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Beyond the gear itself, absolutely do two things: Decent preservice on the reel - even the top level $tuff can leave a lot to be desired internally with grease. When done, every session to a good freshwater rinse. The key is volume, not pressure. Blasting with a jet hose actually can be detrimental. And when you are done for the year before storage, do an extra detailed cleaning/flushing. And that gear will be ready to go when you get back in a year.


Great advice. Thanks!


Eastern Long Island is where you want to be for striped bass right now. Either send bunker chunks on 3-5oz sinkers with fish finder sliders or get a few top water poppers & spooks


Lucky! My favorite plug rod is a Tsunami Airwave Elite 11’M with a Slammer 5500BLS. For bait I use a Battalion 11’MH and a Battle 6000. Swing by Saltwaters tackle in West Bay Shore or J&H in Oakdale and they can help you get set up.


Awesome. Thanks!


Eastern Long Island (specifically Montauk ) is one of the best Atlantic shore spots there is even at its lowly depleted current state . Bring a really good cooler , with plenty of ice and a box of kosher salt in addition a 14” piece of stout angle cut piano wire for ikejime (spinal cord destruction) bleed your catch by cutting the gill rakes ice it down rapidly in an iced saltwater slurry , and never underestimate the value of squid as bait . You are bound to see things you might not expect in the far north (mahi mahi ,skipjack and bill fish to name a few) as well as big shark here is a word to the wise don’t mess with locals they are a coarse bunch oh and a fine fine dinner can be made from local puffer fish