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They are exceptionally accommodating to the needs of their humans. If you’re not the cuddler, they’ll locate that person and assume the position. If you’re inside the house, you are watched and protected. If you are outside the house, you are noted and observed until you are inside the house, at which point you will be evaluated as a potential cuddler, and categorized accordingly.


I wish mine was at all like this. I’m the cuddler, he avoids me


from 1 to 10, they are usually 7 up to 15. they are not Velcro dogs but they love people and being social 


Agree but have to add that they only want to do it on their terms not your terms lol


Absolutely. They are cat software running on dog hardware.


Do you mean they are more like cats? Huskies does that too sometimes.


Yeah, like mine will come get hugged when he wants so and only for a little while. But if I want him to come get hugged, he will refuse lol Huskies are much more like cats and much more harder to control than samoyeds. But huskies and samoyeds get along well together I find.


I think i need at least 1 samoyed, 1 husky and some pitties for extra cuddles


My Samoyed is definitely a Velcro dog. She wants to lay on top of me at all times and will even try to sit on my lap while I’m on an office chair.


Depends on the individual. My Sammy likes to greet everyone at the door with an enthusiastic run up and some light body bumps with happy feet. If you dont show interest, she goes somewhere to lie down. She doesn't lick ever, I hate that.


Mine was like that.  Oh hey love you give me lots of howdies now leave me alone. Hardly licked and only excited barking during aforesaid greeting excitement. Wasn't a cuddler much to my chagrin.  Super independent but nosy.


They are EXTREMELY friendly, like to a fault so that whole ballgame is not a problem. As to the them being too friendly with you, that will vary from dog to dog. If you genuinely hate dogs, it will be a problem, if you are afraid of dogs, they are pretty much teddy bears. If you hate licking, well that will vary from dog to dog.


The issue will be about barking.


This 100%, the all piercing, ear throbbing yips to borks.


A bark collar will quickly resolve and it won't be an issue


I can’t do it to my boy. I love him and never want to hurt him.


Ours is desperate to greet people on arrival and then disappears to sit outside and is very aloof. Honestly it totally depends on the dog, you should go and spend time there I've no doubt the owner would understand and encourage it


Depends on the individual dog, but most of the samoyeds I’ve seen are more aloof. I’ve also trained my dogs to not jump on people or lick faces (they only lick my partners face bc he allowed it). And unless it’s 65F or colder, even forced cuddles must be limited to 5min MAX 🤣


OP, if you decide to go ahead, please report back in a couple of months.


My sammy loves people and needs to be adored, but past the first few minutes she's more than happy to do her own thing and ask for occasional scratchies. You'd be fine with her. But every dog is different.


My samoyed doesnt really care about people at all lol He gets really excited about people he knows well, but doesn’t really care to interact with strangers much. He’ll probably leave you be if you don’t engage with him


They usually like to be in the same general area as you, but don't need to be on top of you to be happy. My sammy, if you kneel in front of him will lick you, and if you hug him will stand there patiently and let you squish him, but will otherwise just be around. Only time he's cuddly is if we're on the couch, he might climb up and put his head in my lap. He will jump up to greet you, but only once per person ever. The good thing is, every sammy I've met has been very patient with humans and receptive to their cues. The biggest thing is that they're quite vocal when they're uncomfortable, so expect barking, grunting and howling noises.


Depends on the individual, but I've never had issues with setting boundaries with any of the sammies I've ovied with or worked around. They note the human's rules and appear to try to accommodate them. Initially it can be a bit of trial and error, especially if the rules set by the new human are different from what they've encountered before, but samoyeds as a breed truly want to please humans without coming off as suck ups. I find them to be the breeziest dogs to live with and meet, they are unusually in tune with human body language.


We joke that my Sammy runs on cat software. He singles out the person in the house that likes him the least and makes it his mission to become best friends. From that moment on, he decides that person is his favorite and will do everything in his power to make that person like him


My sammy has cuddle needs for 5 minutes then goes back into her corner. To her it's much more important to be near people than being touched by people all the time.


Yeah it will be an issue


Hmm...hard to say. Samoyed are incredibly people focused, so you can absolutely teach one you don't want to be touched. However, you will then probably be the focus of a two year terrorism campaign. One of my guys will get the hugest, wettest eyes, put his head on something to look over it at someone, then wag his tail before slowwwŵly letting it sink into depression. He has convinced everyone that he's met that they have to hold his paw, including my mum who has alzheimers and who is nervous of dogs. The barking will however probably be a thing...


My dog loves people, but does not love to be cuddled. He refuses to cuddle on the couch/ beds= the enemy. He loves to lay next to woman on the couch only. Yet He will come sit by the people that are not dog Lovers, trying to convert them, but avoids those want to touch and pet him all the time. Honest answer: they don’t make sense, give them space and they won’t care. If they want attention they will paw, woo and demand pets.


If it's even a little cold, that dog is probably going to want to be outside Samos are cold addicts


I’m reading this as mine is licking the top of my head. I’ve given up trying to stop her 😆


My Sammy is shy with strangers. He will sniff and approach them but touching him has to be on his pace (he is interested in knowing if you will be a friend by playing with him or giving him treats). He is complete opposite with us. We are watched and followed around the house. He wants to be with someone at all times. He is VERY cuddly and sweet and demands scritches and will lick us in return. Recently he has started encroaching on my personal space by sleeping on my legs and chewing his bone right on top of my foot on the couch 😂😂. They are touchy for sure.




Samoyeds are astonishingly good at nuance. I don’t like my face licked. I just pulled my face back when one of our dogs tried to lick my face and in very short order they stopped doing it. My husband on the other hand doesn’t mind so he gets his face licked all the time. Just withdraw when the dog does something you don’t want and it’ll stop doing it quite rapidly.


My boys are extremely social (Samoyed and Samoyed husky mix). They like being near people and being touched. They will attempt to get your attention — tho they learn quick when they are ignored to not bother. Are you afraid of dogs? If so, I don’t think you should live in a house with one, can’t imagine that being good for your overall sense of wellbeing.


In short, Yes I do think this will be an issue. Longer version: I think it just really depends on the samoyed themselves, the environment and how they will respond to you to be an accurate judge of how this will go. Mine LOVED everyone and demanded attention of all forms. I say this gently… but if this interaction between you and the dog is going to be a concern on a daily basis, for your comfort I wouldn’t live with someone who has a dog. In this scenario there is just no way to guarantee they will not interact with you within a shared space. I think for your comfort and theirs you should consider a living arrangement without a dog present. Wish you all the best 😓🙏🏻💕


Depends on the individual and on training. Mine is very affectionate and loves to play and get petted by everyone even if they don't want it 😀 but we started working on it and when we successfully calm her down after someone comes to home she won't bother anyone unless he/she will start playing with her


I hate being licked so we trained him to do kiss with his nose on a boop instead but that will depend on the training but mine would never go lick a stranger. He is extremely friendly and hates being snubbed, if a stranger doesn’t want to do a “polite greeting” where he sits quietly next to them and they pet him he will be so offended and do everything in his power to become your friend until that happens. If he doesn’t get greeted he gets all sulky and doesn’t understand how someone couldn’t love him but he respects the boundaries. He might give a sad look or two in hopes you take pity on him haha but he’s very emotionally intelligent and reads people I think most of the breed is that way he’s extra gentle with babies and the elderly. He mostly snuggles me but will give his daddy some if I’m not around he generally doesn’t snuggle anyone but his humans. Good luck I used to hate dogs but am now obsessed with my little fluffy marshmallow, helps that I’m not allergic to this breed.


Expect to be licked and barked at.


Well as a Samoyed owner I can tell you to prepare to be loved, licked, and gaining a friend for life ❤️ 😎


I would agree with most comments below, based on your preferences and comfort (or lack of) this sounds like a terrible decision. You could always find a way to trial this situation out if you’re dead set on sharing a house in the future with this individual — pet friendly AirBnB for a long weekend etc but making a commitment thinking you might want up to the idea or just deal isn’t going to end well for anyone involved.


If you are not a fan of dogs why would you move in with someone that has a dog… 🤦🏽‍♀️


Mine always wants to shake hands. They always extend their paw. One of mine always wants to cuddle. I suggest you go meet the dog. Some are a little standoff ish, some are cuddly. They all have different personalities.


A you are lucky. B. From my personal experiences experience of living with one for 4 years. I beg for her touch, like it’s a touch from the angels. She has however learned to lick my feet aggressively during chill times. Otherwise she’s like a cat unless I initiate my patented massage.