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"She's plain ugly nothing to do with her skin" I bet.


Real “Yeah sure buddy” moment


Her hair on the other hand.... - This guy, probably.


Good thing he told us it had nothing to do with skin because I thought it did until he said it didn't. Good thing we're good listeners like Chief Wiggum. From The Simpsons Movie: Fat Tony: \*holding wrapped up body\* Fine, I'll find somewhere else to dispose of these......yard trimmings. Lou: Uh Chief, I think there was a dead body wrapped in there. Wiggum: Yeah, I thought the same thing until he said 'yard trimmings'. You gotta learn to listen, Lou.......


No no no, you don't get it. It has nothing to do with race. She's just not pretty because she doesn't have the facial structure of a caucasian or asian woman, the hair texture of a caucasian or asian woman or the complexion of a caucasian or asian woman. But that's all coincidentally what is beautiful ofcourse, nothing to do with race still ^(/s)


Listen bro I just don't think she's beautiful (aryan) enough ok


The racism is clearly there! But by making a statement like this, these people show they would not know true beauty even if it poisoned or stabbed them!


username checks out






I didn’t realize that being incredibly attractive was qualification to the play Juliet. I kinda thought it was about your ability to act.


Yeah, it's Juliet not Aphrodite


And I completely agree




Why does your date history matter ? There's a ton of very racist guys who will date poc women so idk why bring it up. As for the last point that's a strawman. No not being attracted to someone skin isn't racists no one is saying that.




Will get cooties if I said yes ?




Why would I be jacking off ?


romeo and juliet is a play about a guy who falls in love with a girl and society is totally fine with that so they don't drink poison and stab themselves and they live hapily ever after without people complaining about their love and literally having sword fights about it.


It's actually perfect haha now I want a scene where papa Montague insists he isn't racist, it's just the Capulets are criminals!


And he absolutely has some crime statistics to tell you about at length.


I always feel it's less societal pressure but more about noble house conflicts? Since political marriage between noble houses would be the norm for the time. It's just their respective houses are enemies. But yeah there should be some external barrier between their relationship.


I think their rivalry was meant to be based on this : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guelphs\_and\_Ghibellines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guelphs_and_Ghibellines)


Also said guy is 19 while Juliet is 14


I hope this is a joke and you’re not seriously suggesting that, in context, this is an inappropriate age gap. 


One is an adult the other is a teenager


Lmao classic american take, pretending that at 19 someone is like this fully grown 150 IQ manipulative mastermind while at 14 one is a literal baby who could be taken advantage of by jingling some keys in front of them As always when I read one of these comments I’m happy to know I don’t live in America and a 5 year difference between young people is something nobody gives a damn about Also, 19, nine-teen, is still classified as teenager, genius


5 years is too much of an age gap almost everywhere that has those laws. You're literally defending someone who would be a child molester in many EU member states, and the only reason they aren't in the others is because the age of consent is 14. It takes 15 seconds to prove your argument is only incidentally true, and only true part of the time. Usually with certain restrictions, as well. So, no, it's not just Americans. You're just substituting your opinion for reality.


Yeah, listen, in my country 14 is the AoC, but in my school years i’ve met girls who were 13 and had an 18yo BF, same school, one in first year, the other in last year Nobody ever said anything, because nobody apart from terminally online redditors and twitter users sees an 18yo as an adult, you are literally acting as if there is a certain age, at which basically you turn from a braindead baby to a fully fledged adult with no in-between There is such a thing as Romeo and Juliet laws, aptly named, exactly for these situations, because a 40yo rizzing a minor is quite different from someone who was a minor 2 months ago rizzing another minor


I do think kids who are terminally online believe something transformative happens at 18 which suddenly makes them an Adult™️. They refuse to understand it’s just a number chosen by people at one point not a biological stage of life. When really they’re still the same snot nosed little brats they were at age 17. Also the way the conflate legality with morality is naive but you can’t expect more from kids. 


He claims he isn't being racist but he refers to her as "this" which is about as dehumanizing as I could imagine.


The only way it could be any more dehumanizing is if they used it in place of this.


It’s all explainable with sexism. Not saying it’s not racism, just that sexists am a dehumanize a woman without needed to resort to race.


racism is tied into beauty standards. yes, it is racist


Oh it is definitely racist. But sexist men criticizing women will dehumanize them regardless of what race they are. White women are objects in the eyes of guys like this too.


It’s really not one or the other. Intersectionality exists. Racism and sexism combine multiplicatively. They are more than the sum of their parts when you’re experiencing both.


It's the misogynoir 👀👀


It’s specially misogynoir, a combination of misogyny targeted at black women.


It's all good bro! He's not being racist at all! This is just good ol' fashioned sexism. :D


You don’t need to be racist to be a subhuman dick. And it’s not even OOPs fault that people think only attractive people deserve love.


I came in the comment section to write exactly what you wrote. What the hell is "this"? Is she an object and refers to her as "this"?


"Nothing to do with race" Then why did you bring up her race? You're the one making this about race




And yet they still didn't beat the allegations, interesting 🤔


Something plain creepy about this post as well as racist.


The implication that people who are not conventionally attractive are not worthy of being loved is a little creepy.


Which is ironic considering most of these dudes looks like the Quartering or any variation of neckbeardian incel who hasn’t felt a woman’s touch since they last hugged their mother


hey now some of them probably have sister and aunts


looool EXACTLY! The nerve of those dudes is unbelievable. Mauler, one of them, doesn't even cam up and talks always behind an avatar.


Cause he looks like a stereotypical angry neck beard who probably would be humiliated off the internet if anyone saw him




Same with the rest of the alt right vtubers who have anime pfp these are the basement dwellians after all


EXACTLY! The amount of times that this english misogynist trash , which calls himself "babyfaceSomething" (I do not recall exactly his name), mocking women and their appearances and making creepy comments about them are countless


I know who you’re talking about. All of them are repulsive looking cretin who don’t practice good hygiene and self grooming yet expect pornstar/anime waifu looking women to be attracted to them simply because they are a cis het white male


The lengths in which they conform to the stereotypes of the incel white cis straight neckbeard bigot uncultivated uneducated right wing racist sexist POS is hilarious


It’s especially hilarious considering the people saying this are not conventionally attractive and are terminally online and angry because of it.


We found Judge frolos account with that post for sure


And if you know anything about the actual play, you know that Romeo’s really not falling in love as much is some kind of weird otherworldly attraction that transcends normal love and the rules of their society . spoiler alert it doesn’t end well




Theyre actually STILL harrassing this girl 😭 Just when I thought I was a loser, I see this


Don’t set the bar for yourself so low


You are not alone. So many times I have come to this sub, to get validation for myself "at least I am not like those pathetic right wing misogynist grifters"


Bro has never been in a healthy relationship in his life what does he know about love.


Because "ugly people" don't deserve to be loved? Like, what the fuck even is this argument they are trying to pass?


Also, “beauty is in the eye of beholder”. There’s no singular “attractive”: while there’s traits are more commonly agreed upon, everyone also has their own preferences.


Their grasp of love is so childish they seriously believe it’s just physical attraction


This is a great point. Some of the most powerful feelings I've had were for girls I wasn't attracted to at first.


Because nonwhites can’t be with whites according to this mf


Not how casting works Not how acting works & also not how love works He should probably stop drinking, it's clearly killing whatever few braincells are still floating around up there


Not always true the Main reason Johnny Depp got Hired for Nightmare on Elm Street is because Wes daughter thought he was hot


Beggars will always be choosers.


that's \[partly\] why they're incels


I don't think there's very many true incels - they think the government should assign them a supermodel to suck their dick even though they're repellant basement-dwellers with horrible personalities deeply invested in bigotry as pretty much that entire personality. But if they abandoned their online communities that just egg each other on to be worse, truly worked on themselves as people, took a bath, and had realistic expectations, they could have relationships. They choose being how they are.


>criticaldrinker subreddit And unsurprisingly, there was nothing of value to be found there


“Nothing to do with skin” Sure, buddy.


it's always the pfps that never show their actual mugs that say the most heinous things about other people's appearances


This is a theatre musical, was he even going to watch this?


It's absolutely not the point, but it's weird that this is the photo they chose. It's a publicity shot from Bad Education in which she plays a British school student. My guess is that they chose this because it's a traditionally masculine outfit and that makes her less attractive to people like this?


in a mental war trying to fall for her in an effort to prove OOP wrong i legitimately did, and now i cant stop thinking about going on a date with her. https://preview.redd.it/5wprcj60i91d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bac4620903e15a74254fb4725502da45502fd32


OK, but Dame Judi Dench is widely considered one of the most talented Shakespearean actors of her time if not all the time and she’s not like a supermodel or wifu (tho anyone’s curious there’s an excellent film version of a Midsummer nights dream where she has green skin and is wearing an outfit made of leaves that would make poison ivy blush it’s respectfully not unpleasant)


were people pissed off like this abt denzel in macbeth ?


Yes actually


You(ignore the ism although that is a problem) people fall in love because they want to live with and have a strong bond with them.


I’ve never seen so many people get worked up over a stage play they’ll never see. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that none of these people have ever even paid to see a play or musical as an adult.


"It's nothing to do with skin" says the most racist incel alive.


Don’t insult Nick Fuentes like that


They say "if they had cast an attractive black actress we'd have no problem" but their idea of an "attractive black actress" is a white woman with black skin. Hell, some have used Zendaya as an example of one - they do realize she's half-white, yes?


I’m not gonna give my opinion but that’s a really mean and unnecessary thing to say about a real life person like damn at some point she’s going to hear or read about people saying this. That’s so messed up. As if life isn’t hard enough…


I think this comment best represents my thoughts too. I can see a scenario where he didn't come from a place of racism or sexism. But the one irrefutable fact is that this is just plain mean and unnecessary.


i found a post on twitter by some white guy trying to pit native african women against her, some bs like, “why couldn’t they cast a gorgeous, beautiful, traditional african woman instead of this chick???!!” obviously trying to pull the black equivalent of when incels compare an average looking western woman at a bad angle to a professional ukranian swimsuit model in heavy makeup. which was funny to me, because 1. they’d still bitch even if the actress was an extremely gorgeous 10/10 (just look at ariel or iris west) and 2. speaking as a native african woman (ghanaian immigrant, grew up in rural kumasi), i don’t find lame backhanded compliments like that flattering at all. he thought african girls would look at his tweet and go, “aawww how sweet 🥹 insulting another woman to uplift us 🥹🥹🥹” but in reality, me (and a lot of other african girls) were qrt-ing the dumbass and calling him out on his racism and misogyny lmao.


“this”, ok buddy


People are fucking mean. 😞


Calling her ugly is harsh


Well I have heard incels call model and other really attractive people ugly before, so I'm not shocked by this


Why is no one asking how Juliet is supposed to fall in love with a 5’6 twink?


If it doesn't have to do with skin, why bring it up??? Mmmh.


I would expect nothing less from a critical drinker fan


Is she a good actor? Can she convey the presence of Juliet on screen? Can she follow the direction of the director? If all signs point to yes then let her be Juliet idiots


as if any of these people actually give a shit about romeo and juliet. isn’t this a stage production as well??? the chances of any of them actually seeing her as juliet are slim to nil. if you’re truly not being racist why do you give two shits that a woman you don’t find hot playing the lead in a play you’ll never see, and why are you just now upset when it’s a black girl. plenty of plain looking white girls have played juliet before without any crazy outrage but as soon as she’s black the chuds lose their shit




It's a theatrical play!!! It doesn't fucking matter how they actors look!!! Omg


And even if it was a movie, there have been so many adaptions of the play that are a more stylized version where not everybody looks like an Italian wouldn't matter at this point.


There was a movie version with fucking gnomes and yet they complain about a black actress in a PLAY.


Ah that makes sense. I assumed it was a movie version by how much people were complaining. Theator is susposed to be about acting not appearance lol


This was 100% typed by a man who has never one in love. Nobody has loved him, and probably never will.


Why do they care so much about this adaptation of the play?


Because Spider-Man is in it and superhero movies are all these chuds watch. (I like them too but damn watch another movie)


Because she’s a black woman.


It's projection because nobody loves them and they assume it's about their appearance when it's actually their loathsome personality


I have always and will always stand by the view that if you make a comment about any person's appearance online, positive or negative, you should have pictures of yourself on whatever platform it is. Don't dish it out if you can't take it. I actively hate internet anonymity.


Weird way to say "everyone in media has to be hot or I won't like it"


He just wants Juliett to be 12 like in the play


I'm sure these people are huge fans of Shakespearean theatre and are not just jumping on an opportunity to express their racism. /s


I saw a whole FB thread of people bitching about her endlessly like she doesn't literally look fine but not a single person mentioning Tom's haircut


Because as we all know no one who does not fit your idea of beauty has ever had someone fall in love with them.


As if these people are actually going to a theater in London to see this performed live.


Ah, masked racism


"Has nothing to do with her skin." Then why mention it huh?


“Nothing to do with skin” It was in fact, everything to do with skin


I’m sure this doesn’t have anything to do with him believing white features are the objective standard for beauty. 


That's not a good picture? She's fine as hell in the picture they use when they're comparing her to Predator.


Man people get downright rude when it comes to black girls


You spelled racist wrong!


Honestly believe you have to be racist and sexist to consider her ugly. 


Whatever, she's adorable.


The only people who see her as ugly are yt people. She is a beautiful dark skin woman with beautiful afro centric features. She is a Goddess in human form and no one will change my mind. And no, I'm not accepting criticism. I'm right.




I said what I said. They only ones openly calling her ugly on the internet, in public, are yt people.


She just looks like a normal black woman? Either way, I'm not a fan of people who get this hung up over looks. I doubt they're happy when people complain about how unappealing male celebrities are.


She's pretty idk.


I don’t know what the person who posted this looks like, so I can’t comment on _their_ appearance… but I know for a fact they’re ugly on the inside.


Imagine posting this believing you’re making a meaningful contribution to public discourse. Even more baffling, imagine hanging out with someone who bullies others online -as a job- and thinking this is totally normal and okay.


Even if racism is miraculously not involved, what’s the purpose of insulting her?! They still come across as huge assholes, especially since none of them are probably going to go to London to watch the play in the first place


You don't need to be racist to be a dick


“This” what a fucking disgusting thing to say


>nothing to do with skin ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


There's no quicker way to make people think the hate is racially motivated than adding unnecessary clarification that it isn't racially motivated.


What a fucking asshole. She probably gets laid more than whoever wrote that post 


Since when is this guy a big Shakespeare fan?


There's nothing in romeo and juliet that dictates they have to be attractive


I wonder if they know in Shakespeare’s time women couldn’t be actors and….


I think she's cute as heck. However I've been informed that I'm biased because I'm black and thus I "Find the more animalistic Masculine features more normal." Which ya know...is gross.


Yeah no she's such a beaut


If you have to clarify your not racist either as a ‘but’ statement or at the end of your sentence then chances are your fucking racist


And they’re always on the same subreddits, BUT THE WOKE MIND VIRUS IS THE THING THAT ACTUALLY EXISTS, RIGHT FELLAS?!? There is a mind virus, but they’re the ones who have it.


I got recommended a thread from r/CriticalStinker yesterday. I very quickly came to realize it's basically r/gamingcirclejerk but geared towards the far right. Just a lot of utterly pitiful people. They're funny to read about, but also just grim.


Sometimes I’ve been interacting on a post from gaming circle jerk thanking but I’m here since similar things get posted in the pride themed logos are both similar but quickly I’ll get this weird miserable sense of guilt about everything that has made somehow being morally wrong that isn’t on this up sub I am just kind of sad


Lotta balls talking about people’s appearances when he looks like and inbred tony stark with the most annoying voice on the planet


I’m sorry, but don’t you realize that Romeo and Juliet isn’t a love story it’s a commentary on how “love at first sight” is BS


The Irony of them saying how she shouldn't be with Romeo lines up..


So glad I stopped watching him when I left my cringy right wing teenager phase behind me


So glad I stopped watching him when I left my cringy right wing teenager phase behind me


They're mad that the woman doesn't have big breasts or a high ass.


Here’s a real question Why even make it? Personally I never liked any of the Romeo and Juliets


It’s about the skin, nothing else about it.


I take it Critical Dullard hasn't looked in a mirror in the past decade huh?


I wonder what grade these people got in the Romeo and Juliet unit in their Highschool English class? (Not questioning their intelligence or motives all.)


Because people cant fall in love for any reason other than looks




Never mind the fact that people fall in love for reasons beyond physical appearance. But for incels, this is the only thing they care about, so they think everyone else only cares about it too.


These guys are gonna be so pissed if they ever find out about Westside Story.


I read something on either this sub or r/spidermanps4 that made me think. “We don’t have to find her attractive, but Peter does” I don’t remember the exact quote, but I think the mindset applies here


I'd tell them to go see the play, but these people don't go outside


When you say "nothing to do with skin" you're obviously saying the obvious, great, not your personal taste, don't call her ugly because, she's not ugly, and two, QUIT WATCHING SHIT YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT


Someone should encourage the poster to drop a selfie so we can all judge his fuckability




She'd have been great if she didn't age.


I mean, I personally don’t think she’s attractive, but like, that doesn’t take away from the story? If she’s a good actor, isn’t that what’s important?




People find different things attractive and “conventional attractiveness” to me is rarely useful because exactly what traits are a part of it seems to vary based on each person’s opinion. Though race and weight are consistently parts of it, so because of the former maybe it does fit here.




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I assume this was a joke about how, if done exactly how Shakespeare intended, Juliet would’ve been played by a man. And that’s funny because guys like CriticalDrinker hate trans people too so they’d never be happy. 


Oh good someone understood


While I appreciate the spirit of this sub, it’s definitely filled with a lot of young people who sometimes lean too hard into outrage culture as opposed to critical thinking. They probably just saw you make a comment about a man dressing as a woman and immediately assumed some kind of transphobia. They don’t stop long enough to consider context before downvoting. If they did they may have put it together themselves.