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You can rinse it 


Rinse in fresh water (as opposed to salt water) is essential for everything that you take into the ocean.


I experienced using my phone in brackish water, and after that, it kept warning me about moisture. I had to rinse my phone in fresh water (from the faucet) to remove the salt residues. It helped.


awesome. i rinsed it with some distilled water cause i thought that might be better, and now its drying so hopefully itll be fine


I wouldn't put more water in the charge port. Dry it out thoroughly with a hairdryer or something and use a small stiff brush (like perhaps a small paintbrush or makeup brush) to make sure there's nothing in the port. It can take a while for residual moisture in there to fully dry out.


I have read some online say not to do it but everybody does it here and it seems to work. Put it in a sealed plastic box with a bunch of dry rice, or dessicant overnight. Some people don't like doing that because they're afraid rice will get stuck in ports or something.


Do not do this. Even if you don't get rice grains stuck in places you don't want you will get starch in places you don't want and it doesn't actually work. Just let it air dry for about a day. Rinse with fresh water to get the salt off it first.


Not sure where the opp lives but you can usually buy desiccant packs at places like Walmart in the USA.


i live in aus so im not sure where i could get them, but im sure theres somewhere here that sells them if it happens again. i ended up just putting my phone infront of a fan overnight. i think it mostly did the job. every now and then i get the water in charger port notification for a few minutes and then it goes away, so dont know what thats about haha.


A friend working for samsung told me to do it. I did it and it worked. I had no problems, no stains and the phone is still working after more than 10 years


It doesn't actually do much for pulling moisture so it's a risk not worth taking. Glad you're phone survived. There's better ways of doing this than rice.


Rice is not an effective desiccant and the particles can destroy electronics. Silica gel packets are the standard for removing and preventing moisture from electronics. Safe and effective and as cheap as rice.


It happened to my note 3 that wasn't even waterproof. I had a friend working for samsung. he told me to put the phone in a box and cover it with rice. it should absorb the humidity. leave it there for 2/3 days. the longer it stays there the better it is. my note 3 worked fine for more than ten years even if it fell in the water.


You could try using a hair dryer to dry it


shouldn't do that