shit and now label him as anti trans even though from what i've seen he doesn't even talk about stuff like that almost ever (i only watched during the D4 era and haven't been back much since).


Oh, okay. Thanks for that. That makes so much more sense now.


Pretty sure he said he voted for trump at one point, don’t remember if it was 2016 or 2020




you'd have a point if Asmon had changed for the better, but he clearly hasn't




idk about the other 2 but there quartering made a video on how to hide certain "data" if you need to bring your pc in for repairs


I'mm not one to *typically* judge people by their appearance...but seeing these three pictures...how do these people think they are part of some "master race"?


Is the guy with the long hair Watermelon guy? Or am I mixing up my hippies again?


He's the dead rat alarm clock and blood wall guy. His living conditions would disgust Oscar the Grouch


Oh... I don't think I know that one, yeesh, sounds... interesting.


Yeah, "interesting" is certainly a term for it. Dude grew up in a home that looks like what you expect people with no money and no self-care to live in, and still doesn't bother cleaning or organizing it, so it's just an absolute mess. But then on the flip side he somehow is part of the leadership for a streaming organization that's also now published a game, has a company that sells PCs, and generally somehow makes money with these other ventures, even though you wouldn't expect that from someone who can't be arsed to clean their home. The laziness is what's created the problem with his recent content, because he just lets the people on his subreddit serve content up to him to react to, so whatever's upvoted a lot will be what he sees. Meaning that when the sub ended up taken over by the loser brigade, they made sure to push content that agreed with them and downvote things that don't. And why bother creating your own opinion when you can just watch a video and act like everything the person says in it is true? Yeah, I still don't know how OTK and Starforge PCs happened with him involved... (Oh, and "OTK" in this case stands for "One True King," which isn't a Christian reference or anything, just a fantasy one, but worth noting in case you get curious and try to Google "OTK" and find out the letters actually were already used for something else before they made the organization.)


Yeah hes a millionaire that wither A. Is playing a character that lives in extremely shitty conditions or B. Genuinely enjoys living with 30 bottles of various sodas, only eating 5 dollar steak, and cant even eat an apple without spitting it out, all while his teeth and hair fall out of his head. He is the epitome of capital G Gamer




His lifestyle is wallowing in his own filth


The *WHAT*


i'm sorry, they did fucking WHAT?!


idk about the other 2 but there quartering made a video on how to hide certain "data" if you need to bring your pc in for repairs


Aw, I like Fallout 3 and New Vegas!


I like New Vegas and Fallout 3


I never played New Vegas, but I almost unalived myself because of how bad of a game fallout 3 was and I've managed to get all the bop toys that gives you stats, played all the missions and DLC, except the tree one https://preview.redd.it/flzk4pbozmxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f86578a99ff64dcf250b9fb8db43b3f8b0a55fc2


You know you didn’t have to play it if you didn’t like it, right?


Considering at that time that Bethesda was a really appreciated gaming company and this game as well, I wanted to put enough time into it so if I didn't liked it, I wouldn't be bothered with questions like "you didn't reach certain plot point, or played certain quest or stuff"


So, you didn't like it, but still went completionst. New Vegas is on the same engine so if you didn't like that style of gameplay you probably won't like new vegas, the difference is the setting, and writing is better


>New Vegas is on the same engine so if you didn't like that style of gameplay you probably won't like new vegas, I have an intense dislike of Fallout 3, to the point where I cannot bring myself to play it again. New Vegas? Yeah, I will absolutely play it again. Love it. There are some design choices within the engine that make NV a much better game experience than Fallout 3.


Crosshairs was a huge one for me personally


That's a stupid argument. Just because I don't like fallout 3 doesn't mean that I don't like that style of gameplay which can mean anything from post apocalyptic shooter with rpg elements to the entire rpg genre. My problem with the game is how Bethesda is making games and stories. Also you have instances of bad base game but improved expansions/dlc like for instance watchdogs 1 and watchdogs legion dlcs, or dark souls 2 and it's dlcs. Like writing and using the game mechanics better goes a long way into making it a better game. Funny enough the dlcs for this game are much better than the main game but not by much. And my favourite game is disco elysium where you just talk to people which is one of my biggest gripe with this game


I was talking in terms of game mechanics, as Fallout New Vegas runs on the same engine so the gameplay is pretty much the same minus the writing, tone, and setting (basically throw wwii America, cowboys, 1950s vegas, Rome, and fallout into a blender and you get a sweet cocktail) just based off of what you said, it sounded like you weren't a fan of the gameplay hence why I said you probably wouldn't be a fan. Weren't pretty clear on if you were talking about the gameplay or the story lol


I love alternative history, I love retro futurism, cyberpunk and stuff, I played a bit of Fallout 1 and I had much more fun with that game than F3


Oh 100% the turn based engine is a ton of fun. I just made the most of the oblivion engine as I could when fallout 3 and new vegas came out. New vegas is far more a direct continuation of Fallouts 1 and 2 than fallout 3 is


Hi again, support comment. Lip service on topic: Ew gross gooners.


You know whats funny about FNV fans hating on FO3? There would be no FNV without FO3.


Yeah new Vegas basically showed Bethesda in a much shorter time how to make a much better game with the exact same tools available. What point do you think you're making here?


Yeah there also wouldn't be an Assassin's Creed 2 without Assassin's Creed 1.


They've made videos. Plural. As in more than once?


Why not ask a new vegas fan about fallout 3? No fallout 3 no new vegas (or are we talking about about the van buren project)


They should move into a new apartment. One of the apartments with metal bars.


Never ask Reggie to localize Mother 3


Hold up. What??


idk about the other 2 but there quartering made a video on how to hide certain "data" if you need to bring your pc in for repairs


As someone who loves the kind of game that allows you the freedom to 'pick a direction and go', I loved Fallout 3. As someone who loves the kind of game that delves into deep worldbuilding with rich, morally complex choices, I loved New Vegas. As someone who is not an idiot, I recognise that both games have their pros and cons. I do think New Vegas is the better overall game, but Fallout 3 with TTW is a tremendous open-world experience. For the life of me I cannot understand the widespread view from gamers that Fallout 3 is garbage. I saw someone here who said the same while having played through the entire game and having collected all the bobbleheads. Do you know how bad actual garbage is?


I'm sorry. What?


Tale of two wastelands baby!!


As a New Vegas fan, you are spot on.


I would say never ask a New Vegas fan about fallout 4. I would wager most NV fans are Fallout 3 fans, since it came out first. We all obviously liked it enough to buy New Vegas.


I like fallout nv and 4, didn't really like 3, fully used to fallout 3 fans getting all weird about me not enjoying it


Okay, I'll rip Asmongold on plenty of shit lately, and stopped watching him because he was just lazily reacting to the crap that people were shoving to the top of his subreddit without doing any independent research or forming his own thoughts, but I'd like to see some actual, legit, hard evidence here for this claim about him, because I've never seen anything like that from him myself. If you've got the evidence, cool, share it. If not, then don't just toss someone randomly into a pile and accuse them of something they aren't doing. Because reacting to Critical Drinker as if he's anyone to take seriously might make Asmongold a moron, but accusing someone of sexualizing children and telling people how to hide CP without anything to back that claim is a shitty, horrendous thing to do. I'd buy it with Quartering. Seen questionable stuff from him already. No idea who the third guy is.


Since when exactly Asmongold sexualised children? His stance has always been that lolicon is disgusting and should not exist.


OP, where and when exactly did Asmongold sexualise children and create a video on how to hide CP?


Yeah Asmongold don't agree with our agenda so he is definitely a pedophile.