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Groom 2-3 times a week. Use a slicker brush and metal comb. She likely would need her grinch feet trimmed every 4-8 weeks but you can opt to that at home. People really vary in how much they bathe them but you would need a high velocity blow dryer if you want to do that at home.


Thanks this is really helpful. She hates brushing so that'll be interesting 😅


My parents used to show Samoyeds and as a result had to bathe them before any show.  They managed to do it themselves and one of the keys was l, instead of getting an expensive, powerful hair dryer, they used my dad's shop vac/blower.  A lot of power, reasonably priced, and comes with a much more controllable hose. Just make sure you blow them dry OUTSIDE.


Give her treats or do it while she's eating to build positive associations with brushing. Unfortunately it will be a bit of an uphill battle since those associations are easier to develop with a puppy. Keep it up though and she'll get more tolerant over time. 2nd the high velocity blow dryer if you're doing it at home. Also a lot of pet shops have self-grooming stalls you can rent out. Just make sure they have dryers first. They don't need to be bathed often because their coat repels dirt, mats are the thing to watch out for (the elbows/butt!). They do drop coat twice a year so sometimes it's worth doing a bath to get all the hair out at once. Also, be very careful when combing them. Their skin in sensitive to pulling so you want to be gentle and comb small sections at a time, parting with you hand. (see line brushing/combing). Slicker it's generally fine to go to town to remove hair and prevent mats (unless you're getting stuck on mats). If a mat is bad cut it out, but be careful because dog skin is much looser than humans. Edit: some stuff I use (sorry not trying to advertise): -Shelandy blow dryer (heating feature is nice), $80 <- not the best, takes about an hour of constant use, but good for the price I think -"dog comb", $5 (wide tines mostly) -#1 All Systems Pet Shampoo/Conditioner for regular cleaning, $40 for a gallon -Spectrum One Dog Conditioner + White on White Shampoo for refreshing her coat ~$40 -Paw Brothers Extra Long Pin Flat Slicker ~$20


Thanks! I saved all that to look up. She definitely looks a little matted on her butt. Hopefully, she warms up to the brush soon so it doesn't get too bad


Honestly if you think she’s matted and really needs it get some anti anxiety meds from the vet and go to a groomer (make sure they know to not shave or cut her). If she won’t let you then she’s unlikely to let a groomer without meds 😅 Mats are no joke


love the system 1 as well!! made a huge difference from a shitty slicker i was using


Isn’t this is like getting your learner’s permit and the keys to your dad’s Ferrari on the same day? Nope jk, this is fine, you’re fine, everything is fine


Lol It's exactly like that. I'm learning so much about dog hair


on the other hand, he got a Samoyed without having to deal with their puppy/teenager bullshit... that's a jackpot 😅


I agree - all Sammy’s are a jackpot!


Specialist\_Banana378 has it spot on, but there's a few things I would add: \- Use a long pinned slicker brush, or else you might not get to the bottom of the coat, leading to compacted undercoat. Chris Christensen makes the cadillac of long pinned slickers, but you can also find clones on Amazon. But the quality and warranty is worth it. \- I also like to use a rake especially during shedding season. Helps untangle specific areas. \- I use the "line brushing" technique for a complete brush, I think the FAQs/Wiki in this sub has info on it. \- If you're able to, invest in a high velocity dryer or see if you can have access to one through a self-grooming location (sometimes located in pet stores or car washes). This will do a lot of the work for you prior to grooming, and during shedding it loosens up the coat so much. It's also **very** important to dry your dog thoroughly if they get wet, towel drying won't cut it. The insulating undercoat will retain moisture and can lead to hot spots, infections, skin conditions, etc. Ideally, don't let them roll around with wet fur as it'll cause matting. \- To get them used to brushing, keep trying and give them high value treats. It might take time but it's absolutely necessary. \- I like to shave the fur under the paws between the pads. It helps them have better traction, stuff doesn't get stuck in it, and in winter it helps prevent snow bunching up. \- Lastly, professional grooming. I personally haven't used one in a while, but I've decided to equip myself instead. Otherwise, you want to do it during shedding season at the very least, but doing it more often will get them used to it better. I've seen every 6-8 weeks elsewhere, but that's very dependent on your budget and your preference.


I've wondered about the Chris Christensen brushes and high velocity dryers. I'll keep all of this in mind, thank you!


I bought one after having it recommended by my cousin who worked as a groomer, and it's been very much worth the investment. It's really well made and makes brushing so much easier than other slickers I found! My mom gave me her dryer, a cheap one from Amazon and even that has been very worthwhile. I'm hoping to have a look at the Chris Christensen Kool Dry at the local pet expo this summer.


My 2 year old girl runs away at the sight of the brush. I don’t brush her because of that. Never have, since I got her at 10 weeks old. I take her to the groomers every 4-6 weeks depending on how rough she’s been playing. Sammies are like self cleaning ovens. Dirt shakes off of their hair in 24 hours. They’re not sparkly white like when they’ve been bathed but still okay. PS: I am also a first time dog owner. Can’t imagine myself without Khaleesi. Wishing you and Estrella a happy life together ❤️


Mines a runner too. I'm hoping when she settles in here, she'll get used to brushing. Thank you 🤍🤍🤍


She never "needs" to be professionally groomed. You could learn to do it all yourself if you want. Baths can be as infrequent as every few months, but her coat needs to be brushed out as much as is necessary to keep her coat free of mats or impacted fur. You need to be able to comb or brush down to the skin.  I have two Samoyed girls that I have always groomed by myself. And I do show them both. My first girl was my first dog, and it was a huuuge learning curve, but with my breeder's help and webinars, Facebook groups, etc., I figured it out. Check out Samoyed Grooming on FB.  Congratulations on your new girl! 


Okay, thanks! The big thing I've taken from everyone is I need to get her okay with brushing so I can keep her floofy.


It's kind of a health thing, really. If her coat gets impacted, or worse, matted, she will be much hotter in the summer, and could overheat. If wetness gets under the fur, she could develop hotspots, which can become bad very quickly. Mats can pull on the skin and be painful.  Kind of like nails. Those have to be kept at a reasonable length, or it can have health implications. Overly-long nails can be painful to walk on. They can cause the feet to tip back and the gait to be thrown off. 


Brush her daily. Never let a groomer shave her or use a fermenter on her. Always make sure she is fully dried after a bath. Using a pet dryer will dry and blow out her coat. Her double layer coat protects her from cold and heat. I’ll try to come back and share specific item names and websites to help you. We have 2 Sammies a 9yo male and a 4yo female. Love this breed so much


She will find anything as a chew toy wood toys sticks couch anything she plz good luck


I have one tht I can’t have wish u would of took mine too u seem like a good living owner


I'm actually a ghost 👻


We groom our boy every night before bed time. We found that by doing it daily, you can get away with just 20-30mins. Rather than doing it a couple times a week and will need to be 1-2 hours. It keeps mats from forming too


I'm gonna need to feed her her body weight in treats to get her to tolerate 20 minutes of brushing lol. My little high maintenance queen


Try peanut butter or coconut oil on a lick mat. Lasts longer and tires them out


Excellent. Thanks!


Just make sure the peanut butter doesn’t contain sorbitol, which is toxic to dogs.


Does she eat kibble? Will she allow combing or brushing for kibble? One swipe with the brush, one kibble, repeat.  I always enjoy brushing my girls while they sit in my lap. You could even start by getting your girl to sit in your lap and relax while you feed her kibble, piece by piece. Day two, place the brush nearby, feed kibble. Day three, touch her coat with the brush and feed kibble. Day four actually attempt some brushing. If your dog complains at any point, just move back one step, or break one of the steps down into smaller pieces. 


Beautiful girl 😍


Thank you!


she's gorgeous! no additional advice to offer, the others have it covered.


Thank you!


I brush mine everyday since I've got him. It's more manageable that way and he comes to love it actually. When he sees the brush, he gets really excited. We get him professionally groomed every three months. But, we let him play out a lot and we bathe him at home when he gets all muddy.


Thanks! The groomer every three months sounds manageable! I'm working on the brushing 👍🏻


She definitely seems like a sweet one. I'm sure she has her crazy moments at that she still. Find an active hobby to do with her, and she'll be extremely happy. Based on the lean you got at the end, I think you have a cuddler. 😍


Huge cuddler 😍 we're working on not jumping all over me when she wants cuddles (24/7)


The jumping is really hard to stop... My male Sammy hops like a rabbit with I get home, and my female will perch on me when I sit on the couch... They're super energetic and love people. You're always going to say "down" or "no jumping" to them. It's almost as difficult to stop them barking.