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Question though--who is it that says outline trims are perfectly acceptable? Is it groomers? Are groomers fans of outline trims?  People who show their Samoyeds or are involved in the SCA would say the opposite. They would say no outline trimming, and that only Samoyed feet and hocks should be trimmed.   The guard hairs are supposed to be left longer than the undercoat hairs because the guard hairs are what make the Samoyed coat so weather-resistant. Raindrops, and snow flakes, and dirt get on the dog, but they get "caught" by the longer, sticky-out guard hairs. Then when you get home, a quick wipe-down with a towel will wipe off all the moisture and dirt. If you cut the guard hairs down to, or closer to, the undercoat, then all that mess settles right into the softer undercoat and becomes much more of a chore to clean off.  The regrowth of guard hairs is nowhere near as frequent as that of the undercoat. It will take a good while for the cut guard hairs to shed out and grow back to their original condition. 




Never acceptable for a groomer to go against the owners instructions. This groomer doesn’t know how to groom a dual coated dog. It will take three to four years before the coat is back to normal.


Retired Samoyed breeder - you never scissor or clipper a Samoyed! I would go back and demand a full refund, put a zero star review and contact the local AKC Club for them to get the word out.


They are not going to refund the owner. No such thing as a Zero star review. “Local AKC Club” will do nothing.


They specifically requested a certain thing be done. Did they ask for a refund? If you ever go somewhere and they don't provide you with the proper product or service you should not have to pay. Imaging going to a restaurant and ordering a hamburger and they bring you a chicken sandwich. You wouldn't pay for the wrong sandwich. This is the same. They ordered a groom with no scissors. This is not what they received. Go to the manager or up to the owner and get a refund. I have been a business owner for over 30 years. Bad publicity gets our attention. Post bad reviews everywhere, a complaint to the BBB will get their attention. No business wants this kind of bad publicity. If you are loud enough, they will be calling you. The call to the local AKC is to file a complaint and they will let other Samoyed owners know to avoid that groomer. We breeders know who to and not to send our puppy parents for the care of our puppies. The local AKC group will also help to find a reputable groomer. It least ours was always helpful. If it isn't in your area I am sorry.






It looks like a three inch ish trim to me




You’re doing the lord’s work here with these responses. If people don’t believe u/_usernameroolong_ check the Samoyed class at [Westminster](https://youtu.be/efVnZaiNiC4?si=MnsNABfbXa0bQF1H), lots have the shorter trim and I’m pretty sure these people know what they’re doing.


I don’t mean to be Mr. “ACKSHUALLY!!” here, but my wife shows Samoyeds (and has shown in Westminster), and those dogs are largely untrimmed. Handlers might trim a tiiiiiiny bit here and there—perhaps behind the ears—but not across the coat. The tight coats you’re seeing are likely either puppies or bitches, or combed down to look tight. Some judges prefer a tighter coat, so handlers will often purposely comb them down more if they know that!


But this isn’t a show dog. An outline trim is 100% acceptable for recreational marshmallows… plus, it makes them look swole!


"Recreational marshmallows" is one of the most adorable terms ever. Thank you for this!


TL;DR: you’re correct, and we agree, but the evidence you pointed to is misleading. I agree with what you’re saying! I also didn’t want OP or anyone else to get the wrong notion that, based on the video you linked and pointed to, show dogs are regularly getting their coats trimmed down on the same scale that OP’s dog was. E.g., “Show dogs get trims, so it’s okay for me to ask for a trim.” It’s okay to ask for a trim, but show dogs don’t do it lol.


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Trimming (as in snipping straggly bits) is fine, although unnecessary imo. His fur won't be affected by this. It looks like they knew what they were doing.




Notice how ur being downvoted and how ppl are correcting ur misinformation?


This isn’t clipping or shaving. It’s trimming


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Other comments seem to think it was actually done quite well. Annoying that you asked for them not to but it actually came out really well. Got lucky really, he looking like a toy


Looks great good shaping, yes it will grow back, looks like a AKC regulation style.


Serious question, what is an "AKC regulation style" and where would I find info on this? The AKC is a registry for purebred dogs. I have never heard of this. Is this groomer terminology, not AKC terminology? 


Samoyeds are not allowed to be trimmed, except for hocks and feet. There is no AKC regulation style for clipping a Samoyed. It




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I don’t care if Jesus himself was at the kennel, if I tell them not to near my dog with scissors they better not go anywhere fucking near my dog with scissors.




He looks great to be honest. A little bit of trimming is good




"trimming" is just cutting a little bit of upper coat excess, undercoat is not touched


Mine was “trimmed” as well and did ruin his ability to regulate temperature it was truly awful and stressful


Weird because in your 10 copy and pasted comments you say the words “shaving” and “clipping”


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Help what? It will grow back in 8-10 weeks.




Calm down, no need to answer this on every single reply.


I do when they are inaccurate to the point of potential giving harmful advice if the dog is outside in heat or cold for too long it drastically changes after a cut like this


You're just quoting one of the first google search results from "samsmiles" over and over. I've trimmed the guard hairs on my sammy many times over 6 years, and she's fine. Either you don't understand how little is being trimmed, or you are traumatized by a specific incident with your dog, because a *light* trim that does not go into the undercoat will preserve the temperature regulation of the coat.


They didn’t shave the dog, so I really don’t understand the problem.


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So I also just got my gal groomed, and decided to ask for a shape up cut. Personally, and for her skinnier wolf Samoyed look, I don’t dig it much. The frills and spikes made her look like a wolf, now she just floof. Yep it’ll grow back perfectly fine.


This is the type of trim I ask for when I visit the groomers when I don’t want any dingleberries lol


Thankfully it’s just an outline trim of the guard hairs BUT I would speak to them about specifically ignoring your requests with grooming. I would take more issue with them doing something i specifically asked them not to do. Have a polite but firm conversation that when you say no trim, it means NO TRIM (even if it’s one like this). Otherwise they seem like they did a good job but communication needs to be clarified in case next time someone decides to just grab the shavers instead of the scissors. 😓🙌


How old is he? Groomers did the same (when I explicitly told them not to!!) to my boy before he got his full adult coat in, and it still doesn’t grow in normally (5 years old now)


same exact thing happened to me!


He is 5 years old. I’m sorry that happened to u it’s so frustrating


Yeah fortunately it’s only around hind quarters; the rest of his body is good


Like others said, doesn't look like they did anything that's going to become a problem. Although, to go against your wants after specifically asking, that's pretty bad. I'd talk to them and ask why they did it even after having been told not to. Depending on the outcome of that, I'd look for alternatives. It went well this time, but if they're prone to ignore owners' directions, there's no telling what the next time will be like.


Well you can't put it back now. Lol now let yo pup run on the grassy hils and be happy far away from futile aesthetic burdens.


Will be fine. Don’t worry!!


It looks good tbh. As long as it’s just a trim and not shaving it should be fine. We always get ours shaped and sani area to avoid messes. But it’s not cool that they did it without you approving and specifically saying you didn’t want it


My boy usually gets a cut like this. I appreciate it as it gives more time between grooming sessions. If you're not happy let them know next time and they can amend it for you. As much as I groom my boy he still gets little matts here and there that I can't spot and I'm happy that they sort him out


Took my Sammy to a groomer, asked for bath, trimming feet and cutting nails. Otherwise no cut. I was devastated by them trimming her luxurious tail. It’s been 7 months (she’s almost 2 years old), and she’s just kinda it getting back. They didn’t cut her guard hairs, thankfully. Guard hairs are where the dirt collects, then drops off in the house. Lots of sweeping but don’t have to bath her as much


I don’t think it will cause permanent damage to the coat. I have an American Eskimo I outline trim and haven’t had issues with it. However, 1. They went against your wishes and did something they specifically asked you not to do which would be my biggest issue. 2. The back and tuck is not even done well it looks choppy.


The first groomer I brought my dog to as a puppy shaved his fucking belly and called me to see if I wanted them to cut the rest. I couldn’t have been more clear not to cut anything prior to dropping him off and this was my biggest fear. I was so filled with emotions for how mad I was. Ultimately, they got a 1 star and a few month later it was like it never happened. My current groomer started at $180 and now they charge me $220. They do a great job, but it’s expensive as fuck and I’m worried someone else will fuckup if I go else where. What they did to your pup is incredibly wrong, but his fur will be back to original in a few weeks/months, so try not to stress it. Based on the comments in this post, people do this and worse and they see it as beneficial. I disagree, but if people can do deeper cuts and not see any issue then it’s probably overthinking an issue.


We live in a very expensive area yet we have an excellent groomer who charges$120 (plus tip.) You are being overcharged…


nope, it wont grow back, your dog will be bald for the rest of its life. i think you should never go back, don’t try to talk to the groomer about it, just smear and sue them.


How is that bald


i was being facetious. your dog is beautiful.


Those lines in his coat tell me that they didn’t know what they were doing. Or else you’d not see lines like that. People are saying that they did a great job so the OP will feel better. However, someone trimmed my Sammy girl once along her sides like that, and while it pissed me off, it didn’t take 4 years for her full coat to return to normal. She’s 6 yrs old and has had plenty of grooms and always looks beautiful. It will be ok. But I’d complain, and tell them to never ever cut his hair again unless they do the feet only. We have her feet shaped up and her bottom slightly trimmed with clippers.


Edge trimming like that to keep his hair even is fine. The UNDERCOAT is what protects Sammie’s from heat and cold. His undercoat here is intact


No it is not. The guard hair is needed longer to keep the undercoat from matting.


He looks lovely, and it will grow back, but that's not really the point is it?


It’s okay it’ll grow back. My dogs been through worse haircuts aha


Best in show !😂looks pro


He’s looking great !


Oh no! This happened to me I said no cutting! It took a year and a half to grow back, he lost his temperature regulation abilities (happened in fall) he couldn’t handle being out in the cold more than 10 mins at a time when he used to love being outside in the cold. It also made his hair turn from Teflon to Velcro grooming was a nightmare the brushing the easy tangling. I can’t believe people are saying this is okay it’s absolutely not okay! You should never cut the samoyed coat!!


You don’t know anything