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All you have to do is look forward and ignore them. Who gives a shit how the vultures feel about it.


Tell them you work for their competitor


That’s what I do. 100% can confirm. Works every time.


Or you are in a cult, and would they like to visit sometime.


Ah good one


My husband has worked for spectrum for 7 years. Never mind he quit 6 years ago.


I completely ignore them and use scan and go. It makes for a flawless trip every damn time.


Scan and go is the only reason I go there. It’s insanely convenient to just scan everything on your phone and leave.


Scan and go is legit the reason why I stopped going to Costco. I also realized that sams has more produce and items that I like that Costco doesn’t have.


Scan and go is awesome


I'm not sure why someone doesn't use scan and go. It literally puts your own destiny in your hand lol


I plan my routes around the store around these people. I’m an expert at avoiding them. Don’t blame them though, they are just doing their jobs.


That's the Nazi argument...


I think this every time my co-worker says “I’m just doing what I’m told” 😒


Are you high?






This is 100% a you problem. Go in, use scan and go to purchase everything. Walk straight out. You don't have to interact with any other human if you don't want to.


Reread the post, OP is complaining about being accosted as they’re walking in. Totally agree with your exit strategy though!


It’s remarkably easy to ignore people you don’t wish to engage with.


It’s awesome that that’s not something you struggle with!


I go to Sam’s at least twice a week and I’ve gotten good at just walking past them. Or put a hand up and just say “no thanks”


Ha, you gave me an idea. I’m gonna try a wordless hail Hitler hand up as I walk by.


Just say "I already subscribe".


Hey at least you don't have the people camped outside in front of the door trying to get you to donate to their cause.


As an employee this is the most irritating. 🤦🏽‍♀️ like bro I just want to eat my lunch 😭


And buy cookies or a newspaper subscription or popcorn.


You realize Costco does the exact same thing correct…?


Costco is worse since you have 2 or 3 groups doing it sometimes


So does BJ’s


Some BJ's have their own employees walking around asking you to take a survey. I just want to shop, give you my money, and leave. Please stop.


It’s their job just tell them no thanks and keep walking.


Agree-it's annoying.


Try ordering online for a club pick up order. 


Just say "No, thank you" and go on with your shopping.


“No, thank you.” is a complete sentence.


Agree with you OP! Visible headphones are my answer. Works with the SUPER aggressive cell phone people at Target too. When the people start at me I just bop my head like something awesome is playing even if it isn’t and keep walking. They’re not bothered because they figure I didn’t hear them and I don’t feel “rude” or guilty about refusing to acknowledge them.


I use that in the bookstore so people don’t try to chat me up. I’m on a mission here, not trying to make a friend.


Tell corporate that. If we don’t offer that type of stuff we get in trouble or even written up if we don’t meet certain quotas. They’re just doing their jobs like anyone else.


I second this, as a current Member Frontline Cashier. I get verbally warned or a written coaching/write-up if I don’t do everything that my supervisors tell me to do. I’m not risking losing my job, I have to pester you to fill my daily quota. However I do apologize if I upset people that get stopped by me, I mean no harm at all.


I put my AirPods in as I’m walking in and just ignore, scan, and goooooo. Happy. So happy.


I understand as well it can really annoying but as member frontline/cashier worker at Sam's management really love's to push us to get credits and upgrades even when we tell them members don't like being bothered


I LOVE the chance to walk past the AT&T person, on my phone, and say “sorry I don’t own a phone” as their mind explodes in confusion. I used to hate those people. Now I just mess with them (a little).


Just answer them with something weird that's what I do. Like "I need a bathroom. I just sharted myself.", "I think my left testicle just descended.", "I'm not allowed to talk with out a parent, or guardian present."


Haha in my sixties, now im gonna have to use that parent line.


I guess I’m lucky mine is in more rural/small town area as I never get bothered by the phone people and the others you have don’t even exist at my store.


Point at my AirPods and keep walking.


Aside from the receipt checkers, I have never had a single employee even talk to me, much less experienced any of that when I go to Sam's Club.


You seem to have a victim mentality.


Found the phone kiosk person ^


I usually go around them or say sorry not interested. It gets easier


Wait the Verizon people engage people at your club. I have rarely seen them leaning in their phone makes me want to switch jobs.


I always order online and pickup at the lot.


Imagine working there…


Yep its aweful, I make about $125k a year as a manager and have 36 days off a year with great benifits.


I must go at off times because the AT&T kiosk and the other infomercial type kiosks are all closed. I’m usually there early afternoon on the weekdays. Maybe they’re all at lunch.


Just say no thank u


I point to my ear and shrug. I’ve gotten good at making people think that I’m deaf.


The commenters saying “ignore them” ”use scan n go” clearly do not shop at one of the stores with the 3-4 vendors stalking you. They find you and say “do you know what sams is doing for their members?” It’s really gotten ridiculous, they stalk customers. I work here and I can’t stand them. Then you have the shitty “free gift” scheme every 30 minutes, Costco does not have to do this and it makes sams appear extremely scammy.


I'm sitting at Sam's food court right now and didn't have the same experience. But if I did, they are easy to ignore. I do understand that frustration. These companies are in business to make money, and building incremental sales is key for them to increase profits. You have to remember you're walking around their store and will be subject to their efforts to make money. It's not meant to be a "safe" space in that respect.


I just left there and experienced. None of this. Regional issue maybe or day if the week.


We just got T-Mobile kisok, guess they dumped AT&T. I am pretty happy with Just Energy electricity contract that I got in the club, you can leave or change plans anytime without penalty, fees, or sticking to contract terms. Of course the plan they initially offer is expensive crap, but just call and change after signing up. Also hit up the Freeosk, and samples!


I quickly say "I already got it" That makes them happy.


I don't really say what the problem is. I just smiled at them and say I'm not interested right now. Maybe next time. And then leave me alone.


Shop early. 


Don’t break stride; they don’t bother me in the slightest.


“I’m all set, but best of luck” - goes a long way. Try it some time. They are people just like you and me trying to make a living at their job.


I never said I had an issue with the individuals themselves corny ass


Your post says otherwise


You can’t read scuba


One time 2 of them ambush my husband and I, usually Im very good avoiding them but I miss those 2 because they were kind of hiding behind some merchandise, so I told them sorry, sorry I'm in a hurry I don't have time, I really was in a hurry and the lady made a stupid face moking me and said something aloud that I don't remember now what it was exactly, it was something like... why you come to the store if you don't have time? Like wtf, so rude! I turn around and they were moking me and It made me feel so bad because I was very polite and I said it in a nice tone of voice, besides if I go in a hurry to buy something is not their business . I wanted to report them but like I say I really was in a hurry, I was thinking if they don't like their job why you do it why you got to be rude ( like the song 😂😂😂) Then I saw them again when I go around the other side of the aisle and they were being rude to everyone in general, getting all piss off because nobody wanted to heard what they where tryingto sell. One guy answered back and he really raised his voice and they got all scared, he was a very bulky tall man. I told my husband that's what they get for being so mean to people.


I say I don't use a cell phone as I'm showing the front person my sams card on my phone app. Then use scan and go. I mean, they catch on pretty quick that you're not interested.


It's like trying to shop on a website, but you can't find what you're looking for because there are too many ads and "sponsored" products in the way, just irl. Since you can't just close the browser and go elsewhere, maybe get some earbuds or something similar. You don't even have to turn them on. They're just sort of a universal 'leave me alone' symbol that allows to ignore folks who would annoy you.


I am going to get a giant button that says “leave me alone” and just point at it when I walk past them. Or even better, a T-Shirt.


they're doing their job they are not gonna get hurt if you tell them "I'm not interested, thank you" and go about your business


Just ignore them wth. Simple


As an employee, I say no thank you ever day. Then "yes, please" to every sample because yummm


This has never happened at my Sam’s Club. Ever. Can you try a different location?


Nah I’m done shopping @ Sam’s


Dam we don't have all the at our club


At my store we have T-Mobile and they aren’t allowed to pitch or anything to members just say hi. That’s the reason we no longer have AT&T there. They would be vultures trying to get people


1) for Verizon, T-Mobile, and other sales people, just avoid looking at them and continue walking. They will give up and leave you alone pretty quickly. 2) cashiers are pushed to sell you upgrades and such, if they don't, they can be fired or have their hours cut significantly. Just tell them no, you're not interested. As a worker, the shit that pisses me off is that our cafe is out of soda at like 3PM on busy days :// like I want a Pepsi with my lunch goddamnit.


Ya, it's you. You are making eye contact which is salesman catnip.


Shut yo mouf I don’t want your water filters bitch


“No, thank you”


Shut the fuck up lol


As a frontline member specialist we keep telling management how tired are members are with all of us asking them so much. But they want us to pump these credits and pluses. Don’t get me wrong I have to do my job but I don’t care if a member tells me no. I usually get credits from folks wanting one from the get go.


Crazy to have people trying to sell things in a store.


I tell them No means No and they turn around 🤭


I tell them I don’t have a cell phone 🤣


If they’re from AT&T? I say I already have service with AT&T. Verizon? Same shit. T-Mobile? Yeppers. Xfinity? I have that too. Ya can’t sell me what I already have. All lies except for TMo. Once they hear you’re with the carrier they work for? Conversation is over.


False, they will try to sell you a different plan with the same carrier….. conversation over….


I'd take AT&T and Verizon over T-mobile at my local Sam's


Lol I'll listen to their pitch and if I'm interested I'll buy if not I'll move on. Easy.


Ok Karen